MPQ Second Year-End Poll - RESULTS

Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Hello fellow tile-matchers!

MPQ is entering their third year. Some of us have been here from the beginning, while many of us joined during last year’s anniversary or most recently. With the many changes and additions made in Marvel Puzzle Quest (MPQ) during the second year, I thought it would be a good idea to have a year-end poll. It is amazing how much MPQ has transformed during the second year of MPQ. This is not the same game that I started playing back prior to the first Anniversary. Is it better? You decide. Every player has their own opinion.

Originally this was going to be released as a 2015 Year-End Poll in the end of December but with the forum being so quiet and no new events (most of us will skip 7-day PVE), I thought it would be best to release this now as a Second Year-End poll instead of a 2015 Year-End Poll. There were not many changes between the First Anniversary and the start of 2015 so it was easy to add!

The choices of each question are in order of their appearance. There were many additions/changes to the game that had multiple revisions such as the Weekly Buffed Characters as they were tested first before implemented. Thus, the selections are ordered based on when they first appeared in the game. If you see any mistakes or something missing then please let me know in the comments.

Please note there are 10 questions total on three pages. The average time to complete looks to be about 7-10 minutes.

SurveyMonkey: (Poll Closed)

Categories Include:
Biggest Surprise in Year Two
Best New Additions in Year Two
Best Changes in Year Two
Best Character Buff in Year Two
Worst Character Nerf in Year Two
Best New Character in Year Two
Favorite PVP in Year Two
Favorite PVE in Year Two
Wish List for Year Three

Prior Polls I created:
April 2015 Poll:
July 2015 Poll Part 1:
July 2015 Poll Part 2:

Thank you everyone for participating icon_e_biggrin.gif

Note: Mods, can you please sticky the Results? icon_e_wink.gif

Edit: The poll is closed. We had well over 100 responses. Thank you everyone for participating!

Results below


  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    Hello fellow tile-matchers!

    Thank you everyone for your participation patience. I am sorry that I kept all of you waiting! For some reason I thought I would be able to have the results prior to my wedding but that was a mistake haha. Due to the many choices, I placed the T10 answers. Some have T5 for Best and T5 Worst. So here.we.go! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    1. How long have you been playing MPQ?
    -59%: 1-2 years
    -18%: 2 years +
    -13%: 6 months to 1-year
    -9%: I’ve been playing since the beginning!
    -1%: Less than 6 months

    I am happy to see that many longtime players participated in the survey. Not too many new players but maybe it’s because players do not discover the forums until after 6 months of playing.

    2. Biggest Surprise in Year 2:
    -66%: Deadpool Daily Quest
    -47%: Addition of the 5* Tier
    -34% TIE: Legendary Tokens; 4* Deadpool Daily Quest
    -31%: All Alliances are increased to 20 Players (Removed buying Alliance spots)
    -32%: Introduction to Time Slices (Five Event End Times)
    -28%: Nerfs to Several characters back-to-back (4* Thor & Wolverine, MNM, Mystique, MNM)
    -26%: Powered-Up Characters (Weekly Buffs)
    -24%: New 1* Released (Original Spider-Man)
    -23% TIE: Growth Industry PVE Event; PVE: New Survivor Nodes

    There were many huge surprises this year, some were obvious or bound to happen eventually (4* Deadpool Daily Quest) or a complete surprise that no one saw coming (1* Released). The biggest and best thing to hit MPQ was definitely DDQ. This helped so many players reach 3* land! Unfortunately 4* DDQ is not quote doing the same but with the new Legendary tokens, eventually 4* DDQ will be just as useful! The 5* tier is something most of us joked about but did not think it would be coming any time soon so it was huge to see the intro of Silver Surfer. It’s going to be interesting in 6 months from now what the effects will be. Speaking of effects, the nerfs heard round-to-world to 4hor, XFW, MNMags and Mystique made many players angry. All four characters have not been the same since.

