5* 'transition' claims another soul...

FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
edited February 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
...or would if I had a soul.

I was going to make a long ranty profanity ridden post about how completely screwed up the game is right now and how that's finally caused me to quit...but there's no real point in that, the devs/publisher are well aware of how broken the game is and nothing is going to get them to fix it. After 2+ years of busting my **** I'm tired of suddenly falling further and further behind because all progress is now determined by RNG.


  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sad to lose you but I agree that progress is now determined by RNG more than anything. I would have quit too if I didn't pull 2 OMLs recently, though if my luck runs dry for this season I'll be joining you and many others.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Its a long haul end game Korean grind. You'll need around 400-500 LT's on average to max em out. That's your progress bar. If you pull about 5LT's a week, you'll have em in about 1 and 3/4th of a year. So don't get discouraged by individual pulls. View the long haul using those LT's to champion your 4*'s and covers to champ your 3*'s with a happy accident of a 5* every once and a while. End game is Championing, super long holy **** end game is 5*'s.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    wirius wrote:
    You'll need around 400-500 LT's on average to max em out.
    That's not really the point. I wouldn't mind a long-haul grind. It's the fact that half of us are going to be worse than "on average." And as other threads have discussed and demonstrated, once you're behind, the chances of catching up within the parameters of this game, are negligible.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sorry to see you go Kiwi. I'm feeling that hopelessness also, along with several other vets here who RNG has screwed over in favor of 3* transitioners apparently. Unless D3 fixes how 5*'s are divvied out, or fixes events so we don't have to have few-level 5*'s run over max-level 4*'s constantly, or fixes 5*'s to not be a 7* on the power curve...we'll keep seeing this kind of post from long time, loyal vets over and over. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Food for thought though... I was one of those who was on the terrible end of the RNG. Probably about 4 for my first 100 legendaries. But lately a quite insane hot streak has put me solidly above average for collecting 5*s. So it could happen to you too. One lucky streak of pulling 3 out of 5 or even 2 in a row will get you feeling better about yourself.
  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    simonsez wrote:
    wirius wrote:
    You'll need around 400-500 LT's on average to max em out.
    That's not really the point. I wouldn't mind a long-haul grind. It's the fact that half of us are going to be worse than "on average." And as other threads have discussed and demonstrated, once you're behind, the chances of catching up within the parameters of this game, are negligible.

    Thanks Simon. I was going to get drunk and come explain that. But you've beaten me to the explaining part. Now I can focus on the fun part of drinking. So far it's off to a marvelous start...why did I play this joke of a game for so long? Drinking is way more fun!

    Also anyone in my Line spoiler group I plan to keep that going for the time being since D3 doesn't like it and anything that screws with D3 makes me happy!
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    wirius wrote:
    Its a long haul end game Korean grind. You'll need around 400-500 LT's on average to max em out. That's your progress bar. If you pull about 5LT's a week, you'll have em in about 1 and 3/4th of a year. So don't get discouraged by individual pulls. View the long haul using those LT's to champion your 4*'s and covers to champ your 3*'s with a happy accident of a 5* every once and a while. End game is Championing, super long holy **** end game is 5*'s.
    Yeah, but with the recent " balance" updates they've made it HARDER for max 3s to compete against 4s and nothing to help 4s compete against 5s.
    In the past there was always a gap, but it was smaller. You could physically use a max 3* team to beat a max 4* team. It was hard, but possible. Since the 3* nerf, no longer possible and it's also not possible to beat a max 5* team with 4*, even boosted. So unless I want to go and spend $300or more per WEEK (which I've seen people do to transition), or have insane luck, it will be pointless to try to compete anymore. Every day is more frustrating and every day I'm close to a post like kiwis.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    My honest apologies, I didn't realize it was about competition. I don't play this competitively, so its not an issue for me. Yeah, end game isn't about fair competition at all. While there has always been randomness, the complete removal of any solidly obtainable 5* cover apart from daily rewards maximizes the impact of max or min randomness. For that, I'm sorry.

