The 3 star balance project: Community Input Requested



  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Needs buff:
    Loki (+HP)
    Hood (+HP)
    Daken (+HP -trueheal +damageingpower)
    Storm - make her "cascade queen" again.
    GSBW (+HP, -APCost, but same effective sniper rifle)

    Not need:
    Whatever others think
  • Initial Results for the "Need Buff" List!

    Iron Man

    Several people didn't follow Steps 2 and 3, which means some or all of their vote was not counted. As stated in the first post and my first reply, submissions without a "Top Tier/Do not need buff" list were not counted, and those that listed more than 5 votes only had the first 5 counted. I initially debated making a "Didn't follow instructions" list but in all honesty, I expected it to happen and there's no need to call out people on it. Several people also chose not to submit full lists of 5. That wasn't against the rules, so those votes still counted.

    The top 5 for the "Do Not need a Buff" List were:

    Iron Fist
    Luke Cage
    Scarlet Witch

    No surprises there, honestly. Even as a newer player, I've seen these characters repeatedly considered to be top tier.

    Only one character had the honor of showing up on both lists:


    Characters that did not appear on either list:

    Doctor Doom
    Human Torch
    Rocket and Groot

    Feel Free to discuss this further below!
  • star.pngstar.pngstar.png that Need a buff:
    - Storm
    - Captain Marvel
    - Quicksilver
    - Sentry
    - Spiderman

    star.pngstar.pngstar.png that Well balanced:
    All others
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    Blahahah wrote:
    Below Average:

    1. Beast
    Beast is way better than you think. I mean, to the point that if I have him and Kamala on the same team, I use his green 2x and Kamala's once. Cascades are dope. And you get free cascades and nearly double damage if a friendly blue special, even if it's a free Scarlet Witch countdown, is on the board.
    Blahahah wrote:
    2. Doctor Octopus
    The green is just stupid. Make him steal substantial AP or nix him doing an AoE. There are too many green AoE's. This one isn't a good one.

    I get the idea that the person that designed Doc Ock's green has a five year old girl that wants to wear all the things!
    Blahahah wrote:
    3. Sentry
    If his yellow did less wrist-cutting, he would be used more often. As it is, he's not bad.
    Blahahah wrote:
    4. Ragnarok
    I don't get the hate for Ragnarok. His red is EXCELLENT, both in terms of cost and the fact he's generating 4 blue per 6 red spent. His AoE is decent. And he generates charged tiles as a 3* character and can heal. He also has 10K health. I see a LOT of positives here, especially when Patch can get one-shot by Hulkbuster. This guy will survive, heal himself, and feed 4hor or any other heavy green user.
    Blahahah wrote:
    The fact he and Wanda both have blue passives means they don't pair up. And that's stupid. He needs his abilities costed down. Seriously. That's all it takes. but we should make his blue the punchy fisting, and make his green a passive. Et voila. The twins work.

    Above Average:
    Blahahah wrote:
    1. Scarlet Witch.
    Exactly how, pray? She has a green thing that does NO damage and *might* get you usable AP. She has a free timer that the CPU eats all the time, even when maxed. And she has Storm's Wind Storm albeit way, WAY less predictable. That's stupid. Wanda corrects realities. She can make things happen. Why couldn't she decide who gets stunned 5 turns? If that's too overpowered, what if it's just a one-turn stun-all and a four-turn random?
    Blahahah wrote:
    2. Wolverine (patch)
    Not even close, man. He is one-shot material for half the four-stars you face in PvP. He is a self-maimer that requires maintenance or his green will be the death of you. His regen is absolutely moot when (again, see point one. He's one-shottable). He needs more health, but it still won't save him. He's juuuust fine. I might even say he's below average.
    Blahahah wrote:
    3. Iron Fist
    What's he going to do with all that black he generates? He's a battery with low cost abilities. That's a good thing. But he doesn't do big damage. I wouldn't say he's above average. I'd argue that he empowers other, like Cage and Cyclops, or Doom, or XFW, or even Black Panther. Use Iron Fist on his own. You won't think he's OP. Not like Blade once the purples are out.
    Blahahah wrote:
    4. Luke Cage
    A 166 Cage does more damage than a 240 Hulk. I don't think Cage is that bonkers. I just think he's proof that later developed 3* got much more love than early development cycle 3* like, again, Hulk.
    Blahahah wrote:
    5. Cyclops
    Same as Cage. It's not that he's bonkers. He's good; self sufficient. His red works with Blade and Daredevil, as well as ensuring his "remove visor" bit does the big nasty. This Cyclops isn't a leader. That's the weird thing. This iteration of Cyclops is pissed off; has a vendetta.

    At least this Cyclops can hit what he's aiming at.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    Haetron wrote:
    Initial Results for the "Need Buff" List!

