Character targeting and DDQ Question
i was just wondering, if you play in the event against juggernaut + ares + some 3rd guy, is it better to target ares or juggernaut first?
Both can deal a large amount of damage, but the juggernaut has much more hp and takes a bit longer to kill.
And in second situation, if enemy has daken + bullseye/hawkeye? + 3rd guy, what is better to target first? Daken heals himself every turn and gets a free red attack tile if anyone matches green, while the bullseye/hawkeye? guy gets a pink defence tile when anyone matches pink.
So if you target daken first, but are too slow with the damage, you can run into the situation where you cant damage him anymore due to his healing, combined with all the protect tiles. But if you attack the other guy first, there will be a lot of red attack tiles for him and if he then gets a cascade of several matches, they hit for a truck.
And last question, the daily quest from deadpool for the elite token for tomorrow, is it more difficult than a regular daily quest? Because i just got my first 3 star cover from daily quest yesterday and it was a very difficult battle, used 7 boosts and only survived with like 300 hp total.
IceIX edit: Updated topic to be more specific
i was just wondering, if you play in the event against juggernaut + ares + some 3rd guy, is it better to target ares or juggernaut first?
Both can deal a large amount of damage, but the juggernaut has much more hp and takes a bit longer to kill.
And in second situation, if enemy has daken + bullseye/hawkeye? + 3rd guy, what is better to target first? Daken heals himself every turn and gets a free red attack tile if anyone matches green, while the bullseye/hawkeye? guy gets a pink defence tile when anyone matches pink.
So if you target daken first, but are too slow with the damage, you can run into the situation where you cant damage him anymore due to his healing, combined with all the protect tiles. But if you attack the other guy first, there will be a lot of red attack tiles for him and if he then gets a cascade of several matches, they hit for a truck.
And last question, the daily quest from deadpool for the elite token for tomorrow, is it more difficult than a regular daily quest? Because i just got my first 3 star cover from daily quest yesterday and it was a very difficult battle, used 7 boosts and only survived with like 300 hp total.
IceIX edit: Updated topic to be more specific
I always go for Juggernaut first. He deals a lot more damage per AP, so he's definitely the most dangerous. If you take out Ares first that just means the AI won't even consider saving the red AP for a Rampage - welcome to Headbutt City!0
Personally because I am running MNMags on this PVE I target Ares first since his green worries me and his yellow as well. Since I'm usually matching red for Mags anyway I don't worry about juggs too much, just have to watch him for unstoppable crashing my CD tiles.
as for part two - I always take Daken out first, then take out bullseye.0 -
Question 1, always Juggernaut first. His board shake ruins many strategies and his damage output is rather high.
Question 2, I will either leave Daken for last or ignore him until I happen to get a big attack ready and then one-shot him. I hate having to slowly chip away with match damage at anyone with regenerating health, it's like running to stand still.0 -
Grantosium wrote:Question 1, always Juggernaut first. His board shake ruins many strategies and his damage output is rather high.
Question 2, I will either leave Daken for last or ignore him until I happen to get a big attack ready and then one-shot him. I hate having to slowly chip away with match damage at anyone with regenerating health, it's like running to stand still.0 -
Quebbster wrote:Grantosium wrote:Question 1, always Juggernaut first. His board shake ruins many strategies and his damage output is rather high.
Question 2, I will either leave Daken for last or ignore him until I happen to get a big attack ready and then one-shot him. I hate having to slowly chip away with match damage at anyone with regenerating health, it's like running to stand still.
Same for me.0 -
Lee T wrote:Quebbster wrote:Grantosium wrote:Question 1, always Juggernaut first. His board shake ruins many strategies and his damage output is rather high.
Question 2, I will either leave Daken for last or ignore him until I happen to get a big attack ready and then one-shot him. I hate having to slowly chip away with match damage at anyone with regenerating health, it's like running to stand still.
Same for me.
