What 3* are you LEAST likely to Champ?



  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    As for who I am unlikely to ever actually champ that I do have rostered ... Squirrel Girl (lvl 154), Gamora (151), Punisher (145), Hood (120*) ... not too hot on Antman, Kingpin, or Bieber** covers.

    Even at 154? Harsh!

    No, this is exactly the reason I asked. There's characters where, even with the possibility of (essentially) free stuff, my reaction is "Why?" The question definitely leaves out the draw of multiple covers though - I've had Torch at 120 for ages, but having eight covers in rapid succession spurred me to bring him up, and the promise of Thing covers definitely helped. Rags, though ... eh.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    pretty sure the bottom tier is a no-go for me. by the time I do the 3*s I want to (about 10 more from 120/140), plus the good 4*s I already have ready to go, will be 6months+ unless they open the iso spigot. so, in 8-9 months after I finish the middle 4*s, its highly unlikely that finishing sentry or rags or psylocke will be critical for anything. and by the time I start pulling LTs again, pile will be huge and then leveling 5*s will be a priority. yeah, bottom 3*s will be at 120 perpetually....unless they dramatically increase the iso.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    Why all the Squirrel Girl hate? I think she's a lot better than people think.

    Anyway, for me it will probably be Doc Ock.....he's level 120 and I just don't see investing the iso into him......
  • donietsche
    donietsche Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    rbdragon wrote:
    Why all the Squirrel Girl hate? I think she's a lot better than people think.

    I agree, when she's boosted, depending on team composition, she can be a heavy hitter.

    Pair her with Carnage and have fun with that purple...
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pretty much any character that does not give me the covers I want from championing. If it offers Invisible Woman, Star Lord, Wolverine, ect, It just aint happening.
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    I doubt I will champion Rags or Sentry, as I kicked them both of my roster to free up room for others.

    For those still on my roster, it would probably be between the following:

    - Doc Oc, only have him at 120 (4,4,3) and he might be another roster slot casualty in the near future. Carnage is cool and all, but I'm hoping to get the rest of his covers elsewhere.

    -Colossus. I probably could if I wanted to as I have him at level 151, but he's just not a priority for me to level up, and I currently don't have a need on more XFW covers (he's max covered, but way too much ISO away from max level, and I'd rather get my other 4*s up in level)

    QS, Beast and IM40 have good rewards, so I will eventually try to get them there, but they will probably be last.
  • TheDrStrange
    TheDrStrange Posts: 89 Match Maker
    I'm definitely on the plan to max them all out. I need quite a lot of ISO, but it'll be a fun quest! Last for me is probably Sentry. Combo of not actually having 13 covers and not really liking the champ very much.
  • VA5
    VA5 Posts: 66
    the 2 most worthless 3's Ironman (in my opinion the worst 3) and Squirrel girl .

    PS Beast is a beast when matched with prof X in PVE.... beast + prof X + sw = win in multiple stage pve's
  • We've had multiple threads on who you want to champion first, but who are you LEAST likely to champion? For me, it's a combination of two factors: The strength of the character, and the strength of its rewards

    ISO is in too short of a supply for this to have any impact on the 3*s that I will champion. I have 17 maxed 3*s and am well into my 4* transition. At this point ANY 3* (regardless of how great of a character they might be) that isn't maxed isn't ever going to be maxed. I have Black Panther and Kamala Khan both at 130, CMags at 100. They are all really good characters, and I will never max them. The ISO is much better spent on the SIX mis-top tier 4* characters I have cover maxed that are sitting between level 150 and 250 (Thing, Cyc, Carnage, Jean Grey, Iceman, XPool, and 7 if you count ProfX).

    Check back with me in about 8 months. By then I should have all of them maxed and ready to open all the LTs I have been hoarding from now until then. If those LTs don't bring in a sea of 5* covers for me to start that transition then I'll consider the ISO cost of LTs from championing useless 3* characters.
  • rbdragon wrote:
    Why all the Squirrel Girl hate? I think she's a lot better than people think.

    Anyway, for me it will probably be Doc Ock.....he's level 120 and I just don't see investing the iso into him......

    Her problem: Same colors as Khamala Khan, who is more useful in most contexts.

