Let's talk about daily rewards.

Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
edited January 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
This is a topic I generally see avoided, but with championing, and 5*'s, I think D3 needs to update the daily rewards again.

They have done this in the past, and players were retroactively rewarded covers, but D3 you guys need to do some of the following.

1.)All 3*'s need to be moved to the first year to year and a half play, with maybe a couple 4*'s sprinkled here and there.

2.)If a new 3* is released insert them into the past not future rewards.

3.)Get rid of normal pack as a daily, to me the lowest daily reward should be 500 ISO

4.)At least of ever color 5* should be made available from year 2 to 3 of play.

5.)like 1 and 4. 4*'s should see their dailies from year 1 to 2

The benefits of this are enormous for players as well as getting people to have at least all covers represented of a character. It's not fun having a 0/4/3 Daken, even a 1/4/3 would make players super happy.


  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    It's not fun having a 0/4/3 Daken, even a 1/4/3 would make players super happy.


    Have you typed the wrong character name?

    A venn diagram of people concerned about daily rewards in year 2 and 3 intersecting with people who have 0/4/3 Dakens (or any 3* with a missing colour) is going to be pretty much two separate circles that do not intersect.

    I get the principle, it just doesn't seem to have any relevance to the rest of your post.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Grantosium wrote:
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    It's not fun having a 0/4/3 Daken, even a 1/4/3 would make players super happy.


    Have you typed the wrong character name?

    A venn diagram of people concerned about daily rewards in year 2 and 3 intersecting with people who have 0/4/3 Dakens (or any 3* with a missing colour) is going to be pretty much two separate circles that do not intersect.

    I get the principle, it just doesn't seem to have any relevance to the rest of your post.

    I just grabbed a random name, but here is more specific.

    Scarlet Witch purple is like day 700 something. Well someone with a 0/4/3 SW, would be estatic to get that purple cover, I'm sure they don't want to be waiting almost 2 years to get it. So the message I was conveying was that 3*'s need to be loaded into the front end of rewards, 4*'s in the middle and obviously 5*'s at the end, they need to revamp the entire daily reward schedule
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree it needs to be done. I don't care in terms of covers much (i doubt they will do it) but the random drops need to be updated. There is no room for boosts, standard pack or even health pack in there. 500 iso sounds good to me (ok - maybe 250 as an equivalent of Heroic token). Already that would be a welcome change. I am at day ~560 and I don't have 5* in my near future but still - getting a standard token or boots is like a slap in my face.
  • I re-read the opening post and it makes sense now.

    But are you suggesting all 40 3* characters should have 3 drops in first year and a half? That's a 3* cover every 4 and a half days, give or take.

    Didn't we have a semi-official thread about 6 months back asking for everyone's opinions on this?
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    When changes to the game take an eternity to hit, I'd much rather they focus on the massive Iso shortage they created by introducing all of these 4 and 5 star characters (plus championing).

    What covers you get at day 365 or 730 is a luxury, not essential to daily gameplay.
  • Yes, this would clearly be a beneficial change that would reorient daily rewards with how the game has changed in the last 2+ years.

    How will they handle the people who have moved past rewards that they'd like? The CP daily change went over relatively smoothly because 15cp is a modest reward and it added a steady supply of cp rewards all down the line. But I imagine that close to 100% of the 2-3 year player population would not be too happy to have missed a free 5* because they opened some health packs a few weeks earlier. They could give all old rewards to all players who have already passed that point, but that seems even less likely than positive daily reward reform.

    I feel that there are a lot of these things in MPQ where the decisions that they made years and years ago are basically locked in by a combination of institutional inertia, potential outrage from entrenched players, and profit motive. Like politics.
  • kalex716
    kalex716 Posts: 184
    Daily rewards is just one more designed feature in the game thats very much out of touch with what the actual user experience with it is like.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Grantosium wrote:
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    It's not fun having a 0/4/3 Daken, even a 1/4/3 would make players super happy.


    Have you typed the wrong character name?

    A venn diagram of people concerned about daily rewards in year 2 and 3 intersecting with people who have 0/4/3 Dakens (or any 3* with a missing colour) is going to be pretty much two separate circles that do not intersect.

