Why do you consider F2P a badge of honor?

HustyReaps Posts: 45
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Per the title of the topic...

Why do so many players consider being F2P so honorable?

Why do you not feel like you should pay a little something for a game/service that you like, love to hate but still play, or complain about without truly leaving?

If somebody provides you a service or item, why don't you support the game monetarily? Not only as a thank you, but to give them incentive to improve said product/service.

I think that I already know the most popular answer, but the basic thought is almost always true...you get what you pay for. Free things don't typically stay free for long.

This is not based solely on MPQ, but a commentary on goods/services in general.


  • eaise
    eaise Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    I'm no longer free to play but was for my first 200ish days.
    To answer your question f2p is worn as a badge because it's extremely hard to be competitive without paying.
    Anyone can spend money and get a 5/5/3 Buster and a 5/3/5 Jean (example because they are the current meta) but to earn all the covers for them is much more difficult. So if someone has several maxed 4* and all maxed 3* without spending a penny it means they worked hard to earn all their covers
  • Bryan Lambert
    Bryan Lambert Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    I'm not strictly F2P on Marvel Puzzle Quest, but since you mentioned in general...

    The perception of most F2P/freemium games is that the developers are trying to make you spend money to succeed or progress. So, being able to succeed or progress without spending money isn't just a victory over the game, it's a victory over the game's economy, an economy that in many games is rigged against the player.

    I think there's a difference between putting money into a game you enjoy on your own terms and putting money into the game because you need to. For example, if I ever put money into the game to buy HP to buy health packs or a roster slot because I needed them to keep a character or continue playing an event, I'd consider it the game "making" me pay money, and thus I'd be losing the larger game against the economy.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's part of the reason why (and the behavioural psychologist in me is coming out here) when you pay you are voting for particular aspects of the game. All those people who paid money during anniversary voted to say that anniversary event was awesome (even though the players themselves were more likely voting to say roster slots are awesome). Is this an issue? only under the following caveat - price does not reflect value.

    $100 for the CHANCE to get something good?

    How about 1000hp a roster slot in a game which requires you to roster a massive amount of characters if you want to compete?

    I also don't feel the actual prices themselves represent good value for money and should be reviewed. DLC for console games where you actually sometimes get entire new story chapters costs as little as $10 sometimes - and this also includes new characters too. Compare that with what $10 buys you on MPQ, does it seem reasonable? Not to me.

    I don't consider it a badge of honour and I would happily reward the devs with my money if they were fairer about the price, as it is I'm not re-enforcing money squeezing with money. I'm grateful to the devs for creating a game I can enjoy but if they want my money they need to give me a reason to part with my extremely hard earned dollars
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't really consider it a badge of honor, I use it to explain my approach to the game. I used time instead of money to get where I am today.
  • Sidlon
    Sidlon Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    In other freemium games, if there was something for $1-5 that made a small lasting impact on the game (ie, not a consumable), I bought it. Unfortunately there's nothing similar here.

    Let me pay $5 to have a 12 healthpack max vs 10, and I'm there.
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    Here's part of the reason why (and the behavioural psychologist in me is coming out here) when you pay you are voting for particular aspects of the game. All those people who paid money during anniversary voted to say that anniversary event was awesome (even though the players themselves were more likely voting to say roster slots are awesome). Is this an issue? only under the following caveat - price does not reflect value.

    $100 for the CHANCE to get something good?

    How about 1000hp a roster slot in a game which requires you to roster a massive amount of characters if you want to compete?

    I also don't feel the actual prices themselves represent good value for money and should be reviewed. DLC for console games where you actually sometimes get entire new story chapters costs as little as $10 sometimes - and this also includes new characters too. Compare that with what $10 buys you on MPQ, does it seem reasonable? Not to me.

    I don't consider it a badge of honour and I would happily reward the devs with my money if they were fairer about the price, as it is I'm not re-enforcing money squeezing with money. I'm grateful to the devs for creating a game I can enjoy but if they want my money they need to give me a reason to part with my extremely hard earned dollars

    The economist in me says the costs in the game have been proved out. If everything was too cheap, everyone would look like King Dreadnaught and have dual maxed SS's. The game would be de-valued and no longer interesting. Making the CHANCE to get something good so expensive means a small fraction of the player universe look like KD, and most are struggling and clawing to improve their rosters. The whale$ are keeping the game going for the F2P'ers and those who put little money into the game.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't feel like not paying is something to be proud of. It does make the game harder, but really I have respect for people who are willing to support the game they love.

    I'm not in a position to pay for games right now, but I am working on building up credit with Google Rewards and planning to spend it on MPQ so I can provide at least a little support.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the fact that you're committing the fallacy of begging the question, combined with your own moralising post, makes it clear that this is more about your own biases than a legitimate question.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    I don't feel like not paying is something to be proud of. It does make the game harder, but really I have respect for people who are willing to support the game they love.

