what WOULD make you happy at this point?

I think them admitting they made an error in judgement, resetting and restarting galactus, gifting us all 10x health packs, and readjusting the token pulls would be realistic and a fair solution

I'd settle for just the admission and restarting

I'd begrudgingly accept just the admission of error and a better next half of the event

And on the other hand what would be unacceptable. I think another post like ICE's 'working as intended you're all great and important' and then nothing changes and the rest of the event is awful too. This is bad for everyone.


  • "Restarting the event and giving everybody a ton of freebies larger then any set of freebies ever given out before" seems far from a realistic response.

    What I'm expecting at MOST is like, 1000 iso and 250 HP, and an ajusted Galactus run in the future.

    I'd rather have that then a rerun and junk but I'm just HP greedy.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Honestly I don't know. Maybe a re-jigging of the odds for the Anniversary tokens for a start? An acknowledgement at least that Galactus was a bodge job?

    I don't want compensation so much. I'd like change. I'd like to see things actually alter because the fanbase was unhappy or disappointed. Not just "Sorry you were upset, here's 500ISO and a token" *pats you on the head*

    It's not about materialism, it's about *fun*. None of us were really screwed out of earnings because the game broke or because the servers were down or whatever. We were screwed out of stuff because it's just not fun, not fair and entirely down to luck. Galactus is the most broken, OP character they've ever created.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    An actual apology -- for the design screwups, not a "we should have communicated better" line that implies there's nothing wrong with what they did, only with how they announced it.

    A complete shutdown of the anniversary events so the team can devote some proper time to fixing them. Acknowledge that the problems run too deep to repair on the fly, and that we shouldn't be stuck playing a broken game while they work.

    And an automatic refund to anyone who paid for an anniversary token. Even if you're charitable enough to believe they really meant to make up for the low odds by handing them out in bulk, there's absolutely no justification for charging 500 HP per token. It's a straight-up scam that preys on people who don't check the little blue question mark and just assume that a more expensive token must have better stuff in it.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    an event that's actually worth playing.

    even just a regular 4 day pve.

    something that has nothing to do with galactus or an anniversary. at least that would make me feel like i'm not wasting my time.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moonstone covers from the anniversary tokens that actually "moon" me. That would make me happy.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    give us unlimited health packs and boosts during anniversary, if we are suppose to lose to Galactus and still be able to play other aspect of the game.

    but i guess this is not a money grab.

    "this too shall pass"

    "'and for the money"
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    I don't really need packs or covers for restitution. I'd just like for this whole thing to be fun. I'd like for them to understand what a celebration is, in terms of an online video game. I'm not a person who asks for easy things or free stuff, but for God's sake, when you put on an event such as this, it's almost considered customary to give something back to the people who help support your game. You don't use the event to demand more money from them. You don't use it to tell them you've deliberately created goals that will be unreachable by the vast majority. You don't use it to say, "Here's a huge number of very small CHANCES to get something useful." It's just not done.

    I understand companies and how they work and how they speak. Hell, I live with a woman who has trouble with apologies, and prefers to just not ever bring it up again if she knows she did a bad. icon_razz.gif So I don't expect or want an apology. I just want changes that make the event fun. Fun in a celebration. Novel thought.
  • Unknown
    edited October 2015
    i live with that woman too... and I expect it from her. Not from a company I pay to give me a good time... i dont know where this analogy is going but this anniversary sure sucks

    i dont want free stuff either, and also just wanted a FUN time this week, which isnt coming

    I think your considered customary comment is spot on, and why this is hurting so many people. There arent many times we expect to recieve something except that we pay for it or we RNG it, but this is one of those times I, at least, expected a few 4 star covers and some dino love and fun game modes

    Not a lot, but enough to say thank you for my time and money

    and even WITH free stuff (SOME) we are still playing against an unending stream of 4 and now 5 stars so i dont really see the harm in tossing us some nice tokens







    its hard to put in words how dissapointed I am compared to how excited I was to see what the anniversary held for me.
  • BumpoTheClown
    BumpoTheClown Posts: 74 Match Maker
    And an automatic refund to anyone who paid for an anniversary token. Even if you're charitable enough to believe they really meant to make up for the low odds by handing them out in bulk, there's absolutely no justification for charging 500 HP per token. It's a straight-up scam that preys on people who don't check the little blue question mark and just assume that a more expensive token must have better stuff in it.

    This is, I think, the only truly necessary step. The rest of the garbage associated with this event is basically just a waste of our time and a depletion of our trust in the developers. Based on what they've seen, people will make their own choices whether they choose to keep playing the game and funding the company, and the market will settle.

    But selling inferior goods at an inflated price is straight-up fraud, and ought to be walked back completely, with an apology to boot. There's simply no excuse for that. An incredibly charitable read of this decision would be that the developers assumed everyone playing the game would realize that Devil Dinosaur was a useless trophy item, and that only those who sought such status symbols would purchase the overpriced tokens. At least that would indicate ignorance rather than malice, which is marginally more forgivable.

    Either way, the incredibly poor decision can be easily reversed, and should be as soon as they have the free time to do so. It would be a strong indication that the developers value the community and see them as more than a cash cow.

    I myself didn't purchase any of these tokens (except for the 50HP daily deals), but I do feel strongly about this issue. I truly hope that no newbie or non-forum-reading players were taken in by this scam.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    (1) You see those numbers next to the 3* and 4* chars on the Anniversary tokens? Move the decimal point one place to the right.
    (2) You see those numbers next to the 3* and 4* chars on the Anniversary tokens? Multiply them by 3.
    (3) You see how all my characters are zeroed out after playing a Galactus node? Undo that completely, and send me back to the essentials where I can unlock the boss node again.

