CP reward node in PVE

mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
After grinding down only the PVE nodes to get the measly 2 CP (1 CP each), I find it utterly ridiculous to be awarded 20 iso8.png and whitecrit.png boosts time after time.

These nodes need to have 1 reward and 1 reward only. The CP, so I can move on. I do not play PVE specifically for this reason among many other things, and I know many others are on the same page.

We have been telling the devs that the 20 iso8.png reward has to go for over a year now and they haven't changed it and don't look like they ever will. This above all should be changed so I don't have to waste time, boosts, healthpacks and whatever else grinding these down to sometimes 1, just for the CP reward.

Who agrees?
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  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    Make the first nod a one and done nod and give the reward
  • I'd rather they take out the critical boost and make it 3/3 rewards.

    I'd much rather they take out the critical boost and make it 3 then done and no 20-iso, but assuming that'll never happen.
  • This discussion definitely needed another thread. Thank you.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Isn't the whole point that command points are supposed to be at least somewhat tricky to come by? A "one-and-done" node would defeat that purpose.
    But if you aren't willing to grind a node just for a command point then you can just move on without the command point. The game won't crash, I promise. Life goes on.
  • Platzy
    Platzy Posts: 77 Match Maker
    There is already enough incentive to grind - an "activity" that is stupid and annoying enough already.

    A guaranteed Command Point, particularly in the final node of a sub, would be a great incentive to keep player engagement and investment.
    Why is DDQ as successful and beloved as it is? - Becuase it gives tangible rewards each day for a reasonable investment of time. You hae to log in every day and play a bit to get them, so you are always coming back to the game. Also, it is an achievement to be able to reliably clear the Big enchilada and confirms that you have accomplished something in the game.

    Why are EotS (despite annoying ninjas) and DPvsMPQ favourite PvE events? - I think not the least because they give guaranteed rewards even to the more casual player that isn't interested in grinding the nodes down every 8 hours just to compete/get the legendary progression. CPvsMPQ gives HP and Iso respectively, EotS has an event token in almost every sub (and incidentally, I think if that the Hell's Kitchen sub would have one, too, people would be more likely to put up with ninja fed Wolverine over and over again).

    I cannot be bothered to play a PvE for placement or the legendary progression. My free time is too valuable to waste on mindless grinding. I occasionally aim for the 3* progression if I have at least 2 essentials, but even then I often do not finish the subs, but only go for the easy points. Knowing that there is a guaranteed Command Point would easily get me to do at least do one full clear, thus tying me closer to the game - something that is in the interest of the Devs.
    And I don't think I am the only one at this casual level of engagement.

    I get it that there is a lot of content that you are only supposed to get when you work hard for it:
    Top PvP progressions,
    Top PvE progressions,
    4* DDQ
    I accept that this is not for me and am not too bothered by it - as long as there is enough content aimed at me that keeps me happy, too.

    To keep the less hardcore faction of the playerbase interested and prevent them from migrating to another game, the Devs need to come off their high horse and be a bit less stingy. A little generosity goes a long way to keep players happy and invested in your game!
    So stop being such tightwads and and embrace giving out Command Points! they are an ace opportunity to give out something that doesn't cost you very much and with 25 required before you get anything from them, they will not send the economy crashing in flames.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Platzy wrote:
    There is already enough incentive to grind - an "activity" that is stupid and annoying enough already.


    Exactly! We already need the points, why everything more stressful?

    We don't need a node that we NEED to play at least 7 times before we get the damned CP! It is better when we can decide that we WANT to play the node 7 times to get all the points.

    Last two days I needed 7+ completions to get it in the hardest node. Today I have done two clears and still don't have any, and later I will need to play PvP so I don't know If I will be able to get them.
    Platzy wrote:

    I get it that there is a lot of content that you are only supposed to get when you work hard for it:
    Top PvP progressions,
    Top PvE progressions,
    4* DDQ

    Placement in PvP now is ULTRA hard, even being top50 is hard these days (last PvP you needed more than 1100 to be top50). PvE nodes and DDQ are the CPs that I get most of the time (I could get the top50-PvP and top10-SubPvE sometimes but not often). And I guess we are not going to get the +5 when ending with 300 points or more anymore so please devs don't make things harder than what already are.
  • ScrawL
    ScrawL Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    mjh wrote:
    We have been telling the devs that the 20 iso8.png reward has to go for over a year now and they haven't changed it and don't look like they ever will. This above all should be changed so I don't have to waste time, boosts, healthpacks and whatever else grinding these down to sometimes 1, just for the CP reward.

    Who agrees?

    I totally agree with you. The developers did say they knew how much everyone does not like the 20iso reward and that they have been wanting to do something about it, it's just been put to the the back burner for some time. They said they were planning on finally changing it. They said this in the community video a few months ago yet nothing's happened. It's not that big of a change. They need to make this more of a priority, instead of just putting it back on the back burner like it seems they have done.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Joy, another "gimme the most free stuff for the least effort" thread..
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    Joy, another "gimme the most free stuff for the least effort" thread..

    Except it's not.
    Points for trying though.
  • Platzy
    Platzy Posts: 77 Match Maker
    Malcrof wrote:
    Joy, another "gimme the most free stuff for the least effort" thread..

    Joy, another "I had to whale/grind my **** off to get to the top of the pile, so those pesky peons better know their place and suffer the same" reply..
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mawtful wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    Joy, another "gimme the most free stuff for the least effort" thread..

