what WOULD make you happy at this point?



  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    scrollable leaderboards

    revoke "True Healing" and restore prologue healing, forever!!!!

    take 2* out of heroic and events tokens. we already get enough from standard tokens if we ever needed them; either make them 250 iso (cut out the extra step of selling) and/or health packs (very useful for anything) or even boosts

    Make this game fun and not a reason to want to uninstall it.
    IFORANI Posts: 91
    Maybe a complete revamp of the Alliance based PvE events. Some creative criticism here:

    1) Make the PvE individual based game play and add the complete individual points achieved to an overall rewards system by adding them up. receiving rewards at the end just as a normal alliance ranking rewards are done. (Current system is broken and that has been proven by two separate events now)
    - This would allow start time selection and helping relieving the stress on servers.

    - Less chance of minor bugs such as not receiving points or rewards earned.

    - Allow players to play each round and not having issues with missing rounds and the first couple of rounds are easy points so theses rounds are important for progression points. (I missed first two rounds due to server being down and thus I lost on easier round points)

    2) Also need to lower refresh node times to that of a normal 166 3 star time frame.

    -8 Hours is twice as long as a normal 166 heal time. this is killing round progression and thus killing individual progression. Achievements should be achieved with time to spare by your average player base (94 2* through 166 3*)

    - Challenge should be based on time needed to be consistent not difficulty of enemy AI. The chances of getting the rewards through roster ability and not consistent play is not a good idea because your are chancing Alienating a group of players that might be your largest. No one wants to keep playing a game that they know they have no chance of achieving the max reward solely based on roster levels or size.

    Just a little note on the Challenging in games. Dev need to remember not a large majority of players are hardcore super grinders or players that have been playing since the beginning. Most players are Casual players and aren't needing super challenges but instead an escape from the Super Challenge a majority deal with more then we play this game - called LIFE.

    In closing, I have enjoyed this game for almost a year and every time I get ready to spend money a situation like this event kills the motivation. I was hoping for a semi enjoyable experience much like the existing standard events with tokens that provide a positive build to my roster either by Covers, ISO8's, or Hero Points not the complete opposite. Just a couple of ideas for them to toss around in the meetings Monday. Thanks and I plan on keeping the grind even though I probably wont achieve much more then I already have and I probably will not get a Cyclops cover, Devil Dino, or Jean Grey through tokens or completing round 6 because my alliance has barely put a dent into Round 5. My alliance is full of your largest player group type players. But some of these things would please me more then any compensation reward would.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    A quick fix to Galactus mechanics before the Red Hulk is all I ask. I'm enjoying this Event up until Round 5. I want more, but not more of this, exactly.
  • removing 2* heroes from anniversary tokens
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    dont know why people keep asking for it to reset.. they never reseted ultron it will be the same a few tokens and thats it
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ultron was a matter of the reward targets being set too high. Handing out extra rewards is a fair way to solve that.

    The problem here is that the design of the event is godawful. We're playing a beta. The fix there is not running the event in its current state.
  • It's easy... more fun and a chance to beat that #@%¢¥ Galactus but anything beyond round 3/4 is awful and fun-killing (and team killing, of course)

    Working on defeating him with good characters is hard enough, but having no chance is a risk for the devs that many players are getting angry.... RRRAAAWWWW.... icon_mrgreen.gificon_e_sad.gif
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    You know what would make me really happy at this point? If they promised to start playtesting their **** game. And I don't mean with the 1* teams most of them are rocking. I want to stop being continually dumbfounded by the **** we're constantly encountering.
  • scrollable leaderboards

    revoke "True Healing" and restore prologue healing, forever!!!!

    take 2* out of heroic and events tokens. we already get enough from standard tokens if we ever needed them; either make them 250 iso (cut out the extra step of selling) and/or health packs (very useful for anything) or even boosts

    Make this game fun and not a reason to want to uninstall it.

    Take 2* out of heroic and event tokens, but leave them in DDQ for new players to obtain. Then give a taco for the first and third ddq node as well. That's doubling the amount of possible pulls per week, but 20/300 still isn't "super" odds, and it would help newer players advance as they grab more 2 star covers.
  • What would make me happy is for the devs to really look at scaling... And the rewards compared to the level of effort put in. If I've put in the effort to build my roster (and the real money) Then I want to feel like I stand a chance of rewards in any given event.

    My wife has a roster than is smaller and weaker than mine... So how come she finishes higher in just about every event she plays in?

