Lack of communication is pathetic



  • Not only that but I was sent a "warning" for starting this thread today! What a joke....
  • Dear BBTBob,

    We have been alerted that you are dissatisfied with our lack of communication and dissatisfied with our seemingly low interest in creating new content with the game.

    We assure you that our team is now fully rested and working hard at bringing you new content and has brilliantly created an excuse that our team was not receiving complaints from our support system in game, and we can't be expected to check our forums or social media for such complaints

    We need you to stop using anger and threats and use constructive criticism, and by that, we mean we need you to either shut up or tell us we are awesome. We can't have everyone knowing that this release was terribly timed and that the game was clearly not ready for release.

    Failure to do so will end up in the locking of your thread and the deletion of your forum account

    Our systems probably do not block IP addresses, so we hope you don't know you can create another account, and in the event that we do block them, you surely aren't aware that you can change both your MAC address and IP address on a PC.

    Have a great day, and feel free to spend your money on our terribly priced IAP packages, and we will consider giving you an extra 0.05% chance at rare and mythic draws for your first purchase.
  • And btw, this is a joke, and clearly no anger or threats were used. Please don't ban me. My life simply won't go on.
  • Leftist, you're the bestest!
  • These are the most vague open ended answers that tell us absolutely nothing and now everyone has already lost interest in the game. Why did you release this unfinished game so early?
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Hi everyone,

    We're working on bringing you news regarding updates and future plans in the very near future. Yes, many staff members were out over the holidays. The devs are now back and hard at work on new content, bug fixes, UI additions, polishing, balancing and much more.

    Please be patient. Constructive criticism and feedback are welcomed. Extreme anger is not helpful.

    Thanks everyone for playing and being interested enough to visit the forums and share your views!

    Hey guys, I stuck this text into Google Translate with the language set to "Customer Service ****" and this is what came back.

    "Hello to the few people who still play this game despite it being in its currently dreadful pre-alpha state.

    Soon we may have an update about something we are working on that we hope to release most likely at a future date that will be announced after next week and before the coming of the second Christ...unless something changes in which case we will post it somewhere obscure in the hopes that people don't see it for a few weeks and then when people start getting upset about the lack of communication we can point them to this post in order to buy us a few more weeks where we formulate more responses that sound nice to our legal department.

    Now that we've collected (and spent) a bunch of cash from the pleebs who bankrolled us thinking this game was release ready, our developers are now getting back from their month long coke and stripper binge and are doing their best to debug the spaghetti code they were forced to release by the troglodyte suits at D3GO.

    Please don't expect much from our next release though; I'll be honest, we're all pretty hungover and the coke stash is just about gone.

    Honestly, I agree with all the complaints but I'm handcuffed by company policy about what I can say. I swear, if I get another capslocked memo from corporate about "appropriate customer engagement tone," I'm going to shoot someone, for real.

    Anyways, thanks to the literally dozens of you left who still play this game and and post on the forums. Corporate prints out your complaints and it's the only thing they let us use for toilet paper - so keep 'em coming!"
  • We are all getting banned tomorrow.
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    We are all getting banned tomorrow.

    Blame Google if the translation is off. As anyone who's used it to try and a fake a foreign language assignment knows - it's definitely not perfect.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Really, guys? This isn't helpful for the community. As stated earlier, the MtGPQ team is hard-at-work and new info will be coming soon.

    Please familiarize yourself with forum rules here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4

    Trolling, misinformation and rampant negativity is not welcome here. Locking the thread.
This discussion has been closed.