Re: You're supposed to lose. And why that makes me angry.

Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I feel this would be lost posted in On Galactus (Game feel vs Ultron) and it's important. I feel like this should be read.
IceIX wrote:
Hey all,

Wanted to share a few things about how Galactus works and what we're expecting versus what we're seeing.

To start, it seems like a lot of people are on a basic disconnect here, looking at the boss battle similar to how Ultron ran in terms of how things work. Meaning that Ultron should be going down pretty regularly. He's powerful, but his real power lies in the fact that killing his body doesn't stop him. You need to crush every one of his drones and main bodies to win. So winning rounds is a pretty regular occurrence. Game-wise, what this means is that players won fairly easily against Ultron and took their lumps against the drones. The stopping timer there was health packs based on when the drones finally wore you down. What this also meant is that the higher end Alliances would chew through the entire Event in about 12 hours and let it kinda sit for 3 days.

Galactus is different. The "minion" fights against the villains are relatively simple. They're there as minor hazards but relatively easily winnable. Galactus on the other hand is a massive threat. He's not going to be stopped by gnats. Iron Fist punching him in the toe isn't very painful. So he gets bored and swats them away. In game terms, this means that players are going to be beaten. Winning a round against Galactus is an achievement. You're supposed to lose. Every time you do, you're still chipping away at his life. It's an exercise in damage in aggregate. Over the 3.5 days, hitting him over and over to finally bring down the big bad is somewhat slow, but certainly effective.

Overall, most of the higher end Alliances are in Round 6 or knocking on the door to Round 7. Which is actually slightly faster than we were expecting people to get just based on the math. So everyone's doing pretty darned well in terms of progression. There are some teams rockin' the Winfinite, other teams that are pushing through with some interesting strategies (who woulda thought OBW would be a rock star against Galactus?). Not many Alliances are getting anywhere near full clears. Which is actually intended. You're supposed to lose your Health Packs on Galactus, rather than against the minions like on Ultron. It's also why we changed up the play method for this round too so that it's not just a flip flop between Ultron and minions till you win. There's a set number of times you can hit Galactus before you need to take a break to let minions refresh. That break means that you have plenty of times for Galactus drained Packs to refresh while you can go in and get some Black Vortex in. Or play Simulator (up soon). Or get your Devil Dino on when that starts up. It's a different design than the rush of Ultron where that was pretty much all players did while it was open.

Long story short, you all are doing really well against Galactus. Yes, the gameplay is different. I'm sure most of you aren't used to going into a battle with the idea that you may well lose. But given that you're still pulling out wins with pretty strong regularity, I don't see any reason this wouldn't continue into Rounds 7 and 8, and on to Cyclops awesomeness.

At the outset, going into the boss battle, you're looking at winning like normal. After all, it works elsewhere in the game, and it worked against Ultron. So suddenly getting rocked by Galactus is a shock. Keep at it. If things are really going to go poorly, we'll look at doing refresh timer changes and the like that we can do server-side as a quicker band aid style fix for run 1. After that, we'll figure out what we want to do for difficulty on run 2 (and any other runs that we do in the future, of course).

Ok First off I want to say thanks for providing an interesting experience that tried to work on theme. It was something I liked about the Ultron Boss fight as well, that there was a theme to it. That said, from a storytelling perspective... you may have screwed up. Now here is why.

You are right Galactus is WAY too powerful thematically to just rush in headlong and punch away expecting a victory. He's supposed to be dealt with via cunning, and bargaining. The offering of a herald, The Ultimate Nullifier, by a concerted effort of teams that employ cunning to make the planet seem more trouble than it is worth, or attacking when he is weakened with hunger. And the abilities Big G has certainly help that Narrative. But here is where the disconnect is. You have removed any and all strategic options to us. (In a strategic game?) The nature of him ever increasingly getting harder makes Gameplay sense but not thematic sense, and the clock you have given us to enact strategies is far too short. You have given players no choice but to bullrush in and throw as many haymakers as they can, and by luck alone perhaps squeak out a victory. The process does not work, and though I like the machines coming down stripping resources and bringing it back, your process is so quick that you can lose on Big G's Second Turn. And so incredibly luck dependent that you are almost certain to lose on the third. Thereby destroying the narrative you built. Many of us don't actually mind a loss state, so long as there is a CHANCE of winning. But when 83% of my matches feel like a Two turn meat grinder, ending in less than a minute. And 16.5% feel like a lost cause by turn four after a miracle. Then this feels like a task, it feels arduous. And in a game, for enjoyment, that is the last thing you want a player to feel.

