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aesthetocyst Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
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  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    My 1300s have dropped off, but that's mostly because the recent character buffs haven't lined up very well with my roster. Once they get back to buffing my A-team (or even my B-team...), I plan to reap the legendaries.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    As I mentioned when they made the change: I won't be spending the ~800 for a token that can give me covers I already have.

    Last season I hit 1300 in about half the events. This season I hit it once (accidentally)
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    As I mentioned when they made the change: I won't be spending the ~800 for a token that can give me covers I already have.

    Last season I hit 1300 in about half the events. This season I hit it once (accidentally)
    Yeah, it's a much better deal for someone like me, who only has four fully covered 4* characters (not counting Devil Dinosaur, who does not get a place at the adult table), one of which could still use one last respec cover. Other than those four, there's only one other 4* cover that I *don't* need, and that's red on my 5/1/1 Carnage.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2015
    I hit 1000 regularly, and sometimes 1300 (when the cover was really worthy, like JG, and I had the time to coordinate the hops, so preferably in the weekend). Then I got to 1300 in the first PvP where legendaries were introduced, but never again. For me getting to 1300 is work, stress and HP expenditure, so If I am going to do it is because the reward is very good, and legendaries can be very good, but can be also 1000 iso icon_razz.gif

    And it is going to be the same with the PvP progression 7500/10000. I will get the first one, but I will not try to get it again. My alliance is very casual, so I usually dont shield when I get to 1000, so now I have to shield every tournament, and most of the times I have to use the 24h shield, so it is a big expenditure of HP to grt just a 'maybe'.

    I still can get the DDQ and the PvE (is a lot of work, but no stress, no HP expenditure).

    I say again, legendaries MUST have a bigger chance of getting uncovered 4s than covered ones. That would help a lot.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2015
    I had the roster to hit 1300 (I think) all summer long (maxed imhb/if, plus all 3*s at 120+ to take advantage of weekly boosts), but I never actually did it. I just loath shield hopping with the shield cooldowns. scheduling this game around normal life is hard enough as is without having set 3/8 hour time increments that MUST be hit precisely to avoid wasting the effort of multiple climbs.

    1k usually comes nice and easy with 0-2 shield hops. If 1K it's a an extremely important cover (say my first JG blue, or first Thing yellow in an offseason event) then I am willing to spend some extra time/HP on shield hopping to be certain I get it. But I just can't justify that sort of time investment for a 1300 reward that will eventually rotate back around to 1k.

    So if anything, the switch to legendary tokens has reduced my interest in 1300. I hate shield hopping with cooldowns and will only consider it when the reward is both tempting and certain. legendaries are fairly tempting, but I would hate to waste tons of time/money hopping to 1300 just to get a 4* cover that I can't use without starting a duplicate.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Personally, i have not had my first 1300 yet, still working on it.

    But, since the tokens, i have seen sooooo many more 2k+ scores than i have ever seen before. Those tokens have drawn in scores of players , putting more points into the shards.. meaning i am hitting 1k easier, and hopefully that elusive 1300 soon.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    DayvBang wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    As I mentioned when they made the change: I won't be spending the ~800 for a token that can give me covers I already have.

    Last season I hit 1300 in about half the events. This season I hit it once (accidentally)
    Yeah, it's a much better deal for someone like me, who only has four fully covered 4* characters (not counting Devil Dinosaur, who does not get a place at the adult table), one of which could still use one last respec cover. Other than those four, there's only one other 4* cover that I *don't* need, and that's red on my 5/1/1 Carnage.

    I certainly need most - let me go count. I think I saw 17 4* characters now? x 3 covers each, so 51 covers needed. I have (counting again) - maybe 17 covers that I don't "need" (including where I have 3 covers, so I could -use- a 4th to get higher level, but would re-spec eventually). I need fewer covers than DayV, but still more than half out there.

    The problem is that I can only hit 1300 with 3/8/3 occasionally, often it is more like 3/8/3/8 at the least and about half the time I've done it requires a 24 hour shield. HP is so rare/precious due to roster slots costing around 1000 HP each now, I can't be wasting 300-800 HP each event on that 1300 score.

    My "accidental" 1300 was that I shielded wrong, figured why not go for it from 1100 in last push, and never got attacked (somehow) in that final 200.
  • hex706f726368
    hex706f726368 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    So I occasionally hit 1300 in previous seasons (prior to legendary tokens) when the cover was a 4* I desired.

    The tokens are much less appealing to me. My approach is basically if I can do it with just two shields, cool. If not, I don't feel like I've missed out on anything. I've been fortunate to hit 1300 pretty regulary during in-season events. I'm not a fan of random rewards. my rng history is not what I'd consider a pleasant experience.

