Is anybody happy?

Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Just out of sheer curiosity, I was just wondering if anyone likes the game? I am not a bomber, don't go hardcore. My roster is pretty tame. I am currently around tenth in versus. Do I expect to stay there? Nope. Do I care? Nope. I mean it's just a game to me. You know for fun. I have seen and been involved with things around the globe that would turn most people's **** white. Is the game perfect? No. But what is? I think with the upcoming thank holiday lets just be happy with what we have, and what's important in life. All hail! Lord Stan Lee! Make mine marvel!


  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why hello there new true believer of the man named Stan! Welcome to the forums! U。・x・)ノ チワン!

    I believe buried underneath all the complaints and frustration is a "L word" for the game. People complain because they actually care and would like to see the game improve. And it has improved but unfortunately a lot of the changes we ask for take time to implement. Furthermore, the devs have their own plans and priorities and at times the choices they make seem more anti-player than fun. I like to think of those times as "growing pains". But like you said no one's perfect and I have a feeling this is as much a learning process for them as it is for us.

    I think most of us believe that this is a pretty good game. The frustration comes from the great potential we see for it to be "totally awesome" *wink wink nudge nudge*. I am guilty of this as much as anyone else. But at the end of the day I enjoy the time I spend playing the game, for the most part. Otherwise I wouldn't be here.

    So to answer your questions more directly: Yes I am happy, and yes I do the like the game, in fact quite a bit! I just have a really, really long laundry list of things I wish they would do to make it even better *buff Spidey!* lol

    Anyway look forward to seeing you around TB! Have a great one!

    Your friendly neighborhood fight4thedream゙☆⌒o(*^ー゚)v
  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Great reply. I like see some positive. You hit all right on the head. I just cannot understand the outright venemous anger at times.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    In general or when playing the game?
    If it's the latter...yup, I enjoy it =)
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    Fight4thedream nailed it.

    Have you ever visited Blizzard forums? It's pretty entertaining.

    Judging their games based on their forums alone would have you thinking they were critically reviewed as 2/10 games that are broken at the core. In reality they are among the most successful gaming companies in the industry.

    MPQ has easily been my game of the year in 2014 and 2015. It's been fun enough for me to justify several 1000's of hours of play and get involved with the community surrounding it. While part of this could be chalked up to addiction it's not the whole story. I'm very happy with the overall experience. I wake up wanting to play the game and not feeling forced to (save for new character releases that I really want). It's a perfect 'zen' game that I can enjoy while watching tv, webshows, movies, listening to music or audiobooks.

    As with all my favorite games there's a massive list of improvements I'd love to see to make the game even better suited for my tastes. Which means I'll definitely go out of my way to express options to improve and even get downright upset when I feel changes are a step backwards.

    PC gaming these days is cheap due to bundle sites and massive discounts. When I'm not enjoying a game I won't hesitate to put it down and move onto another. There's too many great games out there to just stick with one that's merely 'okay'. So it's a testament to MPQ's gameplay that I've stuck with it this long at the expense of other games on my steam backlog crying for attention.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Fight is right. We **** because we love.

    But be careful of wishing the squeaky wheels into the cornfield, the game would be quite different it weren't for them.

    ~~ ~~ scoobydo noises ~~ ~~

    Okay, I'm too lazy to do it right, but maybe someone can fully It's A Wonderful Life us later. Here's a taste, if the complainers had never complained we'd likely still have:

    3 hour refreshes
    Characters released every week
    No cap on rosters slot cost
    Galactus One would have been "okay" icon_e_wink.gif

    And so on ... People can get overly emotional about it. Yes, it is just a game, but it's also Marvel and something people have invested themselves in with time, money and passion. They care. Be glad they do.
  • Cabol
    Cabol Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    Game wise, I'm very happy (for the most part). This has been the first match-3 game that I've had a **** ton of enjoyment out and have been playing it for over a year now. I've got every 3* in the game, working on my 4* roster as well. Only complaint I have about the game right now is while CP is a step in the right direction, there needs to be a better solution to make the 3* to 4* transition better (something like how DDQ helped the 2* to 3* transition)

    Dev wise, not so much. Judging from past experiences, something will go horribly wrong with the GR event, but since it's being released on Thanksgiving, there will be utterly silence from the devs without even a "we're aware of the situation" response until the forums are filled with venom. Nothing irks me more when something bad happens in a game and there's utter silence from anyone that works on the game. Taking Blizzard from someone's previous example (as I play quite a bit of Hearthstone), while there may be constant issues with it, they at least let you know they know about it and are working on it.
  • I don't play games to have fun, I play them, generally, for a sense of achievement. That achievement could mean advancement or beating another player to a position. Fun is usually a short lived sensation.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    Marine8394 wrote:
    Just out of sheer curiosity, I was just wondering if anyone likes the game? I am not a bomber, don't go hardcore. My roster is pretty tame. I am currently around tenth in versus. Do I expect to stay there? Nope. Do I care? Nope. I mean it's just a game to me. You know for fun. I have seen and been involved with things around the globe that would turn most people's **** white. Is the game perfect? No. But what is? I think with the upcoming thank holiday lets just be happy with what we have, and what's important in life. All hail! Lord Stan Lee! Make mine marvel!