Now I have some very strong words for you here, but we'll come back to this particular point because I want to hit things in order first.

"What this also meant is that the higher end Alliances would chew through the entire Event in about 12 hours and let it kinda sit for 3 days."
Entirely untrue, Ultron had lock timers the same way, and If I recall correctly Ultron Two had how many people finish it? Even assuming flawless and perfect runs all the way to the end, Round 5 of the FIRST event, which had much lower end caps, had Three Million Health. 2,371,200pts were available in murdering Ultron Prime, The remaining Scramble Events, Were not worth 638,800 Points. They were 1200 and 600, BUT for the benefit of the doubt, I'll calculate them based on Galactus fights. At 1600 Each. 8000 points a player, 160,000. Round Six took longer alone. Round Seven took more time, so did Round Eight. That statement is a pure lie. But disregarding that, if it was a concern, and you wanted to build challenge for the 1%, you shouldn't be surprised when the remaining 99% are annoyed at this. Not to mention when it seems that you are excluding those remaining 99% from enjoying your game, or having a chance at rewards and accomplishments. There are also better methods of doing it, ones the player base would eagerly jump into. I will get into that later.

"Galactus is different. The "minion" fights against the villains are relatively simple. They're there as minor hazards but relatively easily winnable." So now let's get into the connection as a Boss between him and Ultron, and his minions compared to Ultrons. I feel like, Villains attacking because Galactus is distracting us, is poor storytelling as well. This is their world too, and some of these people are very invested in their own self pursuits. Hood, Kingpin, Doctor Doom. These are selfish people with a Vested Interest in making sure the world continues. Likewise people like Magneto. So making us fight them in between so we can get another shot at Galactus is kind of jarring. Why couldn't we have a round against robots? Or rounds against smaller thugs or even the Machines themselves? I think that having rounds against one of Big G's Cosmic energy collectors, damaging it so we can attract Galactus' attention to us as a threat would make better sense. But instead we have...

"When Earth's heroes busy Fighting Galactus, it's villains are striking! Use the cosmic flames of the Human Torch (Classic) to stop them and earn an extra chance to fight Galactus."

See who these people are? There was a reason I brought them up before. Hood 175, Kingpin, 176, Doctor Doom 176. This is higher level than most of my PVE fights are. This battle in fact beat me as many times as Galactus. But they're supposed to be stepping stones, easy things to do on the way to Galactus. But these are equivalent to final node fights in most events. The ones for large rewards. So this goes from a jarring story element, involving people who shouldn't be fighting you, to a more than tough fight (Listed as Normal difficulty for me, while Galactus is still Trivial... Supposedly.) That is expected to be "relatively" easy. Which if you win, you're expected to just suicide with the hope of doing some small amount of damage, in aggregate. We're only on the minions and this already sounds like whining, but I don't think you can tell me that I'm wrong so far. Moving on.

"Winning a fight is an achievement." That we are rewarded arguably less well for, than we were for Ultron. (Higher Iso, Crit Boost instead of HC, which was SUB node in Ultron. Was 200 HC really too much to give people?) This seems incredibly needless to lower the reward prizing, and while the Iso Rewards are Doubled from Ultron... supposedly so is every Iso-8 reward. But I don't see double Iso being given in Galactus. So really, this is an Ultron SUB node reward with a chance at a token instead of a standard token. I guess we should be grateful we have chances at those. Chances.