    I get the principle, it just doesn't seem to have any relevance to the rest of your post.

    I just grabbed a random name, but here is more specific.

    Scarlet Witch purple is like day 700 something. Well someone with a 0/4/3 SW, would be estatic to get that purple cover, I'm sure they don't want to be waiting almost 2 years to get it. So the message I was conveying was that 3*'s need to be loaded into the front end of rewards, 4*'s in the middle and obviously 5*'s at the end, they need to revamp the entire daily reward schedule

    If you do DDQ every day, the chances of having no covers of any color in anyone you want a cover in in 3* land is over within 120 days.. if by day 700, you are missing one, it means you didn't really care enough to bother getting it.. Or are SUPER casual and have not finished a 2* team to beat ddq with in 700 days...
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    I entirely agree. If you started more than a year out from release, ALL of the resupply covers are useless. I have 3/4 the 4* fully covered. The 3* completely done (except with championing now), and I only have a year in. But the first 5* I can earn is another year away? By then I will either have them all fully covered, or 5* will be the new IW.

    Please bump them up, base it on roster (? wahoo!) and up the overall gain. ISO is a huge shortage, if anything, put some nice gains in there rather than a standard recruit token.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    As of right now, 0 3* covers are useless at near day 400... go go gadget champions! I will take any cover they want to give me, any time.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would say after a year there should not be any standard tokens in the daily rewards list. I am over day 500 and a standard token has next to zero odds of being useful to me except for as iso resell value, which again is a drop in the ocean for the ISO I need.

    I agree with the OP and after a set time the daily rewards should be offering at least 1 of each character and at fairly regular intervals.

    Let's start at our 6 month point as a random checkpoint. After 6 months most players should be into the 3* area.

    Day 183: Random ISO (minimum 500)
    Day 184: 2* character
    Day 185: Command Points
    Day 186: Hero Points
    Day 187: Heroic Token
    Day 188: Random ISO (minimum 1000)
    Day 189: 3* character

    That is a weeks worth of daily rewards and IMO for 6 months of play time is fairly helpful without breaking any in game economy, yes it will still take an age to rotate all character cover colours in but it is better than nothing and after a while can be switched to the next tier. The main issue with so many characters in the game is that by the time a specific character gets rotated into the daily reward system the player is probably long past needing it.
  • gravel
    gravel Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    The issue is with the players that have already passed those rewards. I'm around day 818, and would be irritated to find out everyone is going to get multiple 4 star covers in year 1-2, when I still need some of those covers and have to get some RNG luck to get them. I think this was brought up as an issue to changing past daily rewards as well, I know when they add CP to past rewards, some people got angry because they just missed one that was added retroactively.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    One of my top three favorite topics here. I last needed day 580...and will next need day 730. That is a -LONG TIME- between covers that you need. And I wouldn't have needed day 580 (an elektra, I've now tossed tons and tons) if championing had been around for awhile!

    My argument has been that this list was created before DDQ. You can start running DDQ with success around day 150. You'll be fully 3* covered through DDQ around day 400. There should be -no- 3* covers after that.

    I used to argue replace the 3*'s with 4*'s and put a 4* every 15 days...that was when one 4* was being released a month. Now it's two a month, you could give out a 4* cover once every 5 days and barely keep up with release rates. But then again - that argument was so folks could buy the rest of the covers, CP is...prohibitive for that.

    Now I'll argue a different thing: After day 365, there should be an LT every 30 days. After day 700, there should be an LT every 15 days. Perhaps keep the 5* covers every other time after two years: LT/5*/LT/5* back and forth every 15 days. "Refund" vets with LT's for every one they missed. Random covers will probably help 4* transition more than the slow drip-drip of older characters, and it would very slowly help the 5* transition as well.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malenkov wrote:
    Yes, this would clearly be a beneficial change that would reorient daily rewards with how the game has changed in the last 2+ years.

    How will they handle the people who have moved past rewards that they'd like? The CP daily change went over relatively smoothly because 15cp is a modest reward and it added a steady supply of cp rewards all down the line. But I imagine that close to 100% of the 2-3 year player population would not be too happy to have missed a free 5* because they opened some health packs a few weeks earlier. They could give all old rewards to all players who have already passed that point, but that seems even less likely than positive daily reward reform.

