A Poll - Who's 5* scaling info

OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
edited December 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
OK a lot of people claim that rostering a 5* character has ruined their PVE scaling, while some like myself claim it has not.

Quick and easy poll has your scaling been ruined by a 5* character? Elaborate underneath if you feel so inclined.
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  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    I said no.

    I just got my SS up to level 300 and I also have OML.

    But to be fair, I have 1 4* at 270 and a few others at 250, so SS isn't significantly higher than the rest of my roster.
  • eaise
    eaise Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    Not to be rude by your poll isn't very good. It doesn't take into account the rest of a person's roster. If someone has all 4* characters at level 270 and rosters a 5* of course they won't see a difference. On the other hand if a person with a 2* roster gets a 5* they will see some changes especially if they get two different 5* characters
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    eaise wrote:
    Not to be rude by your poll isn't very good. It doesn't take into account the rest of a person's roster. If someone has all 4* characters at level 270 and rosters a 5* of course they won't see a difference. On the other hand if a person with a 2* roster gets a 5* they will see some changes especially if they get two different 5* characters

    A 30 level increase is significant regardless of roster level. Yep someone with a 2* roster will see a bigger increase in scaling than someone with a 4* roster but I was not looking for how big the effect is, I was only looking at whether or not there is an effect at all.

    You could argue it works better for the 4* people - if they experience a 30 level jump in scaling then that would be good evidence to suggest 5* does affect scaling since really they shouldn't experience a jump at all.

    If the majority of poster state that it has effected their scaling then I will run a follow up poll to see what extent it has changed their scaling and will include roster level as part of the poll. But no point polling an effect if there is no effect to poll - hence the initial and basic poll
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have 3 4☆s @250, 20 3☆s @166 (feature boost to 240) so no
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think my levels went up 15-20 levels. I could no longer grind to dust without extra health packs. harder, but not impossible. when OML was introed I pulled a good sized pile of LTs, my top characters went from 166s to 255/255/220 (I started leveling hb at that time). pulling off t20 during a 4* release became a big-time chore. only done it a couple of times since then (fresh slices help a ton). I used to do it much more often before. I would not trade the weaker roster for easier pve though. I do wish they could analyze the usefulness of a character in scaling. the 255s I have are good for trival nodes only, but they make the top nodes increase in levels. so they increase levels on hard nodes where they provide you no benefit to beat. unlike any scaling I've gotten from jean and hb, they actually help beat the big node's increases. that is why its so broken - the system increases difficulty for something that really provides minimal function/use. I've since got my ss up to 1/2/2 (but have not leveled him yet) and oml to 2/-/- and for a level 250+ node I'd still take (at 166) fist/cage or fist/cyke or thor/mags/loki or.... over ss/oml.

    I agree with the others - the poll wording is misleading. mine were affected over 10 levels, but not 30. for a full 3* player, it makes things more difficult, not impossible. less than a 3* player it might make things pretty unbearable. really needs to be broken down into roster level when the 5* was added.
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I put no.
    I don't feel my scaling has gone up dramatically that I've noticed. I have at least a dozen or so characters at 166 and 1SS. I have had SS for about 2 1/2 PvE events now and am still able to plow through the final nodes with not too much of a problem. I was worried about adding SS but I figured I would experiment with the scaling and if it got too out of control I'd just sell him off. My 3* characters are usually boosted to that 240 level so I suppose 255 SS isn't hurting me too much on his own.
  • ChuckFan
    ChuckFan Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    Okay, I'm probably a good example of someone you made the poll for. Before the Venom: Heroics event, the highest level toon I had were 94s. 6 maxxed 2s, and some 3s that I soft-capped at 94 also. I had a Phoenix that I pulled a couple weeks ago about to expire on the 2nd last day of the event, so I was forced to roster her. I immediately saw an effect in the lightning rounds. After seed teams, I used to see other full 2* 94 teams (sometimes even lower lvls), but not anymore. All my opponents were at least 3s in their hundreds and some with single cover 5s like me. Saw many maxxed 3* 166 teams.

