The 3 star balance project: Community Input Requested



  • Want Buffed:
    1) Quicksilver blueflag.png I think most agree it can cause more harm than good.
    2) Mystique purpleflag.png Come on... shapeshifting could be so cool. Ideas below.
    3) Vision yellowflag.png This is so situational and it doesn't really make sense anyway. Ideas below.
    4) Colossus yellowflag.png Add a few protect tiles or something. Luke cage blows this guy out of the water.
    5) Spider-Man redflag.png Give him a red ability? Why is 3* spider-man such a pacifist?

    some ideas...

    strike twice: 3* land is missing a character who does damage twice with each match (procs strike tiles twice). Quicksilver is someone who should be able to do something fast, like this thing.
    Steal with each match Mystique's purpletile.png is lucky if you steal 2-3 AP before someone matches it away. Compare that with other AP-steal characters and she's the bottom of the barrel. Just have her shapeshift give her AP steal on both sides and she's good to go.
    Damage whole team with each match. I'm surprised no one does this yet. It'd be a fun replacement for Vision's yellowtile.png and it'd make things like enemy protect tiles more valuable for the enemy team, which Vision would conveniently get rid of with his redtile.png while yellowtile.png is active
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    Needs a buff:

    Great as is (please don't change!)
    Iron Fist
    Luke Cage
    Kamala Khan
    Blade (I almost put Scarlet Witch here, but I think her green could still use a minor buff, and her purple would be better with a targeted stun).
  • Great thread...probably meaningless as people have been begging for this for a LONG time now, but you never know what the devs will pay attention to. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Need Adjustments
    1. IM40
    2. Spider-Man
    3. Hulk
    4. Punisher
    5. Black Widow

    I see Ragnarok here quite a bit, but honestly every tier by default will have weak and strong characters. It's ok for the game to be that way. Not every character needs to be balanced with all the others. Quicksilver? Lousy on his own, but team him up with Classic Magneto and Scarlet Witch and he's very useable. In fact, I love that team. There is a lot of variety available in the upper half of the 3* range. A lot of different teams that people can use to be successful in all aspects of the game. And in the lower half, there are still some characters that have usefulness when used in the right circumstances. Doc Ock & Squirrel Girl, I'm looking at you because every once in awhile you are totally badass. (Challenge that all you want, but trust me, covered right and in the right moment they totally shine.)

    The 3* that I chose, and see on a number of these posts, are all victims of power creep. They are all older, and while they all still have some usefulness, they are just not able to compete with the upper tier characters because their designs are archaic (in the life of this game). In the case of IM40, his design was NEVER good. But IM, Hulk & Spider-Man are premier Marvel characters. Their abilities and design should be such that everyone wants to use them regularly. I love the variety of the game and the less known characters (especially how IF is the king of 3*, he was always one of my favorites!), but the well-known and obviously powerful characters should be represented as such. Just my take.

    Top Tier Character Designs
    1. Iron Fist
    2. Scarlet Witch
    3. Captain America
    4. Magneto
    5. Thor

    All these characters have, more or less, perfect representations of their power and power level. Despite having no black active power, you could take these five as your only characters if you had to. And you would win a LOT. Side Note - Cyclops is awesome in game, but he is totally overpowered within the context of his character. He would likely not even make a top 100 list of most powerful Marvel characters.
  • rdevil32
    rdevil32 Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Thanks for initiating this! May be slightly biased here, but here goes:

    > Spider-Man
    > Iron Man 40
    > Hulk
    > Psylocke
    > Punisher

    TOP 5
    > Iron Fist
    > Cyclops
    > Scarlet Witch
    > Luke Cage
    > CMags
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    Needs a buff:
    IM40 - If there's any character that needs some love it's 3* Iron Man. Other newer characters show just how weak he is. When Cyke's red cost less and does more damage with no draw backs, why would ever go with IM40? I'm of the opinion he should be a gold character of 1* IM. It did wonders for Thor and Cap, why not IM?
    Quicksilver - This poor dude came about between the heavy hitting likes of KK, Cyke, and SW. I don't think he was ever destined to be a heavy hitter himself, but a good supporting player. Problem is his blue is such a hindrance. I feel like if his blue could steal from the other team's ap, he'd be used a lot more.
    Spider-Man - Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can. Which apparently is nothing well. He's the quintessential Marvel character, yet he's the redheaded step child of the game. Another character I think could benefit from being a gold character. New 1* Spidey is pretty damn cool.
    Daredevil - Daredevil is a lot of fun to use, but he's just left in the middle of the road. I think if they tweak his purpleflag.png to take out trap titles (how does a dude with radar not pick those up?) and give his red a little love (possible placeable), he'd be in higher demand.
    Doc Ock - He's got some cool powers. A simple tweak of making them cost less and uping the damage would do him a world of good.

    Above average:
    Luke Cage
    Kamila Khan
    Steve Rogers
    Scarlet Witch
  • Needs a Buff

    I have gone in with the thinking that truly iconic and powerful characters within the universe should be amongst the best characters in game so for definite


    Should all be majorly buffed to match their status. I also think that Rags and She-hulk defintely need a buff but my final vote is for

    Squirrel Girl

    She is just such a unique and quirky character that i would personally love to use her more.

    Does not need a buff

    Iron Fist
    Luke Cage
  • Buff needed: Psylocke, IM40, Quicksilver, Ragnarok, Octopus.

