Login Issues (from Galactus event)



  • same here, cannot login.

    disappoint to this. icon_evil.gif
  • And I just lost connection at the beginning of a Galactus fight, probably costing me the fight and needed progress...
  • tonyeq
    tonyeq Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    All this buildup, get one Galactus game in, "check connection". GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR icon_evil.gif
  • As with everything, vote with your wallet.

    If they can't use all the money they've made on this game to make a decent server for something they've been advertising for weeks, I can't see why they deserve any.

    The drop rates on the token are awful, and we're getting cheated on time to earn them. The stance will likely be to just spend money to catch up.

    Just don't spend the money. It's really that simple. This is embarrassing and I worked there, I'd be ashamed of how bad a job was done.
  • Dee Ritch
    Dee Ritch Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    Aargh, finally got in after 45 mins of "Check Internet Connection" then it crashed out again after 2 boss fights and 2 nodes!
  • The thing is there is no way they can fix this. If they extend the time then the people who have been able to get in just get an unfair advantage.
  • OminoBuffo
    OminoBuffo Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    Lol... event start 2 hr ago... and 1,5hr Connection Problem (Steam user)...
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    So, stupidly, after I got in and made one hit on Galactus I thought I'd run DDQ and pick up my Rocket yellow to finish him (5/4/4, not the best build but it will do for now). Completed the run.

    Then crash.

    I'm going to be a wee pit peeved if I lose that cover.

    Disgraceful that this same issue happens every 'big' event. And this after D3 has no doubt been raking in big bucks from the mega-whales for the past month chasing their Surfers. Where'd all that go?

    I'm skeptical this game will still be here for a 3rd anniversary.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    not sure what is worse...being unable to connect or being able to log in only to be locked out of the event. I did some of round 1 then somehow got bumped to round 2, cleared it, went and cleared dpd to let my alliance finish off the health points only to come back and my alliance is in round 4 and all of my nodes are locked. So yeah I am pretty pissed, not only did I miss all points and rewards from round 3 but I am missing out on all rewards in round 4 now...bull$h!t
  • I, too, have been experiencing this issue: Check Internet connection from splash page. Phone is connected. I've had this issue since 11am central. I have not been able to play the event at all.
  • I was really excited for this event. Can't play due to login issues. Sad. Nuff said.
  • dizzera
    dizzera Posts: 17
    Coming up on 3 hours now. Galactus just stares at me on the splash page saying 'check internet connection' I'm glad he's getting a laugh.
  • Finally get in, go to the event, select a mission and.....waahh waahh waaaahhhhhh icon_e_surprised.gif

  • Roopesh80
    Roopesh80 Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    I got to play 4 rounds.... Logged in once, worked for a while... Then nothing..... Logged after a while, got in but after the 5th round..... Game crashes..... icon_cry.gif.....
  • Mathrim
    Mathrim Posts: 63 Match Maker
    Played few minutes after start then game broke and till now I can't log in to the game. It's almost 3h now.
  • And still not one word from them on an estimated time till its fixed. IMO the people in charge of the server should be fired. And if by some reason they told their boss it need to be upgraded and was not.. then their boss needs to be fired. 1 times is ok.. 2 times is pushing it but 3 times is unacceptable. Someone has to be fired.
  • Same here. Boss fight, Human Torch fight, lock up at finish. Close app, reopen; Check Connection error.
  • Same problems here. And not that much people do play the game for these problems. As a developer I just have to say, shame on you :/
  • DFW_Ed
    DFW_Ed Posts: 6
    Can't even get in at all, keep getting the "check Internet connection" garbage despite every single other app able to connect to the Internet without issue. Guess I'll play the other games until they sort it out.
  • Having the same issue... Check internet connection. Got the boss fight and one minion fight after multiple attempts. Hours later still getting the error. Any word on compensation?