Why are there players with 2,000+ points in PvP?

elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
edited December 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Did something change this season? I joined late because I wasn't really interested in rewards and had no desire to place highly, but saw this when I checked out the leaderboard:

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I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't accidentally in a PvE. I think the highest I've seen before is ~1,200, so what's going on? How did so many people manage to make that many points? Some super secret technique that we're not supposed to share on the forums?

Mod Edit: removed screenshot until player names are edited. Thanks


  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Check to see if the player has some 5*s then you will know how they reached 2000 pts.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Last season i decided to go all in on PVP and try for my first ever t50 (which i got).. i was routinely able to break 2k in events.. even this season, without going "all in" (out of hero points mostly), i can still get 1300 with little effort.

    The PVP game has changed quite a bit over the past 5 or 6 season. 2k is not too hard, but it costs quite a bit in Hero Points to do the hops. I have no usable 5*s, and only 3 level 250+ 4*s, it just takes practice.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    They slowed down. They were hitting 3k last season.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Because they can.
    And since players with absurd scores like that feeds points to the entire bracket, I am happy to have them there.
  • elusive
    elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
    If this has been going on for a while, then I've been really lucky with the brackets I've been placed in the last few seasons. Can't imagine taking the time to get that many points.
  • Certainly to compensate for something IRL...
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    you may have graduated from a mid tier bracket to a top/vet bracket or you may have changed slices where scoring is generally higher. I know of at least 2 time slices where 2K at the top is not uncommon at all. in fact I'm kind of surprised my bracket topped out in the 1900s this time.
    Check to see if the player has some 5*s then you will know how they reached 2000 pts.
    actually this should read 'check to see the player's alliance'. there are several alliance groups that regularly have large groups exceed 2K routinely because they coordinate and climb together (off of each other mostly). some of those have 5* players, but probably less than half of the 2K pt guys have 2 functional 5*s. many have 1, but that is kinda to be expected when you hit 1300 every event and those groups spend money, so cp rolls in regularly I'd imagine.
  • The answer is cupcakes. It's a **** new trend in pvp. Basically, once they get to a certain level, they start leaving 2 star teams out so alliance mates can hop quicker with little time for snipes
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vael6943 wrote:
    The answer is cupcakes. It's a **** new trend in pvp. Basically, once they get to a certain level, they start leaving 2 star teams out so alliance mates can hop quicker with little time for snipes
    not **** at all. I've eaten so many ccs over the last 2 seasons I'd be 500lb. ccs are left for all who find them. coordination helps and alliances are there for a reason, to help each other. but in doing so, they help the player base as a whole with easy, quick points for those who find them. I left a cc last night at 1470 which many ate of, and I didn't have one alliance mate even in my slice. why is helping others and others helping you such a foreign concept to so many?
  • westnyy2
    westnyy2 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    TxMoose wrote:
    Vael6943 wrote:
    The answer is cupcakes. It's a **** new trend in pvp. Basically, once they get to a certain level, they start leaving 2 star teams out so alliance mates can hop quicker with little time for snipes
    not **** at all. I've eaten so many ccs over the last 2 seasons I'd be 500lb. ccs are left for all who find them. coordination helps and alliances are there for a reason, to help each other. but in doing so, they help the player base as a whole with easy, quick points for those who find them. I left a cc last night at 1470 which many ate of, and I didn't have one alliance mate even in my slice. why is helping others and others helping you such a foreign concept to so many?

    I agree. The concept is not **** at all. Do the people coordinating them get higher? Sure but everyone else can benefit as well. For all the complaining that goes on about the top tier teams, it sure seems there are a lot of us who have no issues riding their coattails to 1300. If someone wants to spend the HP to get to 3K, bless them. Not only are they giving me easy targets to hit, but they are also a bigger target to snipers. My CC at 1400 may be useless to the high scorers but I'd like to think I'm helping someone else on their climb.
  • It is a ridiculous trend that undermines the pvp aspect of the game. Can't wait till it is gone
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vael6943 wrote:
    It is a ridiculous trend that undermines the pvp aspect of the game. Can't wait till it is gone
    I like being able to reach high progression rewards. I don't really see the benefit in your stance, unfortunately.
  • westnyy2
    westnyy2 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    Vael6943 wrote:
    It is a ridiculous trend that undermines the pvp aspect of the game. Can't wait till it is gone

    So I assume you just skip those teams when you happen upon them? Would you rather a harder climb? I'm just curious why you dislike them so much.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster wrote:
    Vael6943 wrote:
    It is a ridiculous trend that undermines the pvp aspect of the game. Can't wait till it is gone
    I like being able to reach high progression rewards. I don't really see the benefit in your stance, unfortunately.

