IceIX and 'reds': A tl;dr snapshot of how we're feeling.

Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
So. IceIX made a post. I think we're all familiar with it now. With 19 pages and counting in replies, it's safe to say the forum player base is expressing its... dissatisfaction. Out of personal interest, I went through and compiled a list of where player dissatisfaction was mostly focused. This is the result.

Keeping in mind: This relates only to Galactus. I didn't take any comments from posts about tokens, lightning rounds, draw rates, etc. Just Galactus (and how it affects pvp). Also, as much as I could from memory, I only took one comment per person. So if someone made two posts with complaints, I only used one. I also avoided adding sarcastic praise, as it would be out of context and lose the sarcasm.

(Bolded parts my own editing, and didn't bother with names - this isn't meant to call anyone out, it's just to give a quick, cast-your-eye-over-it glance at how the general forum populace is feeling.)

On the Galactus event:
Not remotely fun
it just isn't fun
I really have never had such bad feelings to any form of entertainment as I do toward MPQ right now.
Second point: this is just not fun.
your anniversary event is NOT.... FUN.
This event is not fun.
Its an exercise in futility.
Thanks but no thanks.
Miserable. That's how. Not fun.
Can't wait for this "fun" to be over.
I feel worthless. A lot of my team does.
the gaming experience equivalent of slamming your hand in a car door over and over and over
a miserable experience
This event is garbage.
I'm just really disappointed by this event.
This is NOT an enjoyable event.
galactus event is not fun; and i am winning more often than not
this is the worst moral beating I've had on this game
Stupid event, just plain stupid idea of fun for an anniversary event.
bash our heads against a brick wall over and over
Game has gone backwards
ready to quit trying to play Galactus
getting a kick in the teeth
This isn't fun.
This is one of the biggest events you've ever done and it just plain sucks.
This Galactus event is a joke... Biggest money grab I've ever witnessed by D3.
As far as galactus it's an absolute mess.
impossible event for the majority and a coin flip event for the rest of us
This is not fun and never will be fun.
This event is really terrible, not fun at all.
I'm presuming I have one of the alliances doing better than expected, but they're also saying "this f-ing blows" after every battle.
I'm in an alliance that is about to break into Round 7. None of us are happy with the event.
After just one day of this event, I'm tempted to walk away from the game for another six months or more.
You created an experience so miserable that someone who plays even more than I do in my alliance has quit.
You could not pay me to jump into this again.
That's not fun; that's not fair; and that's terrible, terrible game design.
Okay I'm in a top 20 alliance and most of us are not having fun.
100% of my top 20 PVE Alliance hates this with a passion.
This event, however, stinks.
die and try again over and over, that's really boring
There is no gameplay to enjoy.
I don't even want to play anymore
I had to stop playing, when a match 3 game causes stress that's an issue.
the rest of us hit a brick wall very quickly and it's not fun anymore
That's not challenging or fun, it's just a slot machine.
Half of my alliance has rage quit this event and I don't blame them.
I'm proud to say that my alliance is among those few who are doing better than expected. It's not fun.
This wasn't a 'welcome back to MPQ!' moment; this was a 'RUN AWAY FROM MPQ FOREVER' moment.
Its just a waste of my time.
the worst event I've ever seen
Round 5 Galactus is not a puzzle, and therefore, unfun.
I fail to see where there is any fun at all at generally dying in 3 turns.
I wish my brothers never told me about this heartbreakingly painful game.
actively unpleasant to play
It's horribly disheartening, and for the past day I have been looking for other things to play because of it.
Without wishing to sound hyperbolic, this is the least fun I have ever had in any game.
I have to say to the devs 'you have to loose' is THE WORST IDEA EVER.
echoing the sentiment that this is the least fun ive had for any game in recent memory
I would honestly rather cancel this and start the next season.
Everyone should just quit as soon as they hit round 8. That right there is TinyKitty.
"You're supposed to lose." Simply put: this leads to an experience that isn't fun.
This is quite possibly the worst idea in ANY online game ever.
The event is an absolute disaster.
Adding my voice to the chorus: this event was poorly designed if the goal is to create a fun experience for the most users.
this has taken the enjoyment out of this game for me
This is an event that will put people off the game, and I expect those people will find a more fun game elsewhere.
It really makes me feel like there's no reason to play anymore.
even those of us 'doing well' are hating every refresh, every 'minor node', every boss battle
The in-game chat is all negative. Ultimately Galactus battles are BORING.
Frankly, the experience is so poor most of us are talking about not even playing stage 7 when we eventually clear 6.
Awful mechanic design.
No one in our alliance thinks this is fun and using the exploit just feels wrong.
I have never seen something as poorly designed as this event in any mmo game.
pretty badly designed
Our alliance just beat round 8 and we all agree that this was not a good time at all.
I love how we are celebrating the game by not being able to play the game. (OP note: That was sarcasm.)
So while the story of the event has a certain logic, it falls woefully short of compelling and is not fun.
To sum up this event: Broken... Utterly broken. Top to bottom.
Just wanted to add my voice to the rest that this event has been dire.
This is frankly the worst event I have ever played on a game.
Also the main boss fight isn't fun for me or anyone in my alliance.
I'm very disappointed with D3.
Worst event ever.
Galactus event is not my idea of a celebration.
I think I cant get more angry/frustrated about and event.
Has this been a fun, inspiring event? I'll give you a hint. NO!
I would genuinely advise new players to stay away from this game now
I'm disappointed & frustrated.
From a dedicated player, this feels more like punishment than an anniversary party.
I am on the verge of quitting the game entirely.
So I created a forum account just to say, amongst everyone else, that this event sucks.

