Time to restructure release event rewards



  • Crowl wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    if they took PVE and turn it into a pure gaunlet style event i say you would see this game gone within 6 months.

    They do not need to go as far as turning all pve events into gauntlets, they can keep the flexibility of the current events, but just need to put the new covers as the progression rewards in the event rather than as the placement rewards because after all there is pvp for making them as placement rewards.

    Moving the main rewards to placement would also allow them to expect a fixed amount of clears in order to hit the targets and you could do away with refresh times within a sub giving players far more flexibility in when they played the game, which would be a huge QoL improvement to pve.
    I very much agree with this - especially considering the threads/comments about people that entered late in the last sub and got 2-3 covers with less than an hour of effort. Effort should be rewarded and if you spend 3 days glued to your device that effort should be rewarded with more than just the 1 cover.

    I absolutely loved the Ultron/Galactus events because the final 3 progression rewards were all 3 covers. I actually spent some money to get IMHB and Rulk to level 233 (5 covers in their two strongest abilities, and 1 in the third). If I had slaved away at those events to be rewarded with 1 or fewer covers that money would have stayed in my pocket.

    I'd even be happy with the LT being replaced with the 1st cover, and then adding the next 2 covers beyond that. So typically 3 clears/sub gets you an LT, what if 3 clears/sub got you the first cover, 4 clears/sub a second, and 5 clears/sub the final. And when I say 4 and 5 clears/sub I'm talking points. So to hit that 4th clear would require hitting most nodes twice after the 3rd clear (much like you would grind out at the end of a sub for placement), and then the 5th would require even more grinding. Something like that. Would reward the level of effort with the right number of covers.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Omega Red wrote:
    I realize that D3 isn't in the business of giving these things away for free. But remember - the more people that get release covers, the more who can spend that 2500 HP to buy more. Think about it.

    The more people that get release covers, the less people who will spend 3800 or 15800 HP in 10 and 40 packs to get that first cover.

    Think about it. icon_e_wink.gif
    Lol, yes - you are right. I don't have access to the data (obviously), but I would wager that more people would be willing to spend $ to whale a character at 2500/cover than would bother trying to acquire a new cover in a pack. There is even one person in this thread that admitted to it. And I'm the same way. There are a handful of characters that I fell in love with early and whaled them to 5 covers in their two strongest abilities......once I had at least one of each cover. I would never waste money on packs for a shot at it though because it's just too expensive for a chance at the one cover that I want.

    You would never spend money on packs, good for you. I would never do it myself but apparently there are enough players doing it to sustain the current model. The thing is, if you keep playing the game you'll eventually get the first cover of every character in the game via token pulls alone so there is no incentive from Demiurge's perspective to accelerate this process by giving them away freely from the beginning. The goal for Demiurge is not to provide you with a fully covered Ghost Rider the fastest way possible, but to get from you the most money possible before you fully cover him. The longer it takes you to cover a character, the more money they can make from you.
  • Omega Red wrote:
    You would never spend money on packs, good for you. I would never do it myself but apparently there are enough players doing it to sustain the current model. The thing is, if you keep playing the game you'll eventually get the first cover of every character in the game via token pulls alone so there is no incentive from Demiurge's perspective to accelerate this process by giving them away freely from the beginning. The goal for Demiurge is not to provide you with a fully covered Ghost Rider the fastest way possible, but to get from you the most money possible before you fully cover him. The longer it takes you to cover a character, the more money they can make from you.
    Maybe. I tend to disagree though. IME the best bang for your buck in whaled characters is when they are first released for a number of reasons:

    - Boosted characters: Newly released characters are boosted for typically several weeks upon release, making them more valuable at this time.
    - Strategy: It takes people some time to learn how to best fight against a new character, making them more valuable earlier.
    - Fear Factor: Goes along with strategy - people fear the unknown and are often afraid to risk a fight against a boost new character over a team they have been beating for weeks/months.
    - Nerf: If a new character really is OP it isn't likely to get nerfed until at least a bit after its release.

    So I maintain that if everyone that earned 1 cover was given all 3 you would see more money spent on covers for that character early on, and while there would be a reduction in money spent on packs to try to acquire the missing covers, it would pale in comparison to the people spending on covers where they otherwise would not.
  • Shulu
    Shulu Posts: 14
    I've decided to break from the game and see if changes are coming after that last PvE event. I think I averaged 16hrs on the last event and finish 21st with 82k+ points for one lousy cover. WOW is all I can keep saying to myself.

    Looking at my roster of 69 on day 179, I now have 9 4*s with 3 or less covers and completely unusable. New players beware this game is hell on earth. Just delete game if you are thinking of starting. The game is designed as a marathon with no catch up mechanism. Actually, I think you start now you can actually start falling farther behind. PvP is impossible & PvE is a 4-5hrs a day grind to make an dent into your roster.

    Obvious, my rant is indication of a needed break but need to get this out.
