Daily reward reset

Today I logged in and was very surprised to see my Daily Reward had been reset back to day 1.

The last reward I collected was day 21 and I feel like I've been robbed of the last 10 days of rewards, which are worth:
6400 runes
100 crystal
6 packs

I've seen that at least 2 others have been affected from the mtgpuzzlequest subreddit. Anyone else experience this reset?

To the devs: can you please comment on how the daily rewards should work? Thanks!


  • I also experienced a reset to day 1 (7pm EST), it would have been day 14 for me. All part of growing pains
  • My rewards are reset as well. I was only at about 8 days so it's not too bad for me but it's still weird for them to be rest this way.

    They probably designed it as amonthly reward. Kinda makes you wonder what happens in the month with less than 31 days.
  • I too experienced a reset at 7pm EST. It would have been day 14
    Chalk it up to growing pains
  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    I just came on here specifically to post about this. 30 days hath September, April, June, And November. Which means good rewards next month, **** in February, good in March, etc...
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I played a different game that had a similar monthly reward that reset the first day of each month.

    Normally this isn't a problem except that December was the release month. I downloaded it the first day it was available, so getting 31 days in December when the game came out on Dec 10 is impossible.

    There needs to be some compensation for those that had daily play since 12/10/15. I'll take 1 Fatpack please.
  • I just noticed that this happened to me as well, after 15 days of continuous login. Since I'm not spending money on this game, yet, I was really looking forward to that fat pack. I'm hoping that this gets resolved, because frankly, this is b.s.
  • It actually states in the game that you get the reward marked for the days played for the month, not days played consecutively. Expect no compensation, and if they do, expect something silly like 250 runes or a free 225 rune 3 pack. I remember all the times d3 gave out heroic tokens to people who were cheated out of 3 and 4* covers in MPQ
  • DrDoMe
    DrDoMe Posts: 97 Match Maker
    Wow. If you were trying to make a reward scheme to make players resentful and bitter, good job. So if I take a vacation and don't have internet for a weekend, I can kiss that fat pack goodbye. Or good forbid by device breaks, or my life actually demands my full attention. I mean, I fully understand that these are freebies for logging in so you don't owe us anything, but don't you want your reward scheme to make people look forward to checking back, rather than making them feel punished for missing a day?

    And then you launch mid-month without a plan for debut set of rewards? Icing.

    This is such a bone-headed move it honestly makes me skeptical that you will fix any of the more fundamental problems with the game. Maybe I'll check back in a year.
  • I didn't notice this post so, well, I went straight to the suggestions section.

    What I suggested: It doesn't make sense to reset the daily rewards at the end of the month, just make them add up to 31 and then reset it.
    If you like the idea you can go here and back it up or discuss about it: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=37423
  • Yeah, got to say i'm dissapointed too. I've been keeping up with the daily reward since it launched, and was only a couple days short. I'd worked out that the restart was after new years, but didnt think that it woukd get a cold restart.
  • Dimh
    Dimh Posts: 50 Match Maker
    Have to agree, this was a very disappointing start to the New Year. I would much rather it be based off of total logins like MPQ is, as opposed to specific calendar days. At this point, I don't even have faith in the developer to properly adjust the calendar to months without 31 days. Step up your game D3!
  • I hadn't realized it reset monthly. Where does it say that? The in game calendar seems to indicate otherwise, so this is upsetting.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hi, i have sent this issue to a d3 red name, hopefully we will have an answer today, it is a holiday though, so it may take an extra day or so
  • They don't want to give us a fat pack icon_twisted.gif
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    If you look closely at the daily reward screen, it says "come back every day this month..." December ended.

    Get used to it, I've spent 2 years with their other puzzle quest game, that's just how this dev team rolls. Is it lame? Absolutely. Am I surprised? Not in the slightest. D3 stingyness strikes again.
  • Insomnoir
    Insomnoir Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    "Come back every day this month to collect your rewards"

    So, does this mean that February will have 29 days of rewards? Or do we only get 6 chances per year of getting a Fat Pack? Very disappointed in how this was pretty misleading. Knowing that the launch made the 31 day goal impossible, perhaps they should have adjusted the goal to be achievable?
  • I'm sure with the amount of complaints they have received, they will address the situation and let us know how months with less than 31 days will be handled, but I'm also sure that, being it's D3, we will recieve either no compensation, or compensation that is laughable, like either a free 3 pack or 250 runes. It would be nice if they give us more.

    I'm wondering if perhaps Beta players were allowed to reach the fat pack for playing before the rest of us were allowed to as compensation for having their progress reset or something.

    It would be reasonable for them to give out a fat pack to all players who started the game 1st day, but d3 isn't known to be very reasonable.
  • Strange. Mine did not reset. Just logged on and received the day 17 850 ruin reward.
  • Did you perhaps change your calender date internally? Is that something people can do for daily rewards? Be careful if it is. You don't want to get sandboxed
  • Nope, didn't mess with anything. Betting mine will reset before my next pull.