What was your rare?



  • aesith
    aesith Posts: 53 Match Maker
    Finished #20 and got Suppression Bonds
  • Finished 1st in my bracket and got the only mythic white that i already had...(Starfield of Nyx)...Sad face. At least i got the frog spell from the phat pack :3
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tenebria wrote:
    At the risk of sounding foolish, how did you claim your prizes? I was around rank 9 at the end of the event, but cannot find where to claim my rare.
    Just being logged into the game, they popped up. No action on my part to claim.
  • EDHdad
    EDHdad Posts: 609 Critical Contributor
    I got a rare Sigil of the Empty Throne on one device, and an uncommon Anointer of Champions on the other.

    I'm not sure if anyone answered the OP's original question, but "basic pack" is the 3-card 225 rune type pack.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Knight of the White Orchid for placing 24th. I didn't have it yet, so I was happy not to get a duplicate.
  • EDHdad wrote:
    I'm not sure if anyone answered the OP's original question, but "basic pack" is the 3-card 225 rune type pack.
    Thanks. That's disappointing. I don't think there's anyone devoted enough to get top 50 but not sitting on enough runes to buy a lifetime supply of those, but I guess it's better than nothing.
  • Disgusted with the cupcaking of Leaderboards and the duplicate rare I received for getting 8th in my bracket, I decided to drop some of my 25K in runes on about 40-50 basic boosters and came out with a Thopter Spy Network. Too bad it really doesn't fit in with my current Jace deck. If Angel's Tomb still worked with it I might consider building a deck around the combo, but I run a heavy recycle-deck using Day's Undoing.

    My wishlist:
    Disciple of the Ring (though this may have the same drawback as TSN).
    Talent of the Telepath
    Mizzium Meddler (looks fun to play)
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Talent of the Telepath is a great card. It doesn't win games by itself, but it enables things that trigger off spells and card draw. A great spell to reuse with Jace's ability.
  • I feel like Talent of the Telepath is a must have for a top tier Jace deck. With the ability to discard from hand now, Talent plus Jace's Ingenuity ability lets you see so many cards to dig for what you need.

    Mizzium Meddler is one of if not the best card in blue IMHO. The AI simply does not handle it, creating a soft lock that synergizes extremely well is Sphinx's Tutelage and Jace's Sanctum. When I drop Mizzium in the first 3 turns, its almost a guaranteed win.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mizzium's body needs a nerf. It's a really strong ability for super cheap that completely hoses the AI. There's no reason it needs to be 4/7 on top of that.
  • I got a relic seeker, which I did not own yet. Overall pretty happy. Sad that the ranking is not working anymore though icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Mizzium Meddler as a 4/3 would work. Or a 10/3. I don't care, as long as it dies to Lightning Javelin and Flame Shot.