MPQ Character Wallpapers

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,331 Site Admin
edited November 2017 in MPQ Character Discussion
Happy Friday and happy (near) end of our second year anniversary! Hope everyone has been enjoying the second run of Galactus! To top off everything else we've got going on, we're sharing wallpapers for every single character released in the game so far! Some characters, like Magneto or Wolverine, have gone by different monikers, so we tried to split the difference there and allow for both. Let us know what you think, or want to see more of on these!

 Agent Coulson  

icon_antmanpng Ant-Man icon_antmanpng 

icon_arespng Ares icon_arespng (Update in Progress)
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icon_beastpng Beast icon_beastpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_blackboltpng Black Bolt icon_blackboltpng 

icon_blackpantherpng Black Panther icon_blackpantherpng 
icon_blackwidowpng Black Widow icon_blackwidowpng 

icon_bladepng Blade icon_bladepng icon_bullseyepng Bullseye icon_bullseyepng (Update in Progress)
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icon_carnagepng Carnage icon_carnagepng (Update in Progress)
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icon_caroldanverspng Carol Danvers icon_caroldanverspng
 Cloak and Dagger 
icon_colossus_newpng Colossus icon_colossus_newpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_cyclopspng Cyclops icon_cyclopspng 

icon_dakenpng Daken icon_dakenpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_daredevilpng Daredevil icon_daredevilpng 
icon_deadpoolpng Deadpool icon_deadpoolpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_devildinopng Devil Dinosaur icon_devildinopng (Update in Progress)
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icon_doctordoompng Doctor Doom icon_doctordoompng (Update in Progress)
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icon_doctoroctopuspng Doctor Octopus icon_doctoroctopuspng 
drstrange_iconpng Doctor Strange drstrange_iconpng
icon_draxpng Drax icon_draxpng 

icon_elektrapng Elektra icon_elektrapng

icon_galactuspng Galactus icon_galactuspng (Update in Progress)
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icon_gamorapng Gamora icon_gamorapng 
icon_ghostriderpng Ghost Rider icon_ghostriderpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_hand_grouppng Gorgon icon_hand_grouppng (Update in Progress)
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icon_greengoblinpng Green Goblin icon_greengoblinpng 

GwenpoolIconPNG Gwen Pool GwenpoolIconPNG (Update in Progress)
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icon_hawkeyepng Hawkeye icon_hawkeyepng 
icon_hoodpng The Hood icon_hoodpng (Update in Progress)
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howard_iconpng Howard (The Duck) howard_iconpng 

icon_hulkpng The Hulk icon_hulkpng 

icon_humantorchpng Human Torch icon_humantorchpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_icemanpng Iceman icon_icemanpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_invisiblewomanpng Invisible Woman icon_invisiblewomanpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_ironfistpng Iron Fist icon_ironfistpng 

icon_ironmanpng Iron Man icon_ironmanpng 
icon_ironpatriotpng Iron Patriot (Norman Osborn) icon_ironpatriotpng 

icon_jeangreypng Jean Grey icon_jeangreypng 

icon_juggernautpng Juggernaut icon_juggernautpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_kamalakhanpng Kamala Khan icon_kamalakhanpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_katebishoppng Kate Bishop icon_katebishoppng 

icon_kingpinpng Kingpin icon_kingpinpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_lokipng Loki icon_lokipng (Update in Progress)
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icon_lukecagepng Luke Cage icon_lukecagepng (Update in Progress)
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icon_magnetopng Magneto icon_magnetopng (Update in Progress)
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medusa_iconpng Medusa medusa_iconpng
icon_milespng Miles Morales icon_milespng (Update in Progress)
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icon_mrfantasticpng Mister Fantastic icon_mrfantasticpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_moonstonepng Moonstone icon_moonstonepng (Update in Progress)
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icon_moonknightpng Moon Knight icon_moonknightpng 

mordo_iconPNG Mordo mordo_iconPNG
icon_mystiquepng Mystique icon_mystiquepng (Update in Progress)
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icon_nickfurypng Nick Fury icon_nickfurypng (Update in Progress)
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icon_novapng Nova icon_novapng 

icon_peggycarterpng Peggy Carter icon_peggycarterpng 
icon_professorxpng Professor X icon_professorxpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_psylockepng Psylocke icon_psylockepng (Update in Progress)
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icon_punisherpng Punisher icon_punisherpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_punisherpng The Punisher (Max) icon_punisherpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_quakepng Quake icon_quakepng 

