Pretty much constant crashing every 10 or so matches



  • Me it crash on the story mode too .. Not just in the battle. And my pw not heal when i'm away ...
  • Same here, LG Leon, Android
  • N1c2k3
    N1c2k3 Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    Since the update, the app will crash on me at random times. It has gotten progressively worse. I don't play much Battle, so it has only been in Story mode. Just now I played 3 games, going for an extra achievement, and it crashed 3 times in a row. Wasted about an hour. Really like the game, but I won't be playing it if this keeps happening.

    LG Sunset LGL33L
    Android 5.0.1
  • They said that crashes will be getting fixed with 1.31 this week. So don't give up on the game yet.

    Also some players think that crashes are caused by the dying of buffed or reinforced creatures. I guess that happens more often in story mode and with certain (playstyles of) PWs.
  • Crashed doing a double Animist's Awakening. :c
  • LG Tribute
    Android 4.4.2

    So far it's crashed when:

    I drew a card at the start of my turn.

    I won the match (Crashed on the post-game screen, counted as a loss.)

    I received a phone call mid match.

    I checked my text messages mid match.

    My creatures attacked.

    I was attacked by my opponent.

    I sneezed.

    My cat walked by.

    I'm lucky to get two matches without a crash. I will like this game more once it gets out of beta.
  • Im also having this issue with the game, it crashes on me every 1-4 quick battles, it always crashes mid game whether im winning or not. it crashes when I have 3 creatures on the table and when I have no creatures on the table, the crashes seem to be completely random. like everyone else my PW is left at 4 health when I log back on regardless of the amount of health i had when it crashes forcing me to use one of my heals to continue battling.

    I read in some of the other posts dated feb 3rd and earlier that there was supposed to be a fix for it that week, well its now the 14th and its still happening.

    I'm fairly new to this game and was having a really good time with it until these crashes kept happening, now I get so frustrated with it I leave it alone for a couple hours so that I can calm down before I break my phone.

    being a big fan of MTG I will probably continue to play for a while because even the card game requires a lot of patience but if this isn't fixed soon I will be uninstalling it for sure. Before the crashes I was going to recommend this game to many of my MTG friends but I definitely wont be recommending this to anyone who has or hasn't played the actual card game as this makes MTG look bad.

    fix the crashes and you have an awesome game on your hands but as long as this game keeps kicking me out of battles it is dirt icon_e_sad.gif

    Phone Info:
    Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime

    android version 5.1.1

    kernel version 3.10.49
  • The game crash every 3-6 battles, in Quick battle, story, deckbuilding, etc... This happens at same ratio in this 2 devices:
    Samsung galaxy core 2, Android 4.4.2
    Asus memopad 8, Android 4.4.2
    Is a quadcore tablet, then IS YOUR FAULT, please fix the app, i love this game, but is impossible to play or win, at least say the compatible devices you developers Tested..
  • kornstar83 wrote:
    like everyone else my PW is left at 4 health when I log back on regardless of the amount of health i had when it crashes forcing me to use one of my heals to continue battling.

    I read in some of the other posts dated feb 3rd and earlier that there was supposed to be a fix for it that week, well its now the 14th and its still happening.

    A crash counts as a lost match and every lost match reduces your health down to about 10% of your max health if you were above that limit.

    They informed us that crashes will be fixed with 1.31 this week. I guess we will be able to update Friday between the quick battle events.
  • For me crashes are random. Sometimes I can play 8-9 games in row with no problem and other times it crahses every other game. Lately they have been more frequent. I have noticed though if I close all my background apps it gets better.

    Samsung S6 edge
    Android 5.1.1
  • I have to say game seems a lot more stable now.

    I haven't had any crashes so far, but the game does like to hard reset if you do anything but play the game for more than 2 minutes.

    Esp if you get a call or you simply put down your phone for a bit, if you were in the middle of a game say goodbye to your hp, streak, and loss record.

    Right now j think 10 of my 13 losses are from such resets or crashes.

    I understand the game can't be smart and let the server know your board state, etc, because that would increase server load a billion times over. I like that the game uses very little bandwidth too for us on 4g, but please try to have it stop hard resetting. Maybe the game should be able to locally snapshot it's state. I understand some people might use this to cheat but honestly at this point it is more of a pain for legitimate players.

    At the very least allow us a pause functionality so it picks up where we left off on restart