Pretty much constant crashing every 10 or so matches



  • Suffered this for the first time last night (03 Feb 16) and this a.m. the software crashed before even loading pvp or even story modes.

    I am running the latest Lenovo Yoga on Android 5.1.1
  • Woke up this morning, did four Quickbattles.
    Half of them crashed. How am I supposed to even get close to high ranks when half my games are cut off near the end and put me down to low health?
  • Also crashing once in a while after the update, has happened both mid match as well as in the post match screen. On OnePlus X, Oxygen OS 2.2.0, Android 5.1.1.
  • Xerobu11
    Xerobu11 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    I demand my Epic as compensation. You owe me, sirs, for giving you the time of day.
  • Yes, every player who suffered this glitch should be compensated with a copy of every mythic and a free massage.
  • yep, having this issue also, remember this being a problem on Marvel PQ one of the reasons after 2+ years i grew tired of the game...looks like they havent worked that bug out
  • out freaking standing, just craashed about 3 times in 20 minutes...LG Flex2 android tired of this buggy game someone let me know when this POS game runs properly...if i failed at my job as much as this game fails i would be fired must be nice to put out an improperly functioning program and still have a job
  • Just crashed a few times again, this time right as I drew a card for the beginning of my turn
  • I think I am up to 6 crashes so far. Only one time where Android allowed a report to be placed where I logged a ticket. Always during quick battle so far and usually when I'm about to win where opponent has low health. Also, has not updated to give me today's reward even though I got the notification and collected the last one over 24 hours ago.

    I am using an LG V10.
  • I hate this. It's so frustrating.
  • Barkenspyder
    Barkenspyder Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Mine is crashing frequently as well. I'm using an LG G2 on android 5.1, Kernel version 3.10.49.
  • iPhone 6s

    And pretty mech the same here. Ever since the new update the game would crash every so often, thought in my case I've had " crush" for both story and QB. Also the cush rather forces the game to quit, yet does not cause the window to close.
    Hope this helps.
  • It's nice to see D3_Go are bothered enough to send a single, generic, one-size-fits-no-one broadcast. A Fix in March?
  • Hullblazer wrote:
    It's nice to see D3_Go are bothered enough to send a single, generic, one-size-fits-no-one broadcast. A Fix in March?

    They said the crashes will be fixed with 1.31 next week.
    Bad news is they never said anything about the score reset bug getting fixed though.
  • same here SAMSUNG S6 icon_e_sad.gif
  • Hit an all time high for crashes. 5 crashes in 5 matches. Good bye heals
  • Ugh, very frustrating.

    I am using an iPhone 5c, iOS v9.2.1

    Game has crashed on me 6-7 times in the last 24hrs. The last two were as I was on my winning turn, one against Gideon, one against Nissa. Not a compelling reason to keep playing as long as I am being penalized for it. Hard enough to move up in my server as it is, won 7 straight battles last night and didn't move up in the rankings. Please fix.

    Also, suggest rewarding players for not healing and continuing on winning, ala Dragon's Crown (see best reward system ever).

  • Happen to me too ! Nextbook Android.
  • I have a theory on the cause of this.

    It was happening to me quite a bit, and what I found really frustrating about the problem is it always seems to happen when I'm winning a match. Really winning, I mean. When I'm so far ahead the other guy likely can't catch up. It's almost always after I've hit a huge combo and brought out a bunch of creatures all at once, or have an opponent so locked down with suppression or mana sucking cards they can't act.

    After reading through the comments on this thread, I see a few others seem to be seeing the same thing. It always occurs in a PVP match when they're winning.

    I think what's happening is my opponents are seeing they're beat and quitting the game early, and there's some problem in the handoff between the live player and the AI.

    That's why we never see the crashes if we're losing a match. If we play the match out we don't trigger the crash, and if we do trigger the crash by quitting early we're no longer a part of the match to be affected by it.

    I don't know how you'd fix this from a software standpoint, but I know an easy fix from an administrative one. Have quitting early cost a victory ribbon. Not only would it be a deterrent to baling out, but I think it would make the game better by encouraging people to fight to the bitter end and go for those come from behind victories, which to me are the most satisfying.
  • Laughter wrote:
    I have a theory on the cause of this.

    It was happening to me quite a bit, and what I found really frustrating about the problem is it always seems to happen when I'm winning a match. Really winning, I mean. When I'm so far ahead the other guy likely can't catch up. It's almost always after I've hit a huge combo and brought out a bunch of creatures all at once, or have an opponent so locked down with suppression or mana sucking cards they can't act.

    After reading through the comments on this thread, I see a few others seem to be seeing the same thing. It always occurs in a PVP match when they're winning.

    I think what's happening is my opponents are seeing they're beat and quitting the game early, and there's some problem in the handoff between the live player and the AI.

    That's why we never see the crashes if we're losing a match. If we play the match out we don't trigger the crash, and if we do trigger the crash by quitting early we're no longer a part of the match to be affected by it.

    I don't know how you'd fix this from a software standpoint, but I know an easy fix from an administrative one. Have quitting early cost a victory ribbon. Not only would it be a deterrent to baling out, but I think it would make the game better by encouraging people to fight to the bitter end and go for those come from behind victories, which to me are the most satisfying.

    Sounds to me that you either think that you are playing against a human player or that the ai is rage quitting on you.

    Since people experience a lot of crashes which always count as quitting and losing it would be unfair to lose ribbons to a bug. We already have a terminate-ribbon-"feature" with the reset bug.