Lack of communication is pathetic

Do the Devs honestly have nothing to talk about here? There are serious flaws with this game from glitches to clunky menus to disgustingly pitiful A.I. and yet, basically ZERO. One would think that when releasing a weeks worth of content there would be something waiting in the wings. Beyond that, one would think that information important enough to disseminate.

1. What's up with all of these glitches when there was supposedly over a year of beta testing?

2. How dare you release such a major IP like MtG with under a weeks worth of content (4 days for me personally) with no information about future content?

2.1 Why not just give us the finger?

3. Many of us want to play PVP while we wait for you to pull your thumbs from you bums but are worried nothing will come of it.. What's the deal with the leaderboard but more than that, **** is up with not even giving us a clue about it? I have over 200 victories and stopped playing 3 days ago because of this very reason.

4. I could go on, believe me but I won't. I will end with a simple question in two parts... Where is the respect for your fans and players? Where is the self respect? You are supposed to be professional business people and game developers.

Not impressed


  • Whoa. Hang on a little. The lack of variety of play on release is a little disappointing. A preview of things they'll be working on would also be nice.

    I don't think this is malicious on their part.

    Most of all, it's Christmas holiday. The studio almost definitely was crunching to get the game out so everyone is already burned out. Then throw in a holiday and you're going to have a lull in the content. Now, if we get to Jan 10 and there's nothing new...

    They have released new cards and something called a Trap mechanic so it's not like there's been *no* post-release support. I'm sure they have a road map. They just haven't been in a place to talk about it.

    I haven't run into many glitches and I'm playing on some pretty **** Android devices so I'm not sure where the fury about bugs is coming from. Documentation and UI... yeah, that's unimpressive.

    I stopped playing a week ago due to lack of content. I'll play other games in the meantime (hello Alphabear). If I find something else I like more, it's their (financial) loss.
  • Without going into specifics in a general chat, the glitches are bad. I understand the game is new but D3 isn't.

    I don't recall anyone forcing them to release a scab, bug riddled version of a game 2 weeks before Christmas and dead in the middle of holiday season. Simple cash grab tatics and for a sub-par product. Holidays are no excuse to a veteran of MPQ.... D3 will host a 7 day, new release event straight through Christmas without regard to customers. They can't use it as a shield.

    The worst is that they won't communicate....

    While I'm not arguing with you, I stand on my original statement.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    You could demand a refund?
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    I won't disagree with your points necessarily, but I would like to point out again that D3/D3Go is a publisher, they have very little to do with the development and infrastructure of the game, but the distribution.
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    x-mas holidays maybe? no?
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    With the people at both companies actual humans, and this being the top time of the year for those beasts to vacation.. i would hold off on torches until a week or so after the new year. IF they don't return by then, and are not in jail, then we can try to find out where they all went!.
  • I suppose the "holidays" bring out the beast in me. I wouldn't have completed the game and racked up 200+ victories without enjoying the premise. This game appears to combine PQ and MtG in a formula that works.

    I get upset when I feel I've been taken advantage of. I understand that I'm not alone but I'm taking it personal. My $60-$70 May not seem a lot to others but it's not a small sum to me for a game at launch. I do not want a refund. I want someone to step up and talk to me. I don't mind being a cog in the gears of industry but like any consumer, I want to be informed.

    Even saying that you have nothing new to contribute at this point would be a welcome change of pace..... and that's sad in its own right.
  • I understand the sentiments here and I agree with many of them. Right now I don't have much incentive to even play. The gains from playing are minuscule compared to the gains from just logging in and clicking once a day.

    I beat the story missions and most of the side objectives. I got my 50 character, and I get an over 90% win rate at PVP. I hope events start soon and they give an incentive to climb the leaderboard. I don't mind the lack of polish with the coding names still showing; cosmetic issues are not very important to me, but ones that effect gameplay like creature abilities not showing is far more important. I gave Magic Duels about 3 months and I'll give this game the same amount of time.
  • And another week......
  • Yep. Make or break week for me. If there isn't an event this week, I uninstall Mtg:PQ and never come back.

    Star Trek Timelines is coming soon and that has my name written all over it.
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    ecoKady wrote:
    Yep. Make or break week for me. If there isn't an event this week, I uninstall Mtg:PQ and never come back.

    Star Trek Timelines is coming soon and that has my name written all over it.

    People keep excusing the lack of updates/bugfixes/responses from Hibernum due to the winter holidays but the fact of the matter is the game released on Dec 10th - a full release, not a beta release. Unless your staff gets 3 weeks off for the holidays the lack of communication is indeed pathetic. Furthermore, if you are unable to support a game during the holidays, why push so hard to release a clearly unfinished game right before them? I understand you were likely pushed to release the game in time for the holidays, but if that is the case then freaking support it during the holidays too.

