Login Issues (from Galactus event)



  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    Same here... Got the check Internet connection screen each time I've tried to open up the game over the last half hour.
  • Me too first boss fine one minor fine beat 2nd boss got to end n died! Check internet connection
  • tranceazn
    tranceazn Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    I was able to get one match in 2 min ago but check internet connection again! Darn!
  • Event started an hour ago and unable to connect here in the UK. Why am I not surprised?
  • I'm having the same issue. I was logged in before the event, clicked on the event, got "something has gone awry" error. Closed game, tried to reload and got connection error.
  • Rumbles
    Rumbles Posts: 28
    What the advertising for this event should have read:

    Some of you will get to enjoy exciting new content. Most won't even be able to login. In one to three days after the event has gone live we will congratulate ourselves and issue a pittance of ISO-8 to apologize for 3/4 of the event not working.
  • I have same problem, can't enter in a game...
  • Coik
    Coik Posts: 19
    Behold Galactus, Eater of Points, Devourer of Servers!

    Alternate comment:
    SS Jett wrote:
    I feel like we been through this before.

    It's just a jump to the left...
  • Same here. Not like I wanted to play or anything...
  • Same issue here.
  • Yeah, same here, of course. This is getting pathetic. Between the server issues and various crashes and not being able to enter events properly, it's just disappointing.
  • Almost every battle drops me before the rewards screen...
    So glad I got up early for this icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Sidebernie
    Sidebernie Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    Add another to the pile of complaints. "Check Internet connection..." iOS, fully updated.

  • Kaeyne
    Kaeyne Posts: 68 Match Maker
    Well, at least we got half an hour of game to play...

    Now I can go and play Future Fight. icon_e_smile.gif
  • VForVictory
    VForVictory Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    I'm having the same issues. It's particularly disheartening because I'm close to finishing out the other event and it's looking more and more like this is going to rob me of a Legendary Token.
  • Me too. Add me to the list. Can we maybe start this event over? It's just a game, but it's a frustrating disappointment.

    Ha. Just got a server error while trying to post this message in the forums.

    Galactus - eater of worlds and servers too.
  • I really hope this gets fixed soon, i'm suffering from the same problem as everyone else and i agree with it being frustrating, this should have been foreseen.

    Dang you galactus!
  • Nymr83
    Nymr83 Posts: 74
    I can't even log in.

    What a joke that they didn't learn their lesson after the Ultron events.
  • DigitHAL9000
    DigitHAL9000 Posts: 61 Match Maker
    Same here.
    Today lunchtime it was ok, but Galactus had still 5 hours to come.
    By now I can't even access the game: it says "check connection" but connection is ok and all other apps can connect.
    So sad.

  • iamxzo
    iamxzo Posts: 65 Match Maker
    not like im complaining but its 1.5h and still cannot login ... would grind that sh1t out or maybe did texmex meanwhile ...
    we are all cool right ?
