The anniversary that should have been

fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
10/8 Heralds of Galactus
10/8 Black Vortex
10/11 Class of 2015
10/11 Combined Arms
10/13 Women of Marvel featuring special guest Howard the Duck
10/14 Galactus Hungers
10/15 When Dinos Attack

20 Man Lightning Rounds featuring 5* OML 10/10-10/16

Featuring a new 4* Howard the Duck (only available in Anniversary Tokens) and new 3* and 4* Heralds of Galactus

Double Iso for all events (including Story Mode)

Anniversary Tokens: (see note 9)
4* Devil Dinosaur 8%
4* Howard the Duck 8%
5* Old Man Logan 0.4%
5* Silver Surfer 0.4%
New 4* Heralds 2.0%
New 3* Heralds 2.5%
20k ISO 0.2
2900 HP 0.2
7k ISO 0.6
600 HP 0.6
2015 4* 1.45% (not including Howard and Devil Dino or new Heralds) 21.7%
2015 3* 3.1% (Not including new Heralds) 39.3%
2* Captain Marvel 1.2%
1* Spider-Man 1.2%

New Characters:
4* Howard the Duck (anniversary exclusive)
4* Fallen One
4* Stardust
4* Air Walker
4* Firelord
3* Nova
3* Morg
3* Terrax
3* Red Shift

The Watcher
Punisher Robots (offensive, healing and defensive)
Galactus's ship security system

Events Information

10/8-10/12 Heralds of Galactus
Story: Led by a strange silver skyrider, strange beings have come to Earth bringing forth terror and destruction. With the aid of Uatu the The Watcher, Earth's heroes and villains come together to stop these galactic intruders from destroying their home.

Structure: Alliance (locked)
Length of event: 4 days
Time restrictions: None
Number of subs: 9
Number of nodes: 6 (including one locked boss node)
Game map: Picture of planet earth and moon with 9 super nodes, 8 based around the planet and one on the moon. Tap one to open sub with 5 nodes and one locked boss node
Point system: Health Remaining after match (with alliance point cap for each sub, see designer note 2.)
General information: The event is set up without time restrictions so that players can play freely. There are 9 subs, with only one being unlocked initially. After defeating the boss of each sub, the next sub unlocks with a rise in difficulty.

Every sub boss is a Herald of Galactus starting from: Terrax---> Nova---> Red Shift---> Morg---> Air Walker---> Firelord---> Stardust---> Fallen One---> Silver Surfer. The Punisher Robots will be of three types, Attack, Defensive and Healing and can be used to generate cosmic power for the Heralds.

Powered Up:
Captain America (any)
Deadpool (any)
Iron Man (any)
Wolverine (any)
Jean Grey
Black Widow (GS)
Iron Fist
Kamala Khan

1 Anniversary token in each sub, earned by defeating a boss
ISO, HP rewards scaled for progression (later more difficult subs get higher rewards)

Personal Progression Rewards
Total of 5 anniversary tokens attainable
Total of 500HP attainable
1 legendary token

Alliance Rewards
4* Reed Richards 3 covers for hitting certain point goals (see note 3)
Total of 3 anniversary tokens attainable
Total of 300 HP attainable

10/8 Black Vortex
Changes: (see note 4)
a.4* Star Lord placement rewards
b.1000 progression reward Pink Jean Grey cover
c. 1st place reward Blue Iceman Cover

10/11 Class of 2015
Changes: (see note 5)
a. 4* Deadpool placement rewards
b. 1000 progression reward Blue Ant-Man cover
c. 1st place reward Yellow Kingpin

10/11 Combined Arms 1*-3* event
Notes: Making Fantastic Four characters available since required for Galactus Hungers event (see note 6)
a. 3* Human Torch placement rewards
b. 200 progression reward 2* Johnny Storm red progression reward
c. 800 progression reward Blue 4* Invisible Woman
d. 1000 progression reward Yellow Thing cover
e. 1300 Legendary Token
f. 1st place reward black Mr. Fantastic cover

10/13 Women of Marvel
Changes (?): Event featuring Howard the Duck as featured character(see note 7)
a. 4* Howard the Duck placement rewards
b. 200 progression reward Yellow 2* Captain Marvel cover
c. 800 progression reward Blue Mystique cover
d. 1000 progression reward Red 4* Thor cover
e. 1300 progression reward Legendary Token
f. 1st place reward Pink Devil Dinosaur

