New competition - Venom devours a 5* - we have a winner



  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Surfer has fallen.

    As fortune would have it, I came across my current arch nemesis and rival, Professor Fiddlestix (not real ign), sporting a team of Wild Man Logan, Jailbait Jean and Norrin "I fly commando" Radd. To be honest, I was a bit perplexed; how had he acquired the Old Man so quickly! Not only that he also had a few covers of the Phoenix!


    You have to understand the rivalry between me and Prof Fiddlestix stems although way back to the dawn of the 5* Age (for those not keeping count about 2 months ago). To my knowledge, up until fairly recently we were the only ones in our realm of the MPQ multiverse that fielded a usable Skyrider for the purposes of high end versus events. So naturally, we would often clash in battle often with out Surfers dueling it out to decide who was best. But now it seems my lucky and well-funded foe had one upped me!

    A smile grew on my face as I imagined the great battles that lay ahead for the coming season but then I received a severe rapping on the head from our champion.

    "This no time to be indulging in fantasies. We have acquired our target and we demand to be fed."

    Ah yes! The task at hand! Considering the BoP event was coming to a close and we had secured a spot in the top 5 I managed to convince the Dark Devourer to wait until the final minute before we launched our attack since we did not need the points. Of course what this also meant is that we would only have one shot, no margin for error. So as event drew to a close we prepared ourselves, I loaded up some more pink/blue and black/green AP and we decided to bring along Deadpool Whales TU just in case.

    Priority one was to devour the enemy's Silver Surfer. Priority two was to see if we could also devour the Wild Old Crazy man again.


    Having established our priorities and with approximately 30 seconds left in the event we made our move. Our first target was the psychic, since her AoE powers were the greatest threat to our team. She went down without much fuss, leaving us with the 2 5*s. While gathering the necessary AP for the ceremony, the enemy Skyrider managed to get off a cosmic blast and the Old Man put up some strike tiles that caused great injury to our Silver Sentinel before we could complete the ritual. However, he held strong and the Webslinger and Dark Devourer were able to complete the preparations just as our cosmic companion succumbed to his injuries.

    Spider-Man quickly ensnared the Old Man while the enemy Surfer was unaware of the dark magic trap he was ensnared in and his Old Wily companion could do nothing but look on as he was feasted upon by the Dark one. With the ritual finished, the two arachnids moved quickly to try and build another web but Logan finally managed to escape and in a blind rage he lunged for Venom. But Spider-Man intercepted him and tried his best to hold him back. While laying a brutal beating to the Old Man, the arachnid duo came within one web tile away from bringing down the legendary 5* two times. But fueled by his anger, the Wild and Crazy man managed to tear off his web shackles and interrupt the ceremony ultimately taking down the Web-Master in the process.

    With just the two of them left standing, Old Man Logan finally unleashed his claws but our Champion realizing he would not be able to feast properly on this old sack of adamantium decided to end the match and moved with such force that it knocked the Old Man across the room and he crashed hard into the wall. Before he had a chance to recover, Venom was upon him with such viciousness and brutality that the Old Man probably wished he had been properly devoured instead.

    Victory was ours.

    "We shall eat the firebird next"

    And so ends the second chapter of our tale. Unfortunately in my excitement when devouring Silver Surfer I managed to hit the wrong button on my phone so I wasn't able to capture the moment but here are the before and after pics for the judges to analyze should they question the veracity of my venture:

    Furthermore, I have to thank MoonRoach again! I have taken to fielding this team in the Gauntlet and have been having a blast being able to use two of my favorite super-heroes, Spidey and Silver Surfer, together. Spidey's Spectacular Strategy combined with the Surfer's match damage is just crazy fun, and has drastically increased the value of critical tile boosts in my arsenal. It has really put the "puzzle" aspect back in the game for me since I now have to consider the web tiles in my strategy, instead of just going for brute force. And I find it incredibly amusing that my 300 health Venom has the most devastating move on my team and that I'm using the Surfer to basically be the herald for my Dark Devourer. Definitely having an MPQ Renaissance moment! So thank you!

    And finally, while I don't ask or expect any reward for completing this challenge, I do agree with the post above that such challenges in-game would be of great value. They would open up new ways of exploring the game and could help increase the use of under-used characters. For example, completing matches with a certain amount of protect tiles or a fastball challenge where you have to have Colossus throw select characters. Maybe they can be personal side quests or something that are changed or renewed each season and give progressive awards for the amount of challenges completed. Definitely something worth looking at from a development standpoint.

    Also will include some shots from my Gauntlet adventures for those interested: (the last one with Prof. X was from the node 41 who I just couldn't keep at full health before devouring lol)
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP wrote:
    Too bad, with the recent change to 1* Venom's Devour, we won't be able to have this anymore..



    By chance, I just happened to finish another great adventure last night. I guess it shall be the final chapter of the Dark Devourer trilogy. Coming to a forum near you, "soon".
  • bigwhoop
    bigwhoop Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    OJSP wrote:
    Too bad, with the recent change to 1* Venom's Devour, we won't be able to have this anymore..

    Holy ****! When did they make this change? While not as epic as Fight4TheDream, I managed to devour some 4* during the last BoP event.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well that was a stealth nerf to be sure. Obviously Venom was too OP and needed to be taken down a notch. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • moogles85
    moogles85 Posts: 187 Tile Toppler
    Venom is too OP.

    Original thread: viewtopic.php?style=1&f=7&t=36888
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Hi everyone,

    Here's word from Demiurge on a change going live today for 1-Star Venom:

    "Hey all,

    We got some worrying feedback that with the inclusion of Miles Morales to the game, 1-Star Venom could start holding his own against 4-Star characters. Miles creates enough Web tiles that Venom's Devour, which instantly downs a character if there are enough Web tiles, could fire pretty regularly.

    Changes have been made to avoid this problem. (Changes are in R90+, CL 321089) :
    • Venom now deals 2,000 Damage instead of downing a character if there are enough Web tiles on the board from Character Levels 1 to 40
    • At level 41 this damage will start to scale up
    • The number of tiles required to deal this damage has increased from 6 to 8."
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    Meh, Dlaw (after he invented shield hopping) came up with the troll team spidey/juggs/venom. Eating anyone not a problem in bop.