    Good 3*s: Iron Fist, Cyclops, Blade, Kamala, Luke.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Below Average/Need Buffs:
    1: Iron Man 40
    2: Spider-Man
    3: Punisher
    4: Quicksilver
    5: Psylocke

    Above Average/Doesn't Need Buffs
    1: Iron Fist
    2: Luke Cage
    3: Cyclops
    4: Patch
    5: Thor
  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 628 Critical Contributor
    Iron Man (Model 40)
    Spider-Man (Classic)

    Iron Fist
    Kamala Khan
    Magneto (Classic)
    Thor (Modern)
  • -need re-worked/buffed:
    1. iron man (if ironman 40 red became 3star version of hulkbuster red that would be great, yellow no need to produce ap that ironman doesn't use maybe because of that his 5 yellow too expensive, no idea about blue though maybe become a passive or became AoE sentry bombing like ability)
    2. punisher(every time i used punisher, every time i want to cry(look at 5 cover black damage while boosted. . .laughable), save for red and i think people think punny good because of his red)
    (often added their own pvp and weekly boosted, those two are meh character just vaulted them like bagman already. lol)
    3. psylocue (blue definitely, how about a passive!)
    4. vision (if his purpose just for triggering yellow KK. . . . .so sad)
    5. gamora(too reliance on tanking color and saving some yellow tile, need some refinement on green and red area, i mean current gamora ain't dangerous )
    6. doc ock(supposed had good utility but too expensive, fine with passive black)
    7. spiderman (spidey that not deal damage ain't spidey at all, how about call it spidey-nurse?)

    -no need buff: (actually they all need buff lol)
    1. SW
    2. LC
    3. IF

    extras: well theres QS and then there's the hulk and then patch/daken (and many other character which i forgot to mention lol)
    . thats it and my apologize if there's some wrong grammar or miss spelling english not my native tongue, have a nice day icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • blinktag
    blinktag Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    edited September 2015
    Needs Significant buff:
    Spider-man (needs something for offense)
    IM40 (too slow, and drains too many other pools)
    Psylocke (increase damage, raise limits of special tiles)
    Colossus (colors match Cage, and Cage is better in pretty much every respect. Why ever use Colossus?)
    Daredevil (too niche, expand purple to address all enemy specials, and/or add an additional red trap tile)

    Needs minor buff:
    Punisher (his red is significant, but the other abilities could use a slight bump)
    The Hulk (black doesn't proc often enough at high levels; red is a super that isn't terribly super because 5/3/5 seems obvious)
    Vision (doesn't tank colors often enough)
    EDIT: How could I forget Quicksilver? Maybe he should swap with IM40, above.

    Strongest 3*:
    Iron Fist
    Luke Cage

    Strong Honorable Mentions
    Mags3 (mostly for his color spread, IMHO, which makes him useful with IF/Cage)
    Cap (niche use, but useful niche use)
    SW (only after getting 4 or more blue covers)
  • For the record, i'm against "balancing" in general for a variety of reasons. I am for tweaking the relative power of characters for the sake of continuity within the Marvel universe however.

    Too weak
    1) Spider-Man
    2) Iron Man
    3) Doctor Octopus
    4) Sentry
    5) Quicksilver

    Too strong
    1) Iron Fist
    2) Luke Cage
    3) The Hood
    4) Blade
    5) Kamala Khan
  • MaskedMan
    MaskedMan Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    Odd that anyone would rate Hood as too strong. His hit points make him way too squishy for me. If he had more HPs he would be usable but it is hard to keep him in game long enough to get 18 yellow for his good attack.
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Buff Needed:
    1. Spider-Man
    2. IM 40
    3. Colossus
    4. Hulk
    5. Dr. Octopus
    6. Quicksilver
    7. Psylocke
    8. Sentry
    and a few more ...

    Top 5:
    1. Iron Fist
    2. Cyclops
    3. Kamala
    4. Luke Cage
    5. Scarlet Witch
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Needs Buff Love
    Iron Man (Model 40)

    There are undoubtedly more, but my picks are based more on a desire to elevate older characters who just need a little bit of care and attention, rather than the ones who need more substantial attention.

    3* Examplars
    Kamala Khan
    Iron Fist
    Luke Cage
  • Need a buff: IM40

    Above Average: Cyclops
  • Needs buff:
    1) Ironman
    3)Doc oct
    Top Tier
    1) luke cage
    2) IF
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Needs love

    Iron man


    Im honestly suprised at all the psylocke votes. She was a heavy contributor to me hitting the simulator 2000 points for ant man last season. I had so many defensive wins too. She is a key part of a strong combo for me.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    Needs love:

    IM40: his design is weird and having an ability get actively worse as covers are added is simply wrong.
    Doc Ock: He doesn't need much and offers interesting things - on the cusp of being nice.
    Psylocke: Got left in the dust. Needs some tweaking to make her bloom again.
    Spider-man: A very iconic character. Not useless but he is very iconic and therefore I believe should be fine-tuned.
    Vision: his mechanic is very interesting but too fragile.

    Characters that are fine:

    Beast: He is, I think, a perfect example of a nice character that is at the lower end of the power spectrum. Usable and fun - this is how the lowest rung of the ladder should look like.
    Thor: He is, I think, the other end of the spectrum. A perfectly balanced high-end. I think that Cyclops, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist could be looked into (I hope they won't be, but they could) and brought down just a bit but I think that Thor and anything below him should be the left alone from nerfs.
    Magneto: See Thor above.
    Patch: Has a solid role. Isn't over powerful but has a clear niche and fun mechanics.
    Black Panther: Very solid.
  • Thanks to everyone above who already pitched in, this will end tomorrow when I finish calculating results, so please feel free to direct others to this thread!