    You guys don't have enough consumer credit to be using the Soon(tm) excuse. You guys really, REALLY, need to let us know what the hell is going on with the game. Vague and cryptic language will no longer do.
    1. When are events coming?
    2. What is your plan for PvP?
    3. How soon can we expect a bugfix for numerous gameplay and visual issues?
  • Rob13
    Rob13 Posts: 41
    Just a general fyi, I do a lot of my work in Cambridge on a daily basis. The whole town is made up of mostly software companies and labrotories which generally close shop from Monday of Xmas week through the new year. So I'm not exactly shocked they haven't said much the last week +
  • Patience is becoming as uncommon as common sense. Devs get together today, everyone.
  • In case everyone isn't following every thread, we did get confirmation that there was a holiday break, but they're back to work this week. I suspect we'll see something announced, if not actually implemented this week.
  • Would be nice if they would actually post in the forums. They could announce something as simple as...
    'We are back from Holidays and are working hard to follow-up on all the issues and concerns raised while we were away. Look to hear more from us by __(date)___.'

    But we didn't see a single post from them yesterday. However they had plenty of time to post, respond, and make announcements in the MPQ forum.

    I don't care that they were on holiday....the lack of communication for Magic:Puzzle Quest has been horrendous.
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    Theldin wrote:
    Would be nice if they would actually post in the forums. They could announce something as simple as...
    'We are back from Holidays and are working hard to follow-up on all the issues and concerns raised while we were away. Look to hear more from us by __(date)___.'

    But we didn't see a single post from them yesterday. However they had plenty of time to post, respond, and make announcements in the MPQ forum.

    I don't care that they were on holiday....the lack of communication for Magic:Puzzle Quest has been horrendous.

    Just remember, D3GO didn't develop either MPQ or MtGPQ. Demiurge is the developer for MPQ and more or less does a good job directly communicating with people on the forums. We have yet to see a single post from a Hibernum employee (the developer of MtGPQ); all we've seen so far is some D3GO community managers telling us "soon" with no hint of actual information.

    @The_Leftist, patience has to have a limit. The MtGPQ team has had ample time to address _any_ of the ongoing issues and have so far have done nothing except tell us that, "events are coming soon," and that the devs have "heard our feedback about the reward reset." I really don't understand how people are so willing to give them the benefit of the doubt about everything that's going on. This game feels like a 3/4ths finished product that was pushed early to meet a deadline - and if I had to bet money I'll bet that's exactly what happened.

    I don't even know if Hibernum looks at these forums so perhaps our best bet to get a response is to contact them directly here: or here:
  • I'm just saying it's early in the games life, and it was (oddly) released right before an extended holiday vacation. Yes, they were probably pushed to release it before holiday, and yes, they should have given us some insight and told us they would be back from holiday in advance so we knew why they weren't communicating.

    If the game was released in September, and we had gotten this little communication, I would have my pitchfork and I would be standing right next to you. But give them this week at least. David said Devs met yesterday, and perhaps he was too busy with mpq to talk to them or maybe their meeting was pushed til today (maybe someone had a serious emergency or something). However, they know our patience is wearing thin, and I heavily expect a reply if not an update this week.

    I actually believe we will either get patch notes today or an update. And at least check out the update when we get it. Word is we are getting a decent amount of content including PvE and PvP
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Hi everyone,

    We're working on bringing you news regarding updates and future plans in the very near future. Yes, many staff members were out over the holidays. The devs are now back and hard at work on new content, bug fixes, UI additions, polishing, balancing and much more.

    Please be patient. Constructive criticism and feedback are welcomed. Extreme anger is not helpful.

    Thanks everyone for playing and being interested enough to visit the forums and share your views!
  • that is your response after a month or so of waiting??? guess they only care about MPQ users and that game this is old seriously
  • BBTBob wrote:
    Do the Devs honestly have nothing to talk about here? There are serious flaws with this game from glitches to clunky menus to disgustingly pitiful A.I. and yet, basically ZERO. One would think that when releasing a weeks worth of content there would be something waiting in the wings. Beyond that, one would think that information important enough to disseminate.

    1. What's up with all of these glitches when there was supposedly over a year of beta testing?

    2. How dare you release such a major IP like MtG with under a weeks worth of content (4 days for me personally) with no information about future content?

    2.1 Why not just give us the finger?

    3. Many of us want to play PVP while we wait for you to pull your thumbs from you bums but are worried nothing will come of it.. What's the deal with the leaderboard but more than that, **** is up with not even giving us a clue about it? I have over 200 victories and stopped playing 3 days ago because of this very reason.

    4. I could go on, believe me but I won't. I will end with a simple question in two parts... Where is the respect for your fans and players? Where is the self respect? You are supposed to be professional business people and game developers.

    Not impressed

    go and eat a cookie, and let people work in their own pace..
This discussion has been closed.