"It's an exercise in damage in aggregate. Over the 3.5 days, hitting him over and over to finally bring down the big bad is somewhat slow, but certainly effective." It is not though. It's more an example of futility, we could beat Galactus up to a point, establishing the sense of narrative. We're accomplishing something, then it wasn't so much as a ramp of difficulty but a sharp and sudden slam into a brick wall. When we can deal on average in aggregate more damage to Galactus by defeating some minions that aren't his, who shouldn't in story be attacking us, well then, we are not doing damage in aggregate. It is not effective. I would love to see lists of which Alliances make it to round seven. Let alone Eight, and I am going to ask one of the commanders in X-Men if they managed to complete it. You mention next that many of the top alliances are already on six, knocking on seven. Which is faster than you expected it. Man I'd love to see your math. It's ok, I'll understand it, I'm a statistician, I really would love to see your math.

The next paragraph has no declarative statements that I have an issue with, short of reading like a hype page. When you're done having your body crushed by Galactus, go try one of our many other events, coming soon! But hey I don't mind Ads. You do need to make money.

"Yes, the gameplay is different. I'm sure most of you aren't used to going into a battle with the idea that you may well lose." Also untrue, lots of us go into fights thinking we might lose. I go into literally every Four Star Fight for a legendary that way. I go into most of my PVP's like that. I do that every time you put up the Gauntlet. The difference, is that I think with good planning, with denial, with strategy I can win. I have a chance, and the RARE times I do win, it feels good, it feels worth it. It feels like I have overcome a challenge. Galactus doesn't have that. So this ties most of your response up, and I want to get into the worst thing you said, and the reason this event is poorly managed, and poorly executed.

Now before I get into what has me and probably most of your players so angry, I want to get back to the things I said I would. Namely better methods, and this is off the top of my head here. A thematic fight against Galactus that is difficult and gives the feeling of accomplishment, while acknowledging that the heroes should not be able to fight Galactus directly. Sub nodes should be Galactus machines, engines, and bots, and other things. Stuff we destroy to get Big G's attention. A way of briefly weakening him in small increments to allow us a chance to do something major. Then we should get a fight with A minor part of Galactus, where we don't know his health, (but where obviously there is the increment of it, the amount we can do to him.) Make that the puzzle, the way we directly impact Galactus by damaging him, give us a timer, and a slow increase, make a sense of forboding. Have him corrupt tiles so we can't move them, make those damage us each turn, If Ultron Bombs were attack tiles, that increased in intensity? Damn that's hard. That'll eat health packs, but it's beatable. AND AFTER THAT. Say Galactus approaches. Put it on our screen, and then give us an OPTIONAL fight with the Big G. One where it's basically a slot machine like this, to get X amount of extra damage. Where you actually fight him. Give us the foreknowledge that this is sure obliteration, given to us up front, with an option to do it for extra damage then make it this unfair, where even if you reach the extra damage cap, your team is still obliterated. Health packs must be used. We would EAT that up. We would feed teams to the meat grinder, just to brag on here that you got a miracle win. And you'd make us use even more health packs. But you didn't. So let's get to the reason I'm pissed off.

" You're supposed to lose."

What a disgusting statement. Are you kidding me? I am so furious right now. Apologise, please, to your customers and to your devs, and if this was the intention, I don't expect free rewards, or Cyclops covers, or legendary tokens or refunds. I expect an apology, and someone's resignation. It should probably be yours at that point. If this was an intention from development that we not win, that we not get to play, and it was communicated like this I expect you to tell us you are hiring a new Dev team, and that you are firing this one. That is not an overreaction, either, if I misrepresented figures like this to my customers, I would be fired, and considering my customers I would probably be blacklisted.

But let's look at that. From a storytelling angle , and from thematic Point of view. You know those things you are looking to evoke when you bring us an event. That you claimed were justifications in HOW tough he is. Should we lose? NO. We're the heroes, we are the line of defense, how often does Galactus eat Earth and destroy everyone on it? How often the does Big G get a Big W against the Avengers and the FF, and the defenders of Earth? Who considering how many cannot escape the planet, is probably most of the villains as well. (Though who knows what Loki is planning?)
This is a pretty UNITED front. So from a storytelling perspective, if "You're supposed to lose." Was the intention from the start, you told us a bad story, out of vein of it's medium, and we should stop playing right? Earth was destroyed? No more stories. Better delete the rosters of those who don't clear Round Eight.