    Except it's not.
    Points for trying though.
    This bit:
    These nodes need to have 1 reward and 1 reward only. The CP, so I can move on.
    definitely gives a "give me the good stuff with a minimum of effort" vibe at least.
  • Malcrof wrote:
    Joy, another "gimme the most free stuff for the least effort" thread..
    You could try reading it to see if it has a point before being snarky. I've seen it work before.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    The problem with these types of things is this.. next time Simulator PVE comes around, we get the threads "20 iso for the hardest node after first completion" because the big iso nodes give only the 1 big prize, but to place or get legendary you have to do it multiple times.

    So trust me, getting the CP as the only reward won't make people happy, except those who only want to do a single clear to get the top reward for least effort.
  • Bryan Lambert
    Bryan Lambert Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    Malcrof wrote:
    The problem with these types of things is this.. next time Simulator PVE comes around, we get the threads "20 iso for the hardest node after first completion" because the big iso nodes give only the 1 big prize, but to place or get legendary you have to do it multiple times.

    So trust me, getting the CP as the only reward won't make people happy, except those who only want to do a single clear to get the top reward for least effort.

    Well, the post you originally responded to wasn't an attempt to make everyone happy, so...

    Ultimately, the devs are associating a certain amount of in-game effort with a certain amount of reward. MPQ's always had a pretty high effort to reward ratio - a.k.a. "the grind".

    In response to complaints that the effort wasn't producing enough in rewards for people in the 4* transition, the devs introduced Command POints. And when you take away the first-week freebies and the daily reward, every other way to consistently get all the Command Points available require additional effort for not even the reward, but a chance at the reward. Top placement was hard to begin with, and giving away CP for them just makes them more competitive. Node rewards require extra node grinding.

    So, in response to "we'ee grinding hard and not getting enough rewards", a system was introduced that says "here's some new rewards for people willing to grind even harder". Thus, there is a disconnect. Thus, there are complaints. Complaints you respond to repeatedly by dismissing those complaining as people who just want more free stuff.

    But it's not free stuff. You'd still have to grind to get the rewards in every single other way of doing this has been proposed. You'd just have to grind less, or do the grinding you'd already be doing for the other stuff you want to get, like PvE Legendaries. That is not an unreasonable request.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    Joy, another "gimme the most free stuff for the least effort" thread..
    No, it's a "give everyone the same stuff for the same effort" thread. No one should have to grind a node 12 more times than someone else just to get the same reward.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Mal - I understand where you're coming from. There are tons of posts all the time about making rewards easier to get. Everyone wanted 4*DDQ to just hand out legendaries to everyone with a single cover of that cycle's 4*. People want 3* covers extended to top 200, 4* covers rewarded as placement in multiples, etc. I think there are many reasons for people to want these things besides just "give me more stuff for less effort". I think it's more that people are already putting in what they think is a lot of effort and don't really feel like the rewards are commensurate with that effort.

    As for mjh - knowing him a little bit as we've been alliance-mates for a while now, I can say that he's definitely not just wanting more free stuff. He's plenty willing to shield hop to 1300 for a legendary token or grind PvE for new releases. The issue here is exactly as others have stated: There is already so much content/rewards in the game for grinders. These CPs should not be EVEN MORE content for grinders. No one's asking for handouts (well, maybe a few are, but not the OP), those are already given as a matter of fact in daily rewards. Additionally, as pointed out, these CPs are already soft-gated by being rewards for the hardest "regular" node, and the 4* essential node. Now that community scaling is a thing of the past, I'd guess most people can beat the hardest node at least once (although the 5* scaling thing might be throwing that off, just ask slidecage), but by no means does everyone have the 4* essential.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's very possible to get the Command Point on the first play of the node if you get lucky. It has happened to me multiple times already.
    If you absolutely have to have every Command Point from PvE... yeah, some grinding will probably be required. Or you could just play as usual and be happy when you get the extra cool reward that wasn't there before.
    Unfortunately, I don't really see command points being easier to get if everyone grinds like madmen to get them in both PvP and PvE. If people can't be bothered to chase the shiny new bauble it might get more accessible later on though.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hey just telling like it is, folks. *still sour after grinding that node down to one and hitting it a few more times to only be rewarded 20-Iso for the trouble. Didn't even get the 250 Iso reward. Not cool, dudes, not cool (#`皿´)*

    Edit to add: On a more serious note, I actually understand why the devs are not opening the flood gates with CP; if they gave us more CP and then realized it was "too much" and decided they needed to cut back people would be up in arms about it. So I am glad they are playing it safe. However, I do think placing it in a random reward generator on pretty tough nodes causes more bad feelings than it does good. I have also had the good fortune of hitting it on my first try but of the two experiences, the grinding beyond 1 to no avail left the stronger impression.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    "I need the crit boosts" - hah! Rarely have I seen a more biased/leaning poll suggestion!

    (It could have read almost anything and I would have voted yes on one and done)
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster wrote:
    It's very possible to get the Command Point on the first play of the node if you get lucky. It has happened to me multiple times already.
    If you absolutely have to have every Command Point from PvE... yeah, some grinding will probably be required. Or you could just play as usual and be happy when you get the extra cool reward that wasn't there before.
    How would you feel if node points were random? You probably wouldn't be too cool with it. But there's not a whole lot of difference between "The two of us both grinded this fully-charged node 6 times, but he got 1200 points and I only got 900" and "The two of us both grinded this fully-charged node 6 times, but he got a cp and 500 iso, and I only got a crit boost and 100 iso"