Get rid of skip tax



  • I think the skip tax should stay, but skipping a team and paying the iso cost should insure an easier match up or maybe have a heavier tax if you wanted to play a higher worth opponent. i would be OK with the tax increasing for this to happen. too many times I come across level 270/166 teams that are worth 10 pt or less rewards, making the match up not worth playing, so if it is skipped, and a tax paid, the match up next should be guaranteed either easier or more worth the trouble.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    wow watch the necro post
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    It's just as bad at high levels. Get over 800-900, and you'll keep skipping through 3 point matches. There is no excuse for a 3 point match to come up and cost 10 ISO. And you can skip a dozen of those before you get something worth hitting. That's simply broken.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Square wrote:
    It's just as bad at high levels. Get over 800-900, and you'll keep skipping through 3 point matches. There is no excuse for a 3 point match to come up and cost 10 ISO. And you can skip a dozen of those before you get something worth hitting. That's simply broken.

    When I'm at 800-900 points and climbing, I accept that it's going to be increasingly more difficult to get good value targets.

    The reasoning is simple. I'm at the top 1-5% of the competition scene, and my opponents who are also at the top, would have shield up. That means that most open targets are going to be below 800.

    If you remove the skip tax entirely, that means that the top 5% can just search for 30-40 points incessantly... And shield hopping will be easier for these top 5%.

    I like the system now because it force top players to make some strategic decisions.
    - Should I climb earlier, giving me higher chances of high value targets (since less people shield before 24 hours)? Knowing that I will also have to pay for more shields.

    - Do I pay more skip tax hoping to find higher value targets, knowing that there will be fewer targets in the final hours?

    - should I attack those low value targets when my shield is expiring, knowing that I might get a retal? Maybe it won't matter towards the end as I will be shielded. Maybe it does cos I don't have any more shields.

    Such strategic decisions make the meta game... Fun and exciting. The players who attained top 10 are those who are able to make the best decisions within these rules. In fact, I hope that D3 will show a metric to the points per shield expenditure. I think the best players are not those who score the highest points, but those who scored the highest points with minimum shield expenditure.

    P.s. Some may argue that this system force people to seek external communication. True... And in any system, the top top players will always find a way to gain an edge within the competition rules. This is inherent in any system... The top players will always find a way to beat the system.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    I don't see why high scorers should be pay for going higher. I probably go through 500-1000 ISO per PvP in order to find a reasonable battle. I understand why there is so little to hit, but if there is nothing worth hitting, I would like it if the game wouldn't charge me to let me know that. Just set a minimum value for loads, or don't charge for skips.

    I'm pretty irritated at retaliation values too. If someone hits me for 50 points, and the retal value is 1-3, that's just garbage. Like, I don't think rich people should be taxed the same as or less than poor people, but they should be taxed at a higher rate. But in this case, it's like rich people are taxed 95% and poor 5%. The game punishes people for doing well, when in this game's case, the high scorers give the low scorers something to pull themselves up.

    This game is heavily weighted towards the low scorers.