    I'm not in a position to pay for games right now, but I am working on building up credit with Google Rewards and planning to spend it on MPQ so I can provide at least a little support.

    I have nothing against people who play for free. It's a hard and frustrating road that not many take. It's not like being on the dole. icon_e_wink.gif I'm more troubled by the meta that encourages groups of people to take coordinated dives to ensure their advancement.

    Fwiw, I paid when I loved the game. Right now, they'd have pry the ducats from my cold, dead hands. icon_e_smile.gif
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    If the game is distributed by the Developer as a FREE game... I will play the game as best I can FREE.

    If they wanted me to pay for the game, they should have charged me up front and I would not play it. As a personal preference I do not pay for apps. I frown on paying actual currency for virtual currency that buys virtual products, especially products that will disappear as soon as the developer pulls the plug on the service.

    There is the larger game within the game of how much do they allow for free, and how much do they allow for a fee.

    By providing it as a FREE game, free to download and free to play, they need to provide a level of advancement that is free. If you cannot succeed in the game for FREE, then the game itself is not FREE to play.

    My favorite kind of free to play mobile games are those where the PAY part is to replace time/effort. If I can accomplish the same goal for free that a person can that paid, but it takes me twice or 3 times as long, I'm ok with that. My objective for playing is to play in my spare time, so to play a game that requires time, and time is what I'm looking to spend... its a win for me. If I can only play for 5 mins free before I'm expected to pay for more energy, speed up a clock, or do anything at all... not for me.

    I will not pay $50 for a platform game. I will not pay for DLC. I will not pay for a game that requires me to purchase DLC to complete it. I prefer my console games to be self-contained. I expect my mobile games to be dynamic and subject to connecting to the developers servers.

    If I cannot pick up this game 5 years from now and decide to play it, then I will not pay $ for it. I can still pull out my Sega, pull out my cartridges and play any of my Sega games anytime that I want... I bought them and I own them. I can pull out my PS1 and play my FF7 anytime I want (or play it on my PS3), because I own it. The money I invested in the game is an investment that I can continue to enjoy as long as I own the game and device. Such is not the case in most mobile games. I can pay $50 today, buy Digital Currency, dominate for the day, then tomorrow I could get a message when I open the app saying that the game is no longer supported and no longer get a response from the server. Unplayable.

    As far as MPQ, this is the longest that I have played a mobile game, ever. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and I do believe they have a great balance between free play and pay to play. You can succeed in this game for free. For those very reasons I have considered investing a little bit of money into the game not for advancement but for appreciation for what I have enjoyed the past year. But I will not spend more than I would on any other video game that I own. The most I've ever paid for a console game was $19.99. The next time they have a sale, I would consider buying the Logan's Loonies. The last sale was during the Anniversary, and due to all the negativity going on during that time, I did not purchase and give them my support.

    My purchase will be in support of the developer for the fun I am having, not for advancement, not for buying covers, or packs, etc. I will still play as a F2P player, I will still consider myself a F2P player, because of the reason for the pay. My paying will not be for advancement, as those tough days have passed. I consider it like the donation box at a museum. I enjoyed my stroll through the museum, so I will donate into the box. I do not consider myself as paying to go to the museum... as they don't charge an admission, rather I am an appreciative visitor that felt motivated to give his support despite it not being required. Giving a donation feels so much better than paying a fee.

    I've rambled on too long. Take care.
  • Der_Lex wrote:
    I think the fact that you're committing the fallacy of begging the question, combined with your own moralising post, makes it clear that this is more about your own biases than a legitimate question.

    I think the fact that you are committing the fallacy of answering the question, combined with your demoralizing post, makes it clear that this is more about your own biases than a legitimate answer.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2015
    HustyReaps wrote:
    Per the title of the topic...

    Why do so many players consider being F2P so honorable?

    Why do you not feel like you should pay a little something for a game/service that you like, love to hate but still play, or complain about without truly leaving?

    If somebody provides you a service or item, why don't you support the game monetarily? Not only as a thank you, but to give them incentive to improve said product/service.

    I think that I already know the most popular answer, but the basic thought is almost always true...you get what you pay for. Free things don't typically stay free for long.

    This is not based solely on MPQ, but a commentary on goods/services in general.

    I don't think anyone wears it as a badge of honor.
    And free to play games don't operate on a pay if you like sort of scale, especially not this one. Payment is the only method of advancement besides selling off tons of characters you won't see for months and shooting yourself in the foot for progression, boosted characters etc at a later date. No ones better or worse for paying or not paying. Some people choose the game because they dont have the means for normal games let alone one that asks you for money to progress to complete.
    Keep in mind some just play this to match three and that there are vocal minorities on both ends that are amplified by forums.

