Thank you for the anniversary MERGED THREAD



  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    Got about 17 4* and 1 5* might have forgotten one somewhere.

    3 cyc, 3 rulk from galactus
    Devil Dino to 3/2/1 from 0 including alliance season. So 6 there

    2 yellow kingpin
    1 red falcap

    1 starlord and 1 iw can't remember colors

    1 red oml

    This obv includes legendary tokens earned during.

    I bought daily deal 50hp day 1 and everyday after new odds I think. Only 1 4* there I think
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    3* covered, don't track it. Also didn't track ISO/HP - though didn't Ultron drop HP while Galactus didn't? I ended down on HP for sure.

    Galactus tokens: never hit anything.
    Anni tokens: Hit dino in 10-pack, purple after odds were increased, green in 2nd to last token (was farming Galactus at the end just to try for them). Got needed Thing, GT and un-needed XF, Fury.
    3x 1K progressions needed ("needed" might be to strong of a word with what these rewards were)
    3x Red Hulk alliance progressions
    3x Cyclops alliance progressions
    1x Dino alliance season progression
    3x PVE legendary progressions + 1x 1300 legendary + 1x season progression legendary.

    17 4*'s + five more coming in tokens, a good haul for ten (?) days.

    HP went down through week as I shielded (often twice) every event, and bought a 50HP token every day: once it was a 3*, every other time it was 2*. (Edit: oh - and basically three roster spots were required this week. How about 3,000 HP "anniversary reward" to everyone for those D3?)

    Dino needs to be in packs. I came in 2/2/3, pulled three from anni tokens + two from rewards + emptied my vault (120 tacos) for the 1/3rd chance to get him - got lucky and hit him. Now 4/5/4 - not ideal but 13 covers, and reading around I'm lucky to have that after two anniversaries. People should not have to play three years to get a character covered!

    Did I like the anniversary? was long. Double ISO is why I run it, that should have been a permanent in the game after last anniversary. Most of that ISO went into characters I wouldn't have put it into otherwise - Dino for the PVP (won't use him again until next time), Elecktra for DDQ (won't use her again until her next DDQ node, 4 months from now?)

    Galactus 2 was much, MUCH improved over first version - but like Ultron, I find myself excited to run it once and bored to run it an immediate 2nd time. This I can tell you - very glad it is over, unless they release more new PVE content in the next year this is the last PVE I do until next anniversary (and Galactus/Ultron are just pve-in-disguise). Three legendaries from PVE, horray! The time spent to get them...simply not worth it.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't track the covers beyond hitting 13 covers for Bullseye (the only *** left) and Devil Dinosaur and gaining a couple needed 4*s (one more Thor, a few Elektra and Ant-Man in time for their DDQs, maybe others I forgot).

    After the devs returned from NYCC and fixed the many problems in the Anniversary, I bought my first Hero Points in a while as thanks for the improvements (last time was at least as far back as the Alliance refund).
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got nothing out of the anniversary other than the extra Iso (around 30k+).

    -First run of Galactus, my alliance barely made it to round 5.
    -The only 4*s in anniversary tokens I opened throughout the event were all Devil Dino, 4 Purple, 2 Red. Only needed 2 Green.
    -Opened no 4* at all in Galactus Hungers tokens.
    -My alliance was short only 300k points of finishing round 6 in Galactus 2.0. That's right, if we had Cyclops from the previous run (or even better, if he was not an essential), we'd definitely have got a Red Hulk.
    -From the Legendary token at 950k points I got my 1x10^3456789098765434567898765434567876543th X-Force cover, while most of my other 4*s average merely 4-5 covers. I won't stop asking/begging/demanding every time I have the opportunity that Legendaries need to open in a vault.

    Now, most of this is just my usual abysmal luck, but the fact that the first run of Galactus was botched and that the second required Cyclops compounded it (and lets not forget the fact that Legendary tokens do not have a vault!) That said, the second half of the anniversary was mostly a hit and the rewards were overall much more generous that the first half, so kudos on that.
  • _M4ru_
    _M4ru_ Posts: 91 Match Maker
    ZeiramMR wrote:
    After the devs returned from NYCC and fixed the many problems in the Anniversary, I bought my first Hero Points in a while as thanks for the improvements (last time was at least as far back as the Alliance refund).

    So... You decided to thank them for something that should have been there from the start? (ie fun event for the players and functioning well) icon_rolleyes.gif

    /start rant
    How did we get from all that hate/rage/pitchforks&torches to thank you threads just because they made the 2nd half of the event enjoyable/easy/beatable? This game will never reach it's potential because devs don't have to try... all it takes is some compensation hp/tokens and and fixing things they put there themselves in the first place. And ppl will continue spending $, money will flow, business as usual. /end rant
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Speaking for myself, after the bad start, they definitely pulled out a fun Anniversary. Fixing the token odds (and throwing those of us who got their 10 packs already some tokens,) was the definite turnaround point - the changed Galactus node was icing on the cake. The changes made it a lot more fun - I had a blast trying different teams (and the Hulk was such an All-Star there.)

