Is anybody enjoying Galactus?



  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    zeeke wrote:
    Round 6 feels like someone put my whole alliance in a bus, drove out in the forest and then NUH UH.

    Then we got a free Moonstone cover.

    Post of the day! Can't tell you how much I laughed at this! What? I have a dark sense of humour.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    We're on to round 5, and I'm enjoying it slightly more if anything. Yes, the scaling on the nodes sucks, but for the actual Galactus battles, after reading the Dev's post, I remembered that there is the retreat button for a reason (saving myself 3 health packs in the process), and then while playing I remembered that GSBW actually has a 3rd power that can be useful in this kind of event when the board drops badly for green and purple.

    I can forsee my alliance's stamina petering out on maybe round 5, then I'll start playing with other combos to see what kinda damage I can do.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    Not feeling as futile about it now I know I can force close and re-try the galactus node without the game thinking I've already played it. But no. Not actually enjoying it. Not at all.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    OJSP wrote:
    Lystrata wrote:
    Not feeling as futile about it now I know I can force close and re-try the galactus node without the game thinking I've already played it. But no. Not actually enjoying it. Not at all.
    The problem with doing that is, the statisticians will see the number of people over performing, accept the figures/percentages and won't change anything for the 2nd run..

    Heh, indeed. The problem with not doing it is... dead on turn three. And I think the forums have been pretty vocal about how godawful this is, for them to know something isn't right. -.-
  • Alx85
    Alx85 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    I was enjoying it like others in this thread, I thought the complaining I read about last night on forums was a bit ott.. until I hit round 6 this morning. 100% wipe out after first countdown tile goes off (so move 3?). my team is maxed, there is no skill involved. As far as I'm aware there is no existing player character power that can do 25000 damage after collecting 9 or 12 AP in the first 3 moves, which makes me think this is unpossible!
  • Kind of reluctant to post at the moment as there's so much noise on this forum I don't think anyone will get heard beyond the notion of General dissatisfaction.

    But temptation getting the better of me. In a handful of ways the event has worked quite well. I really like how it forces the alliance to work together, I always enjoy games that encourage a feeling of comraderie among the players. Galactus being hard to beat actually contributes to the strengthening of player bonds, in my opinion. Our alliance commander posted a few lines in the alliance chat just before the start, which in view of the unknown difficulty and alliance locking came across like one of those movie motivational speeches before the final battle/dodgeball game. Those sort of moments are nice little experiences.

    A lot of people, myself included, have pointed out that the difficulty often equates to luck. A bad board will lose the match for you, true, but the player can still throw away a good board with a mistake. There is some skill still, and despite its drawbacks the requirement of both luck and skill does place more weight on your decisions when you get a good board and gives a greater sense of achievement in the rare successes.

    The Galactus mechanics may well have gone too far at round 7. However, for an event that doesn't scale to the player's level it has done a pretty stellar job of allowing a roster of 10 characters in the low hundreds (I gave in to temptation and raised 6 or so to 127 early in the event) and otherwise characters under 100 of keeping pace with guys on max 4 star rosters or max 3 star rosters. I would hardly have believed that was possible before the event started!

    I am far from thinking the event has run completely to plan, but a lot of people not recognising the things that have worked.
  • im sorry what are you saying has worked??

    Any alliance coming together to work out a strategy, any strategies that could be worked out was all based on luck too nothing they left in the game to make us figure it out. Just so happens that so and so are good and so and so might get to fire off an ability.

    Thats luck too. Not design

    what have they designed that is working?
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
  • TLCstormz wrote:

    Can't see there being a lot of point to this. We all know that people who are unhappy/angry tend to be more vocal than people who are happy/content. Lots of lapsed users have returned to the forums or new users have registered just to voice their dissatisfaction, and even the most fervent defenders of the event will admit it has flaws and has in some areas disappointed.

    As per the OP this is a thread for the people who have found things to enjoy in the event, despite its flaws.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    While I feel some of the design choices have been questionable, I guess I'm okay with the event. It has forced us to experiment with some team combos that aren't always intuitive in other matches, and prioritize board strategy differently. After some initial frustration at the scaling I feel like I've been playing better and achieving better results the past few refresh cycles.
  • zeeke wrote:
    Round 6 feels like someone put my whole alliance in a bus, drove out in the forest and then OH COME ON REALLY.

    Then we got a free Moonstone cover.

    Post of the day! Can't tell you how much I laughed at this! What? I have a dark sense of humour.

    Yap. Me too. icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    +1 for making it a poll.

    Rounds 1-4 were fun, even though I only got to play in round 4.

    Round 5 - not fun

    Round 6 - I'm probably quitting after this one, and I am from one of the very few alliances that managed to get to level 8 in the second run of Ultron (and got all the colors of my HB when the issue was later addressed).