    Time Slices and Alliance increases definitely changed the game, and for the better. Believe it or not there was a time where you had to pay HP for each player over 5 alliance slots! So for all of you new players complaining about roster slots, this use to be a thing! Also, there never use to be Time Slices! That’s right, the event would just start and end (e.g. Galactus Hungers). Powered-Up characters were not a huge surprise only because the devs tested this so many times! There use to be a time everyone used Hood, did not matter who else you used, just Hood, now with Powered-Up Characters, you see much more variation of teams!

    Survivor Nodes was a cool new way to play. Survival-type is pretty much standard in most games so it was only a matter of time before it hit MPQ! It’s interesting to come up with a good team, who knew Kamala Khan, Spidey and Psylocke would destroy any node without losing life (Yes I use them all the time for Survivor!). Growth Industry is an event that should have stayed. We all knew Ant-Man was coming but none of us thought he would be so easily achievable with a whole month to grab him! Unfortunately this was not a permanent 4* release platform but fingers crossed that it makes a return!

    3. Best New Additions in Year Two
    -9.52: Deadpool Daily Quest
    -8.00: Introduction to Time Slices (Five Event Times)
    -7.82: All Aliances are increased to 20 Players (Removed buying Alliance spots)
    -7.44: Growth Industry PVE Event
    -7.42: Legendary Tokens

    -4.32: New AP Board Slider
    -4.52: Introduction of Vaulting (Character Rotation in Tokens)
    -4.93: Addition of 5* Tier
    -5.01: Added Team-Up AP & Damage Boosts
    -5.15: New D3 Go! Forum

    I said enough on the T5 Best above in the Surprise Results so I’ll move onto the T5 Worst. We had two different AP Slides during the past year, one that was a huge bar across the screen for Goon AP that was quickly removed after many complaints. Unfortunately our complaints were not enough to remove the AP bar that does not show you what was stolen or drained unless you stare at it. Maybe one day we’ll get improved UI for the battle screen. Speaking of UI, how about the New D3 Go! Forums? Yeah I hate it too and I still use the Old Theme. I am not on the ‘Bigger is Better’ bandwagon.

    Many players seemed to hate Vaulting, not to be confused for the vault. At one point, not all of the 3* characters were in tokens, they were vaulted. At first it was so the devs can buff weak characters and it started off great! We saw buffs to Daredevil, Doom and Loki but then good characters started getting vaulted such as Black Panther for months! Even worse, many characters came out of the vault that needed buffs: Ironman 40, GSBW, Spiderman. It sounded like a great idea in theory but was horrible in execution.

    Apparently players do not like Team-Up AP and Damage Boosts. Why? Likely because we never use them and hate receiving them as rewards. If we could have more than 30 boosts, I would be sitting on 5000 of these! The 5* Tier received low ratings, many players are concerned about scaling and what will happen in PVP once enough players start covering these crazy match-damage/health 5*’s. Time will tell.

    4. Best Changes Made in Year Two
    -8.13: Lower ISO to Level 3* and 4* Characters
    -8.04: PVE Added Progression and Legendary Token
    -7.97 TIE: PVP Updated SHIELD Simulator Rewards; PVE Removed Community Scaling
    -7.84: PVE Changed to 1 Sub-event at a time

    -3.24: Forum End of Spoiler Discussion
    -4.23: AP Boost Stacking Change: Can only bring 2+ AP
    -5.00: Forum Negative Downvoting Removed
    -5.03: Team-Up Changes: Send 5, Still Use Character, Scaled-Up, Auto-Filled
    -5.23: Updated Main Menu UI

    There were many changes this year, some great, some horrible. Most players felt that lower ISO to level 3* and 4*’s was the best change this year. I agree, I had many 3* characters sitting fully covered at level 40 (e.g. Beast, She Hulk) because I did not want to waste the ISO. Now I find myself using a variety of characters! The added PVE progression was also huge, it gave grinders something more to reach in that Legendary token! Next we had a tie, the updated Shield Sim rewards was my personal favorite because like the updated PVE Progression, this gave us something to reach for such as more useful 3* covers and a 4*. Obviously PVE Community Scaling being removed was another victory to the players. The fights can still be difficult but they are definitely more manageable than they use to be. Last best change was PVE sub-events being one at a time. I actually enjoyed two sub-events because I felt I gained a lot more tokens but overall this change has reduced the pressure to beat everything.