    Paying in free to play games is paying to take away restrictions or advance faster.

    Unfortunately, paying in free to plays isn't an incentive to improve the game. It's the end goal for developers, to have many players but to obtain revenue from a small amount.
    Everyone's perspectives are different. That's clear and true

    Your statements give you the answer as to why people mention when they are free to play. They have a more difficult road.

    Instead of questioning why they wear it as a badge of honor which can come of as a bit condescending, the best question would be, what could be changed to make more players pay.

    It feels interesting that In one game I can spend 20 bucks for a singular level of a skill on a character that I own, but in another I play, I can spend 20 bucks and get superior spiderman and have him fit for competition with others, the alternative being to play the game more often, view their ads on entry to the game and still support the game.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    HustyReaps wrote:
    Der_Lex wrote:
    I think the fact that you're committing the fallacy of begging the question, combined with your own moralising post, makes it clear that this is more about your own biases than a legitimate question.

    I think the fact that you are committing the fallacy of answering the question, combined with your demoralizing post, makes it clear that this is more about your own biases than a legitimate answer.
    No really, your original post was really biased.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Even at 1k hp a slot, i don't seem to have trouble earning the HP needed between releases.. PVP and Story events are giving out HP hand over fist these days in progression and placement, but it is a ball you have to get rolling yourself......and takes a while to get to that point.

    Either way, free to play is just as fun as spending some for some extra.. Console games these days cost $50+, add in season passes or DLC and you are close to a Stark.. now .. think of how long you play a console game for , vs how long you have been playing MPQ or any other F2P game.

    It all comes down to what you think is worth your time and money for entertainment. Some console games, like Diablo 3, you can play for years.. others, like SoM, i paid $60 and 2 weeks later i was done.. and haven't touched it in a year-ish... should probably go trade it in or something...
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    In that case, I'm a huge supporter of the game. icon_e_smile.gif
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sm0keyJ0e wrote:
    Here's part of the reason why (and the behavioural psychologist in me is coming out here) when you pay you are voting for particular aspects of the game. All those people who paid money during anniversary voted to say that anniversary event was awesome (even though the players themselves were more likely voting to say roster slots are awesome). Is this an issue? only under the following caveat - price does not reflect value.

    $100 for the CHANCE to get something good?

    How about 1000hp a roster slot in a game which requires you to roster a massive amount of characters if you want to compete?

    I also don't feel the actual prices themselves represent good value for money and should be reviewed. DLC for console games where you actually sometimes get entire new story chapters costs as little as $10 sometimes - and this also includes new characters too. Compare that with what $10 buys you on MPQ, does it seem reasonable? Not to me.

    I don't consider it a badge of honour and I would happily reward the devs with my money if they were fairer about the price, as it is I'm not re-enforcing money squeezing with money. I'm grateful to the devs for creating a game I can enjoy but if they want my money they need to give me a reason to part with my extremely hard earned dollars

    The economist in me says the costs in the game have been proved out. If everything was too cheap, everyone would look like King Dreadnaught and have dual maxed SS's. The game would be de-valued and no longer interesting. Making the CHANCE to get something good so expensive means a small fraction of the player universe look like KD, and most are struggling and clawing to improve their rosters. The whale$ are keeping the game going for the F2P'ers and those who put little money into the game.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    I'm happy to say that I paid about $5/month until I hit the 4* transition. At this point, there's nothing fun to gain from another $5, so now I'm F2P (not that I'm proud of it). I can't think of another game that I've played for 2 years! If they came up with something interesting to do with $5, I'd happily spend money again.

    The F2P "badge of honor" might come from the perception that people who spend money in this game spend ALOT of money. That's a shame, but that is the game the Devs created.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    HustyReaps wrote:
    Der_Lex wrote:
    I think the fact that you're committing the fallacy of begging the question, combined with your own moralising post, makes it clear that this is more about your own biases than a legitimate question.

    I think the fact that you are committing the fallacy of answering the question, combined with your demoralizing post, makes it clear that this is more about your own biases than a legitimate answer.

    Ah, the 'no, you' retort. Thanks for confirming that you lack both the wit and the capability for self-criticism to be worth much more of my time.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Der_Lex wrote:
    HustyReaps wrote:
    Der_Lex wrote:
    I think the fact that you're committing the fallacy of begging the question, combined with your own moralising post, makes it clear that this is more about your own biases than a legitimate question.

    I think the fact that you are committing the fallacy of answering the question, combined with your demoralizing post, makes it clear that this is more about your own biases than a legitimate answer.

    Ah, the 'no, you' retort. Thanks for confirming that you lack both the wit and the capability for self-criticism to be worth much more of my time.

    I think the childish name calling in this section of the thread is a tad unneccesary for me. We are all supporters of the game in one way or another can we not have our discussions without making things a little personal?

