The Real Problem With the Deadpool 4-Star



  • Well clearly Happy and I were both wrong then. As I said, I'm nowhere near 7 covers, and won both. The odds of that, and the odds of clearing the last normal node with 2*s are both pretty awful though, and I suspect not what either were designed to allow.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Merrick wrote:
    He isn't in 4* tier yet? With 8 covers? I guess you only "deserve" to win a 4* cover if you don't actually need them, because your team is already fully covered.

    That's been my grumble.
    I managed todays pretty well with my 2/5/5 lv 166 Nick Fury. I might squeak by with my 3/3/4 IW or my 3/5/2 Thoress...but after that it's a 3/1/1 Ant Man or Star Lord, or a 5/1/1 Elektra. So really at that point the node is useless to me.

    The token is meant to help me improve my roster, but if it only benefits those who have 10+ covers for each 4* it really only exists to help try to finish off a few remaining characters or get dat Silvah.

    The other methods of getting legendary tokens is far more realistic, especially PvE progression.
  • herm1978
    herm1978 Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    Magisse wrote:
    Well clearly Happy and I were both wrong then. As I said, I'm nowhere near 7 covers, and won both. The odds of that, and the odds of clearing the last normal node with 2*s are both pretty awful though, and I suspect not what either were designed to allow.

    Are you saying that clearing original DDQ with 2*s is as hard as clearing the new one with a 4-6 coverd character? If so then I dont know what to tell you. For me it is not even in the same ballpark. Just for fun I tried the DDQ with Storm, Hawkeye and Magneto (all 2*) and I cleared it the first try without boosts or any excessive luck. Just the opposite from when I finally managed to win the first new DDQ vs Cyclops with my 3/3/3 level 166 xforce. Took me ~10 tries with full boosts before I got lucky enough to win. And it was all about playing as optimal as I could while waiting for enough luck.

    If you win DDQ with a low covered 4* and dont feel luck was the deciding factor then I would like to see a video of that match, because clearly I dont know how to play this game!

    Edit: Just to be clear: Relying on luck does not make a game fun!
  • Yeah, it is all down to luck, I got really lucky and won with a 0/1/2 Fury on my 3rd try
  • evil panda
    evil panda Posts: 419 Mover and Shaker
    great. another 4* DQ thread. while i appreciate the OP's passion for the game, these threads all largely cover the same ground - if not in the OP, then the ensuing discussion. can't we just have one thread?

    that said, this game feature largely met my expectation. it sounded like someone in 4* land, with characters in varying stages of progression, would have a chance of getting the token depending on the featured character. if you have a low leveled character, then it is supposed to be difficult to impossible. and that's what it is.

    my thinking is that Demi doesn't mean for everyone to win the token every week - to allow that would be to have the playerbase progress too fast in the game. which creates more of the endgame problems that they keep trying to stay ahead of. whether you find progression too frustrating is a different topic, though.
  • Outstanding OP, and I'm grateful to have another thread beyond the usual, "I was able to beat it, so everyone else is just whining because their experience (or more importantly roster depth/strength) doesn't match my singular experience...

    Sorry, but there is ZERO comparison between the BE and the 4* node.

    3* BE = possible with heroes from the tier below the prize (2*) with some skill and perhaps luck. Three choices of heroes, ability to use T-Us.

    4* node = possible if you already have what you're trying to win (a 4*), and/or are incredibly lucky/free with health packs and boosts. One hero, no T-Us, while the enemy (who really needs MORE help) is allowed potentially unstoppable 1-hit T-Us.

    Not the same, by any definition.

    For the record, I'm not even all that worried about my inability to play the match. I'm more interested in the constant, "If I say it often enough it might become true" tone of so many conversations on the forum.

  • M C K
    M C K Posts: 96 Match Maker
    Can we just convert the endless "4* DDQ" threads into one massive "Retirement" thread? You know, for all the players who said they were going to quit because of the change and how the game didn't meet their expectations? And the lack of clear communication regarding the same?

    Because let me tell you...based on the mass exodus that occurred after the true healing patch, another bulk quit after the original DDQ, and of course the decimation of the player base after the XForce/4hor nerfs, I TOTALLY believe them this time.

  • My 5 cover level 74 Fury had no business even showing on the loading screen for that fight but I didn't lose any sleep over it. Just lets me know I still have some progress to make.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    ErikPeter wrote:
    Dunno, I think it's fun to get a legendary token for free every week. Sure, when I've gotta use my 2 cover Ant Man to beat a 270 it will be a pain, but, I guess my point is, you're not at 4 star tier yet if you can't beat the mission.

    If you don't have enough covers to beat a single tough opponent, you don't need the legendary that week.
    I was going to pass on replying to this, but I'm pretty well fed up with this condescending attitude. it always seems to be coming "down" from the players who have the developed 4* rosters, and those who have been successful in defeating the 4* DDQ node. I "don't need the legendary that week"??? that's such ****. if I don't have that cover, it stands to reason that I do in fact NEED that cover.

    if you check my roster, I am admittedly still right in the wheelhouse of the 3* transition. plenty of 3* covers, not so much with 4* covers. I get it. i'm not "ready" for that next transition, but i'm not quite sure why there has to be some black-and-white "hard step" with the 3->4* transition that some make it out to be. this "you're not ready yet" attitude makes it out like I shouldn't earn a 4* cover unless I have finished the 3* step. why? some players, like myself, are planners. I'd like to think that I could grab a 4* cover every once in a while WITHOUT having that "3* roster complete?" box checked. it is possible to develop the 4* roster while also working on the 3* roster. these aren't mutually exclusive things.

    don't confuse this post with being upset over not being able to beat the 4* node. I have come to terms with that, and I understand there are other ways to get 4* covers. that's not the point. please stop with the high-horse backhandedness of the "you're not ready yet" ****.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moved to suggestions and feedback.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    Magisse wrote:
    Well clearly Happy and I were both wrong then. As I said, I'm nowhere near 7 covers, and won both. The odds of that, and the odds of clearing the last normal node with 2*s are both pretty awful though, and I suspect not what either were designed to allow.
    I have cleared BE with a 2-star team something like 70 times in a row without losing once. No boosts or TUs used. It's utterly trivial and if you can't beat it with a good 2-star team (there's several viable builds for the team) you really don't deserve to be in 3-star land (let alone four-star).

