How to win me back (with command points)!



  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Are your cover numbers right? If you've earned 230 4* covers this year, you're in an elite class of players. Out of curiosity - why is 10 months way too soon when you're selling every 3* you earn? It's not like you're starting from scratch. If you're someone who can earn almost four 4*s every 5 days, why is 10 months too short to progress? 10-months earning four 4*s every 5 days is a crazy pace.

    Yeah, data's correct. As far as 4* breakdown:

    57 from event/heroic/taco tokens (out of 1655, 3.44%)
    31 from legendary
    11 from daily
    24 from alliance rewards (includes ultron/galactus)
    20 from event rewards
    1 from Antman
    86 from progression

    I don't think that's overly quick, but maybe I'm wrong. It's getting 1000 every PvP, 1300 sometimes, and being in a top 100 alliance. Nothing overly special.

    As far as the rest, maybe it's not fast but it's considerably faster than the current design mechanics, and I don't really have a problem with it.
  • boldfacedfemme
    boldfacedfemme Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    Wow. That is one really impressive passive aggressive run-on sentence ya got there, happydance.

    You have reached a level I have only dreamed of.
  • Kheiron wrote:
    I mean the poster's plan is silly and way too generous but the amount of butthurt elitist apologists that pop up anytime any person has a complaint is crazy. It's ironic, these people keep stating that complainers are ruining the game/forums when it is their own diatribes that are truly becoming tired and old.

    I wasn't aware that having a counterpoint or not thinking every single thing that happens in the game needs to be incessantly ripped apart makes you a butthurt elitist, but, for the record, I'm definitely not elitist, and last time I checked my butt wasn't hurting, so I guess I can comment on this.

    I personally hate when people complain about the same thing over and over. Especially when it's the same group of people constantly complaining about every single aspect of the game. It's a match 3 puzzle game. To me, nothing that happens on here (or any game) is that serious to get up in arms about. And it's not like there isn't a bevy of other match-3 games to play if you don't like this one. I wouldn't keep playing a game or talking about it if it made me as miserable as this one makes some people. Life's too short to get so upset about a game all the time.

    As for the original post, 1 point for a 2 star cover seems way too generous, at least at the moment, since getting 2* covers is extremely easy. It also hasn't even been 24 hours since the system has been implemented. I know the Internet demands instant gratification, but, maybe give the system a chance to play out and give them time to adjust it before we come to a definitive conclusion about it? It might turn out to be completely underwhelming, but since it's not even a day old, I'm willing to give it some time to see how it works first.

    One "hates when people complain about the same thing over and over" so their solution is complain about the same thing.... Over and over.

    We get it. You guys really hate anyone complaining about their problems with the game. At this point the balance has shifted from "I can't believe these people feel so entitled" to "I can't believe these people are so fervently up in arms about other people being entitled".

    The only thing sadder than one complaining about a match-3 game is people who are foaming at the mouth to jump down anyone's throat who complains about a match-3 game.

    I am a ~100 day old player and regularly lurk to keep updated. I'm tired of coming here and seeing this demeaning mentality in every single thread. It's 100x worse that it is coming from Mods (That's you Davy). Anyone participating in this, especially mods, should be ashamed of yourself. This isn't high-school, act like an adult.

    Kudos to those who address people's concerns with a well-thought response that addresses the issues.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards

    We get it. You guys really hate anyone complaining about their problems with the game. At this point the balance has shifted from "I can't believe these people feel so entitled" to "I can't believe these people are so fervently up in arms about other people being entitled".

    The only thing sadder than one complaining about a match-3 game is...

    Too much complaining about the people who complain about the complainers!

    I kid icon_e_smile.gif
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't get command points but another form of currency doesn't feel like the answer to the lacking parts of the transitions. So i'll not comment too much there.

    Main point of my post though, if you guys really hate peoples post this much you shouldn't post in their threads. It brings it up, makes others pay attention.

    This is a lot of complaining about someones feedback, however they choose to deliver it is whatever. My advice ignore people who don't want to have discussion. Save the finger movements.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    To all the whales out there - Thank you for buying this game for me, a F2P player. I am certainly not the one funding it icon_redface.gif
    I just opened 106 tacos. Zero 4* rewards. Odds of that happening? 11%. Two seasons ago I opened four 10-packs. No 4*s. I'm hoping someone else is getting the better end of my luck, but people like me are why real progress needs to exist with guaranteed rewards.

    I recall the math that was done way back, and that sounds about right. I think 140-150 tokens give a 95% chance to get a 4*. I'm sorry for your loss icon_cry.gif I said it back then, and I will continue to say it, the taco vault is a joke. It's a distant memory now and yet here we are, still saving tokens so the "vault" system actually works as intended...
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    The biggest problem with CP being given for covers is that high level players would fight even more for rewards they otherwise would not need. This happened back in the beginning of the game when 3* covers could be sold for a little HP. It wasn't a lot, but people were fighting hard for top placement rewards they didn't need, solely to sell them for HP. No, this is not the same as top level players taking prizes right now, because many simply earn their progression rewards and then let their rankings drop to let others have the placement rewards.

    Any CP for 3* covers or lower would make it significantly harder for players who need 3* placement rewards.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just a wild guess, but I don't think "winning back" players who don't pay regularly but instead want more stuff handed out for free is a priority for the devs.