    Now comes the worst changes! Many of you may not know what the Forum Spoiler thread was but we had players looking through the games codes and they would give us hints on what’s coming up. The last I remembered, Legendary tokens were being discussed and the devs pulled the plug on the most visited discussion thread in the forums. Now it’s dead and locked up. The devs were supposed to communicate with us more on upcoming changes, while sometimes it’s great (e.g. 5* Tier), other times it’s awful (e.g. Galactus Hungers). AP receiving a nerf was another huge blow to the players. 2+ AP does not help much, I find myself using AP Boosts much less and it saddens me. I liked the advantage of hording AP Boosts, now they’re only useful for certain events. In a neutral stance, the removal of Forum Negative Downvoting Removed was an even 5 among the players. I feel there are less fights now then when Downvoting existed. You use to get downvoted just for having an opinion, so it’s nice to see them removed as you can easily ignore someone you do not agree with.

    Team-Up Changes was quite negative, likely because of the Scaling. You no longer win that level 395 Venom T/U after defeating a tough node. To me it was like a trophy, now it’s just feel disrespectful. The other T/U changes were nice though, the auto-fill has helped me a lot and being able to still use the character was huge. Lastly we have the dreaded Main Menu UI update. While it does not bother me anymore, I think what annoyed the players is that we’ve been requesting an improved Battle UI and instead the devs decided to update the Main Menu… how was that high on their priority list?
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    5. Best Character Buffs in Year Two:
    -63%: Loki
    -40%: Dr. Doom
    -25%: She Hulk
    -17%: Beast
    -15%: Daredevil

    We had many buffs earlier in the year but then the devs focused on new characters instead. Leading the pack is Loki, giving him a third ability made him a star. The CPU opponent constantly chains together "lucky" match 4-5's, this gave us a nice counter to steal some AP. Another awesome third ability is Dr. Doom's, his purple can one-shot many opponents, I hate playing against him because he's always able to pull off his skills. Next She Hulk went from being unusable to having a nice skill set. Changing her lame Heal to a 6AP Drain was awesome. Her blue took a bit of hit after she was "fixed" shortly after her buff but overall she is a decent 3* now. My personal favorite Beast, he went from being the character no one wants to the character no one will admit they like! The devs fixed his blue with a 1-turn CD and that changed everything! Pair him with SW to watch the team of Beauty & the Beast dominate PVE! Lastly we have Daredevil who went from being nothing but a trap tile guy to having a nice stun, special tile counter and a much better red trap. Overall, I wish the devs continued the character buffs... come on with Ironman and Spidey already for the 100000000th time.

    6. Worst Character Nerfs in Year Two:
    -56%: Wolverine (X-Force)
    -32%: Sentry
    -23%: Character who did not receive Health Buff (Loki, Hood, OBW, CStorm, etc)
    -21%: Thor (Goddess of Thunder)
    -15%: Magneto (Marvel Now)

    Every nerf this year came along with huge backlash from the players. It was not because we felt these characters needed nerfs because some characters and moves were OP, the problem is the devs like to over-nerf characters to the point they are pathetic versions of their former selves. Wolverine with more than half the percent of the votes is a perfect example. Yes many players felt his Black gaining AND draining AP was crazy, but he did not need to the over-nerf to his Green damage. Same goes for Sentry who went from having the power of one million exploding suns to just a slight beam of light that barely harms anyone such as Luke Cage who laughs at him when the Green CDs go off and you're only hitting him for 1-damage. Sentry's nerf increased the cost of his Green and also increased the self-damage of his yellow. The devs might as well had deleted his character from the game! Over nerfs continued with 4* Thor, whose reason for the nerf was because more new characters were going to have Charge Tiles.. well only Ragnarok gained them and Silver Surfer does not count. These characters need some buffs to bring them back to some glory since everyone is much better than them.