    wait till your 10 in verus turns into Cant even make it into top 100 and then see how much you say you lke the game.
  • I love this game I think the developers Have done a glorious job in updating and constantly keeping it fresh and keeping you on your toes. This so happens to be the only game I really play anymore on my tablet or phone. I've been playing a little over a year and I've only had a couple Instances where I had to submit a ticket to the developers But otherwise it's a Pretty good rate of one year only 2 mess ups, and I did get compensated for it so the developers are doing a great job. Like any game you play the farther you progress the harder it gets The more redundant it gets when pulling Characters. You see that gold token come up and you know you got either 3 or 4 star It ends up being a duplicate that you can't use ( It's Inevitable). Right now I have Something like 6; 3 star characters In waiting that Are duplicates That I can't use Unless I open up another roster slot and have Duplicate characters in my roster.
  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Top one hundred? I give a turd. Sidecage I just spent the day with my first grandchild. Child of my child who spent two straight in Iqaq when the stew was cooking the hottest. Enjoy your game. Truly. No nasty at all. Just making the point that things r things. Games r games. Have a great...whatever. Hope life treats u well.
  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Sorry. Got your name wrong. Sidecage.
  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Dangit! New to this. slidcage.
  • MPQ is an exercise in masochistic futility. Which is precisely why I love it.

    The carrot never gets any closer, but somehow it keeps looking bigger and bigger.
  • TOFU3
    TOFU3 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    I enjoy playing MPQ. I feel good to participate in both PvP and PvE. But everytime i pull my LTs i feel down....I haven't obtained any wanted cover(not even a useful 4*) from LTs for quite a long time. Drawing repeated covers discourage me from playing the game .
  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    I enjoy the game, but not because I do particularly well.
    Quite the opposite, I'm a slice 2 piece of pie who is struggling to hit that 1k mark unboosted with the loaner.

    Still, the game is fun enough for me to have put in over 300 days, and thats saying something. 10 months of play, man...
    You know what? I'd do it all again too. The game has what I like in games...

    Its simple and easy to just pop down, play a few matches, get salty but still blow that 1.99 to give myself just those few last health packs.

    It has strategy... not so much that the game is decided on it, but rather in the way that the game provides multiple viable teams, all of which can be beaten.
    It feels nice to look at my nodes and see a team with patch and loki, then another with Luke Cage and Iron fist, and then yet another with Kamila Khan and Magneto, all of which can be played a certain way and have to be handled correctly, but its entirely possible to win all 3 with the same team.

    The community isn't terrible. A bit of cry babies when it comes to 20 iso rewards, sure... But I mean there are much worse communities.

    The people running it seem like normal guys, which its nice to feel like these guys aren't some big business suits who are releasing gigantic trailers for every character.
    Rather they sit on a couch and just talk about stuff and that makes me feel super pumped up about all of it for some reason.
  • crispynate
    crispynate Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    People rarely go on forums to post happy things. So all the people who are either A)completely satisfied or B)Not satisfied but just don't think it's a big enough deal to post about, just don't post. Has nothing to do with this game or forum, it's internet-wide.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have fun while playing. I like the challenge of beating nodes as efficiently as possible to get in as many battles as possible between health packs.

    I have fun discussing strategy on the forum. I wouldn't keep coming back if it wasn't enjoyable to me. I do think it sucks that so many here are completely distressed by a game. My job and rest of my life have plenty of stress, and I wouldn't come here or keep playing if it added stress.
  • had fun for a majority of the time with this game, especially with what other **** games that are on the phone. i was able to overlook many of the flaws of this game because it was new and exciting, but once progression slows and gameplay becomes stale, the flaws were more obvious it started to take a toll. many of the anti-player changes really rustle my jimmies. but i was still moving along taking a break here and there to keep my sanity. but now my progress has virtually stop because i can not play as much ( baby girl) but i would still like to try and make progress with what time i could give, but it wasn't working out perfect grind in PVE was out of the question and couldn't even finish final pushes in PVP. unhappy with my lack of progress i left for greener pastures.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm happy with the game.

    It's the only mobile game I've played for over a year, it's constantly changing, and I always have goals to achieve.

    I have fun... and that's goal number 1. I have a great alliance and that's goal number 2.

    When i stop having fun, i stop playing for a bit. It's usually a result of the player not the game.

    Are there things that need to be fixed? Yes sir. But nothing that will stop me from playing the game and having a bit of fun on my own time.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm pretty happy with the game overall, but obviously there are frustrating things about it, and generally speaking, those are the things that people are going to bring up and perhaps try to get changed so they are less frustrated.

    However, that is almost the entire purpose of a freemium game. Frustrate your players just enough to get them to buy something. Feel your progression is going slowly? Buy those missing covers! Can't buy those missing covers cause you didn't top 10 the release PvE? Buy these token packs until you get it THEN buy the rest! Oh, you have 3 new characters sitting in your recruit queue but no extra roster spots? Buy some HP to open up new slots! You keep getting attacked for -100 when you reach x00 pts, but you really want to reach (x+1)00 pts? Just buy this shield to protect your points and come back later to reach the threshold you want!

    I could keep going (health packs, 4* DDQ, etc.) but you guys get the point. There are enough of these things you're almost always going to find a thread here on the forum complaining about at least one of them and urging D3/Demiurge to make that one aspect more player-friendly.