SHIELD Resupply drops should be 5 stars past day 730



  • So, lets say they reassign the drop list to have more 4 stars later on and less 3 stars after a full year.

    How mad would you be to learn that your only free 4* Cyclops covers were last week, and you didn't get them?

    I remember people being mad about not getting "Past" command points in the resupply list. This'd be a bit more then that.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    Fmtint I had been talking with Ice about this a few days before he resigned and it will be passed on.

    Definitely would need retroactive backpay for missing day 760 and 790 if the 5* resupply happens...... Don't think this would be a huge issue for CS to handle its just 2 drops. No way I would want to miss out on that though lol.
  • Fmtint I had been talking with Ice about this a few days before he resigned and it will be passed on.

    Definitely would need retroactive backpay for missing day 760 and 790 if the 5* resupply happens...... Don't think this would be a huge issue for CS to handle its just 2 drops. No way I would want to miss out on that though lol.

    I imagine that players' desires for stuff like this is one of the reasons why they don't want to do it.

    Current system, while giving unsatisfying rewards, is fair.

    Altering the past rewards, however, will leave players who have already claimed said rewards somewhat screwed by not receiving said past rewards, and that if you're going to compensate them for rewards they mixed, what's the cut off line?

    It's not fair that Day 700 players don't get every Command Point reward that was put into the resupplies behind them. But it also feels unfair if you WOULD have gotten a cover yesterday, but missed out because they changed the rewards one day after you would have gotten them.

    But lets say you DO give out backpay on that for say, one week. THEN you got whoever had passed the resupply one week and one day ago super mad about how unfair it is! And so on, back and back.

    Not changing the rewards at least feels fair. Retrochanging them would either feel unfair, or require them to dump a buttload of freebies for everything inserted after your daily resupply, which would be a mess.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 455 Mover and Shaker
    Are the only acceptable rewards for vets those that give them a competitive advantage, and at what point do they provide too much advantage?

    As a Day 457 player with limited purchases (I started early, but took 6 months off between anniversaries 1&2), I don't know if I "deserve" 4- and 5-star covers for the hours I voluntarily put in the game against upscaled opponents, so I could improve my roster to ... ultimately fight even more upscaled opponents.

    Some recognition might be great, but this is D3's game, I'm a(n occasionally) paying customer, and I don't necessarily want that to be recognized in a way that further ratchets up the requirements for new and old players to succeed.
  • zeeke
    zeeke Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    BearVenger wrote:
    Are the only acceptable rewards for vets those that give them a competitive advantage, and at what point do they provide too much advantage?

    Yes, or put another way: rewards should be something that makes a difference in the players current situation. Also, we vets fight eachother most of the time. I see maybe two or three non maxed teams in PvP and that it's on the climb.

    Besides, expenses for vets are so much higher than the 2-3 star transitioner. You know what I call 250 ISO? Skip tax to next 40p team.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    The vets have earned this. It is completely fair and I don't see it as huge competetive advantage at all.

    I see this as a meaningful and appropriate resupply reward for veteran players who have paid their dues and put in 730+ days of time,grinding and hard work.

    Nothing bad to say against the new 2-3* players jumping straight into 5* transition.
    But a good reward structure should improve with you as you progress further and put in your time,energy and money into a game. Over time our loyalty and dedication should mean something and be reflected in the rewards we receive. I see this is as something to work towards and look forward too for all players of all levels.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    Bumping this up. Any meaningful and positive forum topic that goes green deserves better.

    If forum members and the mpq community see it worthy enough to upvote to green Status...... It deserves at least an honest reply from the Devs.

    Tired of seeing great posts and ideas lost in the flood and buried behind pages and pages never to be acknowledged by a red.
  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    What's the highest resupply day anyone's reached?
    I haven't quite hit 730 SS yet, but when that was announced I sure assumed that other 5* covers would be in resupply at some large intervals, like 100 days or something.
  • Vitalbird
    Vitalbird Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    Nepenthe wrote:
    What's the highest resupply day anyone's reached?
    I haven't quite hit 730 SS yet, but when that was announced I sure assumed that other 5* covers would be in resupply at some large intervals, like 100 days or something.

    I hit day 800 today. My 3 x 20 percent damage boosts were greatly appreciated.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    The vets have earned this. It is completely fair and I don't see it as huge competetive advantage at all.
    Well, obviously the size of the advantage depends on how many more days you've logged in than someone else.

    With a full time job and two kids, I don't log in every day. I think I'm around 450. But when I do get to play, I play hard, and I have a 4* roster and am in the 5* transition just like most of the 750 guys. A 5* cover a month means that they will have earned probably 13 - 15 covers by the time I get my first. That's a fully covered 5*... I consider that a pretty huge competitive advantage.

    Now, taking myself out of it... the major problem I see with really beefing up the daily rewards for the people that have been members since the beginning is that it further separates the Vets from the new players. I've talked a few friends into starting the game in the last year, and they've all quit because the curve to get started and be competitive is so steep (and getting steeper). And if D3 can't entice new players to join and keep playing... then they are just going to have to squeeze the veterans harder to get the cash.

    I get rewarding veteran players. But there has to be a very careful balance struck between taking care of the vets, and not putting new players at too much of a disadvantage. Some of the other Freemium games I've played will do things like give you double-time until you catch up if you are a subscriber... some will catch you all the way up if you buy a lifetime sub. Obviously D3 doesn't have subscriptions, but if they did something like let you buy a day for 1 HP or something, I think it would at least give a new player who wants to be a "hardcore" player a chance to catch up.
  • zeeke
    zeeke Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    jobob wrote:
    With a full time job and two kids, I don't log in every day. I think I'm around 450. But when I do get to play, I play hard, and I have a 4* roster and am in the 5* transition just like most of the 750 guys. A 5* cover a month means that they will have earned probably 13 - 15 covers by the time I get my first. That's a fully covered 5*... I consider that a pretty huge competitive advantage.

    Well, if you don't play every day maybe you are not the target audience then. It's not like you don't have enough time in a day to do a prologue fight just to get the drop. You'd have time for that with two full time jobs and four kids.

    Regarding new players, they should not be playing in the same brackets as us Vets, but that is another design problem with the game.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    zeeke wrote:
    jobob wrote:
    With a full time job and two kids, I don't log in every day. I think I'm around 450. But when I do get to play, I play hard, and I have a 4* roster and am in the 5* transition just like most of the 750 guys. A 5* cover a month means that they will have earned probably 13 - 15 covers by the time I get my first. That's a fully covered 5*... I consider that a pretty huge competitive advantage.

    Well, if you don't play every day maybe you are not the target audience then. It's not like you don't have enough time in a day to do a prologue fight just to get the drop. You'd have time for that with two full time jobs and four kids.
    I am an adult who a lot of days has more money than free time to spend on MPQ. I can pretty much guarantee I am D3's target audience.

    And if your argument is that doing one prologue fight a day should entitle you to automatic 5*, but spending money or playing more in bursts should not... That just seems silly.