    Later in the year, the devs decided to indirectly nerf characters with the health buff to 95% of the characters. When I read that many characters with low health were getting increased health I got excited, only to see it did not include OBW and CStorm (I was a 2-3* transiter at the time). It was a huge slap in the face, and clearly a way to stop players from using Hood, which worked (along with weekly character buffs). While I argued matches would be longer as a result, I became use it and it passed along like every other change. Surprisingly MNMags had more votes than Mystique (14%) and Ragnarok (9%). While MNMags' purple was great, the devs at least tweaked it so it also made red tiles. Mystique's was just straight ****! I rarely use her blue now. Rags on the otherhand gained a third power, but unlike Doom and Loki who kept their original skills, his entile moveset to be changed for the worse. I cannot complain because he became much easier in PVE compared to the raging maniac he was before.

    7. Best New Character in Year Two:
    -52%: Ironfist
    -40%: Luke Care
    -39%: Cyclops (Uncanny X-Men)
    -34% TIE: Iron-Man (Hulkbuster); Scarlet Witch
    -31% TIE: Jean Grey; Blade

    -0%: Devil Dinosaur
    -0%: Vision
    -0%: Mr. Fantastic
    -1%: Bullseye (Classic)
    -1%: Star-Lord
    -1%: Sam Wilson (Captain America)

    There were more great new characters than lousy characters in my opinion. You cannot argue Hero for Hire team of IF and Cage, and the rest of the T5/6 need no introduction. The same cannot be said for the likes of Devil Dino, Vision, Mr. Fantastic, Bullseye, Star-Lord and Sam Wilson (Captain America). Devil Dino likely received no votes since the only way you can obtain him is during Anniversary plus he's not nearly as threatening as he was during his first release. Vision is just strange altogether, while his moveset sounds nifty on paper, his actual moves in the game are well.. disappointing. He was such a cool character in Avengers 2, yet he's joked about as the Dance of MPQ. His CD's should have been special tiles, and it did not help that the Attack tile exploit that made him decent was taken away as a "fix". Mr. Fantastic came in to surprisingly complete the Fantastic Four team! Unfortunately he did not come with a purple power so now member of F4 has a purple power, which means their arch-enemy is just sitting there setting traps in a color the F4 members will not touch.. silly? Absolutely. Surprising? Nope.

    Bullseye only gained 1%, while I agree he's not the best new character, I will argue that he is the funnest! I try to find ways for him to kill the opponent so his creepy face can unleash a board full of strikes. He is definitely worth using in easy-mid PVE nodes, paired with Psylocke and BP. Star-Lord came, and many players were irritated he was a 4*. His moveset is unique but nothing super crazy. He's more annoying than threatening. Same goes for Sam Wilson, we knew he was coming but did anyone really want him? Nah. While he took a bit of his Falcon character and Captain Americas, it is not anything impressive.

    8. Favorite PVP (Multiple Character) in Year Two:
    -40%: Balance of Power (All Characters buffed to level 270)
    -35%: Class of 2015 (2nd Year Characters buffed)
    -30%: Combined Arms (Team of 1,2,3 buffed)
    -26%: Women of Marvel (Females buffed)
    -9%: Earth's Mightiest (Avengers buffed)

    I was originally going to list every single PVP character event but figured that would be annoying to vote for. The Multiple Character PVP's are normally interesting. Balance of Power is great because it gives most players a chance to achieve higher scores than normal. Class of 2015 was my personal favorite as the team of IF, KK and Gamora wrecked havoc! Combined Arms has not ran in awhile and perhaps will become 2,3,4 if it returns, which could be exciting. Women of Marvel gives the spotlight to the ladies and it only shows we need more female characters (e.g. Rogue, Lady Deathstrike, Wasp). I think we can agree that we need more Multiple Character PVPs like Bald Guys buffed!