    Don't lose hope though, perhaps in the future as more 5*'s are released, they'll start handing them out for top 100 alliance rewards, or find other means to give gauranteed covers.
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    wirius wrote:
    My honest apologies, I didn't realize it was about competition. I don't play this competitively, so its not an issue for me. Yeah, end game isn't about fair competition at all. While there has always been randomness, the complete removal of any solidly obtainable 5* cover apart from daily rewards maximizes the impact of max or min randomness. For that, I'm sorry.

    Don't lose hope though, perhaps in the future as more 5*'s are released, they'll start handing them out for top 100 alliance rewards, or find other means to give gauranteed covers.

    Doubtful. I realize it has always been this way to an extent but the latest "balancing" has made the game more unbalanced than ever. And if people are ponying up that much to progress there's no good business reason to change it.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    wirius wrote:
    My honest apologies, I didn't realize it was about competition.
  • simonsez wrote:
    wirius wrote:
    You'll need around 400-500 LT's on average to max em out.
    That's not really the point. I wouldn't mind a long-haul grind. It's the fact that half of us are going to be worse than "on average." And as other threads have discussed and demonstrated, once you're behind, the chances of catching up within the parameters of this game, are negligible.
    Unless you have thousands of dollars to spend.
  • J2L
    J2L Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Kiwi .. Noooo ! Drink more.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    The usual rule for "goodbye" threads is to move them to Off-Topic, but i'm moving this to Suggestions and Feedback instead, since it contains feedback on your reasons for quitting.
    IFORANI Posts: 91
    edited January 2016
    I agree with OP and unlike you I could use the release right now. Therefore, I'm completely discourged and utterly amazed by the recent update changes. I was even a victim of the "device not compatible" issue that cost me the final 27 hrs of the previous PVE. The recent "balancing"?... haha that sounds hilarious to even call it that is a WONDERFUL change! The whole last yr mostly is filled with moments like these.

    Outside of attempting to be a profitable game, I have tried to understand what might be the so called end game for MPQ and D3 GO! lately? Based on both past and current actions and changes only. I can only come to one conclusion that seems to make any logical sense to the pattern I have to work with.

    They are trying to create the first game that destroys itself while consuming the souls of its players(and wallets)!

    Honestly they are a bunch of fan boys who have no clue or sense of business. They honestly don't know what their doing. There is no plan except the next and the next childhood fantasy of these "Grandma's Boys"! And we are funding this whole crazy thing.

    There has not been any progress that have seen in any area that has shown issues. The repeat failures in communication, beta testing, dealing with small issues in a timely manner, or willingness to work overtime or weekends if needed when issues arises, and no clarification of restrictions, guidelines, or descriptions involving soon to be released changes, features, or events. The term "apologetic" doesn't exist in the organization. The right thing to do for player base eludes them that is quite obvious.

    There is no clear focus of the future that is noticeable other then they want all whales there. The recent secret selective deconstrution and crazy release of 5 stars when they are just getting going on 4 stars provides that proof.

    I tried to forgive them after the first couple times the community informed them of the issues. But I cannot continue dedicating energy and time to unorganized ever changing and chaotic game. That will most likely sometime down the road get an update that might accidentally erase my account permanently. I've already been a victim of their current mofia style CS and wish to never deal with them again.

    I have no faith since the fact that I'm not currently or planning on becoming a whale. I have or would however spend some if not much more If these issues are fixed and patterns of these improvements are proven.

    I'm not holding my breath on anything around this game. Cause in 2 or 3 years the only players left will be whales, people who join from the beginning, the few stragglers left from the mid yrs, and the newbie drive byes that uninstall as soon as the see PVE and PVP.

    The only positive vibes come from those who don't care that it's on a path that leaves you either needing to whale or being left the same chaotic company just with less money in your pockets when your friends and alliance slowly fades to uninstall. Your going to be left disappointed in the end that's your reward now days for loyalty and faith in businesses.