Now. Let's look at that from a gameplay POV. Which is the biggest one, because really if the gameplay is good, then we'll forgive basically everything else. Currently we don't have any gameplay. Fights end so fast with either retreat, or the complete destruction of your team that there is virtually no gameplay. It's like playing a thirty second Demo of your game. Where if the stars align you can play another thirty seconds. If there was a method, a proven and reliable though INCREDIBLY difficult method to win a round we'd be alright. We are not strangers to difficulty, we are gamers, we relish this. So long as there is a chance to win, by our own merit. Haver you ever heard of the warning in Nightmare Mode for Doom, or Dante Must Die difficulty? Or Raid Bosses in WoW. Or SNK Boss syndrome? Communication from the outset and the choice to continue means a lot, and making the match HARD is perfectly fine. So long as it is possible. Those games all rely on mechanics, the fight is difficult because you must be perfect. Your fight is not. It is RNG dependent, and more stacked than a slot machine. That's the product you provide, challenging gameplay in a fast paced environment rife with strategy. Right? Not pulls of a slot machine? Galactus currently is like pulls of a slot machine. Are you by chance taking notes from Konami, and soon we will see Puzzle Quest Pachinko? I hear tell that there are people somehow slogging on and beating him with regular consistency, but no one has provided any actual proof of that. No one has even said; "I have success with this team." Not even a screen shot to show they're on track for Round Eight, and the thing is, see above, it didn't need to be this way. And if this is how it is supposed to be, with people queuing up to just shake Big G's hand and see if somehow he spits out a single token? Well that isn't a strategy game, it isn't entertaining, and it certainly isn't a good product. I won't even get into the allegations (and that is I guess all they are, allegations,) that you read the brainstorming ideas of the forum and then changed the Galactus fight to defeat all of them, without playtesting that. I won't, because it would end up with me screaming instead of polite discourse. But I really want to.

I will only briefly touch on the personal progression charts compared to "You're supposed to lose." implying that we need to win, and that the reward tiers on them are so ludicrous then, considering you require a winrate of over 84% with an alliance pulling wins at a rate of 66% and a perfect record against all sub nodes, to get your legendary. I've done my math. You can only lose one fight per clear. Assuming you make all sixty six possible attempts against Galactus in under four hours. If you can't make them all in under four hours of combined play, you can only lose ten times throughout. Oh and if your losses are in round seven or eight, you can only lose six times.

So finally I'd like you to take a look at that statement, we're supposed to lose, and I want you to think about the implications of it, as a statement. You don't want us to accomplish, you don't want us to achieve, you don't want us to play. No one at all, ever, plays a game for fun that they are supposed to lose. Not even for show, not even the Generals vs The Globetrotters. If you don't remember 1971. And especially no one does it for free. So I'll reiterate myself.

I'm not going to mention any steps we as your customers could take outside the game. But we do have options. So.

Please. Apologise, then go make it right.


  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not just the "supposed to lose" idea, it's that we have no control over it. It's a coin toss. Really, it's more like you roll a d20 and on a 20 you win, all other numbers you lose. There's no skill.
  • {In before the first die-hard apologist… icon_lol.gif }

    Great post. Well-written, thorough, civil, and on point.

    Oh, and a belated welcome to the forum. icon_e_wink.gif

  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    A very eloquent, well thought out and put together post. However if you want an apology from them please don't hold your breath. Admission of wrong doing or misrepresentation opens the door to litigation and a chance that they may have to give refunds to people who spent real money.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    Linkster79 wrote:
    A very eloquent, well thought out and put together post. However if you want an apology from them please don't hold your breath. Admission of wrong doing or misrepresentation opens the door to litigation and a chance that they may have to give refunds to people who spent real money.

    If we don't get one, We'll take it to *** ********, on ************, Or ***** *******, or one of the people in our community who hate this kind of practice and actually do have a voice that gets heard. We'll offer it up to ****** *******, to ***** ******, or ******, ********, ***... A small refund and a public apology? Or scorched earth? I know which one I'd choose. Besides cool as Cyclops is, I really don't want a reward for stuff as an apology right now. I just want to hear, sorry we made a mistake. Hold on, let us run this fairly and as a fun thing.
    {In before the first die-hard apologist… icon_lol.gif }

    Great post. Well-written, thorough, civil, and on point.