    As for my token luck - it wasn't fantastic, but I really can't complain. No 4*s other than Devil Dino, but after Aniversary 1 my Devil Dino was 2/2/5 -- and that was the Dino that had to beat Squirrel Girl, unfortunately. After a few days, I started getting red and green Dino covers, and now at the end I'm a proud owner of a 5/3/5 Dino - I think I'll keep him that way, I like purple even though it generally doesn't do anything good. But anyway, here are my totals for the Aniversary tokens:

    5 icon_devildino.png
    600 imcoin.png

    9 total covers (I have them all maxxed so it doesn't matter.)

    39 Total covers

    That's a total of 54 tokens (including the 10 pack.) 20 more than I got last Anniversary, and I bought 7 last time (I didn't buy any this time, as I did not have any 3*s I needed to cover, and buying tokens for 4*s is pointless.)
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cymmina wrote:
    Those of you with your roster information on MPQ Gamependium can actually see all of your roster changes that occurred between two specific revisions, rather than just the differences between the current and previous revision: ... 5/diff/145

    The first number should be the most recent revision number, the last number is the oldest revision number. Check your roster's revisions for one starting on October 8th. Sorry there isn't a quicker way to access this information.

    Didn't even know that feature was there!

    34 4* covers (unless i counted wrong)... more than i had thought! And my vision is optimized!. I also sold at least 3 4* covers that i know of, maybe more..
  • Dauntless74
    Dauntless74 Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    I for one wasn't happy with the anniversary tokens. Pulled a load of rubbish from them. No dinos no 4 or 5*s and the couple of 3*s it gave me I had to sell because I already own them. Sad.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's good that D3 managed to make my opinion of the anniversary do a 360 and walk away with the changes.

    After Galactus vr 1.0 I was left thinking that the company had basically turned on its players. Instead of the developers saying "Let's celebrate you guys by giving stuff away!" it felt like "You can all celebrate us by giving us all your money!" and I just felt so disappointed by it. Not just the events but the general feeling of being seen as a wallet on legs waiting for D3 to rummage around and empty me out 8(

    Sure they said they were listening but actions speak louder than words. I'd wait and see. I'd even suggested to my alliance that if Galactus was still awful I wouldn't mind them skipping it.

    And then Galactus came back. And it was the most fun I'd had in the game for some time. Hell, we even beat round 7 we enjoyed it so much and that was more than I'd dared hope for.
    Sure it's a shame we didn't have the 20-man LR events again, those were a lot of fun last year, but in the end D3 pulled victory from the jaws of defeat with this anniversary. Galactus is fun now, I'd be happy to play it again for sure. Hell, I look forward to it.

    So thanks to D3 for actually listening to the community and giving us something fun instead of something designed to make you feel like the fat kid in dodgeball.
    Yes I'm away doing a 360 has you facing the same way, I'm using an old meme. And yes, I hate it too...but it popped into my brain as I was typing and I couldn't resist it =(
  • westnyy2
    westnyy2 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    Double ISO is all I will miss. While the first run of the big G was a bear, the second run was way too easy and I found it boring. All in all, Anniversary week was underwhelming for me like most of you.

    What I would like to see next year is a Sim node for Anniversary that we could grind. Hell, even make it a BOP event that would be a slog for everyone. I found I had way too much down time this week compared to normal and would have lied to earn more ISO. LR's are tough for those of us who do work and it's hard to place in more than a handful of events over the couple of days.
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    TazFTW wrote:
    I used all of the 4*s


    icon_bullseye.pnggreenflag.png (used) greenflag.pnggreenflag.pngblackflag.png (used)
    icon_quicksilver.pngblackflag.png (used)
    icon_lukecage.pngredflag.png (used) yellowflag.png

    I hope Devil Dino is permanently in the 4* DDQ rotation as he just jumped into being one of my most covered 4*s.

    Adding to my haul as I just opened my "Season" end rewards.

    3500 iso8.png
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    They fixed Galactus. That part was great. Actually really great. Good job on that, Devs.

    The rest of it?

  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    At the very end of the Anniversary I decided to randomly grind Galactus Essentials in the hopes of getting Anniversary Tokens (had my Legendary already). I grind twice, get two tokens yielding Kingpin and R&G (both needed with the Kingpin Purple being in my top three most wanted covers). Then the Anniversary ended and I received four tokens from the PvP Season. All are gold, all are needed, one 4-star.

    That's what I call ending on a high note!
  • jdoe893 wrote:
    Talmina15 wrote:
    I can't really complain since I got a lot of pretty good covers the first run, but the second run didn't get me much... I would rather get beat up by Galactus and get cool 4* covers then beat him easily for 40 ISO-8 each time... Best thing I got second run was one anniversary token for a Green Gamora I didn't need...
    got much of mine in the 2nd run icon_cool.gif

    icon_e_wink.gif nice! I just got really unlucky with the prizes during 2nd run... Only one token and I got almost 80k total (kinda gave up after all the bad luck lol)...

    The 10-pack got me some cool covers though, 6 4*'s, so not complaining about that lol
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    Man, my RNG for covers must be terrible. I think I got 2 4* covers through the entire event. The rest of my 3* were all for toons I already have max covers for. Why would I ever get the final covers I need for PM or IF when I can get enough Punisher covers to create a fully maxed duped toon? ****.