Average HP used to hit 1000

Slarow Posts: 204 Tile Toppler
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Without HB/JG.

Seriously, seeing the other thread with people hitting 1300 on one or two shields is sickening for someone who has every 3* maxed out, all the good ones at 166 (day 585), a few old 4*'s maxed, but doesn't have HB or JG above level 160.

If I want to guarantee that I get 1k, I have to play the day before and hop multiple times or I get beat down all day long by JG/HB (or more recently cyc) teams.

Edit: I should say that it's not so much that I get hit by JG/HB teams, it's more that they are the only teams I am given as opponents, and I can't defeat them with any sort of regulatory, so I am such fighting 20 point non JG/HB teams, and get hit during the fights since it takes so long to climb at that pace.


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    0 for me. It's very rare that I shield before 1000 points, and I usually run 3* teams even if my 4* roster is starting to be decently fleshed out now.
    I usually skip the first day or so of the tournament and start with one to one and a half day. I try to get as close to 800 (my equilibrium point) as possible before calling it a night. I do get hit during the night, but there are usually a few juicy retaliations from that and I can easily make back lost points. wait a while to let health packs regenerate, then do a run as high as you can before the shield comes up - it's not difficult to fly past 1000 points that way.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    On average? Probably about 20. I only need a shield before 1000 rarely now that I have most of the good 3* characters maxed, and when i do buy one it's a 3-hour.
  • join any(usually first) slice at 5 hour remaining and throw 3-hour shield after hitting 1000(alliance first) 26 3* maxed
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    I usually only need to shield once up to 1000, as long as I time things right (did not do so with the Bullseye event). I'll go to at least 950 or so and then shield - usually the 3 hour one. Because I really can only trot out my 3*s in PVP, I'm an easy target for those still climbing, and if I try to get 1000 without shielding first I'm going to get hit pretty hard and fast.

    When I'm ready to hop, I will look for a good target to get me over 1000 with some breathing room (60-70 points is ideal). I try to avoid any teams with huge hp monsters (like HB) as it will take me longer to finish, and I want to win before I get hit. I will usually time this so I can use one more shield to ride out the event. I rarely have a shot for 1300 so I usually just call it a day once I hit the 1000 point progression.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Most common answer is 0.

    On a true average it's something small and non-zero because it's not 100% success to 1k without using a 4*, but it's pretty close.

    Of course I don't have to do that anymore (no JG, but yes IMHB), but I never had a problem getting to 1k with my 3* roster. It's after that where things get tricky.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Floated overnight, which was a mistake... so this 1k is going to cost me a 75hp shield icon_e_sad.gif
  • Zero for me too. My Hulkbuster is still under construction and the only time I used it in pvp was at the event Class of 2015. My Jean Grey is 2-2-3 and neither would reach 800 with her. You need the right time for the sprint and hope nobody attack you. Have some guys who for lack of intellect attack you after the received message. If wait 15-30 minutes after notification would have more points in retaliation.
  • Iridious
    Iridious Posts: 53 Match Maker
    I use zero too as I don't shield hop at all, only use shields to preserve my score when I'm done climbing at the 8 hour mark normally.

    I should add as well that's only using 3* characters as I don't have any strong enough 4*s yet and have only just started to reach 1k with any regularity in the last season.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm up to the point where i might use a 3 hr if my climb was harsh and i only made into the 900s. many times i climb to 1K with no hp. off season there were 2 pvp events i think. was able to make 1K with no hp in one and the other i think required 1 shield - either for protection or health pack recharge. don't remember
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have zero usable 4*s. Need one more xf black before he can finally be the mediocre 4* he is.

    I've had it happen enough times where I come out of that final match from 970+ to find the "-250 YOU LOSE" message that I usually shield once before my last fight unless the boosteds include a good combo of top tier 3s. I always get annoyed though when I shield and no bounces come in.