    Oh, and a belated welcome to the forum. icon_e_wink.gif


    Thank you very much. I got so angry over this event, I had to come see if something was being done.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think my position feels somewhat worse.
    I got angry over the DDQ 4* node miscommunication. I got REAL angry over that and how poorly they'd explained it in advance and how utterly unfair it was that one of their supposed method of helping 3-4* transitioners only rewarded the 4-5* transitioners.

    Galactus though? I'm not angry, I'm disappointed. I remember really enjoying last year's anniversary. It felt like a refreshing break where I could play for fun and maybe win some prizes.
    We had a 3 week build up to this with that Galaxy node and I was really looking forward to it. I knew nothing about what would happen so I wasn't hyped and I wasn't expecting stuff that the devs didn't deliver. Well, aside from maybe offering something as fun as last year. And what they delivered was Ultron but Galactus. Okay that was a little disappointing they basically reskinned an old event, but whatever, Ultron worked kinda and they've had time to iron out the kinks.

    And things started so promisingly. I could see from Galactus in round 1 that he'd get more HP and cosmic tiles would start to be an issue if you couldn't match them. I did not anticipate the timers would be quicker, create more cosmic tiles and said tiles would generate more AP. One of those things increased by itself in a new round would have been challenging enough but all of them together? As a result I just feel fatigued and sad. I looked over to PvP and saw something fun over there and then looked back to Galactus and thought "Well I can't stop now, our alliance has made an effort to push into this." so I did Galactus. And I used up ten health packs in four shots at Galactus. Only won once, the rest of the time I did less than 4k damage. I'm trying to beat M.Bison with chip damage.

    I don't know what to say to my alliance if the second run isn't changed significantly.

    The fact this was so poorly designed just made me sad more than it did angry.
    They can't have playtested the event, and if they did they must have designed it with selling health packs in mind. Then again, IceX didn't even 'play test' his post before making it. How a community liason could openly admit "This event is designed to eat through your health packs" and keep his job I do not know. How he even thought his post wouldn't immediately annoy everyone I also do not know.

    One of the worst things you can do as a developer is tell people it's their fault for not understanding. We saw this with dungeon Keeper Mobile where they said " I don't think we did a particularly good job marketing it or talking to fans about their expectations for what Dungeon Keeper was going to be or ultimately should be."
    Same deal here. Whenever an event has happened that was ultimately disliked the devs have usually come back and explained how it was meant to be inturpretted half way through. "You're just not getting it" is the common vibe. If 1000 people look at a colour and say it's red, you're not going to convince us it's blue simply because you explain it harder. Likewise if we're all annoyed that your event is demoralising and frustrating, you can't come back and tell us "Yup, that's the point. Don't you get it?" and expect us to go "Oooohhh! NOW I see!"
  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    I think my position feels somewhat worse.
    I got angry over the DDQ 4* node miscommunication. I got REAL angry over that and how poorly they'd explained it in advance and how utterly unfair it was that one of their supposed method of helping 3-4* transitioners only rewarded the 4-5* transitioners.

    Galactus though? I'm not angry, I'm disappointed. I remember really enjoying last year's anniversary. It felt like a refreshing break where I could play for fun and maybe win some prizes.
    We had a 3 week build up to this with that Galaxy node and I was really looking forward to it. I knew nothing about what would happen so I wasn't hyped and I wasn't expecting stuff that the devs didn't deliver. Well, aside from maybe offering something as fun as last year. And what they delivered was Ultron but Galactus. Okay that was a little disappointing they basically reskinned an old event, but whatever, Ultron worked kinda and they've had time to iron out the kinks.

    This is exactly how I feel. I'm not angry, I don't want compensation, I just want the game to be fun. It's more like I'm sad and disappointed. My Alliance was on Round 4 before I could even get on, so that's all I experienced. It's not fun, and I'm not playing it.

    I actually liked the Ultron Event. It was challenging, but with some strategy you could actually beat it and feel good about it. Not to mention the rewards for the nodes were so much better that you actually wanted to complete them.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    LXSandman wrote:
    I think my position feels somewhat worse.
    I got angry over the DDQ 4* node miscommunication. I got REAL angry over that and how poorly they'd explained it in advance and how utterly unfair it was that one of their supposed method of helping 3-4* transitioners only rewarded the 4-5* transitioners.

