CP trade in dissapointment

wirius Posts: 667
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
**Edit** Added in a compromise at counterpoint #3

I think the addition of Command Points (CP) is brilliant and where the game needed to go. I think we're all excited at having these thrown at us right now, but I'm thinking a few weeks later once the excitement dies down. I'm a bit dissapointed at the trade in value. How about 25 cp for a specific cover of a four star you already have? Perhaps 100 cp for a 5* cover you have? Here's the reasoning.

1. CP seems to be a long time investment. Noticing that DDQ gives 1 cp I can assume that CP will be scarce. Likely if you work at it I can assume you'll get about 25 cp a week. If you're a high end player working for those 4* covers, that's only 1 extra token after a weeks worth of other legendary tokens. Isn't that dissapointing?

2. The developers lost an opportunity at player empowerment. If the developers have been paying attention, a lot of people at the 4* transition feel like the effort isn't worth the reward. You don't feel empowered. Having a new form of currency to work for so that YOU can pick your cover is exciting! That empowers the player to know that yes, if they work steadily over the week they can get that Red Hulk Buster cover. THAT keeps people playing. Just like DDQ. Why am I going to invest a weeks worth of solid play for the chance to pull a Starlord or X-Force yellow cover?

3. It wouldn't hurt cover scarcity. If once a week I could, IF I've been dilligent in playing, unlock a cover of my choice from one I have, then at the least it would take me 10 weeks, or a little over 2 months to fully cover 1 four star from 3 starting covers. I've lost count as to how many 4*'s there are in the game now, and they seem to be releasing them at a pace of 2 a month? By the time you max a 4* under this system, 4 more 4*'s will have already come out. Whales aren't going to wait 2 months, and your free to play customers will keep investing in roster slots because they know its possible to obtain the 4*'s they want.


1. Allowing the player to pick would skew the covers proportionately to the best 4*'s, opposed to a more even distribution the game has now.

2. Maybe I'm wrong in CP speed aquisition.

3. *Idea Edit* Keep 25 cp for a token, but add in the option of 50cp to pick your 4* cover, 150cp to pick a 5* cover.


  • kalex716
    kalex716 Posts: 184
    Would you pay 100 CP to pick a cover you want?
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Hm, good question. 100 cp would be about a months worth of work. It would take me 10 months to max a character that way. Too long. I could see 10 months to max a 5* with the scarcity they're currently at. When you start talking about nearly a year to obtain something, that needs to be something incredibly scarce and limited. That should not be 4*'s.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    wirius wrote:
    Hm, good question. 100 cp would be about a months worth of work. It would take me 10 months to max a character that way. Too long.
    Unfortunately, if your roster is such that your chances of getting a usable 4* from a token is around 1 in 4, on average you're only getting 1 usable cover per month anyway, and it's probably not going to be one of the handful that you REALLY want. So in reality, for some people, 25 for a token is actually worse than 100 for a specific 4*.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    simonsez wrote:
    wirius wrote:
    Hm, good question. 100 cp would be about a months worth of work. It would take me 10 months to max a character that way. Too long.
    Unfortunately, if your roster is such that your chances of getting a usable 4* from a token is around 1 in 4, on average you're only getting 1 usable cover per month anyway, and it's probably not going to be one of the handful that you REALLY want. So in reality, for some people, 25 for a token is actually worse than 100 for a specific 4*.

    Thanks Simonsez, you make a good point. What if we kept the token trade at 25 cp, but allowed a person to pick a 4* cover at 50 cp? Gives more of a choice without lowering cover scarcity by too much.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Double post.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    A CP Legendary Vault would be interesting
  • boldfacedfemme
    boldfacedfemme Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    From my understanding, the 1cp from DDQ is just for this round only as a special introduction offer.

    Sooo.... Might wanna reconsider that math.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    From my understanding, the 1cp from DDQ is just for this round only as a special introduction offer.

