Screwed out of the daily reward fat pack again!!

tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
edited February 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Anybody else?? Got yesterday's single pack, today, the 31st should be the fat pack. But when I logged in to get it, it's set on the February rewards, so instead of my fat pack that I've diligently been playing every day this month to collect, I get 50 runes. What the actual cat?!


  • Yep
    Exact same thing. Never missed a day, rewards reset today. Yesterday it even showed the Fat Pack in the "tomorrow" box.
  • Natsufan01
    Natsufan01 Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
    Same for me
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Probably a glitch, as I can't actually collect the 50 runes either...still irritating tho.
  • killercool
    killercool Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    Same thing happened to me too. I have logged a ticket, no reply yet though.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got my fat pack yesterday. Today (after 7pm) is the first day of the new month. Like tanis, I can't collect the 1st reward today.
  • Can't collect nothing
    Game is broken
  • I also could not collect the fat pack reward.
  • I have logged in several times today: 06:30, 08:15, 10:30, 11:45, all times are GMT-7. Couldn't claim my day 31 reward, because I had claimed yesterday's reward. At 18:15, it had reset. Very frustrated by MtG related games today. Hope this gets fixed. I also didn't get the fix for last month's reset FUBAR.
  • Same thing. I was not about to get a Fat Pack, but I've been reset and I can't get my 50.
    I hate how it works right now. I'm just really salty that I don't get a Fat Pack.
  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    I can't believe this. I thought it might just affect a few people, but it seems to be getting me too. Such poor quality control.
  • LOL, I just posted almost the exact same subject on a thread in the bugs section because I didn't know this thread was here.

    I really didn't think this would happen again, and we better actually get a fat pack this time (not even sure I got a booster or anything from last month).
  • Same here, but I am glad that it is a bug. Wanted to kill myself for missing the fat-pack. I am sure that this is going to be fixed so no need for panicking.
  • Wow... I've been playing every single day diligently just so I could get this fat pack. I have been playing for a month and a half EVERY DAY and while I can understand missing out on the first fat pack because of the whole month log in requirement, I didn't miss a single day this month. And I can't even collect the 50 runes, either, so it's glitched.
  • I received my fat pack yesterday. Today I can't collect the 50 runes. I actually had a feeling this would happen since many international players had this happen, and haven't been able to collect daily rewards in weeks.

    I really hope the update fixes this, tho it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they "pushed" the update (again) so they could fix this. Meanwhile, we wouldn't be able to collect any daily rewards while they were working on it, and would likely not get back on track until next month.

    With luck, the update will be lenient on the "x amount of days for the big reward" and we will still be able to get it, and only miss out on the last free pack reward and rune reward
  • I got my fat pack yesterday no problem after the "day change" (which in my case isn't the same as the normal day change), maybe you had a problem of this kind and you checked for the fat pack when the server already changed day and you missed it, you might want to look at the day change time in your time zone and check if that was the case.
    As the other guys said I can't get day 1 reward, it just shows me a 250 crystals reward that I can't click on but yeah I didn't have high expectations about day 1 rewards since we are getting a patch on the second and they already said that they will be changing the daily reward system.
  • Same. This morning around 7 CST I got the reward for the 30th. At 10 pm CST, the rewards have switched to February, screwing me out of the fat pack.

  • I got the fat pack but my reward now says 250 crystals - which I can't collect.

    I'm tempted to just skip this game. Is basically just collecting the daily anyways.
  • Same here. Been playing every day to get the fat pack, now I get a button for 250 mana crystals instead of a fat pack - but it doesn't work! Please fix this! 2 fat packs in the 1.3 update now?
  • Hellerup wrote:
    I got the fat pack but my reward now says 250 crystals - which I can't collect.

    I'm tempted to just skip this game. Is basically just collecting the daily anyways.

    While I feel the game does have alittle bit more tomit than just collecting the daily rewards, I will also stop,with this game if this does not get fixed. The daily's are the only way of obtaining new cards after the story is done, since at the current prices paying real money is not an option (i'd rather buy actual cards for that kind of money).
  • LakeStone
    LakeStone Posts: 1,377 Community Moderator
    Hi Everyone -

    Thank you for reporting this. We have passed this information to the team and as it's Sunday evening, we will follow-up tomorrow when everyone is in the office. The team will see what may be happening and provide any missing rewards. We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.