New placement rewards

Lordsynder Posts: 50
edited January 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Ok.. so the new placement rewards have been in place now for almost 2 full events. With this change its making me care less and less about the game . They say they want to give more people access to 4 star covers but they are not really doing that. All this new placement reward system does for pve is bring out the heavy covered pvpers into the pve brackets making nearly impossible for a semi casual to come close to placing top 10. Previous to the first run of venom bomb i had placed top 10 in the 5 previous events and even top 2 in two of those event.. now i can barely break top 20. I have a simple fix to the problem of pvpers being the top placements in pve.. give them their own bracket.. like you do for the noob and vet brackets.. problem solved.. they can fight each other for the covers and the pve people wont have to contend with fully covered 5 star and fulll covered and maxed 4 star pvp vets who have been playing since the start. As for venom bomb... i think the event is semi fun for the first two days and then is becomes a festering pile a tinykitty. Why would you run the even twice in the spawn of two weeks...


  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    Lordsynder wrote:
    Why would you run the even twice in the spawn of two weeks...

    They realized that releasing a brand new PVE for the first time in months (aside from the Ghost Rider & Chulk ones, but they were super short) during Christmas was a **** move, so they decided to run it again right away so that they people who sat out because they wanted to spend the holiday with, I donno, actual people instead of grinding a game, could play it. I assume they learned their mistake from running the Ghost Rider event during Thanksgiving, which pissed off plenty of players.

    However, they should have re-run it with the exact same reward structure, meaning Venom covers for t100 and above.
    Some measly Human Torch covers is a far cry from the first run event. I don't care about the "new" reward structure, cause it doesn't help the portion of the playerbase that needs it. They should have added a 4 star cover (the current required one or the one that will be required for the next PVE, doesn't matter as long as there is one of any kind) into progression somewhere between the final Legendary reward and the 2nd to last ISO reward.
    Just another example of stinginess really.
  • I agree.. the reward structure doesnt help the people that need it.. a all.
  • Banacek555
    Banacek555 Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    edited January 2016
    There is a very simple solution to all this as there are now nearly as many 4* characters as 3*

    Remove 2* rewards completely from PVE and PVP as they are so easy to win through standard tokens.

    Then keep same reward structure but move up one

    So PVE

    Top 10 4* becomes 5xLT
    Top 11-200 3* becomes 4* tier
    Top 201-400 2* becomes 3* tier

    Do equivalent restructure in PVP

    Job done! Everyone happy.
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Banacek555 wrote:
    There is a very simple solution to all this as there are now nearly as many 4* characters as 3*

    Remove 2* rewards completely from PVE and PVP as they are so easy to win through standard tokens.

    Then keep same reward structure but move up one

    So PVE

    Top 10 4* becomes 5*
    Top 11-200 3* becomes 4*
    Top 201-400 2* becomes 3*

    Do equivalent restructure in PVP

    Job done! Everyone happy.

    I agree with the last 2 tiers of what you suggest, but not the top 10 rewarding 5*s.. Its best to keep them out of the regular reward rotation for now.

    Nonetheless, who are we kidding. Changes that benefit casual players don't happen anymore, because they don't care about dirty casuals. Lol.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yep, exactly what I predicted happened. Bracket got swarmed by desperate, starving 4* transitioners and we all grinded hardcorely but in the end only the more insane managed the top 10. All others of us got 3 3*s (yooooohooooo...). Not sure if any 3* transitioner (the ones who actually need those covers, mind you) got 3.

    So no, the way to help the ailing 4* transition is not hiding a handful of covers in an event that we shouldn't have to play anyway, usurping the top placements for the people whom the event is intended for.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    4* DDQ doesn't help the people who actually need the 4*'s, so they were never going to help them via PVE either.
  • I am far from casual.. i play every single pve event.. i just dont spend hundreds of dollars on the game in a month
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    Definitely has encouraged me just to cruise to top 50 finishes so far. Of course, stupid Carnage + feeder nodes don't help motivate me to grind. They motivate me to go do other things.

    At this point, I'm not going to pay attention to placement awards other than to see who is going to be the essentials for the next event. All I care about is getting some imcoin.png and the token_legendary.png in PVE events.
  • dont even get me started on the festeirng pile of tinykitty that is the carnage node
  • Merrick
    Merrick Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    I am very happy with the new reward structure. In my opinion, it was the best thing to happen to the game in a long time. Was it perfect, of course not. But it was a great change.

    And while it has made pve harder, with all those "evil" PVP players coming in and stealing our rewards, I honestly don't think that will happen for too many events. Depending on the 4* given, most of them will decide even the improved prizes aren't worth their time and go back to PVP.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bottom line, 8 more players/bracket will get a 4☆ reward than previous story events, therefore they ARE giving more access to 4☆ covers
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    High level PVP rosters are actually at a disadvantage in PVE. Our scaling is attrocious. Typically, the hard nodes are 3x395 during the final grind. I'm sure most of the PVP rosters would love to lock out their 4* and 5* characters in return for 3* equivalent scaling.

    The only real advantage high level pvp players have is that they know how to play fast, stay on schedule, and who counters who. That is all that matters in winning PVE.

    In all honesty, the top tier pve grinders, could swap rosters with anyone in MPQ and probably still maintain a top 10 position.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lordsynder wrote:
    dont even get me started on the festeirng pile of tinykitty that is the carnage node

    After Christmas I jumped in having ignored it to see if I could get in a fresh bracket. I didn't. I tried a few nodes to see what was up, since there were new enemies. I did that Carnage/Venom/Minion node from the third sub event and realised how awful that was. I did two clears...then gave up.