    I usually hit it far enough out though that I have to spend hp after hitting 1k to hold score. Somtimes it's a 3hr, but usually it's an 8hr.
  • Slarow
    Slarow Posts: 204 Tile Toppler
    udonomefoo wrote:
    I've had it happen enough times where I come out of that final match from 970+ to find the "-250 YOU LOSE" message

    Yep, that's exactly what happens every time I go for 1k. Just happened to me twice in the past two shields, I even have a screenshot of me at 1001, but when I refreshed it, it was 860.

    The frustrating part about not having hb/jg is that all of my targets are hb/jg except sub-35 point targets, and it is impossible to climb at 35 points per match when you get whacked for 100 after 2 fights.

    Started my last run at 894, got to 971, now sitting at 890, waiting to spend even more hp on shields for the next hop.

    My guess is I won't get the 1k reward, and the 825hp I have spent so far plus the 150-450 I will need to spend later tonight, will all be wasted.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sounds like you're in the wrong slice. I banged my head against the well for too long in slice 5 before realizing there just weren't enough points to get there reliably. Now I alternate between 1 and 4, depending on what ending time works for me.
  • Slarow
    Slarow Posts: 204 Tile Toppler
    udonomefoo wrote:
    Sounds like you're in the wrong slice. I banged my head against the well for too long in slice 5 before realizing there just weren't enough points to get there reliably. Now I alternate between 1 and 4, depending on what ending time works for me.

    I am in x-men, slice 4, with line communications to coordinate, however it doesn't help because at 900, there are only <35 point targets that are not HB/JG.

    Running maxed SW/Daken + bullseye 5/3/5 @210.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I guess I should log the amount of iso I spend on skips, but I tend to find some other options other than just jeanbusters. there are lots of jean/hb, but there were plenty of boosted xforces, caps, witches, etc. in this one (was in 3 during this one, but usually in 4 during the other 2 in the week). theres also the boosted rulks and cyclopses and the more rare decent covered SS, but those are skips for me until I ease into how to play against them. I found one jeanbuster where both were under level 200 and found him hours later again and used him for a hop. only time you're hands are tied is during your big push - gotta play what they give you then. up till then and after your first shield, cycling through nodes to find the absolute best combo of 1) one I can beat fast, 2) low risk and 3) is worth enough points, is something you have to do off and on to get the best matchups. i'll happily pay the skip tax to get a better matchup. had enough of jeanbusters in rulk - 3 offensive losses that event all to jeanbusters - to know to limit my playing her as much as possible.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    0-75. Seems to depend heavily on the time of day I play. Some days I find 50 point targets that are a mix of 3* and beatable 4* match ups (fistbuster, ProfX), and others I take 35 point matches against boosted 3*s because hitting skip for 10 minutes is so boring.
  • Ardom
    Ardom Posts: 18
    I shield for the one and only time after 1000. Using only 3*.
  • RemoDestroyer
    RemoDestroyer Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
    0 for me too. Tough to say without sounding like a jerk but I can't justify spending hp on shields when under 1k points because it's a relative cakewalk. I have a maxed HB but won't use him until I start hopping with closer to 1100-1150 points.

    I can usually get to 1300 points on the 3 available shields inside 8 hours remaining if i can find 50+ point matches. I did start earlier than usual recently and it cost me 600hp for a cover i sold for 1k iso. The expense chasing the legendary token is starting to be hard to justify given the increasing chances of unusable covers but that's another topic.

