Feedback on Deadpool's Daily - approaching 1 year



  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Mechanic of DDQ is perfect. Easiest way to get iso. Easiest way to get 3* characters. Easiest way to get your deadpool points. I get what the OP is going for though, it's just the same thing over and over again.

    Would it kill them to update the battles once in a while? Even just twice a year would be something, or extend it to a rotation of 15 battles (odd number so savory/sweet gets rotated, lest people complain about that as well)

    Another alternative is to expand to 10 battles a day, award a CP at the end. I don't think anyone would complain about more rewards.

    It's really the same argument as the lightning rounds or the never gonna change PvEs. So many characters in the game, yet they use so few as opponents. Time to freshen these things up.
  • _Ryu_
    _Ryu_ Posts: 149
    Another alternative is to expand to 10 battles a day, award a CP at the end. I don't think anyone would complain about more rewards.

    CP, yes please! Like they did when CP were introduced.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    As so many have said, it seems unwise to mess with the formula since it's a widely approved part of the game and also the easiest way to get ISO right now. If it ain't broke, and so forth.

    Adding more nodes to it would certainly be worth exploring, though. While it's not quite as universally loved as the original 5 nodes, Crash of the Titans is an interesting addition with a worthwhile reward.

    How about a node that forces you to use a specific team of characters, chosen to synergize poorly? Lots of color overlap and few strong offensive abilities, that kind of thing. Think Quicksilver/Classic Spidey/Invisible Woman. You'd have to think differently about how to approach the battle, just like you do with Crash. Reward could be an extra taco token or something.

    Or how about a neverending, "survival" type goon node? Just goons forever that get stronger each wave until you eventually wipe. Better rewards the further you get.

    There are a lot of ways you could add to DDQ without changing up the whole thing.
  • Tryke
    Tryke Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
    Certainly doesn't feel like a grind to me. Easy nodes, easy rewards. TBE offers the occasional challenge sure, but DDQ isn't meant to be difficult or heavily gated for developed rosters. Daily events are supposed to be simple and rewarding for a broad spectrum of players and it is. 4* node is challenging and should be as well.

    As far as the reward structure itself, the introductory trial run of 1 CP per day was nice. Maybe an adjustment to the ISO rewards seeing as people are clamoring for more since champions came out.
  • kalex716
    kalex716 Posts: 184
    I'd like to seem them shrink the size of the vault significantly, but leave the high end rewards in.

    Might open up a new line of revenue for them, and provide a way for us to buy key missing 4 stars when they show up in it with gold.
  • Edith09
    Edith09 Posts: 48
    I like DDQ a lot, yes it´s repetive but most of the time it takes 10-15 minutes to finish, perfect for short work break. And rewards are very good IMO.
    One the other hand 4* DDQ is not for me icon_cry.gif , I have around 4-5 covers at my 4* and those matches does not help me at all.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd be ok with them adding more nodes, just 500iso or 1k iso, maybe one could be 3 lvl 167 4*s, or 2 waves of oddballs. DDQ is simply the best thing to do in the mornings.. i have it timed to go with my coffee. Adding anything to it, would only make it better.
  • stowaway
    stowaway Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    Would it kill them to update the battles once in a while? Even just twice a year would be something, or extend it to a rotation of 15 battles (odd number so savory/sweet gets rotated, lest people complain about that as well)

    This is the only part of the OP that I agree with. Update them, add some more, keep it fresh. Otherwise I only have two, minor, complaints about DDQ. One, the ninja days are so much harder than the rest. I'm past worrying about them personally, but balance is a good thing to have in a game. Two, the 2* node with Magneto and Storm as opponents, blocking out two of the five 2* characters I've bothered keeping. I know how small a complaint that is; it just annoys me every time!
    Malcrof wrote:
    DDQ is simply the best thing to do in the mornings.. i have it timed to go with my coffee.

    Me too! First thing I do in the morning is make coffee. Second thing is play DDQ.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like DDQ. Now due to championing, it's much more useful. Would love a smaller vault, as it's 300 items with only 4 that I care about (LT, two 4*s and massive HP). So I'm saving 300 tokens.. it takes a long time! Once I have 300 tokens, I'll draw until I win one of those four prizes. Then, I'll go back to saving...
  • Rob13
    Rob13 Posts: 41
    With champions, ddq becomes even more useful, on top of the easy iso. Apologies if this is a redundant post, but I could only make it through a page and a half of ridiculousness before i skipped to the end
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    To the surprise of no one who sees my threads on the DDQ cycles, I am a fan of it and don't think they should fundamentally change any of it. The one improvement I wish they would make is to release another 3* character so that it offsets the current cycle equilibrium where every 3* character rotates on the same day in the cycle for DDQ. I'm sure Iron Fist, Rocket & Groot, Blade and others wouldn't be heart broken to not need to overcome ninjas to get their covers every single time. This is a pretty trivial "complaint", though...