And from those who managed to complete it (or come close):

* Django will finish Round 8, and I'm afraid that we're sending the wrong message. No, this has not been a fun experience.
* Well lock and load cleared round 8 also. Just coming here to say it was not fun. We did not enjoy the event.
* My alliance cleared round7. Despite that lofty feat, the morale of the group is at an all time low. We have 4 alliances. That's 80 people. Not one, not a single one has had anything positive to say about this event despite being extremely excited about it for a month prior.

On spending (any more) money:
wallet closed
certainly not worth spending money on
I came into the event planning to drop $20 on HP. Instead, I am seriously considering quitting the game.
I came into this anniversary prepared to drop $100. Now I'm probably not spending a dime on it ever again.
I blocked my card and waiting for my purchased HP refund.
This will make me not spend any more money on hero tokens. I found a great new game to play now that this event frustrated me so much.
epic fail = wallet closed
I pre purchased $30 of itunes cards for this. And I have not spent them because, simply put, I am not having fun.
I get paid on Wednesdays so maybe I start pouring my $ into something more useful.
I've spent enough and my wallet is closing and locking after wiping trivial nodes.
I bought a Stark at the beginning of the anniversary after hearing about last year, but will be requesting a refund.
this and the token quality prevented me from spending the $50-100 I was allotting
You were this close to earning my money D3, and you blew it.
YOU lose! You lose any additional $ I may have spent on this game.
I fully planned to buy some HP on this event but I don't think they will ever get any money out of me again.
Anytime I feel the urge to spend money I'll just remind myself of this terrible event and terrible customer service.
I wanted to drop some hard cash on this game but now.... Not so keen any more.
I'm just so glad I didn't drop the $$$$ I was planning to on HP.
It was really smart of them to make the HP sale available before the event started. I don't think i'd have given them 50,- € knowing this.
I had money set aside for hp and was hoping for something awesome to spend it at. Like bundle deals or awesome tokens. Not hoing to happen.
1 week before anniversary about $400 spent combined. After galactus rolled out and started eye killing everybody $0 dollars spent.
And if it matters, I was considering dropping $$$ for a stark salary during the sale, but have changed my mind because i am mad at the devs.
I know I'm definitely not spending any money on this game now after originally planning to do so.
This event was NOT fun and has brought back my resolve to not spend money on the game.
I will certainly not put any money into this game now if this is how you guys wanna play.