Here Here, a 3rd on this one.0 -
Frasaria wrote:And in second situation, if enemy has daken + bullseye/hawkeye? + 3rd guy, what is better to target first? Daken heals himself every turn and gets a free red attack tile if anyone matches green, while the bullseye/hawkeye? guy gets a pink defence tile when anyone matches pink.And last question, the daily quest from deadpool for the elite token for tomorrow, is it more difficult than a regular daily quest? Because i just got my first 3 star cover from daily quest yesterday and it was a very difficult battle, used 7 boosts and only survived with like 300 hp total.0
for #2, see all the others.
for #1, I'm actually in the ares first camp. if I can at all possible I try and either get a fast team (i.e. fist/Cyclops) or something with hood on it to help delay their ap gathering. to me, jugs red is of course the most dangerous attack between them, but ares has the next 2 dangerous to me with yellow and green. once i get ares down, only red can really, really hurt me and if it does, it hurts him too and many times i can choose who to sacrifice, keeping the critical pair alive. if you take the time to get jugs down first, ares green and yellow have a chance at both getting you. it may or may not be the 'best' strategy but it seems to work for me.0 -
Has to be juggs first. Ares can take out a big chunk of your health, but Juggs green can end the match.0
TxMoose wrote:for #2, see all the others.
for #1, I'm actually in the ares first camp. if I can at all possible I try and either get a fast team (i.e. fist/Cyclops) or something with hood on it to help delay their ap gathering. to me, jugs red is of course the most dangerous attack between them, but ares has the next 2 dangerous to me with yellow and green. once i get ares down, only red can really, really hurt me and if it does, it hurts him too and many times i can choose who to sacrifice, keeping the critical pair alive. if you take the time to get jugs down first, ares green and yellow have a chance at both getting you. it may or may not be the 'best' strategy but it seems to work for me.
I'm in the same camp, so there's a couple/few of us.
I go after Ares, all the while guarding green, yellow, and then red.
Perhaps it's only my selective memory/experience, but I've tended to notice the specials coming from the hero you're actively fighting first at least early on, so going after green and yellow keeps Ares relatively docile, also giving me time to build the AP necessary to then one (or two or three)-shot Juggs immediately thereafter...
It's only my experience, but I've died many many times to Ares, and not nearly as many to Juggs.
DBC0 -
I kill Juggs first, since there is a chance the AI may choose to save red for Ares at any given turn. Also, if Ares hits you with Green, you get some green back and no cascades like you get from Juggs shoulder bash. Juggs does self damage, so he helps you out some at his own self destruction.
When I'm fighting a true healer, I save them for last, since your damage gets reduced due to healing. I will damage the non-healer until I get enough AP to do a big hit that will either totally destroy the healer, then use it on them. With Daken, I try to avoid greens, and i try to match his strike tiles away and deny blue so he isn't spamming his attack, and if you reduce the number of blues on the board, he will do self damage instead of healing.0 -
Juggernaut first. Board shake can down your whole team.
Daken (and any self-healer) last. Any turn where you damage him and he immediately regenerates it back is a turn wasted. Put that damage on someone who can't get it back and wait until you can drop some bombs on a true healer. Corollary: in general, target those who heal others first.0 -
BlackSheep101 wrote:Daken (and any self-healer) last. Any turn where you damage him and he immediately regenerates it back is a turn wasted. Put that damage on someone who can't get it back and wait until you can drop some bombs on a true healer. Corollary: in general, target those who heal others first.0
i'll also start to work on daken if I have some strength in strikes/attacks out there where I can overcome his heal to get him within reach of an ability. depends on who else is there and where they're at too.0
I usually go after Ares, since he can fire multiple damaging attacks (the AI seems to limit itself to one use of a particular power per turn; I don't think I've ever seen Juggernaut Headbutt twice in a row), potentially downing multiple characters (particularly if there's a bad Rampage->Onslaught->Sunder combo and you can't stop the Sunder countdown). I will sometimes go after Juggernaut first if I've got a healer, since it's easier to offset the Rampage team damage.
I almost always prioritize Daken over Bullseye since Chemical Reaction is both cheap and damaging -- unless I'm using Daredevil or Squirrel Girl, in which case I will deliberately match purple for Radar Sense/Nuts from Above.0 -
- I agree with everyone, Juggs first then Ares.
- I agree with everyone that it's Bullseye first then Daken. Since you are in 2* land, you should consider building a Moonstone. While you may not always be able to use her because the CPU does, she can steal the protect and strike tiles plus her Red can do big damage.