    It's a weird dynamic they've created with the legendary tokens. I'm in a place in the 4* transition where my needs are such a small slice of the total picture, specific rewards (like the 1k progression) are much more valuable than variable rewards (like the 1.3k progression). From my perspective, the 1k and 1.3k rewards should be flipped, but I know the 5-10% chance of a 5* results skews all and is why legendary tokens sit at 1.3k.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    This poll is interesting, but the devs have the data to know exactly how many players hit 1300 per event last season vs. this season. It'd be great if they'd let us know.
  • TheHueyFreeman
    TheHueyFreeman Posts: 472 Mover and Shaker
    Couldn't find the option of "I used to get 1300 but can't anymore" mostly since I don't have a fully covered HB, Carnage, or JG.

    Selected option 4

    The break that I took back in the sentrybombing days combined with the power creep killed my competitive advantage.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've only hit 1300 twice. the last set cover (imhb - went ape tinykitty with hp for hops there) and the first legendary token (was so easy - that one set my expectation way too high). I've wanted to try for it again but things have not worked out. was at 1260 in bp with event end left, lost the match at event end and could not finish a second match in time - would have put me over. I think I was at 1228 in the witch event with only event end left. had to get 2 in so gave myself plenty of time. could not finish second match fast enough. saw 1312 behind the 'you were attacked' sign, but was not meant to be. so, have not hit it once yet while cage and Cyclops boosted. i'll continue to chase while cyc boosted - completely undershot my push in beast. came out of a match in the 900s to a hit so I shielded. have not been hit in the 50 minutes since shielding, so still not proficient at this yet. after Cyclops drops off, I think I'm back to targeting 1K. I'd love more tokens - I have no 4* ability maxed yet, but seems like I'm either not ready for it or not doing something right. hoping that my hb gets close enough when token pulling time comes around that I can get him up and running by adding only a couple of covers - i'll do that, just need red/black.

    I would be much more apt to spend to get there for half of the 4*s out there - top half of hb, jean, xpool, thing, kp, px, carnage - if I knew what I was getting. only a 50/50 shot at those and even some of those abilities aren't worth the spend, so until I get a top 4* up and running, i'll be back to targeting 1K starting next week.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I picked "tokens aren't doing it for me", but it's really a combination of factors.

    When they first added back the 1.3k progression, I got there whenever it was a usable cover. That season was probably the fastest I progressed. Got top 10 in season with about 14k season score, but the 10 packs and tokens were all unusable, so that was a real letdown.

    Next season had fewer usable covers at 1.3k (in part due to my activities last season), I was less motivated but still went for the covers I could use.

    This season with the legendaries it's been all meh, probably iso anyway, and I like pve more besides, so I've been fooling around in pve again and collecting my tokens from there. Much easier on my schedule and better for my hp health, especially with how many new characters they keep churning out.

    Think I've only done it once this season so far, because the stars aligned to fit my schedule and roster and I'm an opportunist. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    I think maybe this question is geared toward more advanced players?

    because I am "only" just now solidly in 3* land at the moment and have never had a roster that would allow a score that high. however, I am looking toward the future and trying to grab 4* covers even though my 3* journey is not complete. in that regard, every token_legendary.png is very tempting.

    I will say that most of my game time has gone to PVE up to this point. I try to get around 400 in PVEs just for some extra rewards. but applying this question to PVE: in PVE I was never that tempted to go much beyond the old max progression. now that token_legendary.png are in play in PVE, I am doing more scheduled MPQ clears to maximize points and get the token.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just can't justify spending HP on a ?. Put the token at 1K and a fixed cover at 1300 and I'd be more inclined to make the investment
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    Since I am still mostly in 3* land, I'm usually just happy (and relieved) to hit 1000. I don’t see myself getting to 1300 anytime soon, and that's OK icon_e_smile.gif I have tried to make 1000 for each event this season, and have been successful for the most part (though I might not make it with Beast or Dr 8)

    I have noticed some increasingly crazy high scores in my bracket this season (2300?!!!), and it's good that I'm not in it for the placement rewards as 1000 is no longer a guarantee for top 50 (or even 100). For me, the higher scores seem to have started fairly soon after the legendary tokens became the reward for 1300.
  • Nooneelsesname
    Nooneelsesname Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    Not spending HP and working my schedule around a chance for a Purple Starlord.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    I been hitting it semi-regularly in this season. Not that enthusiastic as before, but still ok.

    As people has stated, RNG can be a **** at times and at times a lovely lady.