Also, this thread.

On playing PvP while Galactus refreshes:
I'd love to go play the other events, but all my characters are dead and all health packs are gone.
I would love to try a bit of versus events during the Galactus recharge but guess what? I need that time for my health packs to recharge.
it drained my health packs so badly I can't even play in Vortex like Ice so nicely suggested we do during Galactus downtime
Took your advice Ice, and got some Black Vortex in... since I was running on empty from "Galactus drained Packs" syndrome and since Galactus wasn't paying out HP like last Anniversary, I couldn't keep fighting and I couldn't shield up. I ended up knocked all the way back to 480.
After going 0-6 and running out of health packs I"m suppose to go play PVP? Hahaha, yeah no. I have no characters left!

On rewards:
IceIX wrote:
Care to expand on that? The rewards are 3 4* covers, quite a few tokens through both progressions and nodes, and various other smaller rewards. It's pretty on for a boss battle in comparison to prior rewards, plus the Legendary token which wasn't there before.

Better prizes for the minion battles would go a long way toward taking the sting out of the constant losses on the boss node.
And if the difficulty is correct, any reason the rewards are, what they are?
What, you don't think critical boosts are worthy reward for a legendary achievement?
Compared to Ultron, the Ultron node reward included a few HP rewards, while there's none of that for Galactus. Just one Galactus token per round with him.
One of the other comparisons to the Ultron event was the quality of rewards in the intermediate battles. HP and gold tokens were the norm for the intermediate goon battles, IIRC. Here, it's standards and 20 ISO. For an anniversary event. Yay. /s
And when we do get lucky and take him out for a round, why the actual kitty is 40 ISO even a possible reward???
the paltry rewards stink
And indeed the rewards are much worse than the regular pve's. By placing t50 or higher you can earn 50 hp daily on regular pve's, plus the final hp for the whole event and the hp on the progression. On galactus there's TWO hp progression rewards, and that's it, plus a Legendary Token that not every member of the alliance can get because there's not enough points.
Ultron had progression rewards per level. Galactus does not.
Ultron had very high quality rewards for interim/goon nodes. (e.g., HP, heroics) Galactus does not.
Ultron had attainable individual progression rewards. The Legendary may be more valuable in Galactus, but it's not attainable. (Because those require winning on occasion.)
The only similarity is alliance progression rewards. You know, the ones y'all comped everybody after Ultron #1 because the alliance progression target was too high the first time around.
If you're telling us we're supposed to lose, what is a legendary doing at 1.25mil?
Oh boy do I love the feeling of occasionally winning with an extremely lucky board. Then getting 40 iso as a reward. (OP note: This was sarcasm.)
But if you beat him there should be ZERO chance of 40 ISO. HP, real tokens, something of real value!
Also, I am insulted that you couldn't have at least abolished the 20 AP, excuse me, 40 AP reward on Galactus. I only managed to get 2 victories against him all day, nearly spent all of my AP boosts, and 40 AP is what I get?
OK if you're going to feed us this line of **** that winning a round is supposed to be this massive achievement, could you remove the 40 iso8.png garbage? If i beat him with rewards on the table I WANT THEM!
This doesn't mean that any of us feel that we are fairly compensated for our effort and resources expended.
If beating Galactus was "intended" to be such a huge challenge and a rare victory, the critical boosts as rewards are just insulting.
IceIX, is this working as intended? I had 18 victories in R7 and only collected 4/8 rewards, FOURTEEN x 40 iso8.png
The whole design of this event seems a bit punishing relative to rewards offered.
I don't like the rewards to healthpack/grind ratio.
rewards are worse than regular PVE ( no 3* cover reasonably attainable and LT... forget it)
Honestly I would rather not receive a prize than receive a 40 iso reward slap in the face.
This is the worst, after fighting against all odds, we dont even have a nice reward.

