Please discontinue Heroic PVE's



  • VA5
    VA5 Posts: 66
    I like them too. Makes me use charactures that I never use normally. Remember really enjoying using electra and her black ability awhile ago. As long s there are at least a few good ones thrown in. icon_e_smile.gif
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    Carefully designing an event to be challenging in a unique way is tough- and I appreciate the challenge of using just 15 of my 66 roster. It's a breath of fresh air that lets me see and use characters that might otherwise rot on my bench, or not get used because they are too low level.

    I understand you're frustrated because you can't use whatever super team you have lined up, but for those that *don't* have a super team, it's a lot of fun.
  • It's more relaxing after facing the symbiote goons, and I don't have to sit there waiting for every single passive and tile to go off either. No ninja waves either, so that's a huge plus.

    Heroics aren't my absolute favorite but I do place decently in them despite the limited roster, so they're not that bad.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    I don't mind the subs so much, but I abhor having to clear five nodes on the main just to unlock said subs. One node, fine. but FIVE?

    I'm cool with the limited rosters, but my dozen characters are worn out before I can even get to the sub!
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    I hate Heroics simply because I have the available characters, but nowhere near a good level (due to using my iso to level better heroes), and thus hitting high scaling with a horribly underleveled roster. I've got 16 level 166 3*, but out of all the heroes available in this Heroic, I can use 0 of them. Zero! Thanks, D3!

    Due to the above, I'm actually using 2* Thor and OBW for clears because they're the strongest I have with certain colors. Wait, what's that? Thor is a reinforcement and goes away in sub 2? Even better!
  • jtmagee
    jtmagee Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    They were rougher before boosted characters were added. Now they are a little easier to deal with.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    My least favorite thing about heroics is the extra time it takes to clear everything.
  • mrcheddar
    mrcheddar Posts: 58 Match Maker
    I like the idea of a limited roster as other people have mentioned. For people with broad, reasonably levelled rosters it gives an opportunity to try out different synergies and utilise rarely used chars. I also kind of like the reinforcement idea, although I admit it can be frustrating to lose a valued char for the next sub.

    What I don't like is that they are a health pack sink. You are generally facing dark avengers with cheap abilities. It's hard to play ap denial so you generally take damage. Coupled with the limited number of chars you can use...

    What would be a nice change is that the chars available for heroic events be completely separate from the weekly boosted chars. If the boosted chars are good for the concurrent pvp(s) it only adds to the health pack squeeze.
  • biryon
    biryon Posts: 148 Tile Toppler
    then use Jean's MoM to get rid of those enemy protect tiles

    I'm picturing something like this:
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Last time a Heroic came around, the locked part of my roster was the good part of my roster and all the available characters were undercovered and unusable. This made it a very un fun event, and I made the exact complaint that you have. This time around it appears they've picked all the characters that I have well covered so it's not as difficult and I'm actually enjoying the event more.

    I know it sucks to say hard luck you don't have the right characters but that's literally the problem, come the next heroic you'll proabably have the right characters and it'll feel better. Like previous posters mention the fact that you can't use winfinite means that a lot of players (who heavily rely on it) will skip the event making it easier to place - which to me is a good thing.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    If you don't like Heroics, don't play 'em. And that isn't meant to sound dismissive - and I think I need to make that clear as everything posted in this forum seems to drip with malcontent, heh.

    The thing is, the game caters (fairly successfully, imo, for a mobile game) to a range of preferences. Personally, I hate 7 day PvE, and PvP. I'd rather do a 3 day Heroic than either one of those. Other people prefer long events because they have more chance to make up for lost ground and can use more chars, or prefer PvP because... reasons.

    It does suck if a character you really want is rewarded in an event you don't like but... you can either suck it up and tough your way through it, or just let it go (let it go, let it gooo!). I'd love to get all the 1k PvP covers, but damned if I can be bothered with the effort for that. I don't like it, so I don't play it and I miss out, and that's on me. It's not on the devs to recreate PvP to suit my whims (but seriously, devs, if you're reading, drop me a line... icon_e_wink.gif ).

    They're not going to please everyone all the time. So when they don't please me now, I just switch the phone off (metaphorically or something) and head outside*. Calling on them to discontinue entire aspects of the game because it doesn't suit your preferences is a bit extreme, no? More constructive might be to make suggestions for minor improvements.

    For instance, my only real complaint about Heroics is the health pack sink, as you literally have to use a limited roster - even if you have the majority of allowed characters. I'd like it if the reward system catered to that a bit more.

    * ... playing Civilisation instead counts as outside, right? Right?
  • Pessi
    Pessi Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    I enjoy the heroics structure. I would love to see other PvE's on a heroic rotation rather than the same ones.

    Probably because of the OP's thoughts being like many others I also find these events easier to place high in, as people burn out faster with a reduced roster. They provoke more thought, and more puzzle than standard PvE. They are more risky, you cant just swap to another team when one is wiped out, so health pack use is tactical.