    9. Favorite PVE in Year Two:
    -37%: Ultron v Avengers
    -34%: The Gauntlet
    -33%: Growth Industry
    -35%: Enemy of the State
    -27%: Deadpool v MPQ

    -1%: Heroics Oscorp
    -1%: Heroics Dark Avengers
    -2%: Heroics Venom
    -2%: Heroics Juggernaut
    -2%: The Hunt

    The results for the best and worst PVE was not surprising. Ultron grabbed #1 as his event was a true boss battle for MPQ. While it had its share of issues, overall it felt like a puzzle and made me remember of the Original Puzzle Quest. Next up is Gauntlet and Growth Industry. Two events that were non-competitive, you can choose to complete them or not without the stress of fighting for your alliance. We need more of these! Enemy of the State introduced Survivor Nodes and yield alot of tokens, so despite it being a 7-day event, at least you gain some nice rewards for your efforts. Deadpool v MPQ is just fun, normally has some interesting nodes to complete and it's Deadpool, nuff said. Please note that I did not add Deadpool's Daily Quest because it would have obviously dominated.

    What do you mean you don't like Heroics? You're given a limit amount of characters to defeat difficult nodes, isn't that fun? No, ugh whatever! Maybe one day we'll gain new PVE events.. one day.

    10. Wish List for Year Three
    -85%: More ways to earn 4* Characters
    -79%: Drop 20 Iso rewards. Let us win the 4/4 first
    -71%: Different ways to earn Roster Slots
    -67%: New Types of Gameplay (Non-Competitive)
    -65%: Buffs to weak characters (e.g. 3* Ironman)
    -64%: New PVE Storyline Events
    -61%: Tokens-Reduce odds for 2* Characters
    -56%: Strong Color Indictator
    -56%: More Alliance Team Events (e.g. Galactus Hungers)
    -51%: More ways to earn 5* Characters

    Originally this question was not on the poll but felt it was necessary and quickly thought of all these wishes off the top of my head... yes it's alot and I even missed some big ones such as Improving the Vault and +1 level-up button. An astounding 85% want more ways to earn 4*. While the devs have definitely stepped up to giving us more ways to earn them, at the same time they keep releasing new ones. 3*'s are becoming the new 2*, we want 4*'s now in order to stay competitive. I remember how annoying it was being a 2* player trying to earn 3* covers until DDQ came along, now I am in the same boat as a 3* players. Curious to see how the devs continue to address this concern. Next we have the obvious 20 Iso reward... seems like such an easy fix but the devs refuse to improve this. Roster Slots are a growing issue. Earlier in the year the devs stated we would have more ways to earn slots, including pulling them in the vault. Well that never happened and recently the devs admitted slots are their biggest source of revenue. New Types of Gameplay (Non-Competitive) needs to happen. There are too many times that I'm bored with a current PVP/PVE and wish there was something else. Why we can't have a permanent Gauntlet running for a month is beyond me.

    Buffs to weak characters is getting frustrating by now. I feel like the 1* Spidey was a low blow to all the players who begged for a buff for 3* Spidey. New PVE Events has been another major thing we beg about, at this point I would be happy to purchase old PVE events to be added to the prologue to give them revenue to allow the devs to create some new PVEs. Token reduction for 2*'s needs to happen like right now... we're done pulling Hawkeye, Ares and Moonstone! Time to move 2*'s to standard tokens with higher odds and make the Heroic tokens 3* and above. Strong Color indicator is another obvious ability we should have, yet it's still a guessing game. More and more characters have skills that target strong color so why can't this finally be implemented?! Lastly we have more Alliance Team events (e.g. Galactus Hungers) and more ways to earn 5* characters. I'm sure we'll have more boss battles soon (Apocalypse anyone?) and new ways to earn 5*'s eventually.

    Well players, that's it! Thank you everyone again for participating. I hope you all found this as enjoying as I did. This was fun and I am happy to conduct more polls. Show your support by Thumbs Up or Liking this post. Feel free to message me if you have ideas for a future poll. Happy playing!

