SHIELD Resupply drops should be 5 stars past day 730

zeeke Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
edited January 2016 in MPQ General Discussion

I've been thinking and as usual nothing good comes from it. I've however come to the conclusion that as a way to mitigate the total randomness of end game progression I think all the cover drops after day 730, which already is SS black, should be 5 star covers. That means that every 30 days rolling you would get a new cover.

But no, that is way to generous zeeke!

No, not really. It would still take you over three years to cover the current three 5-stars in the game, and would be 90 days between any two covers for the same character.


  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    Agree completely. I'm closing in on day 790 and I really feel one 5* a month as a resupply for the old and loyal veteran players would really be a fair and worthwhile gesture.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agree completely. I'm closing in on day 790 and I really feel one 5* a month as a resupply for the old and loyal veteran players would really be a fair and worthwhile gesture.
    No, the only thing old and loyal veteran players get are Level 395 2* Dakens in PVE who are about to scale to 495 once the devs decide that 5* chars make current PVE too easy.

    Of course I'm fully in agreement with Zeeke's suggestion but I can never see that happening.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    Bow you grumpy old vet.

    But you are correct sir. I just can't get enough what can I say! I've been fighting the same three villains overscaled for 2 years straight anything else would be too much of a shock.
  • zeeke
    zeeke Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    So anyone care to make a guess of the likelihood of more 5s as daily drops?
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    My guess is it won't happen which is a shame because it would really be nice and give players something to look forward to and work towards.

    Just one a month would be amazing and help the already frustrating 5*/endgame progression nicely .

    Devs care to chime in please?
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    zeeke wrote:
    So anyone care to make a guess of the likelihood of more 5s as daily drops?

    I thought that MAYBE one every 100-150 days, so MAYBE an OML for day 830
  • kalex716
    kalex716 Posts: 184
    I'm pushing deep on the day count now myself but I've always been super casual... I'd settle for some top tier 4 stars even.

    Gimme a Hulkbuster blue or something from Jean or Iceman pleeeaaassseee! Anything other than more ****' starlords and eleketras.

    Or maybe I should just hedge and skip 4 star transition entirely and wish for 5's.
  • Tilesmasher
    Tilesmasher Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    How about instead of covers the replacement rewards would be legendary tokens.
  • Around this time about 200 days ago, they were releasing 2 3*s a week, and putting them into the daily resupply drops.

    Now, people say that by the time they reach that point, they have every 3* fully covered.

    Do you think that'll be the case when the people on day 400 now reach day 700 with 4*s?
  • Marty17
    Marty17 Posts: 503 Critical Contributor
    ...or at least one of each cover (1/1/1) I would be happy with that.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    I messaged Ice about this via LINE with my thoughts on why this would be a great and meaningful idea. I hope he considers it and brings it up at today's meeting.

    For over 2 years the majority of the vets playing that long have shed blood,sweat and tears building strong rosters. Fighting like crazy for 2.5 days in a pvp just to get one 4* cover needed.

    Grinding like crazy for 4-7 days straight in a PVE bloodbath only to get potentially 1 cover for a 4* that's needed.

    Investing ungodly amounts of time, energy and money only to have our entire experience and roster made totally obsolete by the introduction of god-mode tier 5*.

    Just my two cents but I have felt extremely cheated since 5* introduced and put my 4* in the bargain bin.

    At least show some honor and loyalty to your longstanding customers and add 5* to the daily resupply as suggested by the OP. This would provide a nice progression boost and would not hinder the cash cow that is a " CP buyers club". If anything I would feel better spending again knowing my time and effort after 800 days mean something.... without relying solely on dumb luck and heartbreaking token pulls alone.

  • zeeke
    zeeke Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    Investing ungodly amounts of time, energy and money only to have our entire experience and roster made totally obsolete by the introduction of god-mode tier 5*.

    Just my two cents but I have felt extremely cheated since 5* introduced and put my 4* in the bargain bin.

    This, is just how I feel about it. It would be a different thing if the 5s were on the power level of Fury when he was introduced but we all know they are not. I do however like the fact that they are useful even at a few covers, and this design philosophy should be transfered to new 4s as well.

    It should however soften the blow If I knew I'd have at least some sort of progression every 30 days.

  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    zeeke wrote:

    It should however soften the blow If I knew I'd have at least some sort of progression every 30 days.

    This is exactly it. I'm losing great players from my alliance and many friends due to them feeling so far behind the curve progression is impossible. We all know some people just have great luck or maybe spend a ton..... But feels like the majority have average to atrocious pull-rates. I know one guy from a top alliance who has almost never missed a legendary token and is 2 out of 81 currently.

    I feel those of us who have put our time in deserve this and those who haven't will be given a reason to thrive and go forward.

    Having a 1/1/1 5* will not hurt anything and will provide a good base to move forward. We have all had enough of the 5* gamble and heartbreak we need a sure thing now.
  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 806 Critical Contributor
    I have felt that the entire SHIELD daily resupply has been made useless for the most loyal players of MPQ. I don't know how many players they have who are on day 750+ but we have to be a small percentage of the player base. The daily resupply should be a reward for the resources a player on that day has added to the game. The only meaningful change has been the addition of 25 cp every month. Which means a 10% chance at a 5*. That reward should be changed to a 100% chance of a 5* by removing the 25CP and replacing with a 5* cover every month.

