Champions is bad idea

Cascad Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
edited January 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Champions is bad idea. I dont like it at all. Seriously, all your 2* is done, half of 3* is done and now we can continue to collect this characters again.
Such a terrible idea. Not something new, just the same everything but 2 times longer. Iso shrtage - nothing, 5* problem - nothing, champions with full of problems and low damage at all.
And everybody is so happy like it was great! It wasn't. Just update to create iso shortage because they can. Yes, reward is good, but they can put that in daily rewards, all of that!
It is not something new at all.
Why i must pay for chapions and lose iso? I dont understand it. It was bad idea.It is 2 times longer to go forward, it is just for players who has 2* and some 3* and happy to do something with there dublicates. Yes, it is me too.
But it is just update to steal more your time, not even money.


  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    Champions is an amazing idea! Suddenly my 2- and 3-stars aren't "done" anymore. I can still upgrade them and get a sense of accomplishment.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    Champions brought back excitement to pulls that you used to sell with a yawn earlier on. It doesn't right previous mistakes but it's a great change in its own.

    I agree that it puts focus on the ISO famine and the gap between f2p and p2w players doesn't get smaller (especially with the low damage bug) but you shouldn't bash championing for that and rather fight the real problems.
  • bpcontra
    bpcontra Posts: 176
    Totally disagree with the OP
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well the OP has some good points. Yeah, I think champions bring some good things to the game, more excitement in general, but it is also true that it doesn't address the 3 main problems of the game:

    - 5s based on luck
    - 20 iso and the need for more iso
    - scaling, or why when I level my chars PvE becomes so much harder

    So yeah, champions are nice, but fixing these other problems before It would have been nice
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Cascad wrote:
    Why i must pay for chapions and lose iso?[...]
    First of all you don't have to, nobody forces you to do it.
    Second thing: you don't lose any ISO on championing. All ISO invested into champions is payed back through rewards and additionally you get tokens, covers, HP and CP. It is rather profitable investment, not lose.

    For me the idea is great, mostly because it help to transition a lot. I have already received about 10 legendary tokens from rewards and that's most important for me at the time.
  • Also completely disagree with Op. Championing was worth coming back to the game for, it really has breathed new life into 2*/3* rosters, which was badly needed when you reach the "only a 4* token matters" stage of the game.
  • I'm just going to go out on a limb here and assume that the OP is a soft capper because they are the only ones that seem to complain about champions. If you aren't a soft capper how is 7500 iso and a cover you can earn in ddq ( like i just did with cyclops) a bad thing? IMO it's the easiest 15 or so legendary tokens I've earned in the 620 days I've played. And if you do soft cap why are you complaining anyways. You weren't going to level your characters anyway and you can still sell the cover for 500 iso like you always have so it doesn't even affect you negatively.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    The idea of Champion is to extend the value of extra covers, via increased character levels and rewards. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of players buying cover packs (since you can't increase character levels beyond max by other methods).

    I have seen a lot of positive effects of champion feature. Players who left MPQ due to boredom have returned to the game. Cover packs have probably increased (how else will ppl max champ 2s so quickly???).

    So overall, I think Champion feature is a positive one.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    puppychow wrote:
    I have seen a lot of positive effects of champion feature. Players who left MPQ due to boredom have returned to the game. Cover packs have probably increased (how else will ppl max champ 2s so quickly???).
    Standard tokens and PvP drops. I have gotten around 25 covers for each of my champions without opening any Heroic or above tokens. (Well, a few tacos when I needed to refill my health packs...). There's no shortage of 2* covers.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    *clears throat*
    26 legendary tokens from champions, with 3 more coming in the next two weeks.

    Nuff said.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    smoq84 wrote:
    you don't lose any ISO on championing. All ISO invested into champions is payed back through rewards and additionally you get tokens, covers, HP and CP. It is rather profitable investment, not lose.

    You're right but it's a pay now to get back later. In most cases "later" being a very long time since it just takes a while to collect that many covers. So it feels like "paying".
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    The 'problem' as I see it with champions is that people are halting their progression otherwise to double back and go finish earlier characters. That was never the intention of the feature (well maybe indirectly, but shouldn't be), and thus isn't really a problem.

    If you're in the 2->3* or 3->4* transition and now just sinking iso into Moonstone/Quicksilver and other useless characters while your 3/4* are going unleveled, you're doing it wrong.

    It's a system to reward those who finish characters and have been selling a high majority of their covers mindlessly. In that is succeeded immensely.

