Regarding Power Upgrade Purchasing Changes



  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Linkster79 wrote:
    I'm sure that the 2 must have daily Skype conferences. No changes in game can come from just the publisher they have to be coded, likewise the developers have to ratify changes with the publishers to ensure they coincide with their long term goals of the game. I absolutely refuse to believe that at any time during these discussions that nobody within the 2 organisations doesn't even think to make the players aware of major changes in game. It has to be a conscience decision to keep in game announcements to a minimum just as it is a conscience decision by the publishers to largely leave the forums for untrained volunteer moderators to deal with. Apparently there are 2 community managers for the forums yet somehow neither one can find time in their schedules to even make an attempt to address players concerns with in game issues.

    It's easy to have conspiratorial thoughts, and assume the powers that be are intentionally keeping people guessing.

    But it makes no sense to announce here, and then not announce in-game. If they want to keep everyone in the dark, then don't say anything. And yeah, they do that, too.

    They announce things here, and players spread the word, but relying on leveraging the grapevine is pretty ****.

    They could at least link to the Forum in-game.

    You are 100% correct, it does not make any sense to let us know about major game changes on the forums but to keep the majority of the players in the dark therefore there has to be a reason for it. My main guess would be either apathy or laze. They either don't care or are too lazy and seeing as this is their jobs and neither is deemed acceptable to any but the most lax employer it is quite concerning.
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    They could at least link to the Forum in-game.
    They actually do, but it takes a bit to get there... if you tap on the gear-like button in the upper left, then Help, under Common Questions, if you choose "I have additional game-related questions" you'll find this:
  • Milamber42
    Milamber42 Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    Just joined the forums as a result of this. I had sent a note via in game help, contact support...

    "Why was there no in game warning about the change from coins to command points for upgrading 4* characters? It would have been nice to have the choice before the change.

    Very poor communication and a hugely disappointing move for casual players like my 7 year old son.

    Hopefully you adjust the upgrade price points or give more opportunities for casual players to obtain command points. Not everyone has the time to grind this game, especially when event times favour people in certain time zones more than others.

    Honestly, I feel that giving people the choice of spending 2500 GC or XX CP to upgrade would have been a far more friendly move. This was just terrible and I can certainly foresee a backlash from those who bought GC in the the recent past."

    Got a form response - "it was announced on the forums" etc. Responded...

    "Thanks for the rapid answer, but this seems a little like a form response.

    If you look at my email closely, you'll note that I said "no in game warning". I'm sure you can appreciate that not every player religiously follows your forums just in case you should be changing something.

    This is a move that I'm sure will appeal to those players who grind the game, however I doubt that casual players will feel the same. I would not be surprised if there is a significant backlash by those who feel that you have devalued GC (which people may have purchased for real money).

    Not announcing or warning players *in game* about such a fundamental change to something that they may have paid for with real money is an inconsiderate action."

    Glad to see that some of the response here backs up this line of thinking.
    No in game communication about something that affects (and potentially devalues) players' purchases on in game currency with real currency is just #%$& move.
  • xdogg
    xdogg Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    We want to extend the life of Marvel Puzzle Quest by letting players earn rewards rather than buying them directly.
    • Switching to Command Points means more players have interesting decisions they can make.”

    I think D3/Demiurge made a mistake here, my alliance is by no means whales but since CPs were implemented I could rely on getting some CP from the alliance at least a few times a week, now my alliance members don't see any use in spending money, I've always thought the price of Iso is outrageously high and will never purchase it. That leaves roster slots and shields and I have plenty of HP saved up for that. I don't know how MPQ is going to continue to make money if things stay the way they are now.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    xdogg wrote:
    We want to extend the life of Marvel Puzzle Quest by letting players earn rewards rather than buying them directly.
    • Switching to Command Points means more players have interesting decisions they can make.”

    I think D3/Demiurge made a mistake here, my alliance is by no means whales but since CPs were implemented I could rely on getting some CP from the alliance at least a few times a week, now my alliance members don't see any use in spending money, I've always thought the price of Iso is outrageously high and will never purchase it. That leaves roster slots and shields and I have plenty of HP saved up for that. I don't know how MPQ is going to continue to make money if things stay the way they are now.

    I personally don't like the fact I can't buy covers with hero points anymore, but I don't think it will be a huge mistake for the developers.

    First let's look at 2 things they want to get rid of in the game. #1 hey want to slow down the player who max covers a character right when it comes out. The reason is for the rest of the player base. Seeing someone with the newest character maxed dominating the game can make some players feel he only way to progress is to pay $$. It can be demoralizing and make the player quite the game. By slowing them down from direct purchasing makes brand new characters take a little long to get maxed in the game.
    #2 with LT having a garunteed 4* it has made it easier to skip the transition from 1-2-3-4* player. If you are a 2* player and win 3HB in PVE then 3 JG in PVE for a couple hundred bucks you can become a 4* player. By cutting out direct purchases these players need to buy 40 packs to try and win 4* characters and slows down their progress. With packs you will get a lot more 3* than 4* and be encouraged to level them instead of just going to 4* land. These players experience extreme scaling adjustments for their effort.

    What this does is slow the game down for a couple of different types of players while the majority of the player who buy covers occasionally if ever can feel like others are no pulling away so fast from them.

    The reality is seeing score in PVP above 2000 is what makes players feel like this game is pay to win more so than the player who has the shiny new character. Feeling like you have the roster capable, but not having the HP to spend, or time to shield hop makes me feel the game is more PTW than seeing someone pay for the new shiny toy. Last season I saw sim scores of over 10k points, so players were using over 500 HP per day for over a week to score that high. That to me feels more demoralizing than seeing someone with a maxed out 5*.

    This is what I feel the Dev's are looking to do. I am not saying I agree with the change.