    I'm not trying to be a complainer or pessimistic here, they can still fix it but I have seen no willingness to do such. I'm just saying how I see it now. We're supplying a bunch of fan boys wet dream. I wish they would look up from the comic books and read the complaints. Maybe then they will call in the professionals so they can just focus on game play creation only.

    Trust me I do expect many of those Pro-Whales and Player fan boys living vicariously through this mess to disagree. I don't care honestly so be my guess and go ahead an disagree with megive me your best insults. But don't think I even care cause your honestly just ate up and on your MPQ honeymoon. Mods can ban me. I'm just recently in here because everyone else airs out their frustrations here. Only change or no change will get me to leave. The time is ticking down also on the eventually future of the game.

    It amazes me what the community tolerates by not voicing issues elsewhere so possible New clients can see these issues. I have started reviews any where and every where including there Facebook. Take their future players and that money away with yours not enough whales to keep them from feeling it financially somewhat at least to notice.

    The days of the costumer first and the costumers is always right are over in the digitally age. Because the laziness has left no back bone in the costumer. Deal with it or leave is the motto. Most don't care cause their junkies of the digital world.

    The outlandish thought that not giving players proper compensation digitally in thier game is completely insane. It cost them absolutely nothing because they created it Digitally with in the game. Its not a loss but by doing it you do take real profit loss eventually. Take responsibility for choosing a service to use for your product to be downloaded from and carried when technical issues occur, you should not expect your players to eat it if you choose that way to supply crazy amounts of updates and not through your own website or means. It's your choice therefore your liable in my eyes. Besides, just plain and simply it's bad for businesses.

    Everyone has a boiling point and I'm about at mine with this game.

    Edited after cool off period: Disclaimer- I am no way intentionally committing honest defamationing of any individual specifically, official future plans or goals of any specific employee or company's, and official policies. This views of things are my perception and opinion only and based on solely my experience and information collected. They are not in any way accurately portraying the true legal obligations. Nor any true violations of legal obligations.
    All views expressed are mine and are personal opinions with no legal clout. If interrupted as such I apologise for such.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moving this back to General. Just found out that our policy on quit threads changed while I was I retirement last year.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    IFORANI wrote:
    Outside of attempting to be a profitable game, I have tried to understand what might be the so called end game for MPQ and D3 GO! lately? Based on both past and current actions and changes only. I can only come to one conclusion that seems to make any logical sense to the pattern I have to work with.

    They are trying to create the first game that destroys itself while consuming the souls of its players(and wallets)!
    It's not atypical for freemium games like this to start trying to cannibalize its whales before turning the lights out, and I finally realized the other night, kind of an "AHA!" moment, that that is what the champion system is really all about, which includes removing HP purchase of covers as an option.

    In the pre-champion days, once you got a 3* to 166, or a 4* to 270, you were done with that character and never needed to pull that character ever again. As the veterans finished off their 3* and 4* rosters, they never needed to buy token packs. Never needed to buy covers either. Never needed to compete in events awarding characters they already had maxed.

    But now, with champions, you can suddenly use up to 4000 3* covers, and, what is it, another 2000 4* covers? And 400 5* covers?

    One of the top Villains players has every single one of his 4* characters, except one I think, at level 300 or better. His Surfer or his OML (I forget) is something like 485. I can't even conceive of how many LT pulls he made to pull that many covers, and/or how many 40 packs he & other buyers are churning through to get their characters that high already. I didn't even get to his 3* but I presume they were all getting pretty high too.

    And hence Demiurge's true motive is exposed. Incentivize the highest spending whales to drop big, big bucks on the 40 packs which include LTs and CPs, making every cover matter to them again. That's why 4* & 5* got 100 champion levels and not a lower number. All about squeezing every last dollar from the whales.

    I'm not sure what happens when the first whales start hitting 370 on their 4*, or Thanos forbid, 550 on their 5*, and stop buying packs again. Maybe that's when the lights will be finally turned off.

    I'm not convinced this game will last until its 3rd anniversary.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not sure what happens when the first whales start hitting 370 on their 4*, or Thanos forbid, 550 on their 5*, and stop buying packs again. Maybe that's when the lights will be finally turned off.