    Yes, there's a serious Iso drought not addressed from the flood of 4 and 5* characters, but it's a mostly unrelated point about the concept of championing.
  • woopie
    woopie Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    The worst part about championing is how ugly my character selection screen is now.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only real drawback for me with champions is that it makes getting dupes for that 5/5/0 even more annoying and it is a shame that they do not let you apply such covers to that character and get a level up out of it rather than just 500 iso.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    The 'problem' as I see it with champions is that people are halting their progression otherwise to double back and go finish earlier characters. That was never the intention of the feature (well maybe indirectly, but shouldn't be), and thus isn't really a problem.

    If you're in the 2->3* or 3->4* transition and now just sinking iso into Moonstone/Quicksilver and other useless characters while your 3/4* are going unleveled, you're doing it wrong.

    It's a system to reward those who finish characters and have been selling a high majority of their covers mindlessly. In that is succeeded immensely.

    Yes, there's a serious Iso drought not addressed from the flood of 4 and 5* characters, but it's a mostly unrelated point about the concept of championing.

    You can have a character finished and not leveled. I have been selling them all for ages now but didn't have them leveled to 166 because I was leveling my 4's. Now I have to go back and level those characters (they were in various states of 120-160, majority being 140-160). I had stopped increasing their levels because the pay out was minimal for 60-100k iso and they did what was needed for PVP. So, I see what the OP is saying in that its a net negative for most people. High end pvp is mostly like my roster except for the true veterans that have over a year more play time than me because they leveled their roster earlier before 4 star characters became the in things or the super whales who like to be completionist. Most people who started about 1 year ago are soft capping at around 140-150 to make their 3's useful to get more 4's and then putting ISO into the 4's instead. I have championed about 7-8, currently going to champion the rest eventually, only because now I need the legendaries. I still don't use any 3 unless its the required character. So, my game hasn't changed. I still play with the same characters I was 2-3 months ago when and I just use the covers for ISO or championing depending on how much ISO I have.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2016
    Championing is a reward for the completes. The players who are going from 1-2-3-4* tiers and finishing off there characters. I will soon have finished championing 30+ 3* and from my pulls have gotten many needed 4*. I am now back to grinding for ISO for my 4*. The players this new item hurst is the soft capers and players who skipped a transition level. The soft capers who have kept levels low for PVE or felt that the last 20 levels of a characters are behind in the championing game.
    From what I have seen the levels you get from championing characters does not do much, but the LT, CP are what the champion feature is helping with. I would say HP, but without being able to buy covers with HP it only helps with roster slots and since I have 7K HP it is just ok.
    The devs need to address the ISO issue in the game to get more players to be able to partake in the champion feature. It should not take an active player (someone who plays for 2hrs+ a day) 3+ weeks to get enough ISO to level a 4* character with how much ISO it takes. Championing will really help the 4* transition by giving out LT for 3* champs which gives players 4* covers. Now we need resources to level them
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    wymtime wrote:
    The players this new item hurst is the soft capers and players who skilled a transition level. The soft capers who have kept levels low for PVE or felt that the last 20 levels of a characters are behind in the championing game.
    That's ok, they changed how damage scales on character abilities between the old max level and the new max, so soft cappers are still enjoying an advantage.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    Champions is an amazing idea! Suddenly my 2- and 3-stars aren't "done" anymore. I can still upgrade them and get a sense of accomplishment.

    it would been better if they allowed it at 13 covers so more can do it but i can see why they didnt. makes the people work for the ISO then they get to play...
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cascad wrote:
    Why i must pay for chapions and lose iso? I dont understand it.

    You don't lose ISO.
    If you champion a 2* or 3*, by the time you've given them the 50 or 100 levels respectively to max them out, you got all of the ISO back. Plus you'd have gained covers for the next tier up. Plus HP. Plus tokens. Plus CP which you can use for legendary tokens or covers.

    If you hadn't championed them you'd have the same ISO at the end, minus a bunch of free stuff and also generally less progression.

    Championing is moving the finishing line, sure...but for many that's a good thing. I was so very close to getting bored with MPQ. I'd maxed out all but one 3* character and that meant all that I had left was oh-so-slowly level my 4*s by getting one cover every 3 days *if I was lucky* from PvP and maybe grinding out for several days in PvE if I could be bothered to get the legendary at the end.

    With championing, I get free legendaries from my 3*s. I have a reason to give a damn about placement in PvP because the 3* cover is always useful. Even the 2* rewards from finish a match have a purpose now. Opening token packs feels relevent again. Using taco tokens has a point.

    I don't really see the nagatives of Championing other than "I'm not done yet". Well...if you wanted an excuse to leave the game, why not just leave? Surely everoyne's biggest complaint was that they were already close to done and were thinking of moving on?
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Plus respecs, which people have been asking to be able to do for a long time. It's not equally valuable for every character, but for some it's immensely useful.