    If anything , it has been a great thing! being able to reach the LT with only 1 or 2 shields at max! I also love leaving them laying about, and when i see 20 + people were able to q it and get points off it after i shield, most of which are not part of any line groups that i am in or aware of.. it feels good feeding the slice. It benefits all players, even if you can't get to 800+ to q the big ones, you can still find their A teams, many of which are 3* teams , so you can q up some 75 point matches.. The only downside is the iso spent on the skip tax, but, trading 1k iso for a LT is not a bad deal.
  • You assume correctly. My stance isn't about benefit, it's about balance. I am sure you do like getting higher rewards, but the truth is, someone who has mainly a partial 3 star roster should not be reaching this heights. What's the point if there is no earning your way?
  • Vael6943 wrote:
    You assume correctly. My stance isn't about benefit, it's about balance. I am sure you do like getting higher rewards, but the truth is, someone who has mainly a partial 3 star roster should not be reaching this heights. What's the point if there is no earning your way?

    They still have to earn it, they just require a little less effort to do so. They still have to shield once or twice to get up that high, and while fighting said cupcake team, they still leave themselves open to possibly being sniped by a late-comer, or someone they rose above.

    I myself have never encountered a cupcake team yet. Probably because I'm playing in the wrong slice. Personally it would be nice to see one of these mythical unicorn teams. (I am on Line, but I must not be in any of the channels that coordinate it.)
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vael6943 wrote:
    You assume correctly. My stance isn't about benefit, it's about balance. I am sure you do like getting higher rewards, but the truth is, someone who has mainly a partial 3 star roster should not be reaching this heights. What's the point if there is no earning your way?

    If you can make it to 800+on your own, which is the threshold to even be able to see them, then even without cupcakes or any other help, 1k and 1300 are attainable with a few hops.. the cc's only speed it up a little.

    There is also the thrill of it.. there are players out there, and this is a game, so everyone is entitled to have fun in their own way, who try to catch you while hopping to steal points, or to hit your cc's before you #.. so hopping and leaving a CC is a risk unto itself, you have to beat a team with a 2* or lower team, usually requires a team up, but sometimes unfriendly boards lead to failed CC's, then win another match with your A team before you shield again, so your cc is not your team on defense when you unshield the next hop, doing all this without taking a hit, is not always possible.. and there is a rush of adrenaline, not only for the hopper, but i am sure for the snipers trying to catch the hoppers.. nice cat and mouse game.

    Fun to be had for all. Above all else, this is a game, play however makes you happy. If cc's aren't your thing, ignore them, if sniping isn't your things, don't do it.. if you want to learn more about any aspect of it, ask, someone will answer.

    Etiquette plays in for most of the playerbase, but find your fun where you can.
  • westnyy2
    westnyy2 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    Honestly, I'm not getting higher rewards. I've tried to stay somewhat ahead of the curve and will whale a character I deem meta changing. My placement rewards have gone down but that's a trade off I am willing to make to get the LT easier and be done. If I do want higher placement, I pick a different shard and try for top 5 with an 1100 score. Perhaps this new upcoming feature will change my line of thinking but right now I just don't need the extra 3* covers.
  • zeeke
    zeeke Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    Cupcakes have been around since there were shields, it's just new for the general public. I really don't see how they would get rid of them either without locking out everything below a certain level on your roster. And besides we would find teams that can be beaten. Hmm maybe that is why star lord and TAhulk exists?

    Besides, as long as there is more to gain from progression rewards than placement cooperation wins. If top ten was 5 LTs and top 1 was a 5 star cover we might start to see as difference. Right now there is really no down side in cooperating. Plus you get hit a lot less if you play nice.
  • RWTDBurn
    RWTDBurn Posts: 291
    Vael6943 wrote:
    It is a ridiculous trend that undermines the pvp aspect of the game. Can't wait till it is gone

    I completely disagree. The alternative is likely having to face high level 5*s from 1000+ which will limit many players ability to get to that 1300 Legendary Token and thus prevent them from ever getting usable 3*s themselves. That will have a far more negative impact on PvP than cupcakes do.