icon_quicksilverpng Quicksilver icon_quicksilverpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_ragnarokpng Ragnarok icon_ragnarokpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_redhulkpng Red Hulk icon_redhulkpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_ironmanpng Riri Williams icon_ironmanpng
icon_rocketpng Rocket & Groot icon_rocketpng 
icon_falconpng Sam Wilson icon_falconpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_scarletwitchpng Scarlet Witch icon_scarletwitchpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_sentrypng Sentry icon_sentrypng (Update in Progress)
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icon_shehulkpng She-Hulk icon_shehulkpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_silversurferpng Silver Surfer icon_silversurferpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_spidergwenpng Spider-Gwen icon_spidergwenpng 

icon_spidermanpng Spider-Man icon_spidermanpng (Update in Progress)
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SpiderWoman_iconPNG Spider-Woman SpiderWoman_iconPNG 

icon_squirrelgirlpng Squirrel Girl icon_squirrelgirlpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_starlordpng Star-Lord icon_starlordpng 


icon_captainamericapng Steve Rogers icon_captainamericapng 

icon_stormpng Storm icon_stormpng (Update in Progress)
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Thanos_Iconpng Thanos Thanos_Iconpng
icon_thingpng Thing icon_thingpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_thorpng Thor Goddess icon_thorpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_thorpng Thor Odinson icon_thorpng 
icon_ultronpng Ultron icon_ultronpng (Update in Progress)
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icon_venompng Venom icon_venompng (Update in Progress)
-Update In Progress-




  • These are awesome
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2015
    These are really nice. Just wondering if you have one for Mr Luke Cage, as he's become one of my faves =)

    EDIT: I see him now... Thank you =)
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,331 Site Admin
    I suppose I should also point out that in addition, I had to add a few new smilies.


    Edit: iso8big.pngheropointsbig.pnghealthpackbig.png
  • To whom it may concern,


    Lets make it happen.

  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,331 Site Admin
    vinnygecko wrote:
    These are really nice. Just wondering if you have one for Mr Luke Cage, as he's become one of my faves =)
    Whoops! Formatting error ate him, Loki, and Kingpin. Fixed!
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    IceIX wrote:
    vinnygecko wrote:
    These are really nice. Just wondering if you have one for Mr Luke Cage, as he's become one of my faves =)
    Whoops! Formatting error ate him, Loki, and Kingpin. Fixed!

    Thanks Ice!
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:
    I suppose I should also point out that in addition, I had to add a few new smilies.


    I love these! I requested these in the Suggestions a couple of months ago after you made the new token icons. I am glad they are made, they look really nice icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Raezen
    Raezen Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    And the Red Hulk ... appears to have made an unwise lunch selection ... painful.

    Took me a second til I saw the second picture
  • Some may like but the look of the Squirrel girl was bad. If it were equal to the photo of the girl would be acceptable but the current mode looked like Candy Crush. Squirrel running, jumping from a tree and strong pose was well babalite.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,581 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks, these look great.

    Not wanting to seem greedy, but do you also have their comic cover pics as wallpapers too? icon_mrgreen.gif
  • areacode212
    areacode212 Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    Crowl wrote:
    Thanks, these look great.

    Not wanting to seem greedy, but do you also have their comic cover pics as wallpapers too? icon_mrgreen.gif

    It's not hard to find comic covers online. If they're newer, you can even find them without logos (search for the issue name & marvel solicitations)
  • TheRealJRad
    TheRealJRad Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    Neat little extra.

    Anyone else a little bummed there's no dancing Dino though? icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Merrick
    Merrick Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    These are great, but shouldn't this post be in the characters section?
  • I can't tell you how I love this!!! Amazing!!

    edit: I adore Kamala's 2nd poster, her smile is such a sweetie smile!
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Absolutely positively love this.

    Always wondered where I might get some good pictures of my favorite characters and here they are!

    Happy weekend!
  • Tenaciousdecaf
    Tenaciousdecaf Posts: 71 Match Maker
    Love these, but do you still have the one with XFDP flying at the screen, swords drawn? (His red power) I used to have it from his initial release , but lost it.
  • IceIX wrote:
    I suppose I should also point out that in addition, I had to add a few new smilies.


    Edit: iso8big.pngheropointsbig.pnghealthpackbig.png

    The Ultron Prime and sentries icons are new, right? I don't remember them being in the Ultron events.
  • M C K
    M C K Posts: 96 Match Maker
    Thanks Ice! The Juggernaut posters are the old style, pupil-less eyes version, aren't they?
  • azmadu
    azmadu Posts: 63 Match Maker
    These are indeed awesome but I can't see the images for Red Hulk as the links are broken and the page says "sorry that page doesn't exist ".

    Pretty please icon_e_smile.gif
  • M C K
    M C K Posts: 96 Match Maker
    Well SOMEONE cleaned up that directory...there's a couple notables strangely missing now icon_razz.gif