The Terrific Taco Token Timing Talk



  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm too impatient to stockpile them. I know I'm not gonna pull the 4* cover anyway, as 1% odds are just terrible.
  • AnonymousMPQ
    AnonymousMPQ Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    MrGaunt25 wrote:
    MrGaunt25 wrote:
    Since the Vault is a topic of discussion today, can I just make the comment that I think it is ridiculous that the devs replaced a 4* in the vault w/ a Legendary token instead of one of the 2*s? I mean, I give them props for many of the chgs made recently to acquire 4*s more easily, but given all the complaints about the lack of good rewards relative to the size of the vault, it should've been an easy decision. I know that statistically it doesn't make a whole heap of difference, but the sentiment would've been much better. Just my 2c...

    I think, statistically, it makes a huge heap of difference from their point of view. Hundreds of Thousands (maybe Millions?) of token tokens are earned every day. That's a lot of power creep inflation that's being added to the game economy.

    Instead of thinking they took something away from us, in actuality, they are giving us a 5% (eventually 10%) chance out of 300 to earn a 5*.

    They straight up gave us more. Our community response to getting more tends to be give us even more.

    I did specifically mention that I appreciate them giving us more w/ this recent update (especially the PVE prog rewards). My problem is centered around the size of the vault more than the inclusion of the legendary token. I don't think having 3 4*s out of 300 rewards v. 4 4*s (technically 3.95 4*s and 0.05 5*s) is going to make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things, especially given the many other ways to earn 4*s and 5*s in PVP and PVE. And, it's not a 5% (or 10%) out of 300 to earn a 5*. It's a 5% chance to win a 5* AFTER the 0.3% chance of getting that Legendary token unless you hoard for almost a year. You could argue that the uncertainty of not knowing what the likely 4* in the legendary token is actually devalues tacos.

    Sorry, I wasn't talking about specifically you, just a sentiment that is often echoed in the forums. Sorry if I came of that way.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    went through a total of 60 sweets when I had a decent vault and pulled 10K iso and and a 4thor yellow. other pile is at 60 now and I''ll probably pull that set when I get a decent pair of covers with the leg. my plan is to save to 50 then find a good vault. nearly done with ***s so they really have no bearing on my decision any more like they used to. the bulk of my 4*S are about 1/3 covered.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've stockpiled everything for a lot of seasons. gonna go crazy next week and open the 1.2k+ standard/heroic/event tokens. i hope i don't get flagged for sand boxing after i sell then in a week or 2. i wonder if there is way to give them heads up that i'm going do all this.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm still transitioning to 3* so my answer doesn't quite fit:

    Do I need the 3* covers on offer in the taco vault?
    YES: pull 10 tacos on the 5th day.
    NO: stockpile for next vault.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why pull all 10 on the 5th day? If you see desirable covers on the 1st day, may as well start pulling. It makes no difference.
    Personal preference. I know it makes no difference for the math.
  • Alkyoneus
    Alkyoneus Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    At first, I pulled daily for chances at health packs and 3* covers I needed. Now that my entire team of 3* are fully covered, I'm stockpiling. I'm planning on saving for around 150 days, to be able to pull half of each vault. That gives me a 50/50 shot at one of the 4* and a fairly decent shot at the legendary token. It's a long time, I know, but statistically more worth your time when you have better odds at pulling the really valuable rewards. I might even (gasp) save for 300 days and completely clear both vaults!
  • I hoard those tacos until I get two....then I party. icon_lol.gifstar.pngicon_lol.gif
  • I'm still very much a noob (Day 53). I've thought of holding onto them a while, but usually don't. Really paid off the last couple days. I was about to have to sell *** Torch yesterday, but then I got 1000 HP (and another 250 HP today), so I'm down to two pending heroes, both with more than 10 days on their timers.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    I've been hoarding both sets since day 1. So the stash is now 80 for the inactive vault, and 72 for the active one. Unless I'm mistaken, I believe my roster is fully covered from 1 star.png through 3 star.png . So the only covers I would "need" are the 4s and 5s.

    Since the legendary token draw for 5 star.png will be doubled to 10% next month with the release of a second 5 star.png character, I may just be better off waiting longer to open my tacos and try for the legendary token at that time.
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    "Optimal" pulls depend very much on what stage in the game you are and what risk you're willing to accept. If you need 3*s (and can afford the roster slots), then pulling tokens immediately isn't a bad idea. You're not going to guarantee yourself anything as if you had saved them, but if you're in a general "need 3*" mode and the vault offers mostly options that you need, you have to start weighing the risk of not getting tacos because you're missing 3*s.

    If you don't need any of the 3*s, save the tokens for 4*s or Health Packs.

    There are only two 3*s that I want that I don't have well covered at the moment (Cyclops and KK), so I was going to open my vault up when Cyclops came up last time. Unfortunately the vault hated me and gave me 1Y and 4B covers, when I needed red. Such is life.

    Note on the off-week vault: I tried opening tokens in it once. Noticed it wasn't locking the vault OR counting my pulls (always assumed 0/300). Careful spending your tokens there.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've stockpiled everything for a lot of seasons. gonna go crazy next week and open the 1.2k+ standard/heroic/event tokens. i hope i don't get flagged for sand boxing after i sell then in a week or 2. i wonder if there is way to give them heads up that i'm going do all this.

    Just make sure to stay under 2,000,000 ISO-8 - I have been sandboxed twice, and both times were shortly after passing 2 million. I have been staying under 1,875,000 to be on the safe side and have not had a problem since. I was informed by customer support that the sandbox system is automatic, and I doubt they would/could make an exception on an individual basis.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    I have like 2.5 Mil Iso and have never had an issue.

    I have like 150 Tacos, but am waiting until they change the odss to something less disrespectful / stupid.

    Speaking of stupid things, oh look.......they "accidentally" disappeared an entire page worth of Taco Tokens....AGAIN.....
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    TLCstormz wrote:
    I have like 2.5 Mil Iso and have never had an issue.

    Aren't you one of those people who keep their characters purposefully underleveled for pve? In that case it's not that surprising you have Iso to spare, leveling costs for 3* and 4* are pretty low for the first 120 levels.

    Edit: I kinda missed the stockpiling/sandbox part of the convo, sorry. Yeah, one of my alliance members is a compulsive hoarder with a huge amount of HP, Iso and all kinds of tokens piled up, and he has never had any sandboxing issues either.
  • Easy to answer. Token comes, immediately want to know, what's within. Those calculating what to get when is not compatible with my patience. icon_e_geek.gificon_mrgreen.gif
  • xdogg
    xdogg Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    Been hoarding my Sweet tokens since day 1, now I can't see them
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Halfway between options 2 and 3. My 3 stars are almost fully covered (need a few covers for Bullseye and one more Blue on Ragnarok to get them to 13) and a few other covers for respecs. I save Taco Tokens until the 5-day cycles where those characters are up.

    After that? Probably a mix of stockpiling and using them when I need a health pack infusion.