And finally, on our 'basic disconnect':
IceIX: To start, it seems like a lot of people are on a basic disconnect here, looking at the boss battle similar to how Ultron ran in terms of how things work.
Casey (video): It's going to be a lot like the Ultron encounter. The Galactus battle will be totally different, but the structure of it will be the same.

Reality: It's a lot like Ultron in the sense that it ran on an anniversary, sure. Otherwise, I'm not sure how you can justifiably suggest the player base outrage over the event is due to a 'disconnect', given the above quote. How on earth we were meant to guess 'you're supposed to lose' from this sort of information is beyond me.

IceIX: The "minion" fights against the villains are relatively simple.
Reality: Level 395 minions.

IceIX: You're supposed to lose your Health Packs on Galactus...
IceIX: That break means that you have plenty of times for Galactus drained Packs to refresh while you can go in and get some Black Vortex in. Or play Simulator (up soon). Or get your Devil Dino on when that starts up.

Reality: After we lose our health packs on Galactus, how the hell are we meant to do any of these other events? We will be waiting for health packs to replenish for Galactus. And characters to revive. And heal.

IceIX: I'm sure most of you aren't used to going into a battle with the idea that you may well lose.
The entire game for the last two years.

Reality: You (generic) created a game that pushes people to win. Everything about this game is designed to ensure people try their best not to lose, and are punished for doing so. Limited roster slots (iirc, you have previously stated we're not even meant to collect all available characters), limited health packs, limited boost stacks, etc. You basically made an event, to celebrate two years of winning game play, that forces people to lose. What the tinykitty.

Pretty damning review of what's meant to be a celebratory event. I'm not convinced this is simply a matter of 'basic disconnect' from the players.


  • blinktag
    blinktag Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    I know summarizing is a bit of work, but some comments on the Galactus rewards wouldn't go amiss either. When interim rewards (effectively missing), boss battle rewards (effectively none), individual round progression (none), and individual event progression (nearly unobtainable) are factored in, this event is returning less than a typical new character release PvE, never mind an epic anniversary celebration.

    Compared to the rewards offered in the Hulkbuster Ultron event, these can only be described as miserly.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    Hrm. Well, the comments about Galactus in general were taken from the context of a range of things - rewards, countdown tiles, the 'minor hazard' of 395 nodes, only getting to play three rounds before dying, etc.

    Might go through a bit later and see if there are enough reward-specific comments to merit a new category. Don't think I can read through that thread again right now! icon_lol.gif
  • JordonLee
    JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Haha, I see my own quote in there and it sounds so depressing. All of them do, though.
    Happy anni week, peeps. Keep your heads up, it'll blow over soon, eh. Gutted a game can bring out so much negative emotions.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    JordonLee wrote:
    Haha, I see my own quote in there and it sounds so depressing. All of them do, though.

    It's especially depressing that this is a collection of quotes from one thread, heh. Hate to think how long it'd go if I included comments from every Galactus related thread. icon_eek.gif
  • JordonLee
    JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Lystrata wrote:
    JordonLee wrote:
    Haha, I see my own quote in there and it sounds so depressing. All of them do, though.

    It's especially depressing that this is a collection of quotes from one thread, heh. Hate to think how long it'd go if I included comments from every Galactus related thread. icon_eek.gif

    Sadness, anger. Everywhere. So much oh dear.. :v
  • Here's to your efforts in compiling this...have an up vote and go green with your post. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    While we're gathering feedback....

    The issues with the game are pretty bad.


    The thing that turns the situation from pretty bad to apocalyptic disaster is the 30 HOURS between acknowledging that the servers had issues and making any other comment on any other topic at all.

    On the day of a big event like that, communication should be flowing freely and frequently. Instead, we get the silent treatment.

    And when they did come back in, after 30 hours of silence, it's to spend 20 minutes telling us that we're where the issue lies because we have the wrong expectation.