    Iron Man
    Decrease his costs. Watch him soar. Make his red 10 and his blue 14. He is much better.
    Haetron wrote:
    Lazy-up 1* Spidey. He becomes awesome sauce.
    Haetron wrote:
    Reduce her blue cost, red cost, and increase the number of attack tiles when her fully covered black procs. Bam stud. Awesome character.
    Haetron wrote:
    Reverse the blue and green, so the blue costs ap. Reduce the cost of his black and (now) blue. Et voila. He works, even with his sister. As it is, they both have blue passives. Dumb.
    Haetron wrote:
    a boosted hulk does normal Luke cage damage. His hit points were a much bigger deal when a handful of chars had 10k. But especially with the advent of Hulkbuster, Carnage (lol, Hulk would destroy Cletus), Thing, etc.... Hulk needs 12k HP, his red reworked so it doesn't do splash to his team, and a damage boost to his green. Freaking Beast's green hits everyone, costs one ap less, if you own one blue special. Mull that over. Beast out damages hulk with green......................

    The last two sentences are a Jackie chan meme.
  • in my opnion beast is not that good and ain't that bad, clearly his yellow do nothing(and feels like lv 140 ol' rags), im thinking if yellow somewhat become green tile generator/improved friendly tile.

    i mean who need heal and protect tile anyway (i though this post gone, so they moved it)
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    in my opnion beast is not that good and ain't that bad, clearly his yellow do nothing(and feels like lv 140 ol' rags), im thinking if yellow somewhat become green tile generator/improved friendly tile.

    i mean who need heal and protect tile anyway (i though this post gone, so they moved it)

    Beast's heal is well timed, when he's paired with Daken and Blade. Besides, who else is getting the yellow.
  • 20three
    20three Posts: 371
    Iron Man
    She Hulk
    Punisher (Why does he have two abilities that so obviously clash with each other...?)

    Luke Cage
    Iron Fist
    Daken (So annoying and cheap in every regard)
  • We're past the nomination phase and votes are now taking place here:


    Feel free to continue discussing, but no other nomination votes are being calculated as we are well past the deadline.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    I wish there were a repercussion to the enemy, if Wanda's blue tile was destroyed. Even if it means it destroys a random tile or 3...
  • Handoftheking26
    Handoftheking26 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler

    No Need:

    Would love it if they made a tourney where only the "needs" were available. They could take the top 10-15 on this list. It would be a trip to play an event and not see either Loki, Patch, Thor, or Magneto on every single freaking team lol
  • BillyBobJoe
    BillyBobJoe Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    I know I'm late, and this is closed. But I wanted to throw in my two cents anyways. (in case the devs are listening)

    XForce: Green needs to be buffed up. At least 2500 dmg. Maybe not as high as 4K. Juggernaut board shake only costs 6ap. And the damage is comparable to 3*s. In today's world of 4*s, this guy is neutered.

    Thor GoT: The blue is borderline and I'm nitpicking. mBW offers a 5 turn stun for 9ap. I think a 4* should do the same. My biggest beef with her is her terrible yellow. The nerf hit this when it didn't need to. Jean Grey (purple) offers an almost identical ability that's both better and cheaper. Sure it creates charged tiles instead of removing them, but charged tiles are neutral value and can be used by either team.

    IW: Her Blue/Green combo needs reworked. After playing today's DDQ, it demonstrates her suckiness. Compare this combo to either Kingpin Yellow/Black combo or Hulkbuster Black/Red combo. 11ap gives HB two powerful strike tiles and fires the red ability.

    3* Bullseye: I don't have him leveled, so I have no experience. But the debate within my alliance about covering him was interesting. For a VERY situational ability, BLACK doesn't have the bite it should. This ability can only be fired twice a battle under a conditional circumstance. I like black, but it's lack of power makes me take a pass.

    Doc Ock: Someone said he's on the cusp of being good, and they're right. Blue is too expensive. Loki does a shake for only 5ap. The damage is random, and shouldn't cost that much more. Manipulation would be good at 7-9ap. I'd also like a little increase of damage from his black attack tiles, but again, I'm being picky. (it would make everyone play with him more for sure)

    IM40: HELP! Everything about him stinks! overpriced abilities (30ap for ballistic missile!) and one ability that's best at 1 or 2 covers.

    Psylocke/Punisher: I feel these are fine characters, but maybe a little bump to the damage would make them more attractive.

    Ragnarok: Green seems underpowered (compared to 3* Thor), and blue isn't helpful. But I'm just being picky with him bc I still play with him (he's a great blue generator)

    Sentry: HELP! Nerf killed him. I think by reducing the green ap cost back down, it would make him playable again. 12ap is too much for cd timers, especially 3 turns. I understand they changed it to 3 turns to limit the cascade potential, but often I'm left with only 3 or 4 cds left and the damage is now minimal.

    3* Spiderman: Replacing his yellow with the 1* red would make this character awesome. Besides, since when is Spidey a healer?