Why do you consider F2P a badge of honor?
Thanks to all of those who have provided quality responses to my post.
I have been mostly F2P, especially in the first year of playing MPQ, mostly because I didn't want to spend money on a game I didn't want to invest in. As a kid, I hated going to the store to buy a new Nintendo game for $50...only to find out that it was a complete waste (I'm looking at you, Ring Kings and Ninja Gaiden on the classic Nintendo...just to name a couple) of time and money. Only after I decided that this game could be long term and portable did I decide to buy some hero points. I am into the game over 730 days now and have been both extremely entertained and extremely irritated by the game and its developers. I feel like I have the obligation to pay a little bit of my hard earned cash to a game that I have played for over two years.
Let me provide a different real-life example...
I am a physical therapist in a private outpatient clinic. We take almost every insurance, even Medicaid. It actually costs me and the clinic money every time I see a Medicaid patient. Most insurances require a co-pay to be treated, typically anywhere from $12-50 per visit. Most patients pay the co-pay with little trouble because they know that they are receiving quality care and understand how things work. Medicaid patients typically have a $3 co-pay. Any guesses on the percentage of those patients that wail at the heavens because they have a $3 co-pay...but they still come in with a fresh pack of smokes in their pocket and a pretty sweet smartphone? Again, I lose money by seeing these patients, but they still receive the exact same care. What causes this sense of entitlement?
Micro - MPQ...Macro - Life.0 -
Don't misunderstand my post. I don't hate the F2P individual. I respect their desire to work for what they have. Again, I was F2P for the longest time.
My point is this...if you enjoy or have utilized a service/product, do you feel like you should support it monetarily so that it remains? Not as a whale, but maybe like a "Tip" jar as a thanks for the service/product you are providing?0 -
I refuse to pay for digital content I do not own on principle (I use the term own loosely as with most digital content you only pay for a license to use said content).
I purchased Burnout Paradise for the XBox 360 on release and still play it today, I spend £35 on MPQ and I am 99% positive I will not be able to play it in 9 years time. I purchase many books for my Kindle and I will be able to read those whenever I like even if Amazon pull the plug on e-books. Anything that requires me to connect to a server to continually use a product does not warrant a purchase from me as that means I am at the mercy of the publisher and if they pull the plug it means I won't have anything long term to show for my money.
I work hard for my money and to get me to part with it for luxuries like video games it has to be something special, and like it or not Marvel Puzzle Quest isn't special. Also I have supported Infinite Interactive, Bandai Namco and D3P in the past buy purchasing both Puzzle Quest: Rise Of The Warlords and Puzzle Quest 2, both of which is still play today and both of which offer a more rewarding and deeper game than Marvel Puzzle Quest does.0 -
I've been completely F2P from when I started, and have one of the best F2P rosters that I know of.
I don't do it out of principle, or to make a statement, or a badge of honor. I did originally, as that's how I start all freemium games, to see how well I can do F2P. If I feel it's worth it to pay, I will, if not, I won't. Sometimes I stick around to pay, sometimes I move on to a new game.
That's how it started at least. At some point, I decided to stay F2P because the reality is that there will always be a lot of F2P players in this type of game, and I want to show the community what's possible as a F2P player. It also helps prove that this is one of the least pay-to-win games out there. I've gone through every stage of transition, am working to pick up newer 4*'s, and working to gain 5*'s. The fact that you can get to where I am through time and strategy shows that it's doable, even though it's definitely harder.
The funny thing is I've actually been semi-casual for a while now. That part I probably wear more as a badge of honor. PVP only takes a few hours per week, and I play PVE when I want top 100 for a new character. So I definitely worked harder earlier in the game, but now, understanding the meta strategy is what's doing most of the work.0 -
HustyReaps wrote:Don't misunderstand my post. I don't hate the F2P individual. I respect their desire to work for what they have. Again, I was F2P for the longest time.
My point is this...if you enjoy or have utilized a service/product, do you feel like you should support it monetarily so that it remains? Not as a whale, but maybe like a "Tip" jar as a thanks for the service/product you are providing?
I don't tip because social convention tells me I should, if a person has done more than what their job entails then I may but only because I feel like it and not out of obligation. People do a job and get paid for it they want extra, get a better paid job.MR. PINK
Hey, I’m very sorry that the
government taxes their tips.
That’s f'ed up. But that ain’t
my fault. It would appear that
waitresses are just one of the
many groups the government f's
in the **** on a regular basis.