    There you go. I'm happy.
  • boldfacedfemme
    boldfacedfemme Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    My only request is one that is very unrealistic out of them all:

    A real apology and/or admitting this whole thing is a fiasco.
  • I would appreciate that more than anything they could give me within the game, but as you say, very unlikely.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    I really don't want them to pull the event at this stage. A lot of people have clearly put in a lot of effort and health packs for this by now. If they're still willing to do that, then they should be left with the chance to finish this hell off, after coming so far already - otherwise all the boosts and health packs already wasted will literally have been for nothing.

    Certainly think it should be re-run with Cyclops as the end reward(s), though, at a more manageable level. Or hell, even the same level and just keep the minion fights as a 'minor hazard', rather than level 395. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • yes i mean cash alliances out for what they have earned, crank it down about 50 notches, and do it again

    that way mos get one extra cover (first progression), and the chance to try it for real this time, which is a fair reward.
  • I want them to re-run it. If it's too late to fix round two, re-run that as well.

    Ice's post is spin. "A disconnect" isn't what it is--this is a lie, plain and simple. They've got no respect for the player base if they think this comes down to unrealistic expectations, which they created by telling us all they learned from Ultron. If this is a reflection of what they learned, they only learned how to more effectively disappoint and mislead us.

    I'm going to stay put through the weekend. I'll be here for the 50 HP token (the one upside so far is the first one I bought got me 600 HP, so I can get the daily for free for the next ten days), DDQ, and that's it. I have no interest in playing the game as it is, but fixing it will keep me around. I'm willing to hear them out, if they're willing to talk. I'm willing to see what they think will adequately address these issues. I know I won't get exactly what I'd like to see--re-running the event (or events, if round two is as bad as round one), an apology, and some decent odds on tokens. I looked at the odds before I bought. Call me crazy, but it's relevant. The token odds are a joke, but the odds aren't hidden.

    Your move, D3. This game at its best is amazing. I want to keep playing, but this game as it sits is entirely too frustrating, too awful to your fans, and too backward. An anniversary is a celebration. This is a disaster.
  • Roswulf
    Roswulf Posts: 87
    edited October 2015
    I really, really, really don't want them to re-run Galactus, at least not more than they have already committed to. The problem with Galactus for me is not just that the numbers are poorly calibrated (though they are) or that the rewards are needlessly stingy (though they are), it's that the event is not very fun to play on a basic mechanical level. A MPQ with more Galactus is not a game I want to play.

    What would make me happy is d3 sitting back and really thinking about the components that make not just a properly scaled challenge, but a fun challenge. I want d3 to resolve to build future events around the balance point and design principles that led to the puzzle of beating DDQ with a 2* roster, because that's enjoyable and rewarding (and, I hasten to add, according to recent postings still more challenging than most players can tackle).

    I want to have some reason to think the game will be fun in new ways in the future.
  • You would think from the outrage over the XF vs CYC 4* DDQ they would have learned anything about managing player expectations/making fun events/respecting their players

  • Arctic_One
    Arctic_One Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    What would not make me more disappointed is a better question. Scratch the anniv. nonsense, you blew it. Get the next season started asap so we can actually play and win something. Mostly just play. Staring at a timer for 7 hours and then playing 10 matches in 15 minutes to start the 7 hour timer all over again.

    Nothing they do or say will make me happy about this whole anniversary celebration. The events are either silly or boring or broken. The rewards are non-existent. I have yet to get any useful rewards since this celebration started. Meaning, all galactus and all anniversary tokens have yielded 2* covers. ALL! No 3* covers that I dont need, no 4* covers, no 5* covers. Just sold for 250-iso covers (again, not double-iso). I assumed that double-iso meant just that.....ALL iso rewards this week are doubled. PVE, PVP, DDQ, LRs, Galactus, etc.

    I feel like I went to a birthday party and there was no birthday cake. How sad is that?
    I feel like I went to a birthday party and played pin the tail on a real donkey. How painful is that?
    I feel like I went to a birthday party and had to blow up my own balloon. How long-winded is that?
    I feel like I went to a birthday party and the birthday boy/girl didn't show. How rude is that?
    I feel like I went to a birthday party and there was a sign on the door that read "Celebration over-exaggerated. Please leave all gifts at the door and go away. If you did not bring a gift, we will accept all major credit cards." How true is that?

    In all honesty, I think I am just deeply disappointed in the whole Celebration. Maybe my expectations were too high. I will continue to play Galactus ONLY for the sake of my alliance. I will look forward to next season. I will enjoy MPQ again, just not today.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    An apology first and foremost.

    An anniversary where fun and entertainment come first, torture and Healthpack drain for profit come last.

    Bug fixes and general improvement to Galactus fight, so Galactus is a fun, but hard puzzle challenge like Ultron was, as opposed to a turn 4 Instakill.

    Tokens with odds slightly better than Heroics instead of far far worse.

    Double ISO applying to all events. That includes DDQ.
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    At this point I have no remaining faith that they can make this right. They aren't going to give us 4* covers or legendary tokens to compensate, and anything else really won't cut it.

    They don't care. They have gone out of their way to make that clear. They should close these forums down altogether to get rid of the illusion that they want to communicate with players and get their feedback.