So who else just stopped playing?



  • Threads like these are important feedback, and shouldn't be dismissed so readily. Especially when so many of them are coming up right after the anniversary. The reasons posted here haven't been whiny at all; they've been reasoned explanations of why the game has stopped being fun to a lot of us.

    These topics aren't just about quitting, they're pleas from people who used to love this game and WANT to love it again. But we can't, the way it's going now.

    And I'll also agree with the comments about the over-moderation of these forums. It's extremely off-putting when a negative comment can get blasted by mods for whatever excuse seems convenient, but the guy here calling people "sad-**** quitters" making posts of "thin-as-piss quality" with "crying and ****" is just a-ok.
  • Esheris
    Esheris Posts: 216 Tile Toppler
    I stopped playing yesterday. I realized I wasn't having fun and I can't bring myself to open the game to even play DPD. I probably won't for a long time.

    I got my Legendary token yesterday and was in line for top 1-10 for the new Wolverine. I opened my token and got Green Wolverine. I only have two 4*'s with one color maxed (wolverine green and Elektra pink).

    I know it shouldn't have effected me the way it did since it's just a game, but I don't like where the game is going so I'm calling it quits for a while until I see some good major changes.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I stopped playing about an hour ago.

    I figure I'll start up again at lunch time.
  • westnyy2
    westnyy2 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    If all you guys have stopped playing, then why are you on the message boards? When I go through my burnout phases with this game, I want nothing to do with it. The game has it's flaws but they all do.

    A poster above me pointed out that they are in a good alliance and that is big for them. Same here. Playing with and for my alliance is as good as it gets. 20 great people, no drama and the topics get quite interesting since we all seem to have the same interests.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2015
    For the OP, burnout is real thing with this game and a perfectly natural reaction to the ongoing grind of the game. I got burnout in the summer of 2014 and ended up not playing anything but the daily rewards until the end of last year when Luke Cage and then Iron fist started showing up. I came back and found lots to enjoy, once that mindset of getting everything and being Top 10 had subsided. (and when I did I had tons of boosts, ISO and HP built up from the dailies, and that was before DDQ.)

    I can feel the burnout coming on again for me too (mostly because of the long marches to Legendaries, in PVE or PVP), so I've preemptively cut back again to the just the DDQ for the foreseeable future. Sometimes you've just got to take a step back. I know it can get discouraging when you grind for what ends up being worthless when you get it, or reading the posts here about people beating the 4* DDQ's on the first try and saying it was the "easiest one yet" and so you feel like you've been left behind by the game and its changes.

    But try to remember what probably brought you to the game in the first place, its a simple time killing game in a universe of characters you appreciate. It's okay, even if you've sunk money into it, to let it be just be that, something you play to pass the time on a break or a trip or just some personal time. Let go of the mind set that you need to get every reward available. When you come down to it, there really isn't any way to "win" this game completely, (but i'm NOT saying you are SUPPOSED to lose.) so who cares if you've got the latest 5* or the 95th iteration of Wolverine? Who really cares if someone has gotten "ahead" of you in the overall game? Don't feel like you need to keep up with the game.

    So if you can (and I understand that may feel like lot to care about right now) keep up with just the daily rewards, if nothing else for the two taco token nodes. Let it just be a simple puzzle game again, without worrying about the long term game or even the newest character. Just a match once or twice a day to kill the time. You may find yourself liking it again eventually, and you'll be glad you still have some of the cool toys you've built up without having to start over.

    Just some thoughts from someone who's gone through and is going through the same game burnout. Apologies if this disrupted the life affirming and enriching "where do quitters belong on the forum" discussion.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    Penarvon wrote:
    Threads like these are important feedback, and shouldn't be dismissed so readily. Especially when so many of them are coming up right after the anniversary. The reasons posted here haven't been whiny at all; they've been reasoned explanations of why the game has stopped being fun to a lot of us.

    These topics aren't just about quitting, they're pleas from people who used to love this game and WANT to love it again. But we can't, the way it's going now.

    And I'll also agree with the comments about the over-moderation of these forums. It's extremely off-putting when a negative comment can get blasted by mods for whatever excuse seems convenient, but the guy here calling people "sad-**** quitters" making posts of "thin-as-piss quality" with "crying and ****" is just a-ok.

    I agree with this posters comments on the feedback about burnout is important and while I can't comment on the over-moderation I do have an issue with this particular topic and the inaction of moderators.