10/15 When Dinos Attack
Changes (?): (see note 8)
a. 4* Red Hulk placement rewards
b. 200 progression reward 2* Pink Bagman cover
c. 800 progression reward 3* Pink Iron Fist cover
d. 1000 progression reward 4* Pink Professor Xavier cover
e. 1300 progression reward Legendary Token
f. 1st place reward 4* Pink Elektra reward

10/14-10/18 Galactus Hungers
Story: Having gained the trust and sympathy of the Silver Surfer, the Fantastic Four and their friends travel to Galactus's ship to stop the World Devourer from making the planet Earth his next stop. Uatu reveals to them that the only way to stop Galactus is to retrieve the Ultimate Nullifier. Johnny Storm volunteers to retrieve the weapon with the aid of the Silver Surfer and Spider-Man. Will our heroes be able to get to the device before it is too late?

Structure: Alliance (Locked)
Length of event: 4 days
Time restriction: None
Number of subs: 9
Number of nodes: 6 (including mini-boss node)
Game Map: Galactus ship, 1st and 2nd sub takes place outside of ship, 3rd-6th inside different parts of the ship, 7th first confrontation with Galactus in control room, 8th in the armory where the Ultimate Nullifier is kept, 9th second confrontation in control room
Point system: Health remaining after match (sub capped)
General information: 1st and 2nd sub is a rematch against the other heralds outside Galactus's ship and players get to use a full power Silver Surfer for the boss nodes, 3rd-6th subs feature the Punisher Robots more prominently along with an Internal Computer Security system for the boss node, the 7th sub features a battle with Galactus in which the player is supposed to lose but after losing unlocks the 8th sub where Johnny Storm along with the Silver Surfer and Spider-Man break into the armory to retrieve the Ultimate Nullifier. The final sub only features one node. Instead of trying to defeat Galactus by doing damage, the goal is to try and match a special tile representing the Ultimate Nullifier before he does. Only Fantastic Four members are usuable for this battle.

Powered up:
Howard the Duck
Human Torch (any)
Invisible Woman
Mr. Fantastic
Dr. Doom
Captain Marvel (any)
Spider-Man (any)

1 Anniversary token in each sub, earned by defeating a boss
ISO, HP rewards scaled for progression (later more difficult subs get higher rewards)

Personal Progression Rewards
Total of 5 anniversary tokens attainable
Total of 500HP attainable
1 legendary token

Alliance Rewards
5* Silver Surfer 3 covers for hitting certain point goals
Total of 3 anniverary tokens attanaible
Total of 300 HP attainable

Event designer's notes:
1. Releasing so many characters at once serves three purposes: 1. Serve to help diversify enemy types for PvE (less use of Dark Avengers), 2. Help set the game up for future tie-in with Infinity War promotion(long term goal), 3. Give players both new and old a great variety of choices, add value to tokens as herald characters will only be available through tokens (No PvP release), increase sale of roster slots and encourage buying of Hero Points during sale.

2.The new point system determines the amount of points earned by the amount of remaining health a team has after completing a node. Obviously this can be abused so a point cap is placed on each sub which restricts how many points an alliance can earn from each sub with the hope that alliances will assign lower point, easier nodes to members with less robust rosters and higher points, harder nodes to members with stronger rosters. Such a system will help encourage more alliance communication and better organization and also frees players to play the event when they want, however much they want.

3. In order to keep with the theme of the event I would switch the 4* Cyclops release with 4* Reed Richards who will be an essential character for the Galactus Hungers event.

4. Another thematic change.

5. Another change, ensuring all characters awarded are 2015 characters

6. Combined Arms will run concurrently with Class of 2015 to give newer players an opportunity to get covers that will be required for the Galactus Hungers event

7. Players can either choose to use the featured character with different full builds on each node or their own Howard the Duck

8. Yes, I know it's purple.

9. Warning, math is not my strong suit. Probably have something funky going on with the percentages if so please do let me know and I will adjust accordingly!

Updated: Token percentages
Big thanks to Ctenko for crunching the numbers and making adjustments for me!


  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    If only...
  • oh if this just would be true
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2015
    Great work! At least 100 times as much as was actually put into this by the dev team
  • shatland
    shatland Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    ten times the amount of thought went into this than what we got. and i'm guessing it didn't take you that long
  • Thor82
    Thor82 Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    You have real nice imagination. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    Oh if only. That sounds awesome.
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    Now that's something to spend money on!
  • 9 new characters and chance to exit Old Man Logan and Silver Surfer would be 5%? I see how the game would be spoiled with so many 5 * maximized in such a short time. It would also have to spend lots of money with slots for all new 4 *. The current format needs some tweaking and not radical change.
  • Wow, so much awesome. You clearly know a lot more about Galactus than the dev team.
  • blinktag
    blinktag Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    Very, very cool.