    The next day, a new sub started in PvE, I got response from D3 support saying the difficulty recalibrates only after next subs/events and is based on the TOP 3 characters into account including buffs/restrictions. If that is true, then Phoenix should not have affected my PVE difficulty because she was locked out for that event anyway. Still I found those Carnage nodes tough to beat, i think the max level was 146 for those. This new PvE, the max levels on the first sub are now 178 with Phoenix being usable and being my highest levelled toon, even including buffed toons. Luckily Moonstone/Yelena Belova aren't as tough as Carnage...
  • There's a whole other thread on this topic. My levels went up by 30 when I rostered OML prior to the Ant Man event. I was just making the push to get my 2 stars to 94 at the time. How do I know I was affected by this? My friends levels were 30 lower, even though he has an equivalent roster. I was also significantly higher than my wife who is 100 days further in and has a better developed roster. I just rostered SS last night after having him in the queue for two weeks. I'll have to wait and see what affect he has on mission levels over the next few days. I'm not very happy about the idea of having to sell off another 5 star. Legendary tokens are hard enough to come by at my current level and 2000 ISO isn't much consolation.

    The devs have had three months to get a fix in place, but it hasn't happened yet. Having a level 270 5 star just doesn't give me enough of an advantage to justify 30 levels with my current roster. There's definitely a boost with high value tiles and health, but with one cover, his red power hits for far less than any of my 2 or 3 stars. It's not as if I can even buy additional covers to boost that (well, you can, but you'd have to buy 100 Starks to get the 700 CP).

    I'm really hoping for a fix that will allow me to keep my 5-stars or a trade for a random 4-star. Having to sell of a 5-star for 2000 ISO because I'm unfairly punished for not having a high enough roster sucks. If they're going to do that, then don't let me pull 5-stars from legendary tokens.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    Needs an "I don't know" option. Because I'm legit not sure.
  • Razamataz
    Razamataz Posts: 59 Match Maker
    Noticed my scaling jumped when I got my surfer my highest 3stars are all set at lvl 136 my wife also has good roster but she has kept hers at lvl 120 ATM as she doesn't want pve to get to hard and in pve my harder nodes are 30+ levels higher than her for example the final goon node on first story of iso8 her levels were 185 yet mine are 241
  • I said no . I only have around 8 fully maxed 3 stars and 1 4 star at 182 and have a 5 star on roster and the increase has only been around 10 to 15 levels
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    I'm in a similar boat to lots of people on here.
    I think mine went up by about 10 to 15 levels, but at the top end with how 1 & 2 star characters scale, even an addition of that we of levels can be noticeable.
    My hard PVE nodes are now usually in the 220/230 range. For the PVE where scaling is broken like Prodigal Sun, they can be as high as 240/250. I think I even saw some 260+ a few times, when trying to grind out that damn 1 CP reward.
    Before I would just barely see 210+.

    At this point I have all three 5* characters rostered at their base level of 255, and my 5 highest 4* characters are all Level 185. I purposefully soft-capped them to try and counteract scaling, and these 4 stars are mid-tier ones at best (Thor, Nick Fury, Invisible Woman, Xforce, & Ant Man). I could level them higher, but I'd never use them over my go-to PVE 3 star characters (especially when the good ones are buffed), so why bother? I'll just bank my ISO so I have it when I actually get covers of the desirable 4 star characters.

    I hope the whispers of this magical feature they've been working on since as far back as late October actually REWARDS you for leveling up characters.
    They've been so vague about that I'm having difficulty trying to guess what it could be.
  • Confirmed again with the SS Red that I rostered last night. My highest characters (aside from SS) are level 94. My Nigeria map node for required character Hawkeye has level 116/117 Subject/Empiricist. My wife's account with level 131 characters has level 102/103 Subject/Empiricist for that same node. Looks like I may be forced to sell another 5-star. Thank for nothing.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    I have all 94s, 1 cover of SS, and 1 cover of OML.

    My nodes are now over 300. Even though I have never ever EVER played with either of my 5*s in ANY event, in ANY game mode.