    Galactus though? I'm not angry, I'm disappointed. I remember really enjoying last year's anniversary. It felt like a refreshing break where I could play for fun and maybe win some prizes.
    We had a 3 week build up to this with that Galaxy node and I was really looking forward to it. I knew nothing about what would happen so I wasn't hyped and I wasn't expecting stuff that the devs didn't deliver. Well, aside from maybe offering something as fun as last year. And what they delivered was Ultron but Galactus. Okay that was a little disappointing they basically reskinned an old event, but whatever, Ultron worked kinda and they've had time to iron out the kinks.

    This is exactly how I feel. I'm not angry, I don't want compensation, I just want the game to be fun. It's more like I'm sad and disappointed. My Alliance was on Round 4 before I could even get on, so that's all I experienced. It's not fun, and I'm not playing it.

    I actually liked the Ultron Event. It was challenging, but with some strategy you could actually beat it and feel good about it. Not to mention the rewards for the nodes were so much better that you actually wanted to complete them.

    Yeah at first I was also sad and disappointed because of this anniversary fiasco, until I saw the 'you are supposed to loose', 'you did not understand how you were supposed to play the event' lines. We need to play the game to loose? ****!!! Are you nuts man? This is my free time, I dont play to loose, I play to win and to have fun! What kind of masoquist plays a game to loose! And then this 'you did not understand the mechanics' makes things worse. Maybe we did not understand because you did not told us anything about the event! Thinking that your customers and fanbase are the ones responsible is not very good practice for a company...

    The loose statement is the most stupid statement I have ever seen in a game forum and I too expect an apology. Soon.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh. Oh. Hey, guys. You know how there's a periodic "the AI cheats" thread followed by "nonsense it's confirmation bias they wouldn't do that"?

    After you've publicly admitted that an event was designed in such a way that "you're supposed to lose," how does "the AI doesn't peek" ever have any credibility again? How are we supposed to trust that you rigged THIS event but you're above rigging "regular" fights? You've demonstrated quite clearly that you can stack the deck in a major way against the community; we're supposed to believe there's no deliberate stacking the deck in minor ways?
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polares wrote:
    Yeah at first I was also sad and disappointed because of this anniversary fiasco, until I saw the 'you are supposed to loose', 'you did not understand how you were supposed to play the event' lines. We need to play the game to loose? ****!!! Are you nuts man? This is my free time, I dont play to loose, I play to win and to have fun! What kind of masoquist plays a game to loose! And then this 'you did not understand the mechanics' makes things worse. Maybe we did not understand because you did not told us anything about the event! Thinking that your customers and fanbase are the ones responsible is not very good practice for a company...

    The loose statement is the most stupid statement I have ever seen in a game forum and I too expect an apology. Soon.

    I think we all demand a public apology for your continuous mis-use of the word "loose". As in opposite of tight.
    It's spelled, "lose" dude. ;.;

    It's one of my pet peeves...sorry. But you wrote it as "loose" so many times in that paragraph I couldn't avoid saying something about it 8S

    That said, yeah. They did a really poor job of explaining this event. All of the screenshots pointed to "It's like Ultron, so you know what the drill is, right?" and then we played and at first it was exactly that. And then it just got more and more unfair. Sure, Ultron could be evil if he put his bomb on one of only 3 black tiles on the board, but likely you had 7 turns before it hit the bottom with which you could try to do something about it. Not here.
  • Benjermain
    Benjermain Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    This is a great example of a reasoned approach to refuting IceX, the Devs, and anyone else that thinks the players are wrong.

    Me, I've only posted in anger and spite, and I'm STILL furious every time I'm reminded about Lightning Rounds or drop rates or IceX's condescension.

    No one plays this game to lose, no one likes 3 days of futility. And that MIGHT be mitigated if the rewards were ample. But as discussed EVEYWHERE, no one thinks that is the case.

    You screwed this event, and the whole Anniversary, up D3. Fine, that happens, apologize for your miscalculations, your stinginess, and talking down to us, and a lot of us will get over it. Not everybody because you REALLY tinykittied the tinypooch in pretty much EVERY area. Call a redo, run a better Anniversary next week and win some goodwill back.