    Full results:
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    That wishlist needs a "select all" option. I had to prune it down and just mark the ones I thought were most important.
  • Konman
    Konman Posts: 410 Mover and Shaker
    What do you mean by "New AP Board Slider"? Is it a mobile thing? Because you have such teeny tiny screens?
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, when your opponent's AP levels change, the AP bar slides into view from the right for a couple of seconds and then disappears.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    udonomefoo wrote:
    That wishlist needs a "select all" option. I had to prune it down and just mark the ones I thought were most important.

    Haha sorry, you can click them all individually
    Konman wrote:
    What do you mean by "New AP Board Slider"? Is it a mobile thing? Because you have such teeny tiny screens?

    Sorry I am a mobile player so there may be some answers that are only mobile-related.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Konman wrote:
    What do you mean by "New AP Board Slider"? Is it a mobile thing? Because you have such teeny tiny screens?
    It's a mobile thing, and it means we want it the way it used to be, ie show the incremental gain/loss, not the totals for every color.
  • eaise
    eaise Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    Tried to take the survey but after I filled out the first few questions and hit next it erased all my answers and Sent me back to question one
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    eaise wrote:
    Tried to take the survey but after I filled out the first few questions and hit next it erased all my answers and Sent me back to question one

    Hi Eaise, when I went to check the results it showed many respondents with incomplete surveys. Not sure if this was because they were in the middle of filling it out or if they gave up because it's a long survey on multiple pages. As a result, I deleted those incomplete responses because I am using the free version of SurveyMonkey and I can only have 100 responses so I need to filter out the incompletes before the total reaches 100. Please try again.

    I edited the topic to let the players know it is 10 questions on 3 pages and that it could take up to 10 minutes to complete. Hopefully that helps. Thank you for your feedback.
  • eaise
    eaise Posts: 217 Tile Toppler

    Hi Eaise, when I went to check the results it showed many respondents with incomplete surveys. Not sure if this was because they were in the middle of filling it out or if they gave up because it's a long survey on multiple pages. As a result, I deleted those incomplete responses because I am using the free version of SurveyMonkey and I can only have 100 responses so I need to filter out the incompletes before the total reaches 100. Please try again.

    I edited the topic to let the players know it is 10 questions on 3 pages and that it could take up to 10 minutes to complete. Hopefully that helps. Thank you for your feedback.

    I'll try again and see if if works. It might be because I'm doing it on mobile instead of a computer

    EDIT: Was able to do the survey this time. No problems at all
  • I stopped when I didn't see 10 health packs under the biggest surprise section. icon_e_surprised.gif

    (but I'll go back and finish it) icon_mrgreen.gif
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    deiXide wrote:
    I stopped when I didn't see 10 health packs under the biggest surprise section. icon_e_surprised.gif

    (but I'll go back and finish it) icon_mrgreen.gif

    Omg you're right! No one said anything.
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Another upvote for 10 Health Packs! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    The poll is closed. We had well over 100 responses. Thank you everyone for participating! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I hope to have the results soon
  • Please keep the poll open for longer than a day next time if possible icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Wow. I saw the survey this morning before work and I figured I'd complete it when I got home. Guess that isn't going to happen now.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    He had a very limited number of responses allowed.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    Wow. I saw the survey this morning before work and I figured I'd complete it when I got home. Guess that isn't going to happen now.
    Greggles wrote:
    Please keep the poll open for longer than a day next time if possible icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Sorry guys, the free version of SurveyMonkey only allows 100 responses. I received more than 150 but I can only view the first 100. I wish I could have as many responses as possible.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    100 replies? Who could argue with a self-selected sample size of such magnitude? icon_e_wink.gif
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Attention Players:

    I finally posted the results in the first two comments. Enjoy and discuss icon_razz.gif

    I plan to post some of my super-hero themed wedding pictures soon as well icon_e_smile.gif

    Mods: Please sticky this icon_e_wink.gif