    The producers are honestly detestable.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Wait a second......I just read the rest of the OP.

    Uhm.......**** do you mean "some people don't believe that." Why in the EFF would people LIE about this?????? What in the actual eff. lol.

    The game is literally unplayable for me, now. And many, many others. What would anyone gain from making this up?

  • ChuckFan
    ChuckFan Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    This is what D3 sent me when I complained about scaling after rostering a 5 (on a roster of level 94s):

    When entering a PvE event or sub-event for the first time, the game will review your current Roster (including buffs/restrictions), and the difficulty of each mission will be based on the strength of your top three characters. Many (but not all) of the nodes in the easier missions are capped at a fairly low level, which means they appear artificially low to a high level team; somewhere between 30-50 usually. Then, when you make the jump to harder missions, it looks really stark because you are jumping up to the level you should be playing against, without the caps.

    The matchmaking system for the PvP events does its best to pair you with appropriate opponents, which is not necessarily the player you are skipping matches to find. The intended function of the skip feature is to allow players to find favorable matches or avoid unfavorable ones. Keep in mind that one of the major factors that determine which opponents you're paired with is your personal rank in the event.

    As 5-star characters are level 255 when obtained with the possibility of reaching level 270 with its first Comic Cover applied, it is essentially considered to be the strength of a maxed out 4 Star character in your Roster. The balancing for PvE events will take this into consideration when creating the difficulty for each mission. As such, with a 5-star character in your Roster, it will boost the difficulty you experience you encounter in PvE events due to its level compared to the rest of your roster. PvP events should not be affected.

    Please keep in mind that if you enter an event for the first time with a Roster, and then quickly make changes, that event is not going to re-calibrate to the new Roster. You will need to enter another, brand new event/sub-event to see your current Roster changes reflected in the missions.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    Love to see more people postings

    I had roaster or 94 Ess nodes were around 100

    With 1 5 star jumped to 120 to 130....

    Pushed team up to 120 Levels did not jump

    So guessing 1 5 star you should be able to hold your own

    I love to know what ranks you should have if you have 2 or 3 5 stars

    I heard rumor

    if you have 2 5 stars you need at least a few 166 to not see a jump NOT sure if ture

    If you have 3 5 stars you will need max out 4 stars

    i got 3 5 stars going to try one event then sell off one of the 5 stars
  • Cypr3ss
    Cypr3ss Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    I'd voted no, I have a 3* roster and I've left the 5* at 255. Have used it in PvE (trivial nodes) and lightning rounds and haven't seen a big up-tick in scaling.

  • TLCstormz wrote:
    I have all 94s, 1 cover of SS, and 1 cover of OML.

    My nodes are now over 300. Even though I have never ever EVER played with either of my 5*s in ANY event, in ANY game mode.

    The producers are honestly detestable.
    It was said in the dev blog that pve scaling takes into account the average of the best team you can bring, doesn't matters if you use them or not.

    As stated before, until they fix this the best is for 2* rosters and even a lot or 3*s just to give up the 5* cover, sell it and don't look back.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    TLCstormz wrote:
    I have all 94s, 1 cover of SS, and 1 cover of OML.

    My nodes are now over 300. Even though I have never ever EVER played with either of my 5*s in ANY event, in ANY game mode.

    The producers are honestly detestable.

    I see anecdotes like this, and, assuming they are accurate and not hyperbole, I have to point out the heavy performance-based component. There is nor reason to assume—or even imply—that your scaling is completely determined by 1 character on your roster, if you have 1 significantly higher (like a 255 on a lvl 94 roster). Affected a bit yes. But it wouldn't be much lower without them.

    The top of my roster goes 285, 270, 233, 230, 225, 210, 201, 201, 201, 201, 201, 183, 183 ....

    The hardest hard node has consistently weighed in at 291 for me, before grinding.

    I play maybe every other PVE to max prog, usually finish t50 at best, because life. Not squeezing blood from the PvE stones seems to keep the scaling down.

    In my case at least.

    I would completely agree with this ^^^

    My scaling only gets silly when I start grinding like crazy.