    I feel that there are a lot of these things in MPQ where the decisions that they made years and years ago are basically locked in by a combination of institutional inertia, potential outrage from entrenched players, and profit motive. Like politics.

    They have realigned the daily rewards before, and players got some random packs, ISO and some covers if I remember. And for all you being super specific about my examples icon_rolleyes.gif The issue is that a beginning player doesn't need 3* covers 2 years from now, he needs them in that first 1 - 1 1/2 and that's where they need to be. a 4* littered here and there in year one is fine, but as that 1 year moves to 2, those 3* better be dried up and gone and a steady stream of only 4* covers should be coming in. with maybe a 5* here or there, as we get ever closer to 3 years, 5*'s should be slowly but surely coming.

    I just find it so insane that just some very simple quality of life changes to this game would vastly improve the game and retain players rather than scare them off with what they feel would be an eternity to get anywhere. Daily's are that bread crumb that tells a player, keep playing and it will come.
  • gravel wrote:
    The issue is with the players that have already passed those rewards. I'm around day 818, and would be irritated to find out everyone is going to get multiple 4 star covers in year 1-2, when I still need some of those covers and have to get some RNG luck to get them. I think this was brought up as an issue to changing past daily rewards as well, I know when they add CP to past rewards, some people got angry because they just missed one that was added retroactively.

    Tough cookies. It's like crying that people have it easier in pve now because of the refresh timer changes or the expansion of 3* rewards. Easing of progression is a good thing for the game and if vets are too childish to see that, oh well.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    gravel wrote:
    The issue is with the players that have already passed those rewards. I'm around day 818, and would be irritated to find out everyone is going to get multiple 4 star covers in year 1-2, when I still need some of those covers and have to get some RNG luck to get them. I think this was brought up as an issue to changing past daily rewards as well, I know when they add CP to past rewards, some people got angry because they just missed one that was added retroactively.

    Tough cookies. It's like crying that people have it easier in pve now because of the refresh timer changes or the expansion of 3* rewards. Easing of progression is a good thing for the game and if vets are too childish to see that, oh well.
    Well that was a rude, uncalled for comment. Take the chip off your shoulder friend.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Forumites over-estimate the amount that the average player plays this game.

    I have my day 730 reward coming in a couple days. I have a Facebook friend who has been playing longer than me. She only sends rewards every week or two. She still has a level 94 roster.

    My brother has been playing 2 months less than me. He tries to play everyday, but at most does the DDQ. He's still working on level-maxing his 3* roster. Every 4* cover he's getting right now in the daily rewards is exactly what is needed for progress.

    Forumites are probably the 98th percentile of committed players. Not every system in the game needs to be tuned to this top 2%.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    scottee wrote:
    Forumites over-estimate the amount that the average player plays this game.

    I have my day 730 reward coming in a couple days. I have a Facebook friend who has been playing longer than me. She only sends rewards every week or two. She still has a level 94 roster.

    My brother has been playing 2 months less than me. He tries to play everyday, but at most does the DDQ. He's still working on level-maxing his 3* roster. Every 4* cover he's getting right now in the daily rewards is exactly what is needed for progress.

    Forumites are probably the 98th percentile of committed players. Not every system in the game needs to be tuned to this top 2%.

    ^ this.

    My wife will get her first Devil Dino today, and she has a couple champion 2*s at lvl 100, and is working on ddq as she can, to do a 3* transition (this weeks Thor cover brings her 3* thor to max covers, her 2nd, maybe i can talk her into spending some iso!)
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Filling in the randoms with big ISO drops would be incredibly helpful, therefore unlikely to happen. Just like CP, the longer you play the larger the drops become. 5K ISO is still a drop in the bucket when you are leveling 4* and 5*s.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just a thought.. what if on a daily reward, you were given 2 options.. say, a specific 4* or a Leg token, 3 health packs or 250 iso, etc...

    This way, each day you can get a specific reward, or an equivalent, regardless of where you are in the transitions, you could end up with something useful.