    Didn't even try this time around since there was nothing outside of the top 10 placement that I needed. I almost never play PvE now since I can't be bothered to grind for days on end for a single legendary token. It's boring.

    I just play PvP instead where I can often hit 1000 and stop. Takes way less time to do and feels pretty satisfying.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lordsynder wrote:
    I agree.. the reward structure doesnt help the people that need it.. a all.
    Huh? I need those Thing covers. I'm at 3/4/4 right now. This reward structure has given me reason to compete in PvE outside of new character releases for covers I need. I may even do the same for Bobby in the heroic. I could use those covers as well.
  • Lordsynder wrote:
    Ok.. so the new placement rewards have been in place now for almost 2 full events. With this change its making me care less and less about the game . They say they want to give more people access to 4 star covers but they are not really doing that. All this new placement reward system does for pve is bring out the heavy covered pvpers into the pve brackets making nearly impossible for a semi casual to come close to placing top 10. Previous to the first run of venom bomb i had placed top 10 in the 5 previous events and even top 2 in two of those event.. now i can barely break top 20. I have a simple fix to the problem of pvpers being the top placements in pve.. give them their own bracket.. like you do for the noob and vet brackets.. problem solved.. they can fight each other for the covers and the pve people wont have to contend with fully covered 5 star and fulll covered and maxed 4 star pvp vets who have been playing since the start. As for venom bomb... i think the event is semi fun for the first two days and then is becomes a festering pile a tinykitty. Why would you run the even twice in the spawn of two weeks...

    Don't hate the players, hate the game!!! icon_cool.gif
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Lordsynder wrote:
    I agree.. the reward structure doesnt help the people that need it.. a all.
    Huh? I need those Thing covers. I'm at 3/4/4 right now. This reward structure has given me reason to compete in PvE outside of new character releases for covers I need. I may even do the same for Bobby in the heroic. I could use those covers as well.

    Lots of people still need lots of 4*s yeah. I think the complaint is a wish for a way for casual players to make the 4* transition, since it can be argued that top 10 in pve is kind of uh hardcore.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade wrote:
    High level PVP rosters are actually at a disadvantage in PVE. Our scaling is attrocious. Typically, the hard nodes are 3x395 during the final grind. I'm sure most of the PVP rosters would love to lock out their 4* and 5* characters in return for 3* equivalent scaling.

    The only real advantage high level pvp players have is that they know how to play fast, stay on schedule, and who counters who. That is all that matters in winning PVE.

    The only one? I doubt it.

    Health packs and team options. Clear times. They don't know how to play fast. You play fast by matching, There is not customization in this game. You have a good team or you don't. We're all aiming for the exact same goal.

    **** roster usually has 1 MAYBE 2 decent teams. You can know who counters what but that doesn't mean a thing if you don't have them.

    Higher level rosters have plenty of options, usually some they turn down in favor of one optional pvp one, but pve's a different animal.
    Having every single 3 star fully covered makes a difference (including the boosted ones) there's also the one's who even unboosted wreck house (cyclops, ironfist, luke cage, scarlet, Grey suit, Blade, panther, kamala)
    Just take a peak at what peoples solutions are whenever a node is tough. "well my fully covered 'reward character' and fully covered 'boosted character' and fully covered '4 star who is beneath me' made the node simple.

    And there's the fact that 4 And 5's boost your enemies high, but lets not discredit the fact that they are incredibly powerful. Especially if they are in pvp condition. You aren't placing high in pvp with a 1/1/1/ iceman.

    While it's tough for sure, I've not seen many brackets where someone with 1 star iron man, 1 star juggs and storm are wrecking someone with fully covered 4's and some 5's.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    fmftint wrote:
    Bottom line, **********8********** more players/bracket will get a 4☆ reward than previous story events, therefore they ARE giving more access to 4☆ covers

    Forgive us, if we do not faint from the grandness of it all.......
  • Stony
    Stony Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    OP is ridiculous. As if I shouldn't go for a reward I need because I'm a pvp player? (I do both actually, but humor me). Those rewards are designed for exactly those who need them, those willing to grind. No one grinding to a T10 finish is selling those, regardless of type of player. If you want those covers, grind harder.

    And as someone mentioned earlier, scaling is a **** for us dirty pvp 'ers. During final grind I'm facing a level 350 carnage/venom/goon, who do you think is gonna have an easier time?
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    I'm actually really pleased they added the 4* tier to PvE rewards.

    I abhor PvP - the top alliances fixing scores through LINE, the waste of HP on shields, the frustration of hopping only to lose 125 points anyway, making sure to remember when my shield expires, etc. Trying to reach 1000 and 1300 is more effort than I can be bothered with.

    In contrast, PvE requires about 20 minutes of my time every 8 hours, and maybe an hour and a half at the end of a sub. I don't have to worry about being hit while playing, I don't find the need to use buffed characters as oppressing (meaning less wasted health packs as I use more of my roster), and so on.

    Prior to the 4* tier, I had nothing to play for in PvE, and no wish to play PvP. The game has an area that's of use and interest to me now - and I absolutely need the 4*s.

    And so far in my experience, it's not that much of a kill-zone in top ten. I'm 1st in my Venom bracket, with 25k over 10th. Pretty casual, there.