    I have a maxed 4hor, X-Force Wolverine, HB and 21 maxed 3*s with the rest between 160 and and the 11 at 120 except for Daredevil and Ragnarok at 40 and 64. I don't feel the rest of my 4*s are usable.
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    Well, apparently I've been doing things very wrong. I can usually get to 900 or 950 without shielding, but I get leaped on almost immediately after that. My hitting 1K is usually a race between how fast I can get a match in versus how quick someone sees me. I'm a double-4* magnet in that range apparently, so I don't go more than 1 match before shielding.
    Quebbster wrote:
    0 for me. It's very rare that I shield before 1000 points, and I usually run 3* teams even if my 4* roster is starting to be decently fleshed out now.
    I usually skip the first day or so of the tournament and start with one to one and a half day. I try to get as close to 800 (my equilibrium point) as possible before calling it a night. I do get hit during the night, but there are usually a few juicy retaliations from that and I can easily make back lost points. wait a while to let health packs regenerate, then do a run as high as you can before the shield comes up - it's not difficult to fly past 1000 points that way.

    Figured I'd give your advice a try. I joined slice 4 of the Blade PvP today at 1.5 days, played off and on throughout the day and I'm going to go to bed with 624 points. My Blade is level 150, and I'm using a maxed IF with him. 700 is about my usual equilibrium, so we'll see how hard I get hit overnight. I'm currently rank 27, so I expect to wake up with around 500 points. I was up to 750, but that put me in the top 15 and I got wailed on 4 times in the past 10 minutes by 4* players. I'm guessing the node I was holding back with an X-Men2 player is probably gone.

    I'll see where I am when I wake up, but I've got a bit of a busy day tomorrow so I may not be able to make this one. Mr.F anyways, so no real loss - just figured I'd try something new. I did want to say thanks for the advice - and let me know if I'm doing it wrong so I know it's user error if it doesn't work out.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP wrote:
    Blade's event is usually a bloodbath. I think playing too late is risking running out of health packs.
    My current slice 1 bracket has many people shielding since reaching around 800. Doing 2 matches in a hop is risky.. I've used 3 shields so far, one hop was maybe a -10 net. It's unfortunate that both Blade and Iron Fist are both boosted.. and there's no strong candidate amongst the other 3*s to partner them. There are plenty of Fistbusters out there.

    I'll probably regret saying this since I'm kind of a squishy target anyway, but try Gamora in left position and IF in right. She will tank green, red and blue, and once she gets her black out fistbusters and jeanbusters beg for mercy. I favour collecting the black manually and then letting IF punch away with purple before I drop her black.

    I'm shielded at only 938 now because I ran out of health packs chasing the 2k in sim and then made a clear in pve. Gamora/IF is one of my favourite 3* teams.
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    Woke up at pretty much exactly 500, but I'm down to 100th place so there may be some points out there. Climbed back to 700 on retals, I'll heal up per the original suggestion then I'll see how far I can get before I shield.
    OJSP wrote:
    Blade's event is usually a bloodbath. I think playing too late is risking running out of health packs.
    My current slice 1 bracket has many people shielding since reaching around 800. Doing 2 matches in a hop is risky.. I've used 3 shields so far, one hop was maybe a -10 net. It's unfortunate that both Blade and Iron Fist are both boosted.. and there's no strong candidate amongst the other 3*s to partner them. There are plenty of Fistbusters out there.

    My third has usually been Panther or Fury. I've avoided guys with red so I don't need to match red / my AI won't match red, but I'm debating busting out a red user. Blade is one of those characters who I just have a hard time dealing with, and he's a lot easier to deal with without any reds out there.
    I'll probably regret saying this since I'm kind of a squishy target anyway, but try Gamora in left position and IF in right. She will tank green, red and blue, and once she gets her black out fistbusters and jeanbusters beg for mercy. I favour collecting the black manually and then letting IF punch away with purple before I drop her black.

    I'm shielded at only 938 now because I ran out of health packs chasing the 2k in sim and then made a clear in pve. Gamora/IF is one of my favourite 3* teams.

    While I have almost every 3* cover-maxed, there are about 3 I for whatever reason just haven't pulled much. Unfortunately for me for this PvP, Gamora is in those 3 (she, Kamala, and Beast only have 8 or 9 covers). I may try Cyclops, but I get the feeling that's suicide on defense. Don't mean to derail the thread though - sorry.

    I'll aim for 2 shields this time around.