I mean, if you show me a piece of paper says the
government shouldn’t do that, I’ll
sign it. Put it to a vote, I’ll
vote for it. But what I won’t do
is play ball. And this non-
college **** you’re giving
me, I got two words for that:
“Learn to f'ing type.” Cause if
you’re expecting me to help out
with the rent, you’re in for a big
fing’ surprise.0 -
Based on the handful of other F2P games I have played, there frequently seems to be a subset of people that feel that the developers are "greedy" for making it so that there is a distinct advantage for those who pay, and conveniently forget that it costs zero dollars to download the app versus many dollars to create and maintain it.
While I don't have anything against F2P players - there are a few I've played that way, though this is not one of them - I do have to roll my eyes at the folks that scream CASH GRAB, DEVS ONLY CARE ABOUT WHALES every time an incentive to pay is introduced.
There's an axiom in business that 20% of your customers will usually account for 80% of your business. Obviously, the 20% that's providing most of your revenue ought to get preferential treatment, because if you waste all your time on the small fry, you're not getting the best return on the investment of your time and effort and you may find yourself unable to pay your employees, keep supplies stocked, etc.
It's the same here, except that the small fry are contributing literally zero revenue, or maybe 5-20 bucks one time ever. While there are usage stats and whatnot to take into account, it generates a lot less return over the long term to invest in that segment. Employees need to be paid and the lights need to be kept on. It's not like some independently wealthy group of game devs is deviously trying to screw you out of money while they giggle and polish their monocles.
So play for free if you want - that's fine. Just don't expect your every want to be catered to, because you're not the guy paying the bills.0 -
I think some interesting points have been raised here:
1. Nerfed characters - how many people invested $100 to get XFW for example and whale him up? Only to find that the character they spent a hefty sum on was then rendered far less useful (especially in comparison to new characters). Were they refunded the $100 they spent (or more in some cases)? I'll wager not even though they then owned a defective product.
2. Exponential cost increases - This game gets MORE expensive over time, older games should become less expensive over time. Intstead D3 have inverted this and made it cheap to start (and get you hooked) and then increase the cost over time, the mobile game market is the only market where this is done and accepted.
3. Digital rental - here is this in a nutshell - all that content you think you own...is rented. And can be retracted and altered at any stage for any reason (see: nerfed characters). This is not an acceptable practice to pay for. To use a real world analogy: imagine you buy a really great car, then 2 months later the manufacturer takes it back off you removes the wheels and then engine and returns it to you and says "Enjoy!" this is the motoring equivalent of a nerf. Would you accept it?
Over all I enjoy the game and credit where it's due D3 still allow an F2P player to progress and attain everything that a paid player can with more effort. Everyone has their gripes and the ones above are mostly the reason that F2P players are F2P.0 -
I don't consider F2P to be anything more than a definition of play style. Previous posters have covered the differences between the two styles. I have played this game since before there were daily rewards which amounts to close to three years. Frankly, this is marketed as a free game, so I play it as such. If it was initially marketed as a game that required a purchase, I would have thought about it and made my decision. As it was not, I feel no obligation to pay for it now. To me it is similar to the public library, I borrow what I use, but own nothing. Yes, I do pay taxes for the library, but as one previous commenter stated(sorry too lazy to look up and give credit) usage operates in a similar fashion.0
rawfsu wrote:I don't brag about being F2P, but I respect those of us that are out there. I did spend $20 dollars the first Anniversary Week for roster slots. I was tempted to drop another $10 this year, but I was overall disappointed with Anniversary Week 2.0. That being said, here's the thing. First, I grew up on consoles, and still have one today. I'm used to paying one price ($60) for the game I want. Then, if the developers release new content, I'll purchase that too. Examples being, and I know I'm dated, but Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Batman: Arkham City, and Mortal Kombat. This usually brings the total out-of-pocket to around $100 or less after add-ons. Observations from the console approach. First, there is a "cap" on how much I CAN spend on the game. Second, I get the same value as everyone else. Third, with patience, the price on this DLC will come down. Now, let's move to MPQ. When I spent the $20 dollars during the first Anniversary Week, I bought 6 rosters slots at 400 HP, and had 500 HP leftover. That was during the Anniversary sale period. For that same $20 dollars today, I would get 3 roster slots (850HP each), with 350HP. Once I mature to 1000 HP slots, that's just two roster slots. First observation, my money DEPRECIATES over time and progression. I do not get the same value from my $20 dollars as someone just starting out. My money, the same $20 dollars, could be spent in a myriad of ways, but with roster slots being at a premium, it's the only one that makes sense. On console games, you're usually presented with a deal where you can buy everything out you need for one low cost. