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  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    mpqr7 wrote:
    OML Black is incredible, especially at higher levels. And if you pair him with IF or Carnage, then even though it ends the turn, you still end up taking away 2000-3000 hit points or more, due to attack tiles, so I'm fine with that.

    Agreed on the great synergy of Attack tiles and OML's Black.
    Iron Fist is my favorite running mate with OML. Also Iron Fist's 5 AP Purple gets OML's Red passive to trigger super early in a match as well, and you get rolling pretty quickly even before you cast OML's Black.
    I don't have a usable Carnage yet, but even if I did I probably wouldn't use him. I hate that character SO MUCH because of his blatant design of "this character was intentionally designed to drain your Heath Packs". Almost as bad as Sentry. At least Carnage's Green doesn't damage your own team, whereas all 3 of Sentry's powers do (even if Yellow just damages him, still self damage).

    Self Damage & Self Team Damage are the keywords that need to go.
    IMO if a power has to be considered "balanced" by adding Self/Self Team Damage, it's too powerful and scales in a very unfriendly way. Juggernaut Headbutt & Ares Yellow (and even Ragnarok Green) anyone? We all know the **** that is Carnage Red...
    This keyword also feels like it's designed to drain you of Health Packs, but in that Chinese Water Torture sort of way.
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    I'm confused as to what tweaking Vision needs, it's really the faulty AI that keeps him from being a viable character. I'll admit that I never use his light strike ability.

    I find Colossus' yellowflag.png to be effective enough, but I agree that his redflag.png could do more damage and his blackflag.png is too costly when you compare it to the damage output that 12 black ap can buy you with other characters.
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    In 3* land, the following are weak:
    Colossus -- Black too expensive.
    Falcon -- Needs to generate weak special tiles when none exist. Needs some damage.
    Psylocke -- Needs to diverge more from Punisher.
    The Punisher -- Needs to diverge more from Psylocke.
    Quicksilver -- Cost tweaks. EDIT -- I've been out of the loop, this has already been done.
    Rocket and Groot -- 25% health is too iffy. Increase to 40% health.
    Storm -- More health, cost tweaks.
    The Hood -- Get rid of "end turn" on yellow.
    Ragnarok -- Self-heal should work better or be replaced.
    Spider-Man -- Web Bandages is still around? Really?
    Squirrel Girl -- Remove "ends turn". Remove "up to 8 tiles" limit on Nuts from Above. Needs damage.
    Doctor Octopus -- Cost tweaks.
    Captain America -- Sentinel of Liberty 19 yellowtile.png is one of the most overpriced powers in the game.

    In general, temp healing should mostly go. "Ends Turn" should be eliminated for all characters -- every power that has it isn't all that great.

    1000x yes. Has anybody ever used this power more than a handful of times?

    As far as Rocket and Groot goes, that's way too cheap. It's not a big deal when he dies anyways, take him into a match with 1 hp and make a yellow match.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Cap's part of my standard Big Enchilada team, and on a survival node like that it's pretty trivial to build up 19 yellow AP. I usually save Sentinel for the 4th wave, just in case the odds aren't in my favour and they end up getting a turn.
  • _Ryu_
    _Ryu_ Posts: 149
    Ones wrote that


    But since there were many good combos for Pyslocke, Pun, Doc Ock mentioned, that today I cant really complain about them... but...

    Vision is generally not a bad one, but the AI control of him is a case of second-hand embarrassment, red and yellow are always fired when one is filled, very ugly to see.

    Psylocke as a fast assassin is adorable but has really to low dmg output, same goes for Pun, his black compared with Panther is a joke, but do love his unique red,if you ask me it is his trademark and has one of the best anmations in the game, its like hearing him say "Its over... and if a bullet in ya head doesnt kill you... look at my left"

    And of course spidy... please change his yellow heal in everything else! With other purple user he is doing fine with his protect tiles but to use him only as a support is unworthy of him.

    In general the variety of types and special moves ala Colossus Fastball are good enough to make good use of everyone but here and there some impovements are welcome.
  • cardoor
    cardoor Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
    Not seeing Sentry mentioned anywhere. Am I missing something with him? I think he is the worst of the threes currently but have no problem if I am wrong and can learning something new.
  • cardoor wrote:
    Not seeing Sentry mentioned anywhere. Am I missing something with him? I think he is the worst of the threes currently but have no problem if I am wrong and can learning something new.

    He is weird cause like, he's generally not GOOD, because of stuff like a fragile strike tile an a green that takes way too long to realize and a red that hurts his own team a bunch...

    ...but honestly?

    If he can get everything together, he's devastating. Like, do a World Rupture, protect as many as you can, and drop a Sacrifice right before it

    Too much damage to your team but wow can that really hurt the enemy.
  • cardoor
    cardoor Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
    colwag wrote:
    cardoor wrote:
    Not seeing Sentry mentioned anywhere. Am I missing something with him? I think he is the worst of the threes currently but have no problem if I am wrong and can learning something new.

    He is weird cause like, he's generally not GOOD, because of stuff like a fragile strike tile an a green that takes way too long to realize and a red that hurts his own team a bunch...

    ...but honestly?

    If he can get everything together, he's devastating. Like, do a World Rupture, protect as many as you can, and drop a Sacrifice right before it

    Too much damage to your team but wow can that really hurt the enemy.

    I guess he would not cost any health packs on PVP defense. Is that where he gets used?
  • cardoor wrote:
    I guess he would not cost any health packs on PVP defense. Is that where he gets used?

    That's his niche, as a far-from-the-best option on PVP defense where said Supernova does not care.

    But yeah ranking wise he's not very good. I'd say he's still fun. (Sacrifice Strike tiles and World Rupture tiles leads to a lot of fun major AOE damage done bit by bit) but he ain't very good.

    I don't know if he needs a buff, because he's still FUN, and before he got nerfed he and Hood did a lot of damage (as somebody who's power revolves around doing AOE damage, bit by bit would)

    He's tricky to buff, yet keep in the same spirit as that.

    Then again with how big of a buff IM40 got, and with the higher health of 4*s and 5*s wandering around, would Sentry being as good as he used to be be super crazy still?
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    Vision is next? Really?

    Who the heck has been crying out for that tweak icon_rolleyes.gif

    Vision is getting a tweak because he is hot garbage and utterly useless in the hands of the AI. The computer has no idea what to do with him. I love when he comes up because he is just going to waste the computer team's AI. They will make him properly punishing I'm sure.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, but who cares? 3* Spidey is still the worst represented character in the game. FIX HIM ALREADY!

    Your Friendly (Fanatic) Neighbourhood Peter Parker Fan