    I mean.... the game problems themselves are bad, but could be forgiven if they were addressed directly, promptly, and properly. The communication causes me to question if this is a game I want to be supporting.

    PS, thanks for compiling, OP
  • great post。 thanks for this
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    blinktag wrote:
    I know summarizing is a bit of work, but some comments on the Galactus rewards wouldn't go amiss either.

    Done. Partially. Could only go to page 10 before my eyes started to bleed. icon_lol.gif Will see if I can do something about the rest of it tomorrow. At least it 'expands' somewhat, as per IceIX's request (see spoiler).
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    OJSP wrote:
    Considering the number he used in the joking post in another thread.. it's possible it's close to the real percentage of people getting 20 iso or critical boosts in a repeated node at any given time.. icon_e_smile.gif

    Wouldn't surprise me.

    And I've just added a final category, aka 'basic disconnect'. Because, well, y'know. I don't feel this is all on us.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good documenting there. It's one thing to navigate pages and pages of endless comments, but seeing them all together like this really gives them weight. Hopefully once the devs are back at the office they will feel compelled to gives answers.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Great synopsis! The wall of "this isn't fun" and "I don't even want to play anymore" quotes at the top of the list is particularly damning. What I find interesting is the number of post that start with "made a forum account just to say how much this sucks". That seems like a big deal to me, because us Forumites are such a small % of the player base apparently...but you have dozens of people signing up just to voice their distaste with what you've delivered. So while we may very well be the minority of your player base, we're not alone on this one. People from all over the community are searching for ways to tell y'all how much this thing blows. Clearly you disappointed the forum guys, but let's be honest, that's really not all that hard icon_e_wink.gif ...but this time it's not just us. There is a minority group on this issue, but the minority is the small group of players that actually enjoy it. Everyone else?

  • Captain_Carlman
    Captain_Carlman Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    Please keep posting everything from after page 10 of that thread. It is just so hilariously depressing reading this.
  • tanis3303 wrote:

    What I find interesting is the number of post that start with "made a forum account just to say how much this sucks". That seems like a big deal to me, because us Forumites are such a small % of the player base apparently...but you have dozens of people signing up just to voice their distaste with what you've delivered. So while we may very well be the minority of your player base, we're not alone on this one. People from all over the community are searching for ways to tell y'all how much this thing blows.


    I actually mentioned that bit to my wife this morning. It's pretty disheartening to see not the usual, "I just signed up for the forum because I don't know how to…" posts replaced with, "I found the forum and signed in to say ****?"

    Vocal minority? How about a representative sample of the overall player base?

  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    Please keep posting everything from after page 10 of that thread. It is just so hilariously depressing reading this.

    Ask and you shall receive. Updated 'on galactus' (including comments from successful alliances), 'money' and 'rewards'.

    Current to page 24 of 'that thread'.
  • This is both beautiful and tragic. Well done.

  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lystrata wrote:
    Please keep posting everything from after page 10 of that thread. It is just so hilariously depressing reading this.

    Ask and you shall receive. Updated 'on galactus' (including comments from successful alliances), 'money' and 'rewards'.

    Current to page 24 of 'that thread'.

    Hat's off to you for dredging out all that stuff. I mean, it's all mostly true, but god, it does make up for a depressing read when put together like this.
  • Thanks for putting it altogether. They need to know that the reason we endured and played through the event was for our alliance mates and not because we liked it. Its always the good will of the community that hold most of us in the game (at least that's how it is in my alliance).
  • Phillipes
    Phillipes Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Lystrata your post was absolute epic !!
    Someone from devs should print it a read to D3s owners... meet some consequences...
  • Perfectly done, truly captures the last few days on here.

    I agree its really an eye opener for people to join up just to damn the game.

    One thing we can take from this..........

    WE ARE ONE GIANT ALLIANCE AGAINST D3 RIGHT NOW icon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_biggrin.gif