    As somebody who is her biggest fan, that blows. icon_e_sad.gif

    I mean, Nuts From Above doesn't even remove special tiles. They're still being annoying and poopy and junk! And her yellow is only to be used when 1, there's no good matches on the board, and 2, it's your only yellow active. And her green is a'ight, but like, if I'm using her I'm using her with somebody who makes enemy special tiles, like Carnage or Patch, and they both have some a-ok greens themselves. If I'm using Patch at all it's because I want to Bezerker some Rage, and Carnage probably hits harder, but that one is admitedly a bit lesser overall.
  • RemoDestroyer
    RemoDestroyer Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
    IM40 is the least likely for me. He'll be stuck at 153 with recharge at 2 covers. All the other 3*s have 13 covers so they can actually be championed.

    However iso is likely better spent leveling solid 4*s than championing mediocre 3*s
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Everything I have at 120 is unlikely to ever see ISO, now that it makes more sense to devote it to 4*s. All the usual suspects... QS, Vision, SG, Psy, Rags...

    And boosted Beast is pretty damn good...

    This, and a little bit more.

    Iso is too valuable right now to invest in leveling 3s, so I think any char below 160 is not going to be maxed in the near future (even though I have some chars like Blade and KK at 153 that ara firm candidates). Right now, I need all the iso to max iceman (210), cyclops (225) and RHulk (170).

    And then start leveling OML now that soon I will get his 7th cover (day 820 yey!)

    PS: I already had to sell two RHulk covers icon_e_sad.gif because it was impossible for me to get 300k iso in 12 days (and I also had covers for XForce and JG, so I decided to level max those that were much closer to 270).
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    I don't have all 3stars yet, and among those I don't have yet, some are a priority compared with the others. So the least likely to be championed are the last in my waiting list for rostering, like Gamora or Mystique.
  • By the time I get enough covers for any of my 3* champions to actually reach a 4* reward, chances are I'll already have that 4* maxed...
  • Spencer75
    Spencer75 Posts: 232
    I have 21 3 stars maxed, in the process of championing all of them

    3 stars I have no chance of championing

    Doom - I have him at 135 and he gives out Invisible Woman. Who I have covered and will never champion

    Gamora - I have her at 130 and she gives out starlord, who I have covered and will never champion

    Squirrel Girl - she's at 120 and gives out antman, who I like and may champion way down the line but he's very low on the priority list.

    Storm - she's also at 120 and gives out Thoress, who I have at 205 and don't see championing, too many other 4 stars need iso (cyclops, rulk, kingpin)

    The other 3 stars I don't have maxed give out interesting 4 stars that I either have championed or will champion, or they give out 4 star I still need covers for. They could still potentially be championed. I'm still weighing the cost/benefit of taking a subpar 3 star from 140 to 166.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    IM40 is the obvious answer, because he can't be championed unless you bring him to max covers reducing his utility. He needs a major rework before he gets that last yellow cover.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    So here's the names so far, based on specific call-outs. Squirrels and Iron Giants are the big losers among champions, with beefy blonde men who like to hit their teammates close behind. I'll add a poll with all names that got at least two suggestions to the original post.

    IM40: 9
    Squirrel Girl: 9
    Ragnarok: 8
    Sentry: 6
    Doctor Octopus: 5
    Quicksilver: 4
    Psylocke: 3
    Gamora: 2
    Hulk: 2
    Spider-man: 2
    Vision: 2
    Beast: 1
    Bullseye: 1
    Colossus: 1
    Doom: 1
    Hood: 1
    Loki: 1
    Mystique: 1
    Punisher: 1
    Storm: 1

    My vote? Punisher and Hulk. Champing Hulk would make Anger unusable against all but the biggest foes, and Punisher's a mid-range character; further, I'm not pouring ISO into them to acquire TA Hulk and Elektra. Champing Sentry, IM40, and Ragnarok feels pretty unlikely, but the offers of X23, IMHB and Rulk covers keep them from being completely removed from the table (for me).
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I plan on champing them all at some point, where is the option for "will champ everybody"

    From your list, Psylocke, SG, and Punisher already champed, and much better for it!
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Malcrof wrote:
    I plan on champing them all at some point, where is the option for "will champ everybody"

    From your list, Psylocke, SG, and Punisher already champed, and much better for it!

  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    I plan on champing them all at some point, where is the option for "will champ everybody"

    From your list, Psylocke, SG, and Punisher already champed, and much better for it!