    It doesn't compare in any way to the 4-star node where people report trying it a dozen times using full boosts until success.
  • Magisse wrote:
    Well clearly Happy and I were both wrong then. As I said, I'm nowhere near 7 covers, and won both. The odds of that, and the odds of clearing the last normal node with 2*s are both pretty awful though, and I suspect not what either were designed to allow.
    I have cleared BE with a 2-star team something like 70 times in a row without losing once. No boosts or TUs used. It's utterly trivial and if you can't beat it with a good 2-star team (there's several viable builds for the team) you really don't deserve to be in 3-star land (let alone four-star).

    It doesn't compare in any way to the 4-star node where people report trying it a dozen times using full boosts until success.
    (Sorry, didn't see that the thread was moved over here or I would've replied sooner.)

    In any case, I apologize as several of you have pointed out that 2*'s are more than capable of finishing standard DDQ, which invalidates my premise. I frankly never had to try it myself, as I was already well into the 3* transition when DDQ was started. Was just going by my alliance-mates' stated difficulties of winning with 2*'s, and perhaps they're still too much in the learning phase to make it work.

    Anyhow, I'll admit when I'm wrong. Mea culpa.
  • Ding
    Ding Posts: 179
    Why do people keep repeating this when it's blatantly false. Standard DPD requires a single cover of the daily featured 3*, and that's it. You can (and many do) use 2* teams to clear the final node.

    The 4* DPD requires max covers for a reasonable chance and 7+ covers for even a sliver of a chance, and you're not allowed to bring allies to make it easier. It's the absolute polar opposite.

    The people who keep repeating this are mostly people with strong 4* rosters who'd like to keep everyone below them stunted so they can get 5*'s more easily and troll the daylights out of people in PvP. They should rename the game Marvel Golden Shower, since that's more accurate. Basically just an economic inequality simulator with minor puzzle matching elements built in. Not really a true RPG in any sense of the word.[/quote]

    Speaking of falsehoods, I have been able to complete both 4* challenges with moderately covered (7 & 10) 4*s. Admittedly, using a 7cover 4* was a challenge, but if you consider that until recently only 1st place got a 4* as well as reaching the 1300 plateau, they are meant to be somewhat rare.

    In terms of it being pay to win, I've invested $0. $ will definitely speed up your development, but will not guarantee your success, (with the notable exception of the guy with 10 silver surfer covers). Also, it's definitely more of a puzzle game than an rpg. The rpg element is only how you design your chars.

    A little off topic but I find character design to be flawed since I don't think so many of the chars should have a definite best build.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Well screw Demiurge. They're jerks.

    Noting for all of us in the forums:

    Constructive criticism is welcomed. Language like the quote above isn't. The folks at Demiurge and D3 Go! are human beings with feelings just like yourself. Please follow forum rules and treat everyone; fellow players, developers, publishers, etc. with respect.

    Thank you.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Well screw Demiurge. They're jerks.

    Noting for all of us in the forums:

    Constructive criticism is welcomed. Language like the quote above isn't. The folks at Demiurge and D3 Go! are human beings with feelings just like yourself. Please follow forum rules and treat everyone; fellow players, developers, publishers, etc. with respect.

    Thank you.

    Sad that that needs to be said...
  • I feel many people's pain on this subject, I myself have a very strong 2* level of characters, a fairly mid level 3* ( I say mid my highest level is a 104 Captain Marvel) I have a few 4* the highest being a level 94 XF Wolverine. I'd likely be higher but I work long hours so I do as best I can. But, I'm happy where I'm at right now.

    The 4* DDQ event is one hell of a challenge and I'm resigned to that fact. I accept fully I have a fair ways to go yet.

    However! Regardless, I do not think some folks on here are remembering they too were once of a lower level themselves and are a bit quick to snipe down on those who are not faring so well. Yes people of a lower level are likely to complain, lets be honest there's a very steep level up progression in this game. What these players need is encouragement from those of us who have persevered and gotten far. Not to be told they aren't worthy etc.

    If the tables were turned you wouldn't be too impressed yourself no?

    Food for thought!
  • fnedude
    fnedude Posts: 383 Mover and Shaker
    I'll just chime in as a 3*->4* transitioner....

    So I've beaten the first 4* DPDs, but I don't know if I'll be able to do the HB one, because mine is 222 @ lvl 128.

    After that my 4*s are fairly weak, because I'm in the same position of the author who started this.

    What can I do with my 430 Elektra, my 010 Thing, 001 Capt. Falcon, etc? Nothing.

    And those 4*s are the one's I need the 4* covers for! (not XF, Fury, FThor, IW)

    I'd like to see everyone have a choice of teams to take on the 4* with.

    Either the 4* of choice, or 2x 3* @ lvl 140 (your lvl is cap'ed at lvl 140 so if you have lvl 166 CMags, he's lowered to lvl 140). Lets say you can use HB or Luke Cage/Mohawk. If you complete either one, you get the Leg. Token.

    I'd like to compete in each of the events, but my wimpy 1-cover 4*s, will leave me sitting with empty hands for a week.