    I think they'd rather bring in more paying players and keep the spenders spending.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    actually ice said something like that was originally intended but conflicted with another upcoming feature, so instead of it being tied to cover sales, they looked at average cover sales and how they increased in rarity and quantity over time and they put the equivalent cps that we would have gotten from cover sales into the daily resupply list. basically ending up less for the most active players and much more than a more casual player would have gotten. not a fan of equalizing everything to the mean, but he did address it:
    IceIX wrote:
    I didn't see this question answered anywhere but will unwanted 4 or 5 * covers be able to be sold for CP under the new system?
    Not at launch, no. Originally, all covers 2*+ were going to have a chance to proc CP on sale, but it was actively messing with the development of another feature. As a response to that, we figured out about how much players would be earning from cover sales and placed that into Daily Rewards instead. So it shifted those sale reward procs from a statistical amount for users to something based on length of play. So no, but that's why Daily Rewards give CP instead.

    and after a follow up question:
    IceIX wrote:
    I don't mean to be a jerk, but that's a **** answer. How exactly are you determining "how much players would be earning through cover sales"?
    Pretty easily. We can see how many covers players of all stripes sell, which tends to correlate very closely with overall play time. Meaning that the longer you're playing, the more and higher end covers you're selling. That was already in our math to figure out how high to make the proc rate without flooding the game with CP anyway. So it's a pretty simple step to ramp up the CP allowance over days played through Daily Rewards to come very close to that statistical curve.

    edit: I said 'something like that' in my post but that's somewhat misleading. ice said the plan was to get random drops of cps when selling covers based on a %. obviously not nearly the rate THD proposed.

    Thanks for this TXMoose, I asked that question and couldn't find the reply afterwards due to how active that thread is.
  • OJSP wrote:
    Most people who post this type of threads have been disappointed by the game: the longer they play and the longer they frequent the forum, the more threads like this are being created. With more threads like this, the other forumites who already had a bad feeling about such poster would feel even worse and obviously would respond. Especially if said poster had mentioned their intention to quit the game not once, but several times in the past couple of months, but kept coming back to the forum to complain. I have to admit, I was one of the sympathisers initially, but had since became annoyed of the complaints. All the memory of the previously positive and useful posts that I've read before are almost replaced by negative and angry posts.

    Well, to address this statement, I have stopped playing. I occasionally log in just to see if anything's changed, but I haven't loaded up MPQ beyond checking what the deal was with the new command point currency (and subsequently disappointed).

    I've been very positive of the devs when they've implemented changes and improvements that helped players (I actually did like the Anniversary Event for the most part, beyond the initial debacle, but it wasn't quite enough). Part of this may also be the fact that I originally burned out when death brackets were at their worst (so my tolerance for unnecessary grind is a lot lower than it was then), and a lot of identical arguments were being thrown out. I understand that some people see this game as a sport, but there should also be options for those of us who "just" want to play it as a game and not as a sport or lifestyle activity. A lot of my negativity for this game has been for poor/often misleading communication from the devs (whether intentional or unintentional) that have made it seem on a number of occasions that they were going to address the concerns of the segment of the player-base I belong to. Lately, they've promised a lot of things to make transitioning more obtainable, but largely that hasn't materialized.

    I occasionally check back because they claim they have some new feature in the works that should help with that, but they've kept claiming that for a long time, and the promised changes, as implemented, don't usually address things the way they make it sound like they will, but players like me who have enjoyed the game or some aspects of it in the past like to check in and throw in our perspectives sometimes in hopes they'll take them into consideration. I think a big part of this is a communication problem. They continually make announcements of things they say are intended to help players, but usually they seem to be geared only at the highest level end-gamers or hardcore grinders. If they came out and said that directly, and didn't try to present things like they were also for the rest of the playerbase, it would make things much easier because people wouldn't feel led on. If you say you're going to implement features that will help more casual / semi-casual players beyond simply the most hardcore, then you have to follow-through if you don't want them to become annoyed with you. The hardcores who gang-up on forumites who call attention to this only exacerbate the issue because they make the entire experience even less enjoyable by hurling constant insults and insinuations, and blaming the players who were led to believe changes were happening to make the game enjoyable / more enjoyable for them or players like them. Every positive change this games had, the same posters who've latched onto that trailing statement in my OP have also made themselves load and annoying to protest (like when DPD was first implemented).

    So yes, I apologize if I can come across as annoying sometimes, but this is true of anyone who puts in a legitimate effort to try and effect change. If players are thoroughly enjoying a game, they don't typically feel the need to post in forums. When they do, and especially when they have criticism, it's because they think a game's good enough that they want to play it, but there are significant aspects that they feel need improvement. It's a compliment to the game that there are so many posters who complain about it instead of just writing it off. It would be more a compliment to the game if they handled the expectations of the full playerbase better so that players didn't need to complain for months and months to see any positive change (for their style of gameplay).

    I've largely stopped posting at all here, which means I've largely given up on the game. Command points feels like another missed opportunity that could've really opened the game up. I'll continue to check back occasionally to see what the new feature they keep promising turns out to be, but if that doesn't materialize I won't be back. In a sense, I'm already out, and I'm only coming back if their new feature allows me to play the game on my own terms.

    There. I've said my peace. People seem to have a negative view of my posts now, so I'll leave it there.
  • kalex716
    kalex716 Posts: 184
    I feel like if they just extended the 1 4 star cover reward in PVE events back to top 25, and PVP top 10.

    First and 2nd should get like 2 or 3 of the 4 star covers.

    That would make the transition easier. If you are casual, then you try and catch late brackets, and you probably won't be able to get the progression legendary (or 1000/1300), but you can luck out from time to time in an easy enough slice to get specific 4 star covers.
  • GurlBYE wrote:
    My advice ignore people who don't want to have discussion. Save the finger movements.

    AKA - Keys to a successful Internet Experience 101.