    I have hit 1300 for 4 pvp this season (missing the mystique one). Coupled with legendary tokens from pve, it has been a mix of meh and woahs!

    The tokens pull include:-
    IW x2
    Carnage (the only color I had max)
    PX (the only color I had max)
    Silver surfer
    IMHB (which I max already)
    JG (Which I really wanted)
    KP x2 (which helped made him 155, which is usable)

    In short 5 tokens were duds that were sold for 1000 iso, 2 were so-so (Elektra and antman were usable but not highly desirable) and 4 were great pulls.

    So it's really a mix bag.

    I much prefer the fix rewards system, since it brings more certainty.

    But on the other hand, the tokens system had also shorten the time taken for me to cover my JG and KP. I would have to wait about 2 months before it rotates to JG and KP.... But the tokens give me a chance, slight chance to get them covered. For this month alone, at least the RNG has been a lovely lady for me.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Interestingly, I did a similar poll to this prior to the change coming into effect, and the general consensus seemed to be that more players wanted to hit 1300 for the tokens. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=32631 However, just from observation in the leaderboards, the number of people hitting 1300 has actually significantly reduced. I used to see the top 10 full of 1300+ scores, but now I'm generally seeing less than 5 per bracket.

    As it was also pointed out on my old thread, the people wanting the tokens are people with a small 4-star roster who would benefit the most from the legendary tokens, while more advanced players would just expect 1000 ISO most of the time. With less advanced players trying to hit 1300, the available target pool to hop off at that point level decreased, so people with less developed rosters are less likely to hit 1300 without spending more resources. Overall, a lose-lose situation for both advanced and intermediate players.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Interestingly, I did a similar poll to this prior to the change coming into effect, and the general consensus seemed to be that more players wanted to hit 1300 for the tokens. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=32631 However, just from observation in the leaderboards, the number of people hitting 1300 has actually significantly reduced. I used to see the top 10 full of 1300+ scores, but now I'm generally seeing less than 5 per bracket.

    As it was also pointed out on my old thread, the people wanting the tokens are people with a small 4-star roster who would benefit the most from the legendary tokens, while more advanced players would just expect 1000 ISO most of the time. With less advanced players trying to hit 1300, the available target pool to hop off at that point level decreased, so people with less developed rosters are less likely to hit 1300 without spending more resources. Overall, a lose-lose situation for both advanced and intermediate players.

    I am not sure I entirely agree with that logic. It's true that players with well-developed 4* rosters are likely to get only 1000 ISO from a legendary token. But those same players were typically guaranteed to get 1000 ISO from a fixed 1300 cover reward, since they already have almost all their 4*s covered. So it's not clear to me why the top tier players would be less motivated by tokens than they were for a 1300 cover (as I have said in a previous post, I can understand why players like myself, looking to build their 4* roster, are reluctant to spend resources on tokens at 1300). If they want 5*s, tokens are clearly better, and if they want high score for alliance/glory, then the reward doesn't really matter at all either way.

    I would love to hear from demiurge whether or not the number of people hitting 1300 has gone up or down (though I doubt we will get an announcement. far more likely we will have to guess based on whatever adjustments they make to the prog reward structure). Any of you people who track alliance leaderboards: have scores gone up or down since September 10?
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Vhailorx wrote:

    I am not sure I entirely agree with that logic. It's true that players with well-developed 4* rosters are likely to get only 1000 ISO from a legendary token. But those same players were typically guaranteed to get 1000 ISO from a fixed 1300 cover reward, since they already have almost all their 4*s covered. So it's not clear to me why the top tier players would be less motivated by tokens than they were for a 1300 cover (as I have said in a previous post, I can understand why players like myself, looking to build their 4* roster, are reluctant to spend resources on tokens at 1300). If they want 5*s, tokens are clearly better, and if they want high score for alliance/glory, then the reward doesn't really matter at all either way.

    I would love to hear from demiurge whether or not the number of people hitting 1300 has gone up or down (though I doubt we will get an announcement. far more likely we will have to guess based on whatever adjustments they make to the prog reward structure). Any of you people who track alliance leaderboards: have scores gone up or down since September 10?
    Well, I'm not talking about the top-end of people who already have over 14 4-star characters maxed, but the "advanced" players who have around half of their 4-star maxed (like you or myself), who still would still find a lot of benefit if a newer powerful 4-star cover like Jean or Hulkbuster was up for grabs at 1300. Top players would probably hit 1300 anyway just from the strength of their roster, alliance co-operation and inherent competitiveness, even if they don't need the cover, but without a pool of players like us pushing for 1300+ scores in PvP, it's harder for everyone to push to 1300 even when they want to.