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 for example. Buy the hero pack for X amount, buy the villain pack for x amount, or buy everything for X amount that is the best deal. On MPQ, you have to decide where you're going to spend. Roster slots, covers, ten packs, 40-packs, Vault shake, daily value? Combo packs are not offered, and the money you do spend, you're going to have to make some hard choices between all those things. There is no "cap" here on cost. There are sales offered in MPQ, but the cost never comes down. It stays the same, but you are offered "more". If you look at it though, are you really? As I pointed out earlier, I will get less at 64 roster slots (850 HP) than someone with 20 something roster slots (400 HP). Talking about roster slots, let's look at the onslaught of character additions that you have to make space for. Then, let's look at the covers you need to max. Then, add on the ISO you need. Looking at that same $20 dollars, while on sale (2900 HP I believe), I might be able to add 1 (4* covers for 2500 HP) or 2 covers (3* covers for 1250 HP) for $20 dollars. On console, I bought 8 characters for Marvel Ultimate Alliance for that much. On to the next thing, I can't "buy" characters, I can only buy chances for characters. Not the case for consoles. In Batman: Arkham City, if I wanted Nightwing, I can buy him. I want a version of Jean Grey on my MPQ roster BAD. REAL bad. I opened 3 10-packs this season, no Jean. Opened a couple legendaries, no Jean. I have to grind old content (PVE, which isn't happening), beat 4* DDQ (limited access to 4* have allowed me to beat just 2 of these nodes), or CP (taking FOREVER after quickly gaining 50 from purchases, Facebook, DDQ, and initial offering). Spending on 10-packs or 40-packs only offer some hope, but no guarantee. In the case of buying covers, here's the thing. On the console games I mentioned above, the character I buy will have the same powers through and through. No changes. The heroes and villians pack players I mentioned in Marvel Ultimate Alliance will be the same today as they were when I bought them 9 years ago. On the other hand, you could have dropped top dollar on XFW covers when he first came out, but how you feel now? That first version of XFW doesn't exist anymore. You now have a XFW whose
does less damage than some 3* attacks. An attempt was made at compensation, but did you get a good return if you sold him? How much did you spend versus how much you got back? There's my rant for why I respect F2P players. No disrespect to whales, now that my roster is stronger, there's no better satisfaction than dominating in Simulator and PVP events. If you got the money to burn, do your thing! I feel you. Me, however, I don't, and I feel the difference. Since I'm in the position I'm in, I'm not going to brag on F2P, but I'm not going to hate on them either. It isn't easy by a long shot. To conclude, I just found out about Google Rewards and every penny I earn will go to D3 for as long as I continue to play this game.
Dear lord... Paragraphing. Please.0 -
Is bragging about f2p a joke? You must mean Complaining like a tiny something something.
The mr. Pink joke was funny however.
I've seen the time argument and its true both ways. Some have more time than money and some have more money than time.0 -
I suppose I must consider being F2P something of an honor since I include my status in my signature.
I don't feel that it is so much an honor that I don't support the developers with direct financial contributions as it is that I can somewhat compete with the pay to win players in PvP.
It also doesn't require an outrageous time commitment. I mostly avoid pve other than a new event or an occasional new character release. Pvp might consume a couple hours each event. So it might even be less than p2w players competing for placement.
I just really have a hard time justifying the iso or hp returned for dollars spent. I don't feel like a mother lode is going to level any character that much and I should be able to get 78k iso in under 10 days if not a week. HP I get a lot slower but enough that buying shields isn't an issue when I want to and i almost never buy health packs or boosts that cost hp. On a stark salary 8 4* covers comes out to $12.50 USD but I don't feel good about dropping $100 to whale a 4*.0 -
The reason people view F2P as a badge of honor is because the game is a little bit harder when you are F2P. Especially in a competitive game, given two players in the same spot, the one that spent less to get there would be considered the better player. Honestly, I'm fine with that attitude.
The attitude I hate is the "the devs are greedy **** that are only trying to squeeze every last dollar out of us, so therefore I will never pay to play this game." I'm sorry, but there is no high ground in refusing to pay for something that you use extensively while allowing the rest of the player base to financially support your habit.
I think MPQ could bridge this gap with....something....that people could pay for that offered little to no in game benefit. So players that enjoy the challenge of staying F2P could still show their support for the game.0 -
GurlBYE wrote:
I don't think anyone wears it as a badge of honor.
Nobody? Really? Come onnnnn....
Really?0 -
Badge of honor? I dunno. I like the challenge of earning stuff on my own, I guess, instead of paying for it. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people who DO pay for their power, I just enjoy earning it. It lengthens the experience and gives me something to keep working toward, rather than immediately having it.
I'd like to support the developers, because I still enjoy the game. Mostly my F2P-ness (don't think about that too hard)(also don't think about THAT phrase combined with the previous word) is a badge of how broke I am.0 -
HustyReaps wrote:Don't misunderstand my post. I don't hate the F2P individual. I respect their desire to work for what they have. Again, I was F2P for the longest time.