    There were also many good ideas in a similar thread on redesigning the Galactus event, but this is definitely the most comprehensive suggestions I've seen.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    vinicius18 wrote:
    9 new characters and chance to exit Old Man Logan and Silver Surfer would be 5%? I see how the game would be spoiled with so many 5 * maximized in such a short time. It would also have to spend lots of money with slots for all new 4 *. The current format needs some tweaking and not radical change.

    Sorry there was a . before the 5 but I forgot to put the zero in front of it to make it clear. (fixed it btw) 5% would be nice though lol!

    Also the idea behind releasing so many characters at once was for a few purposes:
    1. To complement or replace the Dark Avengers for future PvE events
    2. To help set up the game for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Infinity Wars promotions
    3. Yes, to entice you to want to spend money on roster slots and tokens. All of the Heralds of Galactus would only be available through token pulls which I think would add value to the tokens. A part of that influx will be making that choice between do I want to spend the money to slot that character or not. The devs have a business to run after all.
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    Looked good until all the new chars. Unless roster slots were 75% off, that is way too much hp.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    I would GLADLY pay a $9.99 entrance fee for that!!!!!!!

    Picky thing I'm not find if are the D-Lister Heralds. They would never release those, cuz people would more than likely not spend money on characters that they do not know.....
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2015
    4* Devil Dinosaur 10%
    4* Howard the Duck 10%
    5* Old Man Logan 0.5%
    5* Silver Surfer 0.5%
    20k ISO 0.2
    2900 HP 0.2
    7k ISO 0.5
    600 HP 0.5
    All 2015 released 4* 1.98% (not including Howard and Devil Dino but including new Heralds) 29.7%
    All 2015 released 3* 2.22% (including new Heralds) 26.26362738
    2* Captain Marvel 1%
    1* Spider-Man 1%

    So... Not working well BUT.

    4* Devil Dinosaur 8%
    4* Howard the Duck 8%
    5* Old Man Logan 0.4%
    5* Silver Surfer 0.4%
    New 4* Herald 2.0%
    New 3* Herald 2.5%
    20k ISO 0.2
    2900 HP 0.2
    7k ISO 0.6
    600 HP 0.6
    All released 4* 0.6% (not including Howard and Devil Dino or new Heralds) 13.2%
    All released 3* 1.2% (Not including new Heralds) 48%
    2* Captain Marvel 1.2%
    1* Spider-Man 1.2% (Same odds as the three stars, let's be mostly fair, this is a business.)

    There we go. I'd like to offer higher chances for the New class too, but this probably works.

    Also best idea. I'd have loved this. SO much work though.

    Just 2015 pulls. I won't apologise, I really like Math.

    4* Devil Dinosaur 8%
    4* Howard the Duck 8%
    5* Old Man Logan 0.4%
    5* Silver Surfer 0.4%
    New 4* Herald 2.0%
    New 3* Herald 2.5%
    20k ISO 0.2
    2900 HP 0.2
    7k ISO 0.6
    600 HP 0.6
    2015 4* 1.45% (not including Howard and Devil Dino or new Heralds) 21.7%
    2015 3* 3.1% (Not including new Heralds) 39.3%
    2* Captain Marvel 1.2%
    1* Spider-Man 1.2%
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    Azoic wrote:
    Looked good until all the new chars. Unless roster slots were 75% off, that is way too much hp.

    Naw man, that's part of the beauty, getting us to pony dough for that. Makes just as much sense for them as for us. It's still a business, and while it might suck a little to have to sell some covers of a herald or something. So many people would just dump guys they don't know, and don't care about. Man this would have been brilliant, MADE SO MUCH MONEY.

    Plus happy gamers.
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    For the anniversary, there seems to be a distinct lack of Moonstone. I mean its Moonstone.

  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    dream a little dream...
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    While the idea of adding all those heralds sounds like a good idea in theory, it would be just too much to expect them to balance all their new powers, so it would probably be better if they came up with some justification for using existing baddies (cosmic power-infused clones for example) or stuck with more generic robotic drones or kept the other heralds as NPCs for now.

    Beyond the minor above criticism, that event sounds very good indeed and roughly speaking it is another gauntlet so it is not like they would have had to reinvent the wheel to put something like this out either.