    I like it so I run them. I don't like boiled eggs so I don't eat them.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    stowaway wrote:
    DCUDCU wrote:
    What nodes are that bad?

    Hood plus Muscle plus Thug. Minus any of the characters who are good at taking out the Hood quickly. That's the node. The rest of it is mostly fine. Not fun, but fine.
    Human Torch is available, that's pretty much the definition of "fast". If you want to speed him up even more, you can pair him with Captain Marvel and OBW. I used him with OBW and Spider-man, that worked very well too.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    OMG, thank God Steve and Storm were added to the mix for the 2nd sub. The first one was brutal.
  • moogles85
    moogles85 Posts: 186 Tile Toppler
    Any ideas on how to grind nodes like this down for the finish along with all the other nodes (aka. juggs/sentry nodes)?


    To those saying use HT, OBW, IM40 - fully boosted OBW at 150 gets 1 shot as soon as ares gets 6 green. Spies do 3k aoe damage. HT's red does about 5.2k~ dmg which is less than 25% of Ares' total health.

    Even with winfinite, this node isn't fun...and with 80% of your roster locked out, this isn't even remotely fair.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    moogles85 wrote:
    To those saying use HT, OBW, IM40 - fully boosted OBW at 150 gets 1 shot as soon as ares gets 6 green. Spies do 3k aoe damage. HT's red does about 5.2k~ dmg which is less than 25% of Ares' total health.

    Even with winfinite, this node isn't fun...and with 80% of your roster locked out, this isn't even remotely fair.

    The problem there is the one that is true in all pve events, scaling is poorly designed/implemented in this game, heroics simply mean that those who can normally bypass the problem with winfinite etc are also suffering.

    Heroics should offer a more representative proportion of the roster, while they continue to spam us with new releases they should be increasing the size of the available roster for heroics, new characters should be additions rather than being included in the planned amount since they will be poorly covered for most people.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    moogles85 wrote:
    Any ideas on how to grind nodes like this down for the finish along with all the other nodes (aka. juggs/sentry nodes)?


    To those saying use HT, OBW, IM40 - fully boosted OBW at 150 gets 1 shot as soon as ares gets 6 green. Spies do 3k aoe damage. HT's red does about 5.2k~ dmg which is less than 25% of Ares' total health.

    Even with winfinite, this node isn't fun...and with 80% of your roster locked out, this isn't even remotely fair.

    Least you got the CP! I got nothing from both the earlier subs, finally one cp on the final sub.

    I used Thing, Torch and OBW for those awful Ares nodes, deny green as much as possible and steal with OBW Thing will at least jump in the way for damage to Torch and OBW and create some protect tiles. That's the best you can do.
  • moogles85
    moogles85 Posts: 186 Tile Toppler
    Crowl wrote:
    The problem there is the one that is true in all pve events, scaling is poorly designed/implemented in this game, heroics simply mean that those who can normally bypass the problem with winfinite etc are also suffering.

    I would definitely agree with this one. Scaling to 395 is out of hand unless you have 5*s to balance it out.
    Crowl wrote:
    Heroics should offer a more representative proportion of the roster, while they continue to spam us with new releases they should be increasing the size of the available roster for heroics, new characters should be additions rather than being included in the planned amount since they will be poorly covered for most people.

    Agreed that adding new characters to be used doesn't help. Bring along your newly covered 1/1/1 venom and 1/1/1 miles to fight a 395 ares? icon_lol.gif

    But adding even more of your roster to be available won't help because you're still only allowed to bring 3 characters. More random 3* suicide teams.

    Maybe this horrid PvE scaling was their original design. You're not supposed to win, you're supposed to lose.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    moogles85 wrote:
    Any ideas on how to grind nodes like this down for the finish along with all the other nodes (aka. juggs/sentry nodes)?


    To those saying use HT, OBW, IM40 - fully boosted OBW at 150 gets 1 shot as soon as ares gets 6 green. Spies do 3k aoe damage. HT's red does about 5.2k~ dmg which is less than 25% of Ares' total health.

    Even with winfinite, this node isn't fun...and with 80% of your roster locked out, this isn't even remotely fair.

    With your roster, you can use the same team I use: Jean, Thing, Xforce. Just make sure you make a match with xforce or jean when Ares has enough green for a hit, so Thing jumps in front and works his magic. Losing at most 1 health pack per match makes grinding the node a lot more feasible.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    moogles85 wrote:
    Agreed that adding new characters to be used doesn't help. Bring along your newly covered 1/1/1 venom and 1/1/1 miles to fight a 395 ares? icon_lol.gif

    But adding even more of your roster to be available won't help because you're still only allowed to bring 3 characters. More random 3* suicide teams.

    My thinking with increasing the roster is that it would give more viable options for people, even if they do not have their usual winfinite etc available to them, it doesn't matter if you need to use health packs on most non-trivial nodes if you have more viable teams that you can use rather than having to heal one team over and over. This would also be a big help for people growing their rosters too as it increases their chances of having any viable team available to them.