    I don't say that to either one of you but all people who bring discussion to that level.

    It's an interesting point raised by a previous poster (Malcrof?) about the mobile game vs console game and an interesting counter point by another (aesthetocyst?) that when you buy a console game you own it, this is a digital game which only exists because of servers. the minute devs decide to focus elsewhere all the money you have invested is gone.

    Personally I'm always more in favour of a game which asks you to invest time to complete it rather than money, I'm also always in favour of self contained games too. Long gone are the days now when you bought a finished game ready for playing. These days all games are released unfinished and we are then expected to pay more for parts of the game which should have been included in the first place and the release delayed until they had been. Sadly the old way is less profitiable, and so is abandoned. I don't accuse this game of that as mobile format is a little different.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I don't brag about being F2P, but I respect those of us that are out there. I did spend $20 dollars the first Anniversary Week for roster slots. I was tempted to drop another $10 this year, but I was overall disappointed with Anniversary Week 2.0. That being said, here's the thing. First, I grew up on consoles, and still have one today. I'm used to paying one price ($60) for the game I want. Then, if the developers release new content, I'll purchase that too. Examples being, and I know I'm dated, but Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Batman: Arkham City, and Mortal Kombat. This usually brings the total out-of-pocket to around $100 or less after add-ons. Observations from the console approach. First, there is a "cap" on how much I CAN spend on the game. Second, I get the same value as everyone else. Third, with patience, the price on this DLC will come down. Now, let's move to MPQ. When I spent the $20 dollars during the first Anniversary Week, I bought 6 rosters slots at 400 HP, and had 500 HP leftover. That was during the Anniversary sale period. For that same $20 dollars today, I would get 3 roster slots (850HP each), with 350HP. Once I mature to 1000 HP slots, that's just two roster slots. First observation, my money DEPRECIATES over time and progression. I do not get the same value from my $20 dollars as someone just starting out. My money, the same $20 dollars, could be spent in a myriad of ways, but with roster slots being at a premium, it's the only one that makes sense. On console games, you're usually presented with a deal where you can buy everything out you need for one low cost. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 for example. Buy the hero pack for X amount, buy the villain pack for x amount, or buy everything for X amount that is the best deal. On MPQ, you have to decide where you're going to spend. Roster slots, covers, ten packs, 40-packs, Vault shake, daily value? Combo packs are not offered, and the money you do spend, you're going to have to make some hard choices between all those things. There is no "cap" here on cost. There are sales offered in MPQ, but the cost never comes down. It stays the same, but you are offered "more". If you look at it though, are you really? As I pointed out earlier, I will get less at 64 roster slots (850 HP) than someone with 20 something roster slots (400 HP). Talking about roster slots, let's look at the onslaught of character additions that you have to make space for. Then, let's look at the covers you need to max. Then, add on the ISO you need. Looking at that same $20 dollars, while on sale (2900 HP I believe), I might be able to add 1 (4* covers for 2500 HP) or 2 covers (3* covers for 1250 HP) for $20 dollars. On console, I bought 8 characters for Marvel Ultimate Alliance for that much. On to the next thing, I can't "buy" characters, I can only buy chances for characters. Not the case for consoles. In Batman: Arkham City, if I wanted Nightwing, I can buy him. I want a version of Jean Grey on my MPQ roster BAD. REAL bad. I opened 3 10-packs this season, no Jean. Opened a couple legendaries, no Jean. I have to grind old content (PVE, which isn't happening), beat 4* DDQ (limited access to 4* have allowed me to beat just 2 of these nodes), or CP (taking FOREVER after quickly gaining 50 from purchases, Facebook, DDQ, and initial offering). Spending on 10-packs or 40-packs only offer some hope, but no guarantee. In the case of buying covers, here's the thing. On the console games I mentioned above, the character I buy will have the same powers through and through. No changes. The heroes and villians pack players I mentioned in Marvel Ultimate Alliance will be the same today as they were when I bought them 9 years ago. On the other hand, you could have dropped top dollar on XFW covers when he first came out, but how you feel now? That first version of XFW doesn't exist anymore. You now have a XFW whose greenflag.png does less damage than some 3* attacks. An attempt was made at compensation, but did you get a good return if you sold him? How much did you spend versus how much you got back? There's my rant for why I respect F2P players. No disrespect to whales, now that my roster is stronger, there's no better satisfaction than dominating in Simulator and PVP events. If you got the money to burn, do your thing! I feel you. Me, however, I don't, and I feel the difference. Since I'm in the position I'm in, I'm not going to brag on F2P, but I'm not going to hate on them either. It isn't easy by a long shot. To conclude, I just found out about Google Rewards and every penny I earn will go to D3 for as long as I continue to play this game.