    I am at the point of burnout and am deciding whether I should stop or work through it. The main issue for me right now is that I know if I stop I will probably not come back and I have invested a lot of time into this game. If that was the only issue I could probably work through it. However I am also at that point of realizing I would have to invest even more time to transition to the 4* game. I can probably play the DDQ as they only take about 20 minutes a day but if I don't play PvE or PvP for some time I will lose out on Iso 8, which I could really use to level out a few more 3* nor does DDQ help me transition to 4*. It should be important to game developers to find out how players are reacting to their game.

    So to hear posters berate people dealing with the issue (which is probably the #1 or #2 issue with the game in general) is concerning. If this post topic is something you don't want to read, then don't. The topic clearly identifies what it is about. There is no need to berate people about a real issue concerning the game.

    I am also disappointed with the fact that the moderators took no action on some of the offensive posts, which were very unwelcoming and not something a community based forum should strive for. Most importantly how do you think new users would view these harshly negative responses by other users? Probably not favorably as it doesn't seem like a decent forum community as it is a place to snipe and degrade other members. I know Malcrof believed there wasn't an issue with the posts in question according to his earlier review. I generally believe that Malcrof is a good and fair moderator from reading his works on the forum but I do disagree with him this time and do believe some of the posts should have been removed and his comment that the OP topic merely clutters the forum. I actually find that comment nearly as concerning coming from a moderator.
  • Bishop
    Bishop Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    El Satanno wrote:
    El Satanno wrote:
    Mods, can we just have a sub-board to dump all these sad-**** "quitting" threads in? That would be super.

    How is this a sad-**** quit thread? The OP is simply mentioning burnout, which I'm sure applies to the vast majority of vets. You don't want to read threads like this, don't click on it in the first place

    I don't know about you, but when the OP boils down to "I don't play anymore," it sure sounds a lot like a quit thread to me. I been around the block a few times, too, and not only would I argue that "vast majority" is not only hyperbole, but utterly inappropriate. Seems to me that we've got burnout, sure, but it ain't nowhere near majority, let alone "vast."

    I'll be honest, though, the latter part of your remark interests me a lot more. I don't want to read threads like this and that's precisely why I bothered to post. Threads like these pop up tiresome regularity, and there is never anything to be gained except a rise in post count for the usual bunch of disgruntled whiners around here. That encourages more of this meaningless drivel, further diluting the already thin-as-piss quality of the average thread around here. There once was a time when meaningful conversation and thoughtful critique of this game was the norm and you could spend an hour reading through just the first page. Now it's hard to find any more than maybe two or three decent threads in a day. And when anything significant happens, good or bad, you can be sure it's at least 2 full pages of crying and ****. That is a sad, sad thing. So I say to the forum and the mods, please make a sub for these sad-**** quit threads. Call it "The Graveyard," and let them all die quietly there.

    If they make a "Graveyard sub" then they'll need a Resurrection sub too. Because they'll tell you they started playing again also.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    These threads are less for players who are looking for interesting reading material and more feedback for the direction of the game, and wishes from those who liked the game enough not to instantly match 3 and uninstall without a second thought. The op clearly wants to play more, and likes the game a lot. The next 3 posts continue with similar sentiments.

    Rants about how you wish to see nothing but positivity on forums don't really do anything for anyone on either side of the equation.

    Theres a lot less interesting discussion to be had for a 2 year old game when nothing has been changed significantly enough to warrant tons of new discussion, which is a problem in itself.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've not given up entirely, but absolutely I've dropped off a considerable amount post-anniversary. The majority of my Marvel time has been spent on a game which I won't mention because it is yet another "Off Topic" topic according to the greens.

    I did my first three daily clears on Unstable ISO 8. Did DDQ over the weekend, but just couldn't bring myself to continue the story grind for the legendary. It is hard to nail down all the specifics on why the burnout is hitting so hard this time. But it just doesn't feel like the progress I make anymore is worth the effort. It is the same thing over and over, and if there is something new it is something that we are "supposed to lose." It just isn't fun.

    Coming to the forums and seeing similar opinions from people who also loved the game and feel course corrections are in order only to be berated doesn't do a lot to make me think things will improve or that I'd even want to be part of this community.
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    I went from full time PVP, tried my best in PVP plus DDQ to DDQ plus minimal PVP. I'll probably drop PVP altogether as I can't shoot for the 4* and I already have all the 3* reward currently offered.

    It's not the annivserary problems as much as their answers nd communication. I guess I no longer trust them.
  • AaronTheLuigi
    AaronTheLuigi Posts: 187 Tile Toppler

    I don't actually have a say in the matter, I guess.
    I mean, everything else is working fine internet-wise. Not sure why this is the only thing failing to go through. I filed a ticket and am still waiting for a response.