    Or you know, encourage 17 page (!) gripe threads and responses to your spokesperson's arrogance. I guarantee those will go away when your player base leaves the game in droves.
  • tumblr_static_6m8pd6u2dns48kkgg4gcsc008.jpg

    If only there was a button.
  • The OP phrased the concerns perfectly. Hope this one gets read by the Devs at least. If they're not looking at the forums this weekend, then they're gonna have fun Monday

    Just general failure all round and disbelief.
    Anniversary was built up to be this epic season but it's just falling short in so many ways!
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    I think you've got this all wrong. You're taking Ice's quote out of context. The quote goes something like this:

    "you're supposed to lose... customers" (see, he forgot to write the last word, that's all. An anniversary is about losing customers, losing customer confidence, losing trust, and losing what once were very loyal players due to poor game design. That's all icon_e_smile.gif
  • To the OP:

    Well written, all good points.

    But no one is really posting up strategy or bragging about success... cause well there isn't too much good feeling with this event even when doing 'well'.

    In the numbers department, I'm 15th in the alliance when I just peeked, which is better than I thought. Last I looked I was 18th. I have a score of 600997, which is pretty abysmal compared to our current #1 at 885446.

    2979540/5900000 in round 8 for KA Jedi. We feel like we're on track for that 3rd cyc cover...

    ...but as I mentioned in the other thread, I've basically spent every bit of my stockpiled iso and tacos to be pulling up the caboose, and only soldiering on for the greater good, because none of this has been remotely fun.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    To the OP:

    Well written, all good points.

    But no one is really posting up strategy or bragging about success... cause well there isn't too much good feeling with this event even when doing 'well'.

    In the numbers department, I'm 15th in the alliance when I just peeked, which is better than I thought. Last I looked I was 18th. I have a score of 600997, which is pretty abysmal compared to our current #1 at 885446.

    2979540/5900000 in round 8 for KA Jedi. We feel like we're on track for that 3rd cyc cover...

    ...but as I mentioned in the other thread, I've basically spent every bit of my stockpiled iso and tacos to be pulling up the caboose, and only soldiering on for the greater good, because none of this has been remotely fun.

    I thank you for the reply, and am grateful to hear about anyone actually getting to the end. I feel a little bad though. I'm #1 in my Alliance... and that's basically my score. Mind you I had around 560k of that before round six. Any chance you would be willing to, in a PM perhaps share some strategy?
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Then this feels like a task, it feels arduous. And in a game, for enjoyment, that is the last thing you want a player to feel.

    If the Devs could read and understand this one sentence.... I think they will learn the errors of this event. Loosing isn't the problem, no victory is worth anything without the possibility for failure, but it is the utter feeling of not having a chance of victory that turns the game we all enjoy into a choir... and nobody likes choirs.

    You want my money? Give me a FUN event to play.
  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    Here is the tip. Round 8 is easier than round 7 with this team

    Hulk px gsbw.

    Now turn one match purple. Turn two match black (any color hulk tanks) countdowns will go off and hulk is angry. (Due to the damage from galactus countdowns) then green should get you match 5s

    Then it's gsbw purple and hope for an infinite combo to continue.

    Not trying to ruin this combo before anyone says. But if they nerf this we might as well all delete this game.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    GMadMan040 wrote:

    If only there was a button.

    Or maybe complex issues and thoughts can't always be condensed into a single simple soundbite.
  • mu7an7
    mu7an7 Posts: 34
    Well, this didn't work... After losing a fight in the Galactus event, the tips suggested to go back to the prologue and find more boosts, ISO, etc, which i thought I had already farmed, - and getting the 4 rewards that I missed from the H.A.M.M.E.R event (which was actually more fun than the Galactus event for some reason), the next time I fought Galactus I lost again, but it did take an extra turn, so maybe there is something in that suggestion...
  • With everyone hating this vehemently, based on the amount of rancor I've read in the forum, I'm really surprised many of you pushed hard enough to get past 500k. Props. I gave up after 150k and the realization that no one in my alliance stood a chance past round 4.