    Sooo.... Might wanna reconsider that math.
    You're right. ICE is the one who originally told us we could get 1 token per week, but he neglected to mention he was only addressing the people who finish T10 in every PvE sub.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    wirius wrote:
    Thanks Simonsez, you make a good point. What if we kept the token trade at 25 cp, but allowed a person to pick a 4* cover at 50 cp?
    That'd be perfect. One cover per 2 weeks would keep it in sync with the one cover per 2 weeks you can get by hoarding HP.
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    With 10 four stars already covered 13/13, tokens have been a pretty big disappointment so far. I really wish we could buy specific covers with CoPo. Just another layer to the illusion of progress in my eyes. If you're beginning the 4 star transition, and loving the tokens, realize that you'll catch up to my point of view eventually.
  • the CP for DDQ is only temporarily, if they remove that, you can basically only get it from spending $$ and login rewards, which means that the price for CP cost doesnt matter. Another useless feature introduced to the game only interesting for whales.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ludaa wrote:
    With 10 four stars already covered 13/13, tokens have been a pretty big disappointment so far. I really wish we could buy specific covers with CoPo. Just another layer to the illusion of progress in my eyes. If you're beginning the 4 star transition, and loving the tokens, realize that you'll catch up to my point of view eventually.

    I agree, this reminds me when I was a 2* player trying to earn 3*'s.. Heroics became less and less fun to open. I can see this happening to me again once I have enough 4*'s covered.
  • If it were 100CP you buy a cover 4 *, as well as 2500HP, it would be interesting. 25CP for a legendary token is not worth it.
    720CP to a 5 *. How many months and / or time I need to spend to acquire a cover of OML? Good use for whales because I will not change my way of playing because of the CPs. For me it was almost the same thing as not having CP.
  • Ludaa wrote:
    With 10 four stars already covered 13/13, tokens have been a pretty big disappointment so far. I really wish we could buy specific covers with CoPo. Just another layer to the illusion of progress in my eyes. If you're beginning the 4 star transition, and loving the tokens, realize that you'll catch up to my point of view eventually.

    I agree, this reminds me when I was a 2* player trying to earn 3*'s.. Heroics became less and less fun to open. I can see this happening to me again once I have enough 4*'s covered.

    I see where you're coming from. And that's the nature of the beast. The more you progress, the less you need the tokens you get. Essentially, you need a way to go for particular characters.

    There's another game I play, Dungeon Boss, it's not a match-3 game, but it has the whole you-get-random-tokens-you-get-characters-and-some-are-rarer-than-others thing. The cool thing is, you can essentially go after any character you want (with the exception of some that are offered during special events). So if you want to trick out a particular character with new powers, stronger stats you can do so.

    It would be like if during Prodigal Son if you got a covers for various characters after completing the various levels. It might be Punisher, it might be Doctor Doom, it might be Juggs - or it might not be one at all(but in Dungeon Boss, generally playing it 3 or 4 times will net you a token. Then once you get that token, you won't get another token from it for 24 hours.) But you knew you could always farm a particular level for more covers of a certain character. Don't need Punisher? then you could just not play the levels that offer his cover.

    I'm not saying, D3 should implement this, but would allow people to go after the characters they specifically want.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    The biggest issu is they made this currency purchasable and you can buy it for your alliance as well. If you could only win CP in game the could give out a lot more and use them to buy 4*. As it is 5* and legendary tokens have driven thousands of $$ into the game and the Devs are rewarding spenders with CP. because of this CP have to be more rare so it becomes a little bit harder to go from 0-4* God.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's economics for you.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yet another thing that would be improved by fixing the luck problem with LTs. Shameless plug.
  • News flash - CP are designed to generate revenue and allow for whalers to whale. Alliances that have the big whales in them are going to clean up. So be it. They already do anyway.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    wirius wrote:
    Thanks Simonsez, you make a good point. What if we kept the token trade at 25 cp, but allowed a person to pick a 4* cover at 50 cp?
    That'd be perfect. One cover per 2 weeks would keep it in sync with the one cover per 2 weeks you can get by hoarding HP.
    You earn enough HP to buy a 4 star cover every two weeks?

    Wish I was there, or even a 3 star cover for that matter.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm feeling like it may have been a better idea to just give out a few more possible legendary tokens per 2 week period then it is to add a new currency that revolved around legendary tokens.

    Seems to be re-inventing the wheel to solve a somewhat simple problem.