    It would be a meaningful statement from the devs that the original supporters of the game are appreciated.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    Finally this topic went green. Thank you to everyone for chiming in and sharing your positive and respectful feedback!

    I think a big part of the allure of this game is simply just collecting and being a completionist. For me just having one cover of each power for a 5* would be so cool even if I never pull them or am able to level them much. Just to experience them and have them 1/1/1 would be a great courtesy to a grizzled old vet like me.

    Everyone please keep this topic alive.I'm hoping Monday maybe David will give us an answer on this. Before Ice quit he was in favor of the idea and seemed confident it wouldn't be a huge problem.

    Aesthetocyst I really enjoyed your ideas on the resupply as well. So many other games throw free loot at you left and right I think we could use more of that here.

    Thank you and happy holidays all.
  • Dwarfsteel
    Dwarfsteel Posts: 55 Match Maker
    Upvoted every post. Even Bow being grumpy and Johnny calling Bow grumpy. Anyone played even half as long and not have quit dang well ought to be grumpy.

    The OP doesn't go far enough tho. There shouldn't be any fixed covers in the resupply rewards beyond the first 30-60 days, if the devs want the rewards to always be relevant .. and avoid the trouble of having to constantly edit the list.

    The devs ought to gauge how many days it takes to move solidly into one tier and begin the next, and populate those day ranges with resources and token relevant to that tier.

    Tier ... Range ... Examples of Peiodic Rewards
    1* ... days 0-30 ... std tkn, 100iso, 25HP, 1CP
    2* ... days 31-90 ... heroic tkn, 250iso, 50HP, 5CP
    3* ... days 91-360 ... 3x heroic tkns, 500iso, 100HP, 10CP
    4* ... days 361-720 ... Leg tkn, 1000iso, 250HP, 25CP
    5* ... days 720-??? ... 3x Leg tkns, 2500-10000iso, 500-1000HP, 50-100CP

    ... and on all the days in between, the "random" days, a reward from the lower tier.

    I had actually put in a post into the "Suggestions & Feedback" section of the forum kinda along these lines as well as some other stuff. I'm sure if some vets were to add their 2 cents and perhaps tweak or add to what I've said it might generate more interest.

    Even at 64 days of playing I can tell the resupply is outdated and in sore need of an overhaul. It really is the perfect vehicle for rewarding/advancing players based on where the current game status quo is.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    From what I've gathered from talking to many, many veterans about this topic is this:

    1) Mass majority are tired of getting burned by tokens. People are tired of relying on random luck and gambling to MAYBE net one useful cover. This primarily applies to legendary tokens being the cause of much strife lately.

    2 ) The general consensus is that having a guaranteed 5* cover every 30 days as a resupply after day 730 ( black SS resupply ) would be amazing. It would go a long way to give players a "sure thing" and to keep progression flowing. 1/1/1 of each of the current 3 5* heroes will be a a good base to build around. Also something nice for all to look forward too.

    Lastly I know we have a million horror stories about legendaries. People I know who have gone 0 for 51, 2 for 81 etc. It's just not ok that's the ONLY way. I myself hoarded 35 initially and got zip. Terrible feeling. It's also a terrible feeling to see your teammates consistently dissappointed and morale in your alliance dipping due to this.

    So giving us a little extra CP or tokens in my opinion is just not enough.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    I messaged Ice about this via LINE with my thoughts on why this would be a great and meaningful idea. I hope he considers it and brings it up at today's meeting.

    For over 2 years the majority of the vets playing that long have shed blood,sweat and tears building strong rosters. Fighting like crazy for 2.5 days in a pvp just to get one 4* cover needed.

    Grinding like crazy for 4-7 days straight in a PVE bloodbath only to get potentially 1 cover for a 4* that's needed.

    Investing ungodly amounts of time, energy and money only to have our entire experience and roster made totally obsolete by the introduction of god-mode tier 5*.

    Just my two cents but I have felt extremely cheated since 5* introduced and put my 4* in the bargain bin.

    At least show some honor and loyalty to your longstanding customers and add 5* to the daily resupply as suggested by the OP. This would provide a nice progression boost and would not hinder the cash cow that is a " CP buyers club". If anything I would feel better spending again knowing my time and effort after 800 days mean something.... without relying solely on dumb luck and heartbreaking token pulls alone.


    Considering he resigned the day you posted this, I wouldn't hold my breath
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm a big proponent of 4* every reward after day 400 or so, every 5 days...which barely keeps up with release rate!

    I don't know about 5*'s...if you reward them every 30 days and then release a 5 star once every three months I'd be all for it (so long, long time players could get 1/1/1 of each 5*). I think that players should be able to get a 1/1/1 somehow, but I don't really want to see a release rate of one 5* each month, even if it means a 5* in daily drop every ten days. Better to have slower release rates, even if slower rewards.

    I don't really have a problem with those that have been playing for a long time requesting rewards. I started at six months in, but have several in our alliance that started in the first week. Shouldn't your long-time customers be rewarded? I mean this game going to go for three more years? I'm sure D3 hopes so, but that would be pretty incredible/unlikely for any FtP.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    As someone comming up on 2 yrs this week the issue with daily rewards is the only thing really useful are 4* and HP. Everything else is just ISO. I feel 4* are the right thing to give out I just think it should be every 7 days instead of every 14. If you have been playing for 2 years you should not have to wait 2 weeks for a useful reward. They got CP right after 2 years with changing from 15 to 25. They should should also increase the HP reward after 2yrs to 200+ as well