- Even though you stated two question, you technically asked three. Yes Deadpool Daily Quest (DDQ) will be difficult for you until you earn a nice handful covered 3*'s, but you do have some good 2* options for the last DDQ node Big Enchilada (BE). I consistently used lvl 94 Daken, Ares and Original Black Widow (OBW) for BE. Collect plenty of Red, Green, and Yellow for Ares while also collecting Blue for OBW to slow down the countdown tiles (CDs) from goons on waves 1 and 3. Also keep in mind that OBW's black ability increases in damage with Daken's strike tiles. Also, match a Daken tile to place him in front to absorb any attacks, he'll heal back. On Wave 2 and 4, unleash Ares' powers. That should do it for the most part. I use to bring AP and Damage boosts if the reward was a cover I really needed. This approach won't always work, you'll see when you face Ninjas (That's when Moonstone is important) but you'll win a majority of them.
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Hi guys,
thanks for all the replies, it helped me a lot.
But now in the next day of the event, i run into a big problem again;
level 93 doctor doom, level 94 the hood, level 94 subject (ISO-8 lab: Colombia V)
Every single turn they cast like 3 spells, just completely annihilating my team. I can usually only kill one of their three man team before i am completely dead.
I use level 110 captain marvel (ms marvel) (4/5/2), level 103 black widow (original) (3/3/1) and level 94 thor (marvel now) (3/5/5). I tried it twice with this team, first time i couldnt kill a single person (targetted the hood first). On second attempt i could kill doctor doom, but i had only 500 hp left after that, while they stlill had 2 full hp guys. They use so many skills, put trap tiles, and also somehow drain my colors, that i cant do anything....
Other higher level heroes i have is level 137 storm (mohawk) (1/0/1) , level 86 thor (godess of thunder) (2/0/0), level 70 iron man (hulkbuster) (0/1/0) and level 68 blade (daywalker) (1/2/1), rest is level 55 or lower.0 -
Frasaria wrote:Hi guys,
thanks for all the replies, it helped me a lot.
But now in the next day of the event, i run into a big problem again;
level 93 doctor doom, level 94 the hood, level 94 subject (ISO-8 lab: Colombia V)
Every single turn they cast like 3 spells, just completely annihilating my team. I can usually only kill one of their three man team before i am completely dead.
I use level 110 captain marvel (ms marvel) (4/5/2), level 103 black widow (original) (3/3/1) and level 94 thor (marvel now) (3/5/5). I tried it twice with this team, first time i couldnt kill a single person (targetted the hood first). On second attempt i could kill doctor doom, but i had only 500 hp left after that, while they stlill had 2 full hp guys. They use so many skills, put trap tiles, and also somehow drain my colors, that i cant do anything....
Other higher level heroes i have is level 137 storm (mohawk) (1/0/1) , level 86 thor (godess of thunder) (2/0/0), level 70 iron man (hulkbuster) (0/1/0) and level 68 blade (daywalker) (1/2/1), rest is level 55 or lower.
I'm having trouble with this trip. I've been using OBW MNMags and one of the two storms usually classic. Use OBW to steal for mags, use mags to generate blue for storm and wind storm them to death. Not competed last node on this sub because they're just scaled way to high for my team (201,200,201)0 -
OneLastGambit wrote:I'm having trouble with this trip. I've been using OBW MNMags and one of the two storms usually classic. Use OBW to steal for mags, use mags to generate blue for storm and wind storm them to death. Not competed last node on this sub because they're just scaled way to high for my team (201,200,201)
But in order to steal with OBW, you need to make purple matches, while doctor doom adds a purple trap tile every single turn.0 -
Frasaria wrote:OneLastGambit wrote:I'm having trouble with this trip. I've been using OBW MNMags and one of the two storms usually classic. Use OBW to steal for mags, use mags to generate blue for storm and wind storm them to death. Not competed last node on this sub because they're just scaled way to high for my team (201,200,201)
But in order to steal with OBW, you need to make purple matches, while doctor doom adds a purple trap tile every single turn.
Also, I'd target hood first, its him who is stealing your ap.0
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