purchasing iso poll



  • Coppertouret
    Coppertouret Posts: 169 Tile Toppler
    .... now that the value of iso in game has ultimately surpassed hero points for the time being.

    That's a popular sentiment on the Forum these days. I'd like to see a poll on that first icon_lol.gif

    I mean, the only thing HP can no longer do next week is buy covers. And that is a big thing .... for some players.

    HP still pays much of the operating expenses and buys all the real estate. HP has always been, and will continue to be, my main means of acquiring covers ... via shield-hopping.

    If everyone is now convinced HP is "worthless" I gotta ask ... just how the hell many covers were you guys buying?

    Don't get me wrong, I know many players that buy TONs of covers. By default. Waiting for covers to fall is not even a consideration. They want it, they buy it. That's how they make things happen, and good for them.

    But I always thought that was a small subset ... am I wrong?

    (If considered a threadjack I apologize and will remove to a new thread...if a mod doesn't do so for me!).

    I never said hp was useless, only not as valuable as iso to a good many players. Top end players with maxed rosters pre91 don't feel iso is necessarily more valuable now, because they had hoards of it to begin with. Constantly finish at the top end, and you will be rewarded with top end rewards, obviously. The point I'm trying to make is that other spenders from the lower tier, like myself having every character rostered but under covered and leveled, are finding their need of iso is greater simply because they have to catch up again. Before the update, soft capped rosters, due to iso shortage, could hang in the top 50-100 pvp (potentially higher for some) and really only perform well in pve. Now that the level gap has increased and max rosters are getting the jump start, I imagine mid tier folks will be focusing on levels rather than that new roster slot or shield-hopping into a level 370 (plus buffs) wall.