    Don't get me started on the **** that is galactus event. I'm grinding hard for the sake of the alliance and going to max out just over 500,000 points... Nowhere near the legendary token.

    In a versus event I get to 400 points and then pretty much have to stop. Because after that each time I win for 20 points I find I've been attacked 3 times and lost 60 points. Any reward above 500 points is way out of reach.

    Releasing so many characters so quickly doesn't give most players chance to get them in the roster... And those players get a double whack in the face because they can't compete in the next event because they don't have the required character. Release them more slowly or give players more chances to earn them.

    Heroic tokens give way too many 2* rewards... That needs a balance. The anniversary tokens are a slap in the face.

    A celebratory event should leave players enthusing about the event and happy they are playing.... Happy players recommend it to friends. This one makes me want to tell people to avoid the game as the devs are blatantly trying to part us with our money.

    I love the game and invest hours every day in playing. I invest my hard earned money in it too. And I tell others to play.

    However.... I will now be watching and waiting to see what the devs do to retain trust and player enthusiasm. They have an opportunity to change things around, admit errors and make the game a nice way to spend time again. If they do that I will continue paying and playing...

    If they ignore the player outrage they deserve us all to quit and rate it as 0 stars in our app store and do everything we can to warn others not to bother even downloading the app.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Clanseigh wrote:
    They've got no respect for the player base if they think this comes down to unrealistic expectations, which they created by telling us all they learned from Ultron. If this is a reflection of what they learned, they only learned how to more effectively disappoint and mislead us.

    Can't remember if I said it here or in another topic, but it does feel like they leaned one way for Ultron and then violently swung back the opposite way for Galactus.

    People complained that Ultron at later stages was a huge grind where you spent hours killing the bots in survival nodes, taking on Ultron, killing bots, taking on Ultron, killing bots, taking on Ultron etc etc and then fighting a different Ultron in the other sub event.

    So they've made an event that's over in half an hour. You fight Galactus and can very easilly by taken down by the third turn, sometmes the second turn. Almost as if to say "There, is that fast enough for you now?"

    D3 seems to be a company of knee jerk reations. Rather than carefully gauging how they can tinker with something to make it more fun, they take the sledgehammer to the off-centre cake decoration and murder the whole cake.
    We've seen it with character changes that ended up crippling admittedly over powered characters into being virtually useless or at best grossly underpowered.
  • SuperRecoome
    SuperRecoome Posts: 59 Match Maker
    What would make me happy?
    I've given up on Galactus, so I at this point I don't really care what they do with it.

    Happy for me, a free Legendary token as compensation, re-do the odds on anniversary tokens so they are AT LEAST as good as the normal heroics.
    Then give me all the anniversary tokens I've already spent back so I can try again with the new odds. They can take the rewards I've gotten from the tokens I've opened back too if they want as long as I can try again with the new odds. That would make me happy. As of now, the double ISO is my only reason for playing black vortex. I let myself get beaten down so I can still get the ISO.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    1. Admission that this sucked.

    2. Permanently double all ISO.

    3. Make it so you never draw the 40 ISO when other real rewards remain.

    4. Heroic and event tokens become
    75% 3*
    25% 4*
    0% 2*

    Standard tokens are split 50/50 1 & 2*.
  • OK, I'll play.

    I don't even care about Galactus right now. It's ****. Kind of hard to miss that. Of every single **** thing about this game, the one that is sticking with me is the post-SS/5* rescaling B$.

    I reluctantly blew a TON of ISO and leveled all of my 3*s thinking I would close the gap between my soft-capped 94s and my choices for PvP fights, and my scaling actually went HIGHER than before I did so.

    So now, despite my 3*s being closer to the 166s I WAS seeing, I'm now seeing 200+ PvP matches. I'm not even going to bother commenting on PvE, but feel free to extrapolate.

    In other words, until I get my characters closer to 255, I'm STILL screwed?

    Yeah, fix the penalty for merely slotting a new character. You want to charge me for every single move I make in this "game?" Fine. But for God's sake, at least let me HAVE a character I'm not even USING without paying so dearly for it.

  • xdogg
    xdogg Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    making this anniversary like last year's, anniversary tokens suck this year, I haven't got a single good thing from them yet, last year I got a lot more of them and I got good rewards from them, also I'm hoping they have 20 man LRs again this year, I don't understand why D3 is being so cheap this year, makes me sorry I spent money when the sale first started