My point is this...if you enjoy or have utilized a service/product, do you feel like you should support it monetarily so that it remains? Not as a whale, but maybe like a "Tip" jar as a thanks for the service/product you are providing?
I dislike DLC and microtransactions on games on principle and would like to pay one upfront payment. After my first month playing the game I spent 15$. Yes I could have just bought the Logan's Loonies, but I felt that only 15$ was what the game was worth for me, if it was not a F2P game. Day 370 now and I haven't spent a single $ since then, and i've never felt I was lacking in HP and ISO. I was even able to buy 4 Hulkbuster red covers with the HP I've gotten from rewards alone, and have 4k HP in the bank.
Interestingly, the console version of MPQ is 15$.0 -
I can see where F2P would be a badge of honour - consider these 2 scenarios:
Scenario 1: Player a) has a fully built roster by playing daily over a period of 18 months or so, compared with player b) who downloaded the game 2 weeks ago , threw $10,000 at it & has a similar roster.
IMO player a) should feel more a sense of achievement than player b) despite both arriving at the same place.
I'm also not sure that it is particularly possible to achieve the player a) scenario given the (imo) necessary outlay of HP for roster slots early on. However I personally was happy to do this as a way of "paying for the experience I was enjoying at the time".0 -
I think this may be a quasi response to my thread (but I could be 100% wrong about that and it's just a coincidence), so I'll throw in my two cents.
I don't feel that being F2P is a badge of honor. It's just how I like to play a game that allows purchases. Honestly, I like a challenge. It's the reason this game has held on to me. It's very challenging to be highly competitive as F2P, but not impossible. Since it's not impossible, I want to prove to myself that I can become a "top" player without spending. It's just a personal preference, not something that I feel makes me stand out. I, in absolutely no way, assume I am a "better" player than any of the whales.
I think everyone should play the game in the way that brings them the most enjoyment from the game. Like I said, I like the challenge. Others like to set records. I play with lots of Villains Inc. guys. They smash it like no other and its fun to watch their scores reach new heights.
Whales. Not only do I not harbor any ill will, or think less of whales because they spend, I appreciate them completely. I have argued this till I was blue in the face with other F2P guys that hate whales. Whales are not only good for the game, they are the most important players to the game. Here are the two choices:
1. Play against a few whales that will always have a better roster than you and, if they put the time in, will always beat you.
2. Not play the game at all, because it was shut down, because it wasn't making any money.
All that said, I do think F2P folks (and high end F2P guys) do help the game even without supporting monetarily. MPQ doesn't just need income from players when they create a game capable of F2P. They need a broad player base that is wide enough and competive enough to induce people to spend money for an advantage. If you removed all the F2P guys right now, spenders would leave and this game would shut down in a few months. They would be bored. High-end F2P players are needed to. I am sure I have induced more than a few guys to buy some health packs, or an extra shield, or boosts in order for them to beat me. And I have no problem with that. They should be able to beat me. But I'm going to make them earn it.0 -
Thanks for all of the responses.
There have been a lot of you that have talked about whales and about people straight-up paying for fully maxed characters as soon as they are released. My initial point was not focused on the whales, but more along the lines of paying for the experience. Not hundreds of dollars, but up to the amount you would pay for a console game.
I have played for over two years now and feel like I have enjoyed the game for the most part. Therefore, I have paid into the game for two reasons: 1) to buy roster slots, shields, and some covers, and 2) because I realize that without any paying customers, a service/product cannot exist.
The car analogy came up in one post. I don't think it applies to a gaming experience, though. It is more like going to the movie. You pay to see the movie. You don't leave the theater with anything tangible (except for buttery hands and kernel shards stuck between your teeth) but you do leave with the experience and memory of the movie, which is similar to playing a game. Now...if you went in to the theater to see Star Wars and they showed Battlefield Earth instead, then I would understand the demand for a refund (see past nerfs.)
Again...I appreciate all of the points of view expressed so far!0 -
I've made purchases, probably $20-30 in each of the two years I've been playing. That's what I'd probably spend on a board game that I might play a few times and then forget about forever, and I play this every day. The "you never truly own digital content" argument isn't bad, but I think your comparison to buying a movie ticket is a lot more apt.0
I previously had dropped $5 for a roster spot when starting. Most recently I bought a Stark's worth of HP, which should last me a long time. I had sold off items in a previous FTP game I played, and only used the currency gained from that. Technically, I guess that still makes me FTP, since I more or less transferred my efforts from one game to another. Either way, D3 gets some cash. My general approach is FTP, since my spouse can't really understand spending on a cell phone/iPad game, but I've played it far longer than most $60 console games would last. It may not be a badge of honor, but just a circumstance from people's lives that make them FTP. Just because they cant drop funds on the regular doesn't mean they're any less of a player.0
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