    I'm really wondering if they do anything special for the DDQ anniversary. For example, have that be an 80-reward vault and Devil Dinosaur as the 4* DDQ for Round 73 (I'm assuming DD won't be in the regular 4* rotation, but I have nothing more than my gut to justify that). Maybe CP in addition to ISO as the 15,000 reward? I'm sure there's other ideas, but it would be fun to see something.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am still updating the list of rewards over in Events, and running it daily - but after three rotations I was 3* covered, and it became very boring.

    Introducing new 3*'s would have helped - now championing makes me look forward to it a very little each day.

    What would really, really make me look forward to it?

    VAULTS SIZE OF 50 or 100.

    Those things would vastly improve DDQ, without having to change matches or coding to much.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I like Daily. Even when I had the characters maxed, I think I only 'missed' a few days over the course of the year. having a steady trickle of covers for 3* champs is even more helpful now that champions are a thing.

    Things I would be okay with:
    * more nodes
    * more rewards
    * the opportunity to replay some of the nodes for rewards (since we use them for experimentation)

    Things I was surprised they didn't do:
    * we didn't also have to fight *against* the character we are trying to win a cover for.
    * that they didn't work 4* Deadpool into the 'crash of the titans' node somehow.

    Changes I would propose:
    * Maybe the 'crash of the titans' node could become a pin that unlocks a new map (with 4* deadpool) that has some extra challenges on it? Or do this with the enchilada node so that we can explore it every day?
    * Tighten up the rotations to 4 (or even 3) characters per block instead of 5, so that 'crash' comes around more often.
    * What about having an area that requires you to have a championed version of the daily character?
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    mpqr7 wrote:
    I like DDQ. Now due to championing, it's much more useful. Would love a smaller vault, as it's 300 items with only 4 that I care about (LT, two 4*s and massive HP). So I'm saving 300 tokens.. it takes a long time! Once I have 300 tokens, I'll draw until I win one of those four prizes. Then, I'll go back to saving...

    Glad to see another fellow hoarder here! Have 200 tacos in each vault right now. Another 100 days to go! icon_lol.gif
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    ZootSax wrote:
    To the surprise of no one who sees my threads on the DDQ cycles, I am a fan of it and don't think they should fundamentally change any of it. The one improvement I wish they would make is to release another 3* character so that it offsets the current cycle equilibrium where every 3* character rotates on the same day in the cycle for DDQ. I'm sure Iron Fist, Rocket & Groot, Blade and others wouldn't be heart broken to not need to overcome ninjas to get their covers every single time. This is a pretty trivial "complaint", though...

    I'm really wondering if they do anything special for the DDQ anniversary. For example, have that be an 80-reward vault and Devil Dinosaur as the 4* DDQ for Round 73 (I'm assuming DD won't be in the regular 4* rotation, but I have nothing more than my gut to justify that). Maybe CP in addition to ISO as the 15,000 reward? I'm sure there's other ideas, but it would be fun to see something.
    I feel, if enough people ask for the cycle to change, they'll get it. But not by adding a new 3-star, but by adding the recently debuted mooks, the symbiotes.
  • Thanks for the feedback, guys! I'm a bit confused, but it's clear that I am a minority on this one... haha icon_e_sad.gif
    A couple friendly responses:
    Grantosium wrote:
    Without DDQ I would not be here. Probably would have uninstalled last July/August.
    To reiterate, I didn't suggest that DDQ should be removed icon_e_smile.gif I think it is an absolute necessary feature. I too, almost stopped playing last January before they announced it.
    wirius wrote:
    As a person who has a lot of experience with online multiplayer, let me tell you a truth as undeniable as the air you breath. Never, EVER, make daily's challenging.
    I agree. I guess "challenging" was the wrong word. I should have used the word "interesting." icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Rob13 wrote:
    With champions, ddq becomes even more useful, on top of the easy iso. Apologies if this is a redundant post, but I could only make it through a page and a half of ridiculousness before i skipped to the end
    Thank you for voicing your opinion without reading the full post. I think we can all agree that the Champion system makes DDQ more useful, and I would go further to even say it's near mandatory to progress in the game. That is why I posted this, so that hopefully we can give this 'mandatory chore' more attention.
    GMadMan040 wrote:
    All I can think about here is - "let's not mess with the one thing in the game that is actually working REALLY well".
    To players like me, the system is not working well anymore, so that is why I was suggesting changing it. But I think most on the forum are on your side.