    This already happened. Not the 550 5* yet (I don't think at least), but multiple 370 4* is a thing that exists.

    And the answer to what happens next is "build duplicates."
    IFORANI Posts: 91
    Do I regret my previous post of frustration release. Yes and No

    Yes because it doesn't matter and honestly it doesn't matter to those that it should. Also this third time this week MPQ has pushed me to Do something completely out of character. Maybe it's the time spent on it to see the issues still I had hit that point. It Also gave me an opportunity to lower expectations which I don't like to do with such things that eat up my free time.

    No, because That was pure unfiltered honest thoughts and frustration. Now I feel better no matter what.

    Hope no one was offended and thanks for the free pass here everyone. I will do better controlling my behavior on forums in the future.
  • chamber44
    chamber44 Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker

    And hence Demiurge's true motive is exposed. Incentivize the highest spending whales to drop big, big bucks on the 40 packs which include LTs and CPs, making every cover matter to them again. That's why 4* & 5* got 100 champion levels and not a lower number. All about squeezing every last dollar from the whales.

    I'm not sure what happens when the first whales start hitting 370 on their 4*, or Thanos forbid, 550 on their 5*, and stop buying packs again. Maybe that's when the lights will be finally turned off.
    i'm shocked ... *shocked, i say* ... that you would accuse the dev's of making changes to increase their profits rather than to enhance the gameplay for their loyal players.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    IFORANI wrote:
    Outside of attempting to be a profitable game, I have tried to understand what might be the so called end game for MPQ and D3 GO! lately? Based on both past and current actions and changes only. I can only come to one conclusion that seems to make any logical sense to the pattern I have to work with.

    They are trying to create the first game that destroys itself while consuming the souls of its players(and wallets)!
    It's not atypical for freemium games like this to start trying to cannibalize its whales before turning the lights out, and I finally realized the other night, kind of an "AHA!" moment, that that is what the champion system is really all about, which includes removing HP purchase of covers as an option.

    In the pre-champion days, once you got a 3* to 166, or a 4* to 270, you were done with that character and never needed to pull that character ever again. As the veterans finished off their 3* and 4* rosters, they never needed to buy token packs. Never needed to buy covers either. Never needed to compete in events awarding characters they already had maxed.

    But now, with champions, you can suddenly use up to 4000 3* covers, and, what is it, another 2000 4* covers? And 400 5* covers?

    One of the top Villains players has every single one of his 4* characters, except one I think, at level 300 or better. His Surfer or his OML (I forget) is something like 485. I can't even conceive of how many LT pulls he made to pull that many covers, and/or how many 40 packs he & other buyers are churning through to get their characters that high already. I didn't even get to his 3* but I presume they were all getting pretty high too.

    And hence Demiurge's true motive is exposed. Incentivize the highest spending whales to drop big, big bucks on the 40 packs which include LTs and CPs, making every cover matter to them again. That's why 4* & 5* got 100 champion levels and not a lower number. All about squeezing every last dollar from the whales.

    I'm not sure what happens when the first whales start hitting 370 on their 4*, or Thanos forbid, 550 on their 5*, and stop buying packs again. Maybe that's when the lights will be finally turned off.

    I'm not convinced this game will last until its 3rd anniversary.

    i say it will last but it will be a totally different game then what we had in the past.. i feel very sorry for the newbies coming into the game and would love to see the number that say now (with not being able to buy covers) then those who stayed in the past 6 months.

    dont know if im getting into day 480 blues or what but really coming back less and less to this game (7 day pves are killing it for me) i skip the 7 day and then start thinking do i really want to come back but do for the 3/4 day ones.. really starting to think just run a pvp thing

    unless your hardcore playing or a vet your going to be left way behind . Now if they would Jack up the ISO might bring me and alot more back to the game

    I know if i could buy 1 million ISO for 50 i would buy it today.

    or ALLOW people to buy their people to champ levels

    i mean i dont have iso to level up my people so today i see

    166 teams in a month i will see 200 to 220 or higher while my people are still at the level they are today.