Best PVE Teams



  • PeterGibbons316
    My favs are:

    3-man teams:
    Daken/Blade/Falcon (for all goon nodes)
    Patch/LCap/OBW (for all good nodes)
    FalCap/SWitch/JG (for tile generators)
    Cyke/SWitch/JG (for enemy w/2 goons)
    Hulk/Rulk/SWitch (for anything)
    Hulk/Rulk/Thor (for tougher enemy nodes when I don't feel like winfinite)
    Rulk/OML/IF (for early enemy nodes - SO FAST)

    Pairs for essentials:
    Patch/OBW (goon only)

    For Carnage nodes:
    Iceman icon_razz.gif
  • Zikato
    Zikato Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    My low star favourite team lately is
    40 IM (5 in yellow)
    2* Magneto
    2* Storm.

    So you need 2 yellow matches to activate mega-ultra-blue+red battery.

    Storm blue = aoe + 4 turn stun
    magneto red = shakeup + ap production
    magneto purple = more blue for storm stun
    storm green = more shake up and ap production

    basically with two yellow matches the enemy will never get a productive turn.

    Usually I will always get enough blue for one stun, with sume purple I can turn it into two stuns and kill the third enemy, wait for iron-man to recharge and pop the yellow again.
  • HeyoJayo
    Have 2 3* teams that both work pretty well for me in PVE

    Falcon is great for taking out goon tiles, and will constantly upgrade the Strike & Protects that continue to pump out automatically. Once the champ attack tiles come out, even multi-turn survival rounds are over in an instant.

    IM charges for Caps CD titles, which can overwrite the goon tiles. Have Hood at 5 blackflag.png to knock down all the timers even faster.
  • ChuckFan
    ChuckFan Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    My standard PVE team lately has been:


    It's been so consistently good that I started using more health packs on the grind to up my score. I used to try and save 10 health packs for the next sub starting right away, but now when this team I know I can beat even the tough nodes with a little AP boost help. And my LCap only has 4 blue covers, can't wait till he gets the 5th so I can overwrite CD tiles with his blue too!

    On the very toughest nodes, I'll boost R/Yx2 and All AP boostx2, thus allowing IM40 to battery up with a *single* yellow match. Blue goes to Groot's awesome strike tiles, I will usually wait for Groot's tiles